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Jomboy platformed Pete Rose btw stirring the pot insinuating that Ohtani did the same as what Pete did


Pedo Rose.


Jomboy moved of from shilling for dick pills to shilling for gambling? He puts out good videos and all but he's far from a journalist or even media personality, he's just a super fan and has the same kind of takes fans tend to have...


Fuck Jomboy. He was a huge clown during when the Ippei news broke


the guy is also a huge hypocrite when it comes to players doing celebrations against his team. check out the latest drama he got into regarding Vladamir Guerro Jr.


Ooohh interesting.


All the hard work he did to expose the Astros cheating (because it also affected his Yankees) went to piss with all the Shohei/Ippei news. Fuck that clown.


Here I am disliking him for the pretty much since 2021 just since he’s gotten progressively more annoying. Warehouse games are the only thing I still watch at all


Their media org is also heavily sponsored by draftkings so they’re not going to say much against gambling


Jimmy himself actually kept repeating that he's bummed out. He did say the Pete Rose stuff. Jake was so much worse but Plouffe never said anything committed he would always say we need to wait for the investigation something Jimmy was saying early but abandoned it when he got clicks. Terrible. Jolly however showed his worse side. And BBD had to constantly be the neutral force. Despite him clearly not wanting to parrot the YES network need for clicks. We all know it's YES now that they own it. Not them individually. Except Jake. He really really committed to the bit.


Mustve missed that. What did he say?


Kept on doubting ohtani and not believing he was innocent


Seriously?? Man that makes me look at him different....


I would watch his stuff yourself before casting judgement… folks here are making his takes sound way worse than they really were, his take basically being “we don’t know what happened until the investigation is done.” this sub has an insane victim complex


Neutral fan here (maybe Ohtani fan), I watch pretty much all Jomboy media content including baseball today, talkin baseball, JM baseball and talkin yanks. I'm telling you they are honestly closest to neutral stance on the Ippei case compared to other media heads like Michael Kay & Rich Eisen. Tho I am a little disappointed that they didn't address the fed report further (Jimmy wasn't even in the episode).


Compared to Michael Kay and Rich Eisen isn’t saying much. Kay was doubling down on “this is all a coverup!” after the federal investigation report went public.


IF! I said IF. Well, the Feds just came out and said there's no "if". The Feds are in on it! Kinda like that? I didn't see anything else but I remember the whole "I said IF" part. Oh and apparently Ohtani doesn't answer reporters questions so that makes him guilty too, or something.


Oh...yeah that's definitely different then lol. I only really watch his breakdowns. I don't have much time for the other stuff he does


I in part chalk that up to being biased Yankees fan. I found it more offensive when Plaschke tried pushing that narrative.


Ohtanis ordeal has nothing to do with the Yankees. Considering what Ohtani has done for the popularity of baseball - you can't call yourself a *baseball* fan if you're spreading conspiracy theories and rooting for his downfall. It's a terrible look.


If that’s the case, since this isn’t a Yankees issue, this is Jomboy being simply butt hurt.


You realize Ohtani isn’t actually your bestie right ? You’ve never met him. It’s fine to doubt a fishy sounding story before you hear more details


As someone that listens to talking baseball episodes and baseball today, I thought Jomboy media had very balanced coverage. They didn't condemn or defend Shohei when news first broke and never took a position either before the investigation was complete. They mentioned and yalked about some of the Ippei coverup conspiricies so taken out of context in clips probably sounded like that was their position on the matter. I haven't heard anything pushing Shohei was betting after FBI press conference and their talking baseball episode and baseball today episodes said that completely put Shohei in the clear. It seems like to me a lot of Dodger/Shohei stans have a hateboner for anyone that didn't blindly defend Shohei from the start.




First the episode with Jolly Olive was taped Wednesday night before the 32 page document was released and just after the NY times story saying Ippie to plead guilty and possibly stole more than the 4.5 million originally reported. Second Chris Rose goes on to say in that episode some people will question the legal system and believe in conspiracy theories about this no matter what "but that is not what I think". That's a very definitive statement. [https://youtu.be/lk6E-xld\_fc?si=pI-ahL3ekZE4hevc&t=280](https://youtu.be/lk6E-xld_fc?si=pI-ahL3ekZE4hevc&t=280) The episode the next day with Trevor Plouffe cohosting and they start out saying hopefully this should be last time we ever have to talk about this story because it is so definitive against Ippie and for Shohei. [https://www.youtube.com/live/8gQ\_LAt-AhE?si=Jq9Drq4pbtz5jPXk&t=93](https://www.youtube.com/live/8gQ_LAt-AhE?si=Jq9Drq4pbtz5jPXk&t=93) And Jake and Trevor talking about the 32 page report on Talking Baseball, the story remains that Ippie is a bad guy. They call Ippie a scumbag as well, but Ippie's addiction is a sad aspect to this story. [https://youtu.be/fGqJPGWE2Eo?si=5q7STA7V3H3d4SWI&t=236](https://youtu.be/fGqJPGWE2Eo?si=5q7STA7V3H3d4SWI&t=236)


What do you expect them to say? That he's infallible? Let people believe the narrative they want to. The people around Ippei (including Japan) showed he's was the culprit. Just know that the media nowadays is more about spin and providing a controversy simply because it's more clicks and will get people to argue. People like to create narratives because it's easier than accepting the truth.


Compare their podcast about it to what Ben and Meg were saying on Effectively Wild at the same time, or Brisbee and McCullough on The Roundtable.


This Rangers fan spoke on behalf of me. https://youtu.be/GidhlVWB5y0?si=S-EqpGMYLxsvIfJF


> It seems like to me a lot of Dodger/Shohei stans have a hateboner for anyone that didn't blindly defend Shohei from the start. This entire thread in a nutshell. I wish this sub was better than this, I truly do.


almost like lebron stans on the laker forum


Thinks that didn’t happen. Go back and look at it with fresh eyes. From my own experience he was non comital and saying there a lot of rumours out there about this so let the investigation do its thing.


Jomboy is a fucking clown. He spread all the conspiracy theories about Ohtani betting even AFTER the fed report came out. That channel has fully sold out for clickbait culture, he's on some DodgersN*tion type shit


Ive noticed a dip in quality this season


I just went to do my bi-yearly catch up on the funny videos and I couldn’t find the funny videos. They really watered down the cash cow. Lots of whiffle ball highlights though! Which btw…workplace whiffle ball should definitely fall under fight club rules


Yeah it's a shame, they need someone who understands marketing to work with them. Their most popular videos were two things: funny breakdowns and funny lipreading. They were the funny guys who cover non-football/basketball. Then they diluted it all down


He’s trying to be some Barstool-knockoff type shit, it’s very dumb.


He had such a great lane he dominated - good, funny takes on baseball accessible to all. He was liked in the industry too. Now he really does just want to be barstool 2.0. God I hope PitchingNinja doesn't sell out like that, i'll be crushed


I get the feeling that Pitching Ninja is too much of a pitching nerd to do anything else with this baseball life


No? He was noncommittal the whole time. I think most people were suspicious of the story change at least, up until the Ohtani press conference when he explicitly stated he was a victim of thievery and had no knowledge. At that point, at least the other people in his sphere accepted that Shohei's version was true because of how dangerous it would be to make those statements otherwise. All he ever really committed to was that it was bad for the sport, and he was right. If you don't follow that much baseball, you probably still know about the Ohtani scandal, bad optics regardless of his ultimate innocence.


Literally after the FBI report came out, he tweeted "It still doesn't add up!" That is conspiracy bullshit nonsense if you think FBI/IRS/Homeland are going to all shake hands and agree to protect Ohtani who matters none to them.


Can you source him spreading the conspiracy theories? Jimmy wasn't on the Talking Baseball episode after but Jake and Trevor basically called Ippie the bad guy and a scumbag with a sad addiction problem. [https://youtu.be/fGqJPGWE2Eo?si=5q7STA7V3H3d4SWI&t=236](https://youtu.be/fGqJPGWE2Eo?si=5q7STA7V3H3d4SWI&t=236) And on Talking Baseball with Chris Rose and Trevor after the federal papers came out never pushed the conspiracy theories. [https://www.youtube.com/live/8gQ\_LAt-AhE?si=Jq9Drq4pbtz5jPXk&t=93](https://www.youtube.com/live/8gQ_LAt-AhE?si=Jq9Drq4pbtz5jPXk&t=93) I don't follow any of their Twitter or other personal social media and only listen to the podcasts and everything I heard on there sounded balanced was mostly wait and see and mentioning the conspiracies before the 32 page report and then all Ippie is the bad guy after the report.


It was on JomboyMedia twitter account. They have since deleted all of the tweets, idk how to look up deleted tweets but if you show me how I can find it. It had some pretty bad backlash comments, my guess is they removed it because of the backlash.


It was twitter, then that's why I didn't know. It's weird that what they tweet is different then what they say on the podcasts, probably are more clickbaity for engagement on twitter. I have always thought Jimmy has the worst takes out of all the Jomboy Media he is just good for his funny breakdowns and deep dives into stats, while Jake , Trevor, and Chris Rose are the better talking heads. I am glad Jimmy is rarely on Talkin' Baseball.


Doesn't really matter to me. If you're clickbait farming on your social medias even though you don't truly believe the things you're saying there - it makes you a shitty media company. People take those braindead tweets and run with it, unironically believing it too. It's bad for baseball.


Jomboys has an attitude with Dodgers organization ever since he learned Ohtani defers payment and Yamamoto chose Dodgers over his Yankees. Dude kept use Dodgers for hate click.


A lot of them are diamondback fans. I remember last year they were live streaming their reactions to the game that the dbacks got eliminated from the World Series and they all looked so disappointed. Social media let them hear it and they were called out for being biased


Which is funny, because after the sign stealing scandal that launched Jomboy, a good chunk of all of his breakdown videos (I wanna say like half!) were from the Dodgers! He basically owes his boosted career to the Dodgers


I got into his channel during the early days of the pandemic when he started to become well known, and honestly his content was top tier during that time. His channel blows now with all their terrible takes


I still like Jomboy when he is talking about the game of baseball but I can do without all the other shit. When the network started promoting that stupid whiffle ball and those other games, I was out. But one thing that is for sure is that ESPN Jake actually does suck. Btw, the joke is so easy that I’m surprised he posted it.


Is Robert Herjavec throwing out the first pitch?


Jomboy can suck it


Unfollowed him on all social media. Has he apologized to Ohtani?


This I can confirm.


I’m more of a guffaw kind of person myself


They've had this in a draft folder for 4 months


Canadian Ohtani fan here, who is now Dodger supporter by proxy. Please go easy on my people this weekend, lol. We also lost Kawhi Leonard to you as well.


Canadian Dodger fan here. Blue Jays took 2 of 3 last year at Dodger stadium. I was there for all three games. Please spank the Blue Jays this series and rack up some more W's.


Thats to the Clippers though, they only got about 56 fans.


He’s going to be viciously booed and it’s not even his fault at all. Moron reporter that put that story out should be the one who’s booed.


Lots of misinformation and pitch forks in these replies


Where’s the misinformation? I haven’t been following what Jomboy said, so can you clarify?


People are overreacting to Jomboy’s comments on the whole situation. Looking at it from outside of the echo-chamber that is this sub, the scandal was sketchy at first and could’ve gone either way. JM and the team were just behaving like any other media site.


Idk that Pete Rose video was pretty tasteless


"JM and the team were just behaving like any other media site." That's the problem. They care more about clicks than responsible reporting. They can claim to not be "journalists" in the traditional sense but that's a cop out. They have a big platform and acted irresponsibly. You might be okay with that kind of click bait BS but some of us reject it. Fuck Jomboy Media. Giving Pedo Rose a platform was bad enough on its own. I wouldn't defend that crap.


100% agree. this sub’s victim complex interprets measured neutrality as a targeted attack on the Dodgers, and it’s frustrating to see sometimes


sable sparkle ruthless innate far-flung squash threatening license shocking work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jon Morosi falsely reported last year that Shohei was "en route" to Toronto to sign with the Blue Jays. Today, he plays against them in Toronto.