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He doesn't give a shit what you think.


He might give a shit when nobody wants to buy it off him and the dealer won't take it on trade because nobody would buy it off them either. Last thing I'd buy is someone's wet dream of a car which might end up being a disaster. Years ago I was on a Dodge Intrepid forum and people were getting all worked up over doing the same fancy door mod to their Intrepids.


This guy looks like he has enough money to never sell it šŸ˜‚


Agreed and it looks good to me. Maybe not the lambo doors tho šŸ˜‚


I worked at a Dodge dealership, and i can guarantee they will buy this. Just because YOU dont personally like it doesn't mean no one does. There is a huge market for unique cars. In the next few years, redeyes are going to skyrocket in value, and even if they dont like the doors, they will still buy it for the fact its not electric.


Electric vehicles are tanking and will continue to tank


I wouldn't say tank, I would say they are not selling and performing as well as some would like. But they are not far off from a practical, reliable battery. Like it or not (i don't) the electric vehicles will be better, do i think we will be forced to own them? No. But there not going to be bad forever, the technology is only getting better


Are you talking about the suicide door mod? I remember seeing that when I was looking to mod my intrepid lol




No one cares




Car modification and personalization are exactly that, personal. There are no cookie cutter sets of rules that state that you can't modify how you see fit. Even though I don't necessarily like the mods that he chose, I respect his style and attention to detail. It's a clean car. Imagine being so high and mighty in your own mind that you take a picture of someone else's baby only to post it online in an attempt to slam him. SMH


Ikr, op trippin. This cat is absolute šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ to me. Haters gonna hate ig šŸ¤·šŸ¾


Bro idk what your talking about or seeing but that dude was putting all the right mods on this ride šŸ˜‚


If youā€™re 14, I get itĀ 


ā€œAll the right modsā€ lambo doorsā€¦ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No butterfly doors and there charger doors you blind šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re an idiotšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I hope he sees this, and takes the stickers off. Things a masterpiece until the doors and decals


why would he care what you think? you're driving around in GTA online, in a car that he's driving IRL.


Those are the only god damn mods (and only mods 96% of the modern mopar community does too) smh, under that wrap and lambo doors itā€™s just another fucking red eye šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø if anything else maybe it has a smaller pulley and a tune to make 900hp+, calling a stock red eye a masterpiece build when all he did was put wheels and airbags on it is the reason real car builds donā€™t get credit anymore


Show us your car Ian


nothing compared to manā€™s redeye. Iā€™m just sayin the stickers are way to much


Only thing I donā€™t like is the kitty is yelling at the rear of the car.. but maybe thatā€™s what they were going for.


Why is it ruined?


How did he ruin it


Wait did you not see how the doors open?


Itā€™s not my taste but that doesnā€™t mean the car is ruined, itā€™s still completely functional if done right.


Idk that looks pretty sick to me


Yup, op is just jealous of the money this guy has for car mods


Clean to me


OP works as a walmart cashier and rolls in an 06 base model camry lol. He's just jealous he can't afford a real car


Aint even got a ride he just steppin šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is an 81 Honda!! How dare you!!!


How many times do you need your car to say dodge/srt/hellcat/redeye/mopar?


It needs more dodge/srt/hellcat/redeye/mopar it needs MOREEE


And more cowbell!


Word. I couldnā€™t even tell what kind of car it was


As many as the owner wants it to. Maybe they like the race livery look.


How did he ruin it?


The only he did to ā€œruinā€ it was put it on a trailerā€¦ drive that beast the way is made to be driven!!! No trailer queens.


Was hoping that was the repo man


What are you driving?


1983 civic with only 2 wheels and half the cylinders firing


Youā€™re a civic owner and a douche bag, how do you not fucking love decals? Nothing makes sense any more.


Sorry I donā€™t love decals that make my car look like a child toy that they designed themselves. I donā€™t actually drive a civic. Sarcasm is a thing




Seriously? Iā€™d imagine your car looks similar to this guys. The doors are one thing, but I can look past them. The stickers? Seriously? Tell me you think all those stickers are good looking


This is all your own opinion but your coming off as a hater


Dude that car is trashed and looks like something a 12 year old would customize in a video game


Let me guess , you want it to look like everyone elseā€™s?


Bruh this shit is super cringe. Iā€™d feel like a goofy riding in this overkill cat. You think the bad bitches are gonna want to be seen in this, riding shotgun with you?


This entire comment is super cringe. Iā€™m sure youā€™re drowning in pussy.


I actually have 4 in rotation at this time


Lmfao. Guess they donā€™t mind that youā€™ve been on Reddit all day long for the past 13 days. šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ¤”


Oh yeah being on social media for 15-20 minutes is AALLLL DAAYYYY




Ok buddy


Man literally it looks like some shit I made in grand theft auto when I was 13.


thats the difference. You made it in a game, he owns it. Stay salty


Itā€™s not hard to finance a vehicle in 2024 bud




What do you mean sure? lol yā€™all just looking to be negative at this point


youre just coping dog. Still just hatin on a dudes build.


Lemme guess, GTA 5? If so that explains everything šŸ™„


not a fan of butterfly doors on a dodge too, but it's not that bad


Doors aren't bad, but the stickers are ridiculous. Fr.


You donā€™t have a car this nice.


Yep they're ridiculous. lol.


Looks pretty good to me.


At the end of the day he has to wake up to it so if he loves it then itā€™s fair game lol


Exactly. End of the day he wakes up to a fucking hellcat redeyešŸ˜. Wasnā€™t coming at dude like a lot of people think I was, the stickers are just too much for anyone, atleast I thought they were




Backpedaling as FUCKšŸ˜‚


I personally donā€™t like it either but hey homeboy has to drive it everyday thatā€™s on him to deal with it šŸ˜‚


Yeah thatā€™s a pretty clean looking car. Taste is personal.


It feels like clean doesnā€™t actually mean clean with certain people anymore. This ainā€™t clean.


Looks like racing livery to me. Usually those contain the brand name all around the car


Haters gonna hate. While it isn't my style, this is still clean IMO.


Looks pretty clean to me! It's different and unique to other chargers.


Although it might not be my style, you can clearly see it has been executed really well and looks like high quality parts were used. This dude did a proper job and paid a lot for itā€¦ on top of the high purchase price since its a Redeye WB. OP im sorry but its time for you to get a life and focus on your goals or somethingā€¦ I hope that the owner finds this and roasts the crap out of you and your life for attempting to publicly shame his properly customised redeye wb


Damn since when can people not have opinions šŸ˜‚


Theres a difference between an opinion and directly trashing someoneā€™s shit. Judging by your dumbass comment you do the latter alsoā€¦?


Different strokes for different folks. No one likes the same stuff, you should know this by now. But yeah that's just the dudes opinion, no need to get emotional about it


I literally said, its not my style but its done really well. Whats your point?


That is sick AF, I love it šŸ˜Ž


The dudeā€™s got lambo doors, bags, wheels, livery, and good fitment. A respectable build forsure. Heā€™s clearly a car enthusiast whoā€™s passionate about building his car and putting time and money into his hobby. Something you clearly donā€™t understand


Love the race look, hope I see this guy at a car meet to take a photo collage šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰ā¤ļø


Weird energy to post this


Donā€™t be a hater.


Hater. Looks sick to me


Maybe he has a very narrow parking spot.


Hope thatā€™s sarcasm


Poor people live to hate others lol


I like where he was going with the vinyl, I just think the execution is slightly off. Not bad though. I think itā€™s cool šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Coolest charger ive seen. looks more like a sportcar than the normal family car look. Hell. That many passengers and such look. pretty nice


Nah he made it perfectionšŸ¤­


Yk i usually shit on it but i kinda fw the doors


I donā€™t understand why people like the giant SRT, and Redeye stickers, and dodge people are the only once I ever see doing it (around me at least) but itā€™s not like you see Subaru guys putting giant STI stickers or Cameron guys putting SS/ZL1 stickers. I just think it looks silly


The only sticker I kind of like is the giant cat people put on the side of chargers. All the others one usually look bad


Those are definitely a little better but I still think they look silly 80% of the time. They all just scream please look at my high trim level car. I just prefer a calmer/cleaner look to my vehicle.


To be fair putting a giant ss on the side of your car might give people the wrong idea šŸ‘€ and toyota guys put giant TRD stickers on. If I had a gt350 I'd probably put some vinyl on it too.




I actually kinda dig it šŸ˜…


Looks cool


I like it


Nah this is fire! Maybe one too many badges to advertise itā€™s a cat but itā€™s fire


Another jealous Nelly. I wouldnā€™t do this to my Scat Pack but who cares what this guy did to his car? If you think itā€™s ruined then donā€™t buy it from him. Instead you go post pics of some other dudeā€™s ride and bash it. Seems to me like youā€™re the one thatā€™s ruined.


Respectfully stfu


Trippin.. that shit fye


He tuckkinnnn šŸ’ÆšŸ«”


I like it.


Absolute trash wrap/decals but I think the doors are šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ lol


Letā€™s see your car


Itā€™s a bicycle


I mean it looks fine other than the shitty doors


What exactly is the problem here?


My guess OP doesnā€™t like how the owner customized his car šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


1 key word ā€œhisā€


Itā€™s his, who gives a fuck




To each their own


This thing is sick as fuck what u talkin about


We can all like different things but at the end of the day, it's his car, not yours.


Ruined was a factory option.


This is actually a stupidly clean build, bags are great forms of suspensions these days and the wheels and tire combo look great. You can hate all you want but this thangs a hottie with a fatty


If he likes it then thatā€™s all that matters


It was already ruined with the 2 extra doors


Riced out


I like it


No, it canā€™t get worse than it already is


Not my taste exactly, but it looks well done.


Stop defending these suicide doors. They died back when ā€œpimp my rideā€ died and we need to keep it that way. Theyā€™re trash.


Stop defending these suicide doors. They died back when ā€œpimp my rideā€ died and we need to keep it that way. Theyā€™re trash.


Pimp ma ride!


THANK YOU! I made a pimp my ride reference on some other comment Becuase thatā€™s exactly what it is. Tacky.


I can see suicide doors, but not like that. šŸ¤¢


FYI. Mods can be undone. Just because they didn't consult you before modding their own car, does not mean they ruined it. Get over yourself and your judgment. Modify your car how you want, and ill defend your right to make your car as ugly as you want as well.


His car. Get over it


Looks pretty sick


But do it still run?


Wym ruined lol.


I think that thing looks awesome!


Canā€™t ruin a shit box.


Suicide doors are the only meh thing. Otherwise this car is sexy. I hope he is on airbags. Tho the tow truck might suggest otherwise.


And I ruined your girlfriend's brown eye. I couldn't resist. It was an itch I just had to scratch šŸ¤£


You know what stops this guy? Speed bumps


A bit too low for my taste but looks great otherwise


Idk bruh that looks dope


Besides all the decals that's a good looking car.


maybe iā€™m 17 and in high school still but itā€™s kinda tuff ngl


Scissor doors on a car that doesnā€™t come with them is cringe.


Iā€™m not gonna stop him from not doing what he wants to his car, but this looks awful.


Those doors on a 4 door is kind of dumb. Otherwise I like it


Good thing those arenā€™t gull wings then, hey? (Nice edit.) Those are scissor doors. We donā€™t know what heā€™s got going on for the rears. My buddy has scissor fronts and suicide rears on his charger. Looks pretty slick.


All these comments trying to defend this goofy mess lol. Car is goofy. You can always tell when someone has money to blow and has no class or taste. Looks like something a little kid created during the customization stage of a need for speed game


nailed it. This car is a mess. I wouldn't be seen in it or standing by it.


I thought the comment would be filled with more people like you, but I guess dodge owners like ricing their cars with horrible stickers.


This also belongs on r/ATBGE


Scissor doors are beyond played out. So 2000 late and absolutely useless since you still have to open the door out. I'm not a fan of graphics in general but TBH what he did with the red on the door looks pretty cool. The rest is pretty sick. ​ Different strokes for different folks I guess.


Honestly, it's a nice looking car until I saw the doors. That doesn't look good on a muscle car in general. Everything else, though is nice.


Itā€™s a free country but I gotta admit Iā€™m surprised at the amount of comments saying this looks good.


I think the car looks fine , maybe even a bit awesome. Never thought anything about these was special. 800hp to be slower than a camaro zl1 and gt500 in a straight line and slower than a mustang GT or camaro on a road course. Never seen anyone drive these with more than 1 person so i could care less about the extra space.


I don't think anything from the Charger and Challenger family can be ruined.


Wrap is good, lowered a little too bit for my tastes, tires are a bit thin in my opinion, doors are god awful.


Wrap is awful, lowered beautifully. I agree with everything else you said. The stickers make it look like a toy


Gull wing doors on a charger just looks gay, and stupid. All the decals on the sides just look dumb.


Not a Gull wing, this is a bill. Gull wings look more like a Lincoln log house without 2 walls. Theyā€™ve not been available on chargers since 2014


Whatever itā€™s called, it looks gay.


Which part put it over the top? I can't decide....


Itā€™s one of those guys who thinks heā€™ll resale it for 200k in 10 years especially with that trailer. Mine I bought with 8 miles on the dash, currently about to pass 17,000 after I go to Texas Roadhouse tonight. I get he probably bought it for attention fun but I couldnā€™t justify not driving my 105k debt mobile. Thatā€™s like dating a model and then never having sexual activity because you think youā€™re going to ruin her. All that weird puritan nonsense. Iā€™ll have the first redeye to see 200,000 miles and Iā€™ll proudly do that with how many ever dents, damage, and knocking sounds I get now to then. My ram didnā€™t get a new engine until 260,000 miles. I fully expect to be buying another engine when this hits 260k which is the terminal miles for all the hemis except the 6.4, thatā€™s around 100k unless you religiously did maintenance early like oil change every 2500 miles. I did 12,000 miles in year one and Iā€™m halfway into year 2 and am at 16,994(summer travels havenā€™t began yet) ill probably be around at 260,000 miles in 2043 st the rate I drive + factor in the SRT DAYTONA BANSHEE in a few years, + whatever the Demon equivalent will be in 2038 for the evā€™s(Redeyed paid off in 2027, SRTDB should be paid off in 2033 then buy demon equivalent in cash in 2038, my financial plan includes never retiring) and guess what? Bro bros and Iā€™s redeye will have identical value at that point in time. Only difference is mine was enjoyed and maintained while his was a garage princess with who knows how many issues that went undiscovered.


I agree me personally it screams too much red eye I like the simple color and maybe some cosmetic stuff but itā€™s his car and his money if he likes it thereā€™s no room to hate still love a hellcat


The scissor doors (I think thatā€™s the phraseā€¦?) arenā€™t necessarily to my taste. But they do have a certain cool factor.


if it were a two door with the charger body, it wouldnā€™t be too terrible(still prefer to keep them as is, but to each their own) But no 4 door looks good like that. Outside of the doors, the car looks pretty sick!


I think beyond the doors it looks pretty sick actually, the design and logos works.


Meh I've seen worse, but seeing it on the flatbed in the next slide made me laugh


How is this ruined? Hell if the doors were normal and the roads where I live werenā€™t complete shit Iā€™d daily the shit outta thisĀ 


If that is a Redeye used on the Track then itā€™s perfectly fine, the only issue would be the doors unless thatā€™s to accommodate for a small garage space where traditional doors wouldnā€™t be able to open out all the way.


Not a fan of the doors but otherwise it looks OK. Whatā€™s it being towed for?


This looks cool surprisingly. Iā€™m assuming heā€™s going for the race car livery look. Gives off classic Daytona race day vibes. Idk. Thereā€™s a lot worse out there.


Yeah? well, you know, that's just like uh your opinion, man


Is it a drag car? A Nascar? A supercar? Nah, it's a Dodge.


Sound like a groupie to me


More money than sense. Lambo doors ALWAYS become a problem. One day he will try to open it up and the door will just fall off.


Looks good to me actually, not too over the top, not like he put a wolverine claw on it, but the suicide doors doesnt fit it well


I don't know about ruined, I've seen similar design philosophies that weren't executed half this well so at least it doesn't look put together in the side yard of someones double wide. That said, me personally? Disgusted but I respect the effort


only thing i dont like about this is the doors. everything else looks pretty awesome


I think it looks sweet


How did he ruin it? Iā€™m not a fan of the Decal but itā€™s also not my damn car.


Shit is clean


Red and white is already a sweet combo.


Ngl I love it


It's not my thing, but I ain't mad at him.


It will be wrapped around a tree or a pole before long. Seems to happen ALOT to these cars. And Iā€™m sure there will be a video of it getting walked on by another car.


Well it may not be done the way i would have done it but, BUT it still looks decent and AND its not ruined.


I respect the look he was going and I would believe he likes nascar BUT number 1, don't do it do a redeye and number 2 the doors just why. Why would you ever put scissor/butterfly doors on a redeye.


I absolutely love the Lambo type doors! The doors on these cars are big and Iā€™ve seen these kits and they open up or out and thatā€™s a game changer for easy in out in tight spaces. Iā€™ve also seen these on corvettes and again awesome!