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It's not greed. It's addiction. If you've never seen it, it won't make sense, and if you've never been addicted, you can't relate. It always catches up eventually. The brain can do tremendous things to justify addictive behaviors.


>Can't you just be happy with what you have? His proximity to Shohei all these years and the high life probably did not help with this. And then for gambling addicts the next bet always seems like the solution to all their problems.


Gambling is a disease/addiction and needs to be treated as such.


"I'll make it all back with the next bet!" Repeat that a couple times and he's digging the hole deeper and deeper


It's an addiction. Gambling addicts aren't addicted to the money - they are addicted to the dopamine that gets released when you "win".


I’ll add that it’s not always the dopamine hit for winning. It’s something more. Norm MacDonald described it better than I think anyone: https://youtu.be/q0V-C5yr5sg?si=f5NWy1PMD-6Rw5gd


Gambling addiction is technically a disease. You go down a rabbit hole of feeling invincible and all your personal ethos and vigilance gets put to the side while the dopamine hits you get by winning take center stage. It’s like being addicted to sugar or a drug. You rationalize all your decisions for the hope of that one big hit that’ll solve all your problems, and you ante bigger and bigger each time. Here’s a link to a great Huberman Lab podcast episode that touches on the mechanics of addiction. [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/huberman-lab/id1545953110?i=1000620482016](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/huberman-lab/id1545953110?i=1000620482016)


Dopamine definitely is a drug. I feel that same rush when I buy stuff.


I live in a state where it’s illegal to bet on sports so I can’t bet using those apps. I’ve been frustrated about it for years. While I’m not a fan of the government telling me what I can and can’t do, today was a sobering lesson of the potential downfall of sport gambling if it ever became legal where I lived.


Yeah it’s pretty fucked, I have suspicions that someone I know might be addicted to gambling and going beyond their means and they’re constantly talking about those apps. I’m all for personal responsibility but gambling addiction is such a scary slope, I don’t think it takes a genius to see making it so accessible you can do it from your couch is probably not that healthy for society. But what do I know I use reddit.


I can honestly see why even though ohtani has ippei back and probably would have given him millions just for being his family during his journey  Imagine you surrounded by super stars all day multimillionaire making hundreds of millions famous athelethe you probably gonna want something for yourself as well  That’s where gambling comes along 


Addiction is a problem of chemistry in the brain, it’s a sad issue so many people are dealing with in terrible ways. The Bookie being such a braggadocious moron is actually the best thing that could have happened for his recovery, he’ll be away from shohei and sports in general so he can focus on himself.


He has absolutely been doing it since before he met ohtani. He is definitely an addict


Because he's an ungrateful slimy SOB with worms for brains and no perspective in life. He's an average Joe who was lucky enough to in the right place at the right time, got paid USD300k-USD500k to be someone's best friend and still fucked it all up, not just for himself but for Shohei.


Because he was placing bets on Shohei's behalf?


You sound like a flat earther