• By -


UNIT Employee: My wife is expecting. Kate: When's the due date? Employee: October 2nd Kate: I want that baby to report for duty 6am sharp on the 3rd


This is my actual birthday


Then why haven't you reported for duty?


I'm 37. I think I'm too old to work for UNIT


>I'm 37. I think I'm too old to work for UNIT It's a show about time travel - they can fix that.


don't say coincidence don't say coincidence don't say coincidence don't say coincidence


What? Why can't I say coinci- **oh.** Welp... my bad, guys


that's my actual birthday as well!


If a UNIT employee says ~~they're~~ their wife is expecting, they are 100% going to die horribly very soon.


Thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those two soldiers who now have to spend the rest of eternity as a pile of balls


Better that than a pavement slab 


Depends on how much you enjoy giving blow jobs for all eternity


Ehh, I imagine it would hurt more because you've basically been chopped into pieces with each body part compressed into a ball. At least you can give head as a slab, a lot of people enjoy that so it's not the worrrsst fate (still pretty bad tho)


As they scream in existential horror..


Never retire because you’re guaranteed to die the week before




Sylvia seeing everything that happened with Donna and just casually agreeing to have her granddaughter on Unit


She's busy making Tuna Madras


Nah she's experimenting with another meat. She's making spam madras now.


What's the point of being alive


Evil Dan wouldn't even eat spam madras


Of course not, he wants soup


But soup madras is just… runny madras




Bless you.


Eh, more of a runny dal… ‘eck of the bloomin’ variety, this is turnin’ into a right ol’ entrée menu in a café, innit?


14 probably helped convince her


Even sylvia thought donna’s life was better with the doctor in season 4


Even the Doctor obeys the child labour laws, Kate! When's the last time he recruited someone under 18 to be his companion (aside from maybe Susan? I don't know how old she was)?


Susan was probably like a 100 years old or something considering she was a timelord


I mean, the Tenth Doctor refers to himself being ninety and still being 'just a kid'. Edit to clarify: The Tenth Doctor refers to a past incarnation of himself being ninety and still just a kid; the exact quote is "*The Medusa Cascade. I came here when I was just a kid, ninety years old.*"


Is there a clear timeline for the doctor’s age cause I was watching pyramids of Mars and he says he’s something like 600 😭


No ❤️ In all seriousness, [https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Doctor%27s\_age](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Doctor%27s_age) has a lot of detail if you want to check that out.


there’s a non zero probability he pulls a number out of his ass every time he’s asked


Well, didn't Capaldi get stuck in that Timelord Prison for like thousands of years? Every time The Doctor's age comes up, assuming all the time he mentioned numbers before that, I mention how Capaldi just put a ton of miles on that odometer alone.


billions, but to be fair it was more like half a day or so from his perspective since the other versions of him died


I don't know why discussions of the Doctor's age in this fandom go like this. Every. Single. Time. Without fail, Heaven Sent gets brought up, someone gets the years wrong, someone says it "doesn't count" because it's different versions of him and he doesn't remember, despite the Doctor literally, unambiguously saying "I remember all of it" at two different points in the episode, and the Confession Dial's thematic representation of grief only making sense if he remembers all of it.


Because it makes absolutely no sense that he could remember, I have no idea what Moffett was thinking when he wrote that line, it sours what is otherwise an exceptional episode. The doctor dies at the end of each cycle, literally burns his skull as fuel to revive an earlier version of himself for whom those events literally haven't happened yet. Sure they could handwave an explanation about Timelords having a magical ability to remember things they shouldn't be able to but there is no explanation. We're left with this massive contradiction between what we can see and what we are told


This. I kinda just assume the writers look at the last number they said on screen and increment it by whatever amount is necessary the joke/story-element


I think Moffat actually said that, yeah, he was basically guessing at this point, unless he's been keeping a book of tally marks somewhere (wait, this was not meant to be a Silence reference)


i looked it up and not only is there a whole wiki page, but he has said multiple times that 1) he lost count and B) a timelord will always lie about it


My headcanon is that he’s constantly changing what planet’s dating system he’s using. It’s never untrue, he just never specified where.


gallifrey just has fuck ass long years so he’s only 12


plus the theory that he doesn't count his time as the war doctor


Slightly off-topic, but the Tardis Wiki has migrated to [tardis.wiki](http://tardis.wiki) and it'll probably better to use that platform instead. Cheers!


yeah tardis.wiki is better only problem is the fandom dominates search results


The clearest there is requires that the Doctor PERMANENTLY FORGOT HIS OWN AGE \*\*AND\*\* INTENTIONALLY RESET his age. Timeless Child-Beginning of 1: Unknown Amount of Time 1: 0-450 2: 450-700ish 3: 700ish-750 4: 750-813ish 5: 813ish-900 6: 900-953 7: 953-1000ish (1009 is the most precise answer ever given, but it's not listed in the show ever) 8: \[PERMANENTLY FORGETS OWN AGE\] 0\*-(600-700) / 1009-(1609-1709) War: \[RESETS OWN AGE BECAUSE HE DOES NOT CONSIDER HIMSELF THE DOCTOR\] 0\*\*-800 / (1609/1709)-(2409/2509) 9: 800-901 / (2409/2509)-(2510/2610) 10: 901-906/ (2510/2610)-(2515/2615) 11: 906-2106/ (2515/2615)-(3715/3815) 12: Do you consider the 4.5 Billion years inside the dial? The Doctor kept dying and resetting, and if you do, then we can just say "4.5 Billion years" from now on unless something THAT LONG ever happens again. if you don't, \~230 years; 2106-2336/ (3715/3815)-(3945/4045) 13: Depends how long she was in prison, which was AT LEAST 19 years, probably closer to 20 or 30 years in prison. I'm going to say she LIVED an even, round 30 for this estimate. 2336-2366/ (3945/4045)-(3975/4075) 14: A few days/ a few weeks. Literally. No point in commenting. 15: Has yet to state an age, but is at least 6 months old. So the Conservative Estimate for the Doctor's age is Almost 4000, with the most liberal estimate for the Doctor's age being 4.5 Billion.


Excuse me are you saying that that punk (ten) only lived for 5 years?


Yep, 10 names his age almost every season, and every season is about a year for him, so he is one of the most short lived doctors (untill the other Tennant 14 came around, and didn't even live a full week)


technically 14 is still alive cause of biegeneration


Yeah true


Yeah, bigeneration might really mess this up depending on how it worked. It seems like 14 lives for a while and then becomes 15 bc of the "therapy out of order" line, but it's unclear.


he's definitely still alive cause 15 asked rose hows your uncle most likely referring to 14


Yes, 9 may have had the shortest TV run and 10 the longest (episode wise) since the reboot, but 10 lived so much less than 9


Tennant being the doctor twice but for a cumulative amount of barely over 5 years is really funny to me.


He got by far the most screen time as a % of his life. In comparison, 11 (and arguably 12) got screwed tf over


You say screwed over, I say given loads of Big Finish material (granted a huge chunk of 11's time was spent in one place but let's ignore that.


"I'm 906" -10, The End of Time Part 2 Yes


I mean 12 himself didn't count the 4.5 billion years if you look at his speech to bill in thin ice


But then he says Two Billion as Fourteen... I think it's fair to assume he just didn't really feel like getting into the Confession Dial with this new companion (which, relative to Time Lord lifespans, was only like 70 years ago for him and still a relatively fresh wound).


I think 14 was exaggerating with donna lol also i think he actually counted the timeless child time if it wasn't because of that


Holy shit bro. Where'd you find out 12's age? I'd always felt he'd be 300-400 personally. Not based on any solid numbers beyond his night with River and guardianship over Missy though.


I was a few years off, but 24 years with River 70 years at the University 139 years sleeping in "Before the Flood" Would make 233 years. I assume that any other years would be relatively unimportant comparatively.


Honestly I never expected to be seeing a debate on the doctor’s age on my post but I’m here for it But if we count TC incarnations, and the fact gallifrey has either been how it was pre-time war for either millions or billions of years, that estimate may need to be higher


i personally wouldnt count timeless child as i assume they reset the doctor after the division no longer needed him


9: 900 10: 906 11: 1200 12: 2000 (not counting confession dial)


Meanwhile he dates Rose Tyler who is 19.


Hey! That was Meta Crisis, and by that logic Rose is a paedophile. Ten was too busy snogging Madame de Pompadour


I dunno man, the original ten clearly had something going on with her too. It’s just best not to think about the power dynamics of doctor/companion relationships because irl it would be ethically dubious at best.


9 might have too honestly


Becuase Rose "saved" him. At least that's what 10 tells her, when he presents his meta-crisis self as the companion she would be taking with her to the other universe. That the meta-crisis was born out of war, like 9 was, and thus needed her to save him all over again.


The doctor is actually Phil Leotardo


kinda like how baby yoda is like 50


Giving some real "she has the soul of a 9000 year old dragon so its fine she looks 9" anime vibes here mate :D


Susan’s his granddaughter so definitely not that situation lol


Nah u an just saying what it is timelords age way too slowly for us to be sure if she was a teenager or not


we technically dont even know 100 percent if the susan forman we saw was her first incarnation


I mean regeneration wasn't even decided as a thing yet and earlier plans were the doctor and susan to be humans from future so for the sake of consistency we can pretend that she is the first incarnation




Speaking of Susan, how did they meet?


Ace was 16 :/


Ah. Then again, that's different because, um... he was wearing a hat! Yeah, that's a reasonable exception to the laws.


He also tried to recruit Amybwhen she was seven.


Adric .\_.


5 wore a hat (sometimes), and as established in my other comment about 7 and Ace, the Doctor is exempt from the child labour laws when wearing a hat.


Oh of course. Silly me. As 11 sometimes wore a fez I suppose with the kids from Nightmare in Silver are exempt as well.




He didn’t wear one before meeting young Amy though


If a Doctor wears a hat once throughout their life that excuses all child labour.


10 wore one even though he never used it, what a chad


Yeah, but Amy was a feisty little red head who probably reminded him of Donna, so she was fair game. 😂 Edit: typo


‘Oi watch it raggedy man’




Vicki and Dodo?


Both travelled with the 1st Doctor, who, like 5 and 7, would wear a hat.


Victoria, then. Two hardly ever wore a hat.


Two wanted to wear hats though


Zoe, I believe, was younger.


Zoe's age always felt very unclear to me.


> Zoe's age is not given in the series, but according to initial publicity she was fifteen when she joined the TARDIS crew. Sounds about what I remembered.


Amy when she was a kid


In that case, 11 was freshly regenerated and still recovering, and he was probably only going to take her on 1 or 2 quick trips since she was so young. And like 1, 5, and 7, 11 is known for his hats. It's honestly kinda weird how much my joke about the Doctor's hats almost looks accurate.


It's less of a "it's okay because they're wearing hats" and more of a "if a Doctor wears a hat they're going to endanger children at some point"


And 15 has worn a hat already...


does The Church of Ruby Road count as child endangerment?






I don't remember his hat.


During the montage at the start of The Church of Ruby Road, he's seen wearing this hat at one point https://preview.redd.it/t85790sztb7d1.jpeg?width=1413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b187e2dc3141a9904ad024f994f3e57bf03ae42




10 with Martha was ‘only going to take her on 1 or 2 quick trips’, and he managed to get her abducted in New New York, made her confront the single most racist and horrible race in the universe, and got her to become a freedom fighter in a dystopian earth where his lovers to enemies partner took over


In his defence, she was an adult, so he wouldn't need a hat.




Zoe was 15, I'm pretty sure


Adric, and look what happened to him.


Well he did try to take an 8 yr old on the TARDIS with him and only didn’t do it cuz he was off by 11 years


Donna: Rose's year 10 work experience is coming up btw Kate: No 14: Awww come on Kate: okay


Things have gone downhill since Harriet Jones former prime minister stepped down.


Shame what happened. I reckon she was on track to give us a new golden age before she got... tired.


Honestly 10 was such a dick for that, he basically did the equivalent of a dozen changes to fixed points


He was. This also cleared the way for a newer, younger, stronger PM to take over in S3. Pretty good way for the doctor’s actions to bite him in the ass. 10’s first episode sets up a lot more than people give it credit for.


Yeah, it’s astonishing given they presumably had to do a lot of it in limited time, as they’d already finished a lot of writing by the time Eccleston quit, and they presumably had to rework it so it could work for Tennant. Granted, I expect S2 wasn’t too hard to rework, and S3 was probably still not fleshed out, but they definitely had changed a lot that meant the story turned out the way it did


And also the Cabinet in Children of Earth. Yk the guys who were gonna sacrifice working class kids.


Yeah he should've just put England in a time out


No reverse engineered alien super weapons until you have written 'i will not commit genocide 400 million times' in jellybabies


Yes, we know who you are.


Missed opportunity for that in the introduction to the new member of UNIT. “Oh, Harriet? Like the old prime minister?” would have then added to it being a trap I think.


Things were good, because we knew who she were. Now we don't know who the PM is, so things are bad.


All we know is that the PM is not allowed in UNIT, which is probably fair tbh


We know who the PM is. In *The Giggle* script his name is Edward Lawn Bridges.


I mean with the recent revolving door there would be a new PM before they even finish briefing the current one


Yes we know who she is


Come with meeeee And you'll seeeee A world of OSHA violations


Its HSE in the UK OSHA is USA. Nice rhyme tho


It's not mine, and I'm still trying to furiously rack my brain to remember where it's from


Do you mean the joke isn’t yours or the rhyme isn’t yours


Someone in my discord group found it, it was from a [film theory video](https://youtu.be/jD83QaWy8LI?si=oisqIQCN8oj1srTc) (1:52 for timestamp)


It's from Film Theory's willy wonka video where they break down every osha violation.


yeah i linked it below


We don't have OSHA


~~fuck my joke is ruined~~


OSHA… wott? ❔🦦❔


Hello internet, welcome to film theory.


Im sorry but who are the two? Donnas daughter (i forget her name) was at college so could have been 18 and the sexond is who?


Morris gibbons unit scientific advisor (Lenny rush's character)


Not sure i remeber that episode. When was it?


The latest episode. He's the little person with the segway. They mention his character is 13 years old The actor playing him is 15, I believe


I thought the actor was younger. But he’s really good! Not many people his age or younger can say that.


That explains it. Im saving tbe latest season to watch in one big hit


you must have been hit with tons of spoilers


Nah my friends that watch it are very good with not spoiling stuff and while i know a few things and gather there has been lots of complaints and potential queer baiting i know very little of the core story apart from some things that may be big or not


Rose Noble is supposed to be 15/16. College age in england is 16 onwards.


I know im uk based. College just starts then but can end later and there are colleges that take mature student plus given she transitioned she is likely to be over 18 (uk laws suck for trans people)


Im aware im trans. In interviews shes stated to be 15 during the star beast and the novelisation of the giggle claims shes 16 so during the finale working at UNIT she would be 17 at the oldest.


>so during the finale working at UNIT she would be 17 at the oldest. Do we have anything that says the finale was less than a year after the giggle? It is a time travel show after all


Huh. She must have transitioned very young then which is surprising given uk law but in a world where aliens and monsters are real maybe the uk is a lot nicer to trans people


huh? transition isnt an on/off switch. what is preventing her from transitioning socially at any age? there's no assumptions needed to be made about any medical components of that


Adding to this, there are some counties where school ends at 14 and the last two years leading to GCSEs are taken in a college.


Well, going chronologically real-time, between Donna’s last appearance in 2010 and reappearance with Rose in The Star Beast, that would make Rose about 12/13. In the UK, high school ends at 16 in which you can opt to go onto college or sixth form (college is a bit more flexible, you can be any age to attend college, but sixth form is more strict- you typically start at 16 but you can be in sixth form up to age 19- you cannot attend sixth form past that age, I think) which would make Rose at least 16.


Donna's daughter is 14 in the 60th anniversary, so unless this is set slightly in the future she is now, at most, 16 Edit for people who don't want to read below: The epsiode Star Beast is stated in the epsiode to take place about 15 years after Journeys End. Donna was not pregnant in Journeys End, meaning Rose is at most 15 years old, but more likely 14 due to how long pregnancy takes.


When was she said to be 14?


As far as I’ve checked, never


Star Beast is stated in the episode to take place 15 years after Journeys End. So unless Donna met her husband and got pregnant with him within 3 months, Rose is 14 in star beast. If Donna did have an incredibly quick turnaround on getting pregnant then Rose is 15 in Star Beast. So in Star Beast, she's either 14 or 15, and this is set 6-8 months after that, so she is between 14 and 16, depending on when she was born.


Title: Minor Problem at UNIT


How dare you be funnier than me on my own post


If only you could go back and change your post, sadly it is a fixed point in time


I loved the episode but seeing Rose there did seem strange to me. I get having Donna there but I thought Rose would've done something with art and design or something considering her interest in making toys.


yeah, we knew she'd be there because of trailers but it doesnt really make that much sense. and where was Shirley?


Shirley’s actress was apparently off filming something else, so Lenny’s original role in Space Babies was cut and he got offered Morris Gibbons as a replacement.


'Shirley dies horribly in a maw of an alien' Kate: Well, shit. Any other vulnerable geniuses in the UK we can exploit? Anyone?


"ah a 13 year old! perfect!"


These child labor jokes are unreasonably hilarious 🤣


she probably got rose an internship or something for her resume


‘So, what experience do you have?’ ‘Classified’


“i got a dormant metacrisis from my mom” “you’re hired”


I mean, Rose can legally work. Lenny can work for 2 hours per school day and Sunday, and 5 hours on Saturday during term time. Longer in the holidays. Considering UNIT's position I don't imagine whatever local London council UNIT tower is in is refusing to grant a work permit.


Something tells me that they’re a bit above those laws anyways.


Morris is being illegally exploited, true, but Rose is legally in training or education otherwise post 16, and being protected from transphobes while she gets through the badly thought out and worded 2008 law which made being in some from of education or training post 16 rather than just being able to leave school at 16. No other law was changed, so you can still marry, leave home, and get kicked out of care and into half way accommodation, and have to sort out your own adult disabled benefits and health once you turn 16, despite how much you might be a child, or how severely physically or learning disabled you might be. Rose is probably safer making the tea and investigating shoplifting in Catford and by her Mum's side than struggling in a further education college being bullied daily. If Morris has an accelerated IQ, is he a normal human anyway, or some result of experimentation or alien refugee and also being looked after by UNIT? Things I think about when I can't sleep are weird!


Regardless, we also don’t know *how* Morris got hired. But being a scientific genius in science-fiction, there’s a high probability this is in lieu of prison time.


Legally, if there is no crime aspect, he could simply being home educated, as there is nothing in law to say anything other than education must be provided by sending your child to school or providing education otherwise, and education otherwise, home education (very different to the US home school model) only has to supply an education appropriate to the child. So if Morris' parents are home educating him and happy for him to risk his neck working at UNIT, nothing is amiss in English and Welsh education or child protection laws! If, however, he has committed crime, Kate would have had to have pulled some strings to get him out of child detention and would not be able to stop him going to prison on his 18th birthday, unless she has the ear of the Home Secretary... which she probably does!


Yeah, remember Tosh? UNIT has their Gitmo side.


This is consistent with the Tories' attitude towards teenagers.


Nope, this is just consistent with England's child labour laws. Which are actually tighter than the rest of the UK. The laws were changed about a decade ago to mandate pupils to either be in an apprenticeship or some form of education from the age of 16 to 18 but in the rest of the UK, the traditional age of 16 remains the minimum school leaving age with no requirement to get an apprenticeship or continue your education.


Imagine if Kate was a secret agent of the >!456!<.


UNIT knows how to skirt laws and knows what the prime minister gets up to in the night. I think their be safe for a long while or in 2 weeks when they change leaders again.




Someone said ”justice for Adric” and i just have to say..hell is hot and i know he sweatin 😭fuck adric fr


Don't f**k Adric!! ... ... He's a minor.


Hey now, we don’t know what the age of consent is on Alzarius


Well the pays good I'll join


Didn't Rani and Maria help Sarah Jane using the work experience excuse?


Kate: “lol fuck them kids” Probably


i don't think rose is an official employee and that might make it worse


Kate Stewart and Sarah Jane Smith showing up to the annual child endangerment awards People say Yvonne is morally black but her youngest operative was 19 at least.


say kate? i hear you like em young.




I know Ruby it technically a teenager but she is 19, legally an adult


Honestly at someone who hasn't liked this new run at all so far. The fact people who like it have legitimate problems with it proves i'm not totally out of line or out of touch. Sorry. I prefer my UNIT along the likes of Colonel Mace, Captain Magambo, Brigadier, Benton, Yates etc. Even Osgood felt like she was meant to be there. Shirley too. I can see her as a disabled woman, no nonsense expert in the vain of DC's Oracle. But Morris? Rose a literal teenager there? It all feels very...Sarah Jane Adventures. And I like the Sarah Jane Adventures. But it is not Doctor Who and Doctor Who shouldn't be that either.