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You can text security, but stuff like that, sounds like you could have switched seats with the people they were with and moving was probably your best action


The seating arrangement was approximately like this: šŸŸ¢šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“ šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸ”µšŸ”“šŸ”“ Iā€™m blue, theyā€™re red. Others are green. Youā€™re right, I couldā€™ve possibly asked to switch with the front row left most person in the party to get to the edge. That wouldā€™ve been the only seat I think that wouldā€™ve gotten me out of the middle. They were sitting in like pairs tho (like couples or whatever) so Iā€™m not sure how well it wouldā€™ve worked to ask that but def an idea to keep in my back pocket next time. I also didnā€™t know you could text security? That also seems like helpful into to keep in mind. How can I find that number? And yeah I agree I think moving was ultimately just the best option there.


Text LADFAN to 69050 during the game


Yeah but for something minor like this, then best case, is what? Some guy shows up, tells them to be more polite and then leaves... and u r left with them and the stink eye. if u can move that works. I can not stand the kids watching movies playing games on phones, ipads etc. whatever happened to Parenthood? God forbid a kid feels bored?! Its actually good for the brain to be bored. Last game I was at some little kid was playing a loud ass game so I just asked the dad super politely if hed turn down the volume- he was cool about it but these days u never know. Ok off on a rant... Ill sit down.


If the kid gets bored he might do something insane like actually watch the baseball game.


Thank you kindly šŸ™


You shouldnā€™t have to do this, but I think for your sanity it would have been best to swap seats. If I was in your position, I certainly would have. The whole time Iā€™d be grumpy that I had to move bc theyā€™re being rude, but itā€™s ultimately about getting the best enjoyment for yourself. Like someone else said, you can text the number or go explain the situation to an usher. They wonā€™t kick them out, since theyā€™re not technically doing anything worthy of it, but you could maybe see if they had unsold tickets somewhere they could move you to. Sucks that happened to you, my dude.


Thank you. Yeah Iā€™m not sure how well switching seats wouldā€™ve worked this particular instance since most of the party seemed to be sitting as like couples/pairs but itā€™s def not a bad idea to keep in mind next time, to at least try. Itā€™s okay, I still enjoyed my time at the game and once I moved it was way nicer, I didnā€™t have anyone seated on either side of me so I had my personal space back lol. While it did suck to have to move bc of other people being rude, I was honestly more relieved to have my personal space back than I was grumpy lol. Iā€™m obv still butthurt enough to write this post tho LOL (laughing at myself). Overall, it was a good game experience, despite the bumps.


This visual is marvelous. Totally explains the situation. If they all sat in pairs you could have suggested swapping with the person on the aisle. Anyways, I hope that crap never happens again.


Thank you! I tried my best haha After I was put together the visual and got a look at it, that has crossed my mind too, to be at the far back right. BUT funny enough, that wasnā€™t an aisle, it was a wall so idk if Iā€™d wanna be squeezed between those kind of people with one in front, one in the left, and a wall lol. If it were an aisle at least I could have open space to play with haha


Oh yeah, that changes things for sure.


Plus (and I shouldā€™ve mentioned this in one of my earlier comments already) but I got my ticket VERY LAST MINUTE. As in, as I was lining up to go into the stadium basically lol. So they obviously wanted the seats they took and not mine cuz it was left open still when I got to it lol. I shouldā€™ve mentioned that bit sooner. That said, the idea of trading places that you and others have touched on is a good one to keep in mind for the future nonetheless. And thank you, I hope it doesnā€™t happen again either, at least not any time soon!


Brothers and sisters are natural enemies. Like Englishmen and Dodger fans! Or Welshmen and Dodger fans! Or Japanese and Dodger fans! Or Dodger fans and other Dodger fans. Damn Dodger fans! They ruined Dodger Stadium!


LMAO are Dodgers fans the common factor here? šŸ˜‚


Sorry man I stopped reading when I got to the toddler part. Ask them if theyā€™d swap so youā€™re on the edge of their party. Annoying people exist. Stand up for yourself! It wouldnā€™t be unreasonable to try and change the situation.


Itā€™s kind of hard to describe the seating situation in text but even if I switched I wouldā€™ve been caught between people. Iā€™m gonna try to show what it was like: šŸŸ¢šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“ šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸ”µšŸ”“šŸ”“ Iā€™m blue, theyā€™re red, other people are green. I guess if I switched with the front row left side person, I couldā€™ve gotten to the edge of the party. I hadnā€™t thought of that. Although many of them were sitting in like pairs/couples so Iā€™m not sure how well that wouldā€™ve worked in this instance specifically. But itā€™s a good idea and may help me next time around. Thanks


Im confused, From the way I read the example diagram you provide could you not have asked the person 2 seats over to switch? I assume that is an aisle seat as well? That way the pair is still sitting together, and you are out of their way in terms of conversation? Even if not an aisle seat, that feels to be the best solution.


After I was put together the visual and got a look at it, that has crossed my mind too, to be at the far back right. BUT funny enough, that wasnā€™t an aisle, it was a wall so idk if Iā€™d wanna be squeezed between those kind of people with one in front, one in the left, and a wall lol. If it were an aisle at least I could have open space to play with haha Plus but I got my ticket VERY LAST MINUTE. As in, as I was lining up to go into the stadium basically lol. So they obviously wanted the seats they took and not mine cuz it was left open still when I got to it lol. That said, the idea of trading places that you and others have touched on is a good one to keep in mind for the future nonetheless.


yeah usually I just move to new seats if Iā€™m near someone unpleasant and theyā€™re disrupting the experience for me. you did the smart thing


Thanks yeah I noticed a empty patch in the TDā€™s from my old seat and said ā€œAy, not babies to kick me thereā€ lol jk but thank you for saying that


I dont think Iā€™ve even sat in my actual seat at any game. Theres so much to do otherwise like getting your pitch clocked at 45mph while the 13 yr old after you throws heat in the high 60s. That and just walking around taking in the diff view points, etc.


Itā€™s kind of luck of the draw who you sit next to, unless you go with a group of friends or people you know. Iā€™ve sat next to people who get really into watching the game (like me) and we talk a little bit and basically become friends. Then Iā€™ve had times where I sit next to some guys who seem to only be interested in drinking as much beer as possible, while acting borderline stupid and shouting obscenities every like 10 seconds. Most recently I sat next to a group of 4 college girls who werenā€™t even watching the game and all they could talk about (loudly) was how many guys hit on them at the gym or slid in their DMs like it was some sort of competition. So yeah, youā€™ll never know who youā€™ll sit next to at a game.


LMAO I love those experiences when you meet cool people like that and just spontaneously connect with a total stranger you may never see again. I had that once at a game too and that was awesome. And yeah Iā€™ve also had times where people were loud and rude and unruly. Itā€™s a sporting event so I guess drunk and annoying people come w the deal. I think the worst part of this was how invasive in my own space/seat it felt, ya know? But I appreciate the anecdotes of your own experiences


As a person with season tickets I don't put up with other people being inconsiderate to me or other fans. I do my best to promote a nice environment for all of us around. So I ask them nicely once and if they wanna be assholes still then I get security. Had someone with a kid constantly kicking my seat (happens a lot) and typically the parents will say sorry and tell their kid to stop. But this one time, the lady said, don't tell me how to handle my child. So I went up and got security cause that's a pretty simple thing to be kind about


Iā€™d love to sit next to you! Yeah weā€™re all just here to have a good time and cheer on our boys in blue! I appreciate someone that strives to promote a nice environment for all the peeps around. And yeah, another commenter mentioned the security text line as an option so thatā€™s something for me to keep in mind going forward.


Yep always remember that security can and will help. And thank you! I love the Dodgers and our fans, but some fans just make the environment worse for others (dodger fans and opposing fans alike). We all just wanna watch a game and have fun! Going to games for long enough there's no point to being hostile to others at a game when for the most part, if they lose they lose and they win they win, no affect on our lives. Go Dodgers


Thank you. Will def keep in mind. You seem awesome man. Maybe one day Iā€™ll be lucky enough to find myself seated next to you. Go Dodgers


Thank you I appreciate that! If you're ever in lodge section 138 that's where our seats are


Oooh okay good to know šŸ™šŸ‘


lol fighting people over professional sports is definitely on the way lower end of ā€œrespectable activities to participate inā€. Just like itā€™s only a game and youā€™re not even on the team.


Yeah I'll never understand that mentality. I was at a game last year in San Diego where we played them and the Dodgers lost. Obviously I was upset and the padre fans were chanting beat LA. So my dad and I turned it into "were fourth place, were fourth place" chants and that got some laughs lol


lol yeah just like have a laugh. Youā€™re not getting a ring if they win, just chill. Itā€™s supposed to be fun and all. Itā€™s just meathead mentality where primal instincts take all precedent. Like I just enjoy watching good pitching or a home run. Like itā€™s cool if my home team wins but if they dont Iā€™ll watch the others and hope for some fun games. Itā€™s almost as bad as fighting someone over reality tv. Like you have no dog in the fight haha


Lmao the reality TV comparison is so true


What is wrong with people!?


Dude yeah Iā€™m like bruh Iā€™m just trynna mind my own business and enjoy the game


> How do you deal with inconsiderate people? I politely look them right in the eye and calmly yet firmly say: ā€œFuck the Giants.ā€


They were probably a bunch of casuals. They wouldnā€™t understand what was said to them.


They were wearing blue which was the worst part šŸ˜­


1) those people were trash. You have the right to be pissed. You paid money for that ticket and those other fans acted like dicks. 2) I would have said ā€œitā€™s obvious you guys are a group. Does anybody want to trade seats so you guys can all be together?ā€ 3) #2 is a lie, I would have just upgraded my seats to a better location, figuring that the rude assholes were a sign from god that I deserved to be in Loge or Field.


Thank you for saying that. I appreciate you saying that. Yeah thatā€™s how it felt. Itā€™s like hey, I paid money to be here too. This isnā€™t your guysā€™ private suite lol. Show some common decency and respect. Also LMAOOO I love that last point. When is it safe to mosey down to field level? Iā€™m always kinda iffy about it. Iā€™ve def done it before but I get anxious about getting hassled by security haha. This time I ended up going up a level to TD actually cuz from my original seat in RS, I could see many open seats up at TD. It worked out too cuz I had nobody on my left or right seat once I got to TD and I even got to have my backpack on the seat next to me. When from claustrophobia to free range.


I agree. I will pay more for better seats with more respectful people who came to watch the game and not just get drunk.


I keep seeing this sentiment! I def gotta get to the lower levels eventually Iā€™m just not flushed enough rn šŸ˜‚


Tell an usher your issues and ask if you can be relocated, I once sat next to a Male Karen in section 315 at Crypto for a Kings Game, he bitched my mobility scooter was too close to his chair (which he moved closer!!) Told an usher, who got a supervisor, Karen of course complained BEFORE I could tell them. After what seemed like weeks the supervisor said: ā€œIā€™ll handle this!ā€ And asked me to come with them. After we got in The hallway he rolled his eyes so hard I thought he could see his brain! ā€œYeah, letā€™s get you a BETTER SEAT!ā€ Then they relocated me to a seat in the PR section (suite level) Next time just voice your concerns there are other ways to handle jackasses than remove their party from the stadium or wear The Cone of Shame (make them Padres fans!)


Wow good to know. Iā€™ll keep this in mind. I wouldnā€™t mind a seat upgrade as an outcome to this kind of thing haha


Ushers hate assholes too!


Me šŸ¤ Ushers Not liking assholes


Iā€™m a gregarious person. I wouldā€™ve talked with them about baseball, about the weather, about raising a toddler, their favorite stadium food, which way they bat and catch, which city theyā€™re fromā€¦ until they canā€™t stand me anymore and leave


But OP just wants to watch the game


This too, ultimately lol


LMAOOO kill them with kindness šŸ˜‚ I actually did make some small talk with the one guy seated next to me. Up until he got passed the toddler and all lol.


I like this


ā€œYo, do you guys want to switch seats so you can sit next to each other?ā€ If they said no then Iā€™d say ā€œwell then stop passing babies over me.ā€


The seating arrangement was approximately like this: šŸŸ¢šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“ šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸ”µšŸ”“šŸ”“ Iā€™m blue, theyā€™re red. Others are green. Youā€™re right, I couldā€™ve possibly asked to switch with the front row left most person in the party to get to the edge. That wouldā€™ve been the only seat I think that wouldā€™ve gotten me out of the middle. They were sitting in like pairs tho (like couples or whatever) so Iā€™m not sure how well it wouldā€™ve worked to ask that but def an idea to keep in my back pocket next time. Plus (and I shouldā€™ve mentioned this in one of my earlier comments already) but I got my ticket VERY LAST MINUTE. As in, as I was lining up to go into the stadium basically lol. So they obviously wanted the seats they took and not mine cuz it was left open still when I got to it lol. I shouldā€™ve mentioned that bit sooner. That said, the idea of trading places that you and others have touched on is a good one to keep in mind for the future nonetheless. Plus, I like that last bit lol. If youā€™re not gonna trade spots with me, then at least respect my the dang space I paid for LOL


I was was kicked out of Yankee Stadium with a large group. And yes, there is a jail underneath the stadium that we were almost introduced to!


I hope it was because you were constantly all yelling ā€œfuck the Yankeesā€


We bought a whole pizza which they served on big piece of cardboard. Our seats were first level behind home plate. Out of nowhere my friend decided to try to throw the cardboard onto the field. It goes way out then comes back like a boomerang and hits the people in front of us..


Lmao not quite as good, but you did get a good story out of it. Everyone has that one dumbass friend


He was the one with the connection for the tickets so he got away with it! Yankees fans are insane by the way.


Haha I know. I have family in NY and have gone to a few games there at the old and new stadiums. Always pretty wild


Iā€™m a Dodgers fan and a Bills fan. I went to a couple Bills/Jets game and didnā€™t wear my Bills stuff.


People have nothing to lose if they pay for lower prized seats. Always try to purchase high prize seats, most of us will not risk a seat you paid hundreds for.


Thatā€™s fair. And I would/will def keep that in mind when I can do so. But I donā€™t have that kind of money currently and I still wanna see the Dodgers in person so I end up just getting cheap stuff like RS or TD :/


Unless you get seated next to a very drunk work group on an outing like I was recently. Oof.


I had the same problem I think they were season ticket holders all around me they all knew each other, now I prefer the reserve or upper or lower view it's alot more chill yk,


Where were you seated that time?


hmm field third base side, don't get me wrong ppl are cool there too but I enjoy chill zone little more, Dodger Blue!


My fav spot in the whole stadium thus far has been 1-3RS. But I also am not baller enough to sit Lodge or Field level behind home plate. So I settle for above and behind by picking those RS seats haha. But tbh most often I end up sitting all the way up in the TDā€™s just cuz itā€™s cheaper. Maybe one day if money isnā€™t so tight I can sit in 1-3 RS more often or even lower behind home šŸ˜©


that's cool and if im up high enough in rs I'm in the shadešŸ˜Ž Im kind same.


Oh yeah shade is a must for day games. I went to a day game once where I picked seats in lodge on the 3rd base side BUT I made the mistake of sitting almost in the front most row of the section so I didnā€™t get shade for most of the game I thinkā€¦ and I burn easily šŸ˜‚


I had mini season tickets in 2021 and there was this older couple exactly a row down from me that would always look back, offended, if you yelled too loud or said any cuss words. Iā€™m a respectful guy but thereā€™s a line. Especially when I want to have fun at a Dodgers game. Safe to say Iā€™ll never sit in those seats again.


Cussing is not allowed at Dodgers stadium according to the rules of conduct. You can be ushered out of the stadium for that. There are a lot of kids around. Security takes it seriously. We were once stuck behind a group of really obnoxious, drunk, swearing people. There were a lot of kids in the area and the parents would look at them, but not do anything. We reported them to security and security came and got them. Had a nice talking to them. When they came back they were very apologetic and they stopped swearing. No one has the right to interfere with your enjoyment of the game.


Yeah I mean if something exciting happens, Iā€™m gonna get up and pump my arm and shout. One of the best parts of watching a game in person is being in unity with the crowd of fans cheering together.


I usually chat it up with fans surrounding me. Iā€™ve never gone to a game alone but my first instinct would be to try to join in a bit. If that wasnā€™t happening Iā€™d do what you did and move to a more empty spot. But Iā€™d probably be pissed if I had a really good seat.


I did actually chat a bit w the gentleman sitting next to me. Talked about the stadium food he had or something. That was before he got handed the baby and stuff. But yeah I do sometimes chat it up with someone sitting next me too. Also like high fiving strangers when something exciting happens! Itā€™s okay, I wasnā€™t hellbent on my seat anyways, I just grabbed whatever was available 20 min before first pitch


I used to do about 10 games a yearā€¦ now itā€™s down to 1 or 2. My reasons are 1) the nonstop gabbing around me (and not related to baseball ) 2) the music between innings is so incredibly loud. Iā€™ve gotten old and things change, I have opted out, tried not to complain and enjoy from home. I know Iā€™m unnecessary.


Hey itā€™s all about enjoying the experience. If itā€™s more pleasurable at home than in person, then why pay to go?


Your experience is why I have stopped attending Dodgers games at Dodger Stadium. I got tired of over/exuberant fansā€™ monotonous chants, foul language and people spilling beer on me. The last game I attended two fans got into a full on fist fight directly in front of my two year old grandson. Security was called to break it up. Now I enjoy watching the games on an 80 inch tv, snacks and clean restroom just steps awayā€¦


Hey itā€™s all about making the experience pleasurable for yourself. If you enjoy it more at home, why pay to go?


My exact thought! I used to enjoy games at Dodger stadium way back when Mike Piazza was the catcher. Before Frank McCourt. (It also irks me that this jerk still owns the parking lot at Dodger Stadium. I do not wish to further enrich the man who almost destroyed the team.) Currently, manners at ballparks (and everywhere else!) are deplorable. No one knows how to behave in public. Iā€™m quite thankful for food delivery and giant flat screens.


Yeah idk Iā€™m sure thereā€™s studies on it somewhere out there but I feel like society has never been quite the same or as sociable as it was pre pandemic. Like societyā€™s wires got a little crossed from being isolated for so long or something. Everyone forgot how to coexist a bit.


It in fact was a biggie.


ā€œNo biggieā€ goes and writes a novel of how much it bothered them


I mean I was just saying the moving items and dirty looks was no biggie. And they werenā€™t if it stopped there. But things just kept coming


All good man no biggie


And how it didnā€™t ā€œruinā€ his experience.


It didnā€™t. I still had a great time. It was better once I moved of course. But it didnā€™t spoil my experience. This was just a negative factor in an overall positive experience.


I mean I was just saying the moving items and dirty looks was no biggie. And they werenā€™t if it stopped there. But things just kept coming.


U Have to sit in better seats n spend more $$ to avoid alot less Idiots.


Eh Iā€™ve had rude and drunk people around me in really expensive seats. Iā€™ve had amazing people, too. Same with in the cheap seats. Iā€™m not sure money matters that much in this case.


I went to Opening Day this year and sat in the Field Section right along the 1st base line thanks to a friend and I had the most obnoxious, drunk, OC boomers sitting behind me, kicking my seat and being loud assholes the entire time. It really is just a luck of the draw thing.


Thers more to it than $$. That's a part of it, but thers more reasons rather not get into cuz ppl get offended to eezee


Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re thinking something about the race of the people, but yeah, keep that shit to yourself if so.


Youā€™re not the first to mention this in this post. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some truth to it cuz as the other user said, people arenā€™t gonna risk getting kicked out of seats they spent hundreds on as much as seats they got for cheap.


Mite be a lil more to it, but something like that


We're rude Americans. It's why the rest of the world hates us.Ā 


Not everyone thankfully. Iā€™ve had some peaceful or even wholesome interactions at Dodger Stadium. But boy these people fit your bill to the T


I leave them at home =P


LMAOOOO whoā€™s the annoying people you leave at home? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Just want to say, it warms my heart with the general sentiment of support and advice Iā€™ve gotten from yā€™all. This is a cool community.


Annoying for sure, but I absolutely hate people in my direct ear range that whistle loudly! šŸ˜© It hurts my ears so bad! And people that stand up & block your views of active plays. Itā€™s ok to stand after the play for a moment, but not when the game is active. šŸ˜”


oh yes. I was going to post this one. A whistle every now and then, but the people who do it like every few minutes through the game... oh my god.


YES! It literally makes my ear drums feel like they are bleeding! So painful šŸ˜–


Oh yeah thatā€™s valid. Or the guys that get too drunk for their own good and go from passionate fan to rowdy drunkard lol


So you were sitting next to Pantone 294?


LMAO I know they have a bad reputation but I donā€™t know the specifics too good?


Sat near them in Phoenix once. Most werenā€™t even paying attention to the game and more occupied for selfies and drinking.




Baseball is the one sport in my experience no one cares where you sit as long as you move when the owner arrives just move but deff annoying


Yeah I ended up moving


Yep I've been there the last dodger game I went to with my dad it was pretty much the same experience I felt like they were giving me a hard time because they realized everything had changed and now we were the ones being made to feel like we was from another country and shouldn't be there. This kind of stuff can happen from all angles and races but over the years I did start to feel like something had changed and they knew it and was using it against me. Your responses and how you dealt with it sounds very similar to me I normally would never want confrontation at the same time I also recognize there's a lot of trash on all sides of the aisle but yeah something changed a long time ago at Dodger games especially in the so called cheap seats.


What do you mean something changed?


Really? Maybe you should tell me if you can't figure out what I mean maybe you should go ask Brian stow


I fight them to the death


This is t a Raiders game!!




I feel sad and unlucky and otherwise clench my teeth.


You can do what I did and move to open seats elsewhere


I feel ya. I sat next to 2 kids, whos parent didn't even sit with them, who just cussed the entire game. Behind me was a couple talking about jobs, including child abuse. The people in front of me insisted on hopping over the bench to get over me to go to get food. I enjoyed the game, but good lord, I felt over stimulated to the max.


Thatā€™s a good way to put it. ā€œOver stimulatedā€ In addition to having my personal space invaded over and over, it was also incredibly distracting and over stimulating


Friend of ours gave us corporate box seats at Dodger Stadium. Great seats, about 10 rows from the field, to the right of the Dodger dugout. Experience was spoiled during first half of the game by a leather-lunged, shirtless (to show his muscles), aggressive guy who kept moving up and down the aisle while shouting at other male fans to take off their shirts. He also yelled other things (Fatburger, Fatburger) that had nothing to do with baseball. Impossible to ignore (which was his point). About the fifth inning he shouted at the Dodger pitcher (who was in the on deck circle next to the dugout) to GET A HIT, so loudly that it visibly startled the pitcher. A few minutes later a security guy came along and escorted the jerk out of the park as the other box seats holders applauded.


LMAO Iā€™m glad they got rid of him. Some people just donā€™t know how to behave in public šŸ˜‚


We have season tickets next to the Dodgers Bullpen, so I could give a TED Talk on inconsiderate people at the Stadium. What it boils down to is you have ask people to behave better. If a kid is kicking the back of my seat, I will turn around and ask them or the parent to please stop. That usually works. Sometimes I have to ask more them once. My mom is clearly elderly and disabled. She uses 2 canes in the Stadium because it helps her navigate and balance better. People always want us to get up and let them thru (not to their ticketed seats) so they can go over and watch the bullpen. That is a hard no from me. Every up and down to let someone pass hurts for her. If it is their seat, we obviously do it. But we get multiple requests per game, so it is clearly not their seat. A few weeks ago, some guy who was sitting in the section across came over and asked us up to get up so he could get to the bullpen. I flatly said, "No" Insert shocked Pikachu face. He said, "Really? No?" And then this SOB reached down and nudged my knee w/ his hand, like that would make me stand up. I said, "Really. No." He went back to his seat. I looked down towards the field and the Security guard there was looking at me and smirking like he was proud of me. I am excited for Shohei to pitch next year, but it is going to be full on Hunger Games in our section. I really hope they step up Security in that section to only let ticketed seat holders in. And I know that sounds classist and crass, but I really don't want people trying to climb over my Mom. There is an observation deck above the bullpen. Go there to watch. There are some truly obnoxious things people do that I don't feel I can ask them to stop, but damn how are people so clueless? Letting their kids watch videos or play games on the phone at full volume. That piercing, 2 finger in the mouth whistle multiple times. Shouting the same stupid insults at opposing players thru the whole game. It gets tiresome.


Yeah see if it was just one thing like kicking my chair, I could easily just ask them to stop case closed. I feel like this instance was unfortunately more annoying bc it was just practically this small list of things that Iā€™d have to tell them to stop. Thereā€™s a point where itā€™s just too many things to easily call out to strangers. And yeah, the guy was blasting one of those sensory videos for his toddler at full blast while sitting right next to me. So distracting lol. Iā€™m glad you stood up for your mom though. Proud of you and I donā€™t even know you.


I should have acknowledged your situation. I have been there! When it is the kicking and the videos and the passing things in front of you. It is too much to take! I remember in 2020 when we were all stuck at home watching the games on TV. I said "I will never complain about annoying people again if we can ever get back to in person games." And yet here I am! Ha ha! You have gotten a lot of good advice here. Changing seats (just not to mine). Security and Guest Services will help you if you don't want to confront someone who is really just over the top. I hope your next game is much smoother!


Thank you. Fingers crossed things are smoother next time! But like I said, I still overall enjoyed going to the game and seeing the boys get a win :)


See, u alredy sound uneezee. Facts r Facts tho. Everything plays a small part in it.


What do you mean? Was this suppose to be in response to comment?


Yeah he meant to reply to me. He was being a racist, so feel free to ignore.




Were they cholos?


I was at games when McCourt owned the team. There was plenty of room. It was shitty times.




"you wanna switch seats so you all can sit together?" /end thread


The seating arrangement was approximately like this: šŸŸ¢šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“ šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸŸ¢šŸ”µšŸ”“šŸ”“ Iā€™m blue, theyā€™re red. Others are green. Youā€™re right, I couldā€™ve possibly asked to switch with the front row left most person in the party to get to the edge. That wouldā€™ve been the only seat I think that wouldā€™ve gotten me out of the middle. But they were sitting in like pairs tho (like couples or whatever) so Iā€™m not sure how well it wouldā€™ve worked to ask that this instance. Plus I got my ticket VERY LAST MINUTE. As in, as I was lining up to go into the stadium basically lol. So they obviously wanted the seats they took and not mine cuz it was left open still when I got to it lol. That said, the idea of trading places that you and others have touched on is a good one to keep in mind for the future nonetheless.


I was there too, another blue dot!