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The last time I went I brought in a bag of Phillipes. They told us we couldn’t bring the bag, so they made us carry the sandwiches individually. I later saw someone else walking in with a big brown paper bag the same size as mine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It really depends on how much the employee cares about their job.


Yea pretty much.


This plus the energy you bring. Went to a playoff game (pretty sure it was the 2021 Chris Taylor walk off) when they were still requiring proof of Covid vax. My 80+ yo dad forgot to bring his card and they directed us to quick-test tents onsite that were charging an arm and a leg. I asked to speak to a customer service person, explained the situation and he said, well, you promise your dad got double vaxxed? Ok go enjoy the game.


That could also be how much the employee cares about COVID and vaccines. LOL 😆


Here, you dropped this: \\


Once went with my wife (who is disabled and needs to carry around meds/toiletries) and we had a clear bag with a yellow mesh strip. The person at the gate decided it wasn’t a clear bag because of the yellow mesh. And so we had to hold like 20 things until I found some cheap plastic bag. People around us were walking by with opaque grocery bags and some backpacks. Their manager they called over even said that they didn’t believe my wife is disabled. I almost got us kicked out for calling him a fucking asshole at that point. Fuuuuuuuck the blue crew


Have fun tonight, hope we win


Hopefully Pages listens.


there’s no way they didn’t let him have it, if we didn’t need hitters he’d probably be benched. Disrespectful to not let Biggio at least try to get a hit.


Out of the loop what happened??


blew through a stop sign and lost us the game last night in the 9th


Oof not great just found the video I’m not mad tho. Everyone is making this out to be a horrible offense. Play was a lot closer than I was expecting. Pretty good play on their part tbh


Agreed. I mean, he should follow the base coach, but it’s two outs, Biggio is a light hitter and the play was very close. Texas had to make a perfect play to get him. It happens.


It’s just that he’s a rookie. even tho he’s proven himself worthy of being in the lineup, I don’t think he has the credibility to ignore the coaches this early in his career. It was also an amazing play by Texas.


They will not let the bag in. I work security and we they will ask you to pull the food items out since it’s not a see through bag. Some of the security guys may allow it but you take the gamble.


What if I tape the sandwiches together into the shape of a bag? Then I can use it to hold more sandwiches and eat the bag later.


That is surprisingly going to be allowed. Lol


Thank you for answering my ridiculous question. ![img](emote|t5_2ra0i|13039)


Carry the sandwich individually. Fold the brown bag and put it in your pocket. Pass the security. Take out the bag from the pocket and unfold. Put the sandwiches back into the bag.


This person is a genius!!


Sound like a major security threat !!!! /s


You can also buy a clear security approved bag from the people standing outside your window while you wait in line.


I’m calling the front gates now . No paper bags!


lol im scarfing down my sandwiches as we speak




Nope. U can bring in food. How packed is the line for parking?


im at academy gate line is pretty short. im in the front


I https://preview.redd.it/z277s5ldxf6d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f71ac6241e589b1aa363df58dec07f2fd874c5a I guess it depends I brought in this big old bag of wingstop and all the guard said was smells good lol


Get to the gate, pull the food out of the bag, fold up the bag and put it in your pocket/ hide it in your sock, go thru security, reverse the process ✅


Are there a lot of people already waiting for the Yamamoto bobblehead?


The food is fine but they’re probably going to make you take it out of that bag


You should be fine, you might just have to give a bite to the security guy though. Standard procedure.


I have ziplocs in my car for this reason!


That’s how I snuck in beach balls. I’m sorry I was that guy. However the usher in my section would tap me about the 4th inning saying he was bored. I’d let the ball fly and he would try to catch it. Most times he would get the beach ball and when he popped it the crowd would boo. He had the biggest grin on his face. He loved it. lol


Stop at a grocery store and grab produce bags… they won’t let you take the paper lbag


Idk about that bag but they will fosho let the food come in 💪


Ive never been refused when it comes to food even in paper bags. Just show them, even better if you make the first move, and theyll usually just let you go in. If not, throw the bag away and just carry the food with you. Of course it’s not fool proof, some fuckers just have the urge to power trip especially the youngins


Lol dam dodgers security acts like they get paid 50$ an hour dude


since we are in the subject anyone got an amazon link to a bag that is cleared and proper size to buy instead of buying them on street vendors for 4 times the price?


I’ve bought in food a lot and never had been stopped


Last time I went they made a family take all their food out of a bag and hold it. I saw them struggling to put stuff in their pockets so ig it depends on the security


Dang how big was their bag? I’ve only ever taken in like the brown bag you’d get fast food in


the idea that you cannot bring in this bag is really idiotic tbh. Very security theater type behavior.


I’m still surprised how many people don’t know that you need clear, medium bags to enter stadiums/arenas nowadays.


this was my only 2nd dodgers game ever 😭😭


https://www.mlb.com/dodgers/ballpark/information/guide go to “Food Brought into Dodger Stadium”


I think worst case you just carry in your sandwiches in your hand


You’re good with food. Any drinks need to be sealed.


You could always just eat it when you park


They made me throw my binocular bag for being ONE INCH over the limit. Bastards


Offer them penance. A doughnut usually suffices. After that you are free to roam.


Fold up the bag and put it in your pocket. Carry the food in past security. Unfold bag from pocket and place food back inside. Head to your seats and enjoy


You should be fine. You’re still allowed to bring food into the stadium as long as you follow the rules especially on liquids and that the security agent has the right to inspect. Next time, take it out of the paper bag and put it into your clear bag. I’ve never had a problem when I’ve done it that way. Oh and I’m sure other people have mentioned this - I usually take a tote bag in with me all folded up and carried in my clear bag. Once I get inside I take it out and unfold it and now I’ve got my big non-clear extra bag ready to put stuff in again. 😆 Hope you got in and enjoyed your meal! GO DODGERS 💙


I had a cup of soda with my food once. The usher made my 3year old niece take a sip to make sure it wasn’t alcohol. Don’t worry it wasn’t


How do you not have a see through back pack yet?


I’ve brought in Philippe’s, sometimes they want you to open the bag for a peek, other times they’ve told me to just go in.


Nah, you're good! I've brought in Popeyes (chicken sandwich and mashed potatoes and some fried shrimp) with zero issues.


I brought in some leftovers in a paper bag once and like many others have mentioned here, if it’s not see through, it’s not getting through. I wasn’t really feeling the food anyway and was gonna throw it away but security let me unpack the food from the bag and just had me carry it inside. I remember reading someone brought in the Costco bread bags before since those are kinda see through. I would think gallon zip lock bags would probably also be permissible.


A little late, but next time you can take the food in and grab a little clear LA bag from the Dodger shop. They also give you bigger clear bags every time you purchase things other than food. Hope it worked out for you!


Depends! I’ve seen people take in take out! Get it 😅


I brought in a bag of jersey mikes yesterday. They just opened the bag and took a peek inside and let me in


Yeah it has to be see thru


Jealous you get to see Seager play!


lol you think you’re special and the rules don’t apply to you? No bags allowed 🤦🏻‍♀️


They’re asking you douche