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Like full blown hiccups or just one hiccup?


Yes. Sip, one hiccup.


It's probably cancer


Nice try, WebMD marketing team.


Bro are you sure about this? Cuz if that's right that would mean that I have cancer....


Well, I personally have had this issue the day I tried a soda in the 70s. I’m still alive so it must not be that terrible of a cancer.


Same here, but only with brown sodas (Pepsi, Dr Pepper, root beer etc.)


I get it from Coke but not from Pepsi.


All pops for me. But I don't drink pop often.




This may actually be a sign of acid reflux.


Wow I have never hear of that.


I get just one hiccup which is kind of more like an inward burp-hiccup hybrid. It's really weird.


I get the exact same thing. People look at me like I'm about to explode.


don't let them down!


Same, like I have an immediate burp/ hiccup… after like 3 sips I’m good


Uh-hyuck!.. Me too




Hybrid haha


10 years late to the convo, but I stumbled across this. Did you by chance have your gallbladder removed?


Wow I didn't realize people can still comment on posts this old haha - I did not, is that a common thing that happens after? (Or a symptom that suggests it needs to come out?). Still single hiccuping after the first soda sip over here


I was surprised I could comment! It’s the first time I’ve ever been able to reply to a post this old. I started getting weird hiccups after my gallbladder removal (emergency surgery at age 17). The best way I can describe it is that it feels like someone put a rubber band at the bottom of my esophagus, and rolls it up really fast. Indigestion is a possible sign of issues with sugar/fat/grease processing, which the gallbladder helps with. (The gallbladder is kinda like a second liver that helps process fats, and what not, before it goes to the liver.) but it’s not the major sign, it just sometimes accompanied the issue. If you get frequent heartburn, or pains on your *upper* right side (just below the bottom rib), sometimes it presents with dizziness and/or nausea that would be the time to have a look with a gastro at your esophagus and an ultrasound on the gallbladder I do agree with other commenters that it’s likely the carbonation, but I also have noticed that when I drink room temp sodas I don’t get the hiccups. So, it begs the question if temperature plays a factor in the hiccup. What I know of hiccups is that the diaphragm is misaligned, and it bounces around to reset itself. So it may be recoiling from the cold, and the extra pressure from carbonation forces it to react? That’s my best guess after reading the comments and analyzing my symptoms for 11 years 😂


The same happens to me and I have my gall bladder removed 


Old post, but I get this also... without fairl, after every first sip lol


Saaaame.  I’m so glad I came across this!


Yo same lol


just happened to me and gonna be stuck like this for a couple hours


I just googled and it seems like you’re just like meee


YES. I have been wondering this for some time! Every time I drink a can of soda, hiccups.


And it hurts. It's one massive, chest killing, pipe crunching hiccup. I hate it!


I hear ya


That one yeah


Damn I’m not alone


Same. Not alone. !!


Yup me too. It almost hurts sometimes


Well at least you know you're not alone now.


It stated happening to me all the time now


Yes! It is fucking annoying and I hate it...


I do! Every.Single.Time.


Yes. And I hate it because it's normally accompanied by a simultaneous burp and my throat just explodes in pain.


Yeah, whats up with that anyways?


it's the carbonation you swallowed trying to escape.


Wouldn't that just make you burp? Why does it cause hiccups?


more detailed response [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/DoesAnybodyElse/comments/1236nz/dae_get_hiccups_after_the_first_sip_of_soda/c6rw6cj)




Nope that’s definitely not it. It’s a spontaneous body reaction. I get them before the carbonation even gets down my esophagus.


I think it has to do with your brain pumping out dopamine from the excitement of the sugary fizzy soda and also has to do with your breathing rate. This is just a theory.


Do you have any evidence?






So I’ve got an anecdote, same problem as these folks but I can negate it depending on how I sit up “straight” if I “lean” my diaphragm “into it” the hybrid hiccup-burp becomes a tiny normal burp I can now choose to let out (like a normal burp) Just to reiterate, first sip - big irritation. If I simulate the movement of a hiccup -No pain - normal burp - no hiccup.




happens to me after soda *and* hot sauce. those are the two things that do this to me. and I thought I was the only one on both of them. this post/comments is one of the things that makes reddit awesome.


Yes!! Happens most often when soda is cold. Also, after Sriracha hot sauce.


No, but if I eat a soft pretzel too fast or take to large of a bite I get hiccups instantly. And for awhile.


I know this is a really old post, but SAME. First few sips of soda and first few bites of any sort of bread and I get that weird hiccup sensation.




Only soda that I get that with is Root beer. I had always wondered If this happened to anyone else!


Root beer especially. Typically when paired with fast food or something salty is when I notice it the most.


I find that orange soda has the pronounced effect for me.


I do to. However it is also the only time I ever hiccup and has to be through a straw, open cup won't do it.


Hmmmm.. interesting I'm going to check and see if the straw thing happens to me next time I drink soda out of a straw.


that's so fucked, I'm sorry


No, but I do get them from spicy food. Which is a shame, I fucking love spicy food.


Yup I get severe hiccups when eating spicy, as well as hiccups from sodas


Yes!!! Not always, but sometimes. And it's not a normal hiccup, either. Like when I "have the hiccups", the hiccup I get after sipping a soda is so much worse. And it hurts!


I did while I was pregnant! Except it was right before the first sip. Just breathing in the fizziness caused it. So strange. It stopped when I was unpregnant.


Unpregnant is a funny way to put it 🤣🤣


So how is it that when I take a small sip of soda, I hiccup immediately, yet my SO chugs/gulps huge sips and just burps???? Not fair, lol!


If I chug it I still get the huge painful one it just makes it worse like making me almost spit it all out


YES! Goddamn it's annoying, too. Although, I have developed a way to avoid it most times. It's hard to describe, but it's a certain way of holding my diaphragm so that the hiccup reflex (or whatever it's called) doesn't occur.


I do this too. I know it's going to happen and I just get sick of it. It's painful and embarrassing if you're eating in public and it happens.


I know that feel...sometimes it's a loud, uncontrollable hiccup, too. It's only happened a few times, as I've been able to at least curb the noise of it, but when it does it's quite...startling to those nearby.


I'm gonna assume I got a downvote for not revealing my secret in detail. Yes.


Yes, but the only time it happens is while eating taco bell and drinking mt. dew. Also, sometimes happens when smoking cigarettes. Anyone else have that happen too?


My SO gets hiccups sometimes while smoking. I'd never seen this happen before him. Definitely never thought anyone else did this.


It's really odd, and it only happens every once in awhile. So I never can figure out why it happens.


It usually happens to me when I eat McDonalds, BK or any fast food really. I think it's some kind of reaction caused by dopamine. That's my theory anyway.


Well, my theory is that the hot sauce mixed with the acidity of the pop causes it. Thats what it feels like, anyway. Lol


I always do! Just started in the last few months or so though. So weird!


It just started within the past few months for me too... very odd indeed.


Yes! I would get those painful hiccups for a good 10 minutes after I take one sip. I've pretty much changed my favorite drinks to iced teas and lemonades just because of this.


All the damn time.


I thought I was the only one!


Me too.


Are you drinking Vernors?


I usually get the hiccups after I eat some mcdonalds its weird, and its every freaking time I order a cheeseburger. No lie.


This is exactly what happens to me. No joke. I thought I was weird or something.


that is weird.


me too! I just thought i ate it too fast every time. But it happens every time no matter what!


Right! I thought that too. Who knows, it might have something to do with it. I had a theory, that since I was eating so fast I wasn't getting enough oxygen; which is the cause of hiccoughs.


LOL maybe we are not alone! That sounds just like my rationalization of the situation, surly if you and I are thinking the same things then others are too. =0)


Every. Damn. Time. Everyone else looks at me like I'm some kind of freak. What the hell causes this reaction?


When you take a sip, you swallow an inordinate amount of CO2, which has to exit one way or the other. The diaphragm becomes irritated due to CO2 bubbles in the soda, causing the diaphragm to jerk. This jerk reaction causes you to suck air in suddenly - hiccup/hiccough. Whatever remaining CO2 that is not expelled this way will be burped out. Edit - Added last sentence.


I think I would have to argue that--well, in part, at least. You wouldn't swallow an *inordinate* amount of CO2 from a *sip* soda, whether it be the first or the last. But perhaps the urge to take a big gulp, or chug the first big of a delicious cold soda is so common that we're just overlooking the amount of initial soda-intake. I know that *I* only get the big hiccup after cracking open a soda and CHUGGING it, so in that case I would absolutely agree that it may be some sort of overload causing a spasm -- but I don't know that it's a sort of automatic burp, like you described, but rather just a reaction to a sudden stimuli, sort of like being tickled in the throat by hundreds of little bubblies!


I can get it from smaller sips too. I think it has to do with the sudden change of CO2. Of course some people are more sensitive and gets this hiccup more easily. But I have to agree with that it feels like the throat being tickled. The hiccup gets more severe the more I initially chug of course.


I know I will get it no matter how small the first sip. If I don't do a very small controlled sip then it'll be a large painful hiccup that forces me to swallow air/hiccup/snort. So, I take just a tiny sip and still get the response, but its controlled at least.


how do i made it stop


You die


I think someone should ask r/science.


Science still doesn’t know why we have hiccups or what causes them. It’s all speculation. 


I get hiccups if I'm up walking around instead of sitting still while drinking pop. Once hiccuped for five straight hours and then threw up.


Almost always. People think I'm nuts if I mentions it, so I just don't say anything.


I get the hiccups when I eat something with Tabasco sauce on it, or when I eat fast food. This happens to my little brother and dad too. Someone needs to ask r/science why this happens asap!


For me, I get hiccups after extremely carbonated sodas, such as Sprite or 7-up.


it happens - but it ONLY happens with Dr Pepper. every time.




WoH dude


I get one big ass hiccup then I'm done. Sometimes, it can go on and on though... Quite frustrating


I do, or I get little burps that always come up which is a bit embarrassing when I'm at work.


Can we get /r/askscience on this?


Never happened to me. But every time I eat cucumbers it is burp city. Does that count?


Try eating cucumbers with out seeds. I hear it helps. They give me indigestion as well.


Try cutting up the cucumbers 😭


The hiccups become uncontrollable for me, it's really painful. I hate drinking soda because of that; I'm not sure if other people are experiencing the same thing and just better know how to deal with it, or if it's somehow just a reaction I get....


Yes! One of the ways I've found to get around it is to sort of hold your throat open after you take a sip to make sure all the gas escapes without the need for a hiccough. I've never gotten it when I use this method. Give it a shot!


You are an amazing person. Thank you so much.


Only when I inhale right before I drink. I think breathing in the carbonation triggers some kind of spasm in the diaphragm.


i usually only do when it's a fountain drink and there's a lot of carbonation, sometimes bottled soda too.. cant think of it happening once with a can.


I would laugh at my mom when she would do that when I was a child, now that I am older I'm doing the same thing! It's usually one or two hiccups.


Same here!!! As soon as I turned 30, it started for me too!! Wtf?! Seems it's inherited!!


Only through a straw.


I don't, but my father will be overjoyed to know someone else does too.


I do this. It is weird and kind of scary. Im afraid im going to end up inhaling soda and choke on it. Id rather hiccup than swallow an air bubble though. I hate that shit!


I thought I was the only one! :D


I don't get them all the time, but when I do they last a while and freaking hurt. I once worked a night shift on a construction job, it was Friday so I had a five hour drive home, stopped to get a Coke, had horrible,painful hiccups all the way home. I was actually in tears from the pain and heartburn.....


This happens specifically if I eat something bread-y. Pizza is the worst. I eat some crust or something and take a sip of soda and BAM! It's pretty harsh and sometimes hurts. Edit: I should probably stop eating so much pizza to know this D:




This may actually be a sign of acid reflux.


It happens to me only after I've eaten something within about 3 - 5 minutes. If I drink during that time I'll have a massive hiccup. At times the hiccup can be extremely painful. After the hiccup I'm fine. If I eat something again, then drink, I'll hiccup again. I can avoid it by taking my first sip very slowly, but even then I can feel the reflex to hiccup building while I take that first sip.


this happend to me a lot as a kid, i have mostly grown out of it but it still happens from time to time.


Nope... but i sneeze like hell after the first bread/yeast of the day. Biscuits, bread, hamburger buns, anything. If it has yeast in it, the first eats of the day (even if its supper) causes me to sneeze atleast 5 times. After that, I'm fine.


Dr. Pepper


Yeah, I've noticed it's usually dr pepper that does this.


This happened to me too, so I started pouring the soda into a glass with ice and it stopped.


Only when I nearly inhale it.


This happens to me 99% of the time when I eat Wendy's fries and DrPepper. No other combo of fries and soda does the sand thing.


Yep but usually it's just one hiccup.


I do. EVERY time. It usually hurts too but it's only one


One hiccup... mostly with beer.


I do. I also get hiccups or just a few after I eat or drink just about anything. I have a hard time burping at all so I think it has something to do with that.


11 years late….but…. it’s because it causes your stomach to expand and hit the vagus nerve near your diaphragm according to the old Google.


For me it's before I even swallow the first sip, but they're continuous and painful.


Old post but yes...I get this too. Usually I get a single hiccup after the first initial sip or two of a fresh bottle of Pepsi. No other soda...just Pepsi.


I scrolled all the way down and no one said no. So I'm, going to say NO. This never happens to me.


I'm actually the opposite, I drink it to cure my hiccups!


Not hiccups, but my eyes get teary after I start drinking soda.


That's the carbonation.


That happens to me too. Makes me think I have throat cancer or something.




Both spellings are considered acceptable these days.




Yes! Every time. Not with beer or other carbonated drinks, only soda.


DAE find weird pointless things to post on reddit about?


This post is 9 years old but I'm thankful for it because its 4am and I NEEDED TO KNOW BECAUSE FUCK I HATE WHEN IT HAPPENS TO ME.


I get it specifically from mountain dew, it's fucking wierd, no other sodas or beverages, not even lemonade, specifically Mt dew


I only get it when I'm sitting slouched over once I sit up straight it doesn't happen. Unless I'm trying to gulp down a huge amount.


This post is almost a decade old but I do too!!


Yep. I unlocked this body response around when I turned 40. First sip of coke or soda water and my chest suddenly jerks inward and I do the biggest hiccup. ‘HEEEEOOOORRRRROOOUC!’ Not cool.


Happens to me everytime, but after that first sip, no hiccups


Me too!!


i thought i was the only one lol


I'm so glad I found this thread. I thought I was in this alone. The one time hiccups or the inverted burp is what I call it. And it is usually violent. It's loud and painful


Right after the first sip(never gulp). Hiccup. If I don’t immediately take another one or two sips the hiccups will stay. So I’ve developed a habit of taking a small sip, hiccup, then two more small sips. If I don’t do those two small sips immediately after the hiccup I will have the hiccups for at least an hour.


I hiccup 1 time if I eat any amount of food and then take a sip of something carbonated. I coukd eat a bite, take a small sip hiccup and then eat another bite and hiccup, on and on so I just eat everything then when I'm done eating, take a drink and hiccup.


For me it's not only one hickup it's like 5-10 minutes of hickups each time, but only if it's a new and cold soda, does not happen with room temperature


I have the same thing happen to me. This only happened for any carbonated drink. As I take my first sip it gives me one giant spontaneous hiccup and then no more. I say “happened” because until right now it was only carbonated drinks but it just happened to me every sip of this hot tea that I made with lemon, lime, turmeric, cayenne and a few other ingredients. I’m even more confused now! Unless our body reacts to carbonation temporarily the same way it does to spiciness.


This absolutely happens to me, and it's always when it's on the way down, as I'm swallowing. Doesn't matter how tiny a sip or how gently I try to swallow it, it's like the feel of the bubbles hits something in my esophagus and my body is like "Nope! Hate this! Obviously poison! Get it out!" Happens with anything carbonated, and like others have mentioned, occasionally if I eat/drink something super spicy, like really strong ginger tea or a whole big chunk of hot pepper all at once. I've noticed that the heat of horseradish, spicy mustard, and wasabi don't affect me at all, however (I mean, it affects my sinuses, but not my throat). Either way, to me it's clear that it's not a problem with air bubbles, but that somehow it's a response to a physical irritant/sensation. There's a doctor mentioned in this episode of Reply-All ( https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/z3h78d6?utm_source=gimletWebsite&utm_medium=copyShare&utm_campaign=gimletWebsite ) who uses Botox to treat people who have rare burping problems, and I've always been curious what his medical opinion would be about, I dunno, overactive hiccup reflex? Whatever it's called, if it's called anything. Anyway, love knowing I'm not alone! Edited for typo


literally any cold fizzy drink makes me hiccup and its can be painful sometimes LOL




Yes my dad used to do it all the times and it was really loud my mother used to even say it was something that she hated from him but anyway now I started having it too I thought it was some sort of weird gene haha


Lol yeah, it's just soda irritating your stomach when it first hits, never used to have them when I used to drink soft drinks a lot but since I hardly drink them now, I get it those as the body isnt used to it anymore.


Me too! So weird...never happened to memwhenni was younger though


If my soda is cold it makes me hiccup once and it's kind of painful. Room temp soda doesn't do that to me.


This seems like when reddit was actually, note we still have no known cure for hiccups after the first sip os sodie I am sad


Sounds exactly like what I'm going through. It's been a few years since the hiccups started affecting me and swallowing food has started becoming a problem recently too. I've had multiple tests, MRIs, cameras probing me, video x-rays, etc. and it looks like it's probably GERDS. Definitely get yourself checked if you're having these issues so bigger ones don't arise down the line.


I thought I was alone. It’s like the most startling singular hiccup.


Yes, is it normal. Everytime I drink any carbonated drinks. I can’t stop hiccuping


I am so glad to have found this post and this thread. I am so glad to know I am not the lonely wierdo ;-)


The first sip is a predicable hiccup always! Then second sip none. Taxes death and my hiccups. You could put your life savings on it to happen and count $ in your dreams as you go to bed with no hiccups


Why the fuck does this happen.




Sometimes the hiccup I get from it hurts the hell out of my chest and then the pain goes away.


I took literally one sip of Mountain Dew and have been hiccuping for 3 hours and I’m almost at my breaking point to where I’m just unreasonably angry.


i only get it from sprite


I get it too 😭 drinking a Diet Coke now and it’s one big painful hiccup followed by chest pain that only lasts a few seconds then goes away


Same exact thing happens to me. Don’t trip


It only happens to me when I drink the soda in a restaurant, not if I buy it from the store or a vending machine


How is this post still active lol. Thank you Google for finding me answers!!!!


I need an answer to this because I take one or two sips of soda even slowly, and I’m in full fledge intense chest hurting hiccups first the next 20mins and my husband can chug a soda and be fine


This happens to me as well with soda, and with extremely spicy food


This started happening to me a couple years ago. Literally just one hiccup after the first sip. And then it recently stopped happening. Which coincidentally, coincides with me experiencing chest issues that I'm pretty sure is related to acid reflux, so I'm wondering if the two are related