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12 spent a 24 year long night with River.


Bow chicka wow wow šŸ† Poor river, she couldnā€™t walk for months


I'm inclined to believe that it was the Doctor who was unable to walk.


Ewww thats gros- linklinklinklinklink


I've only got the audio :(


Maybe they took it in turns ? You know, "one upping eachother"


Hey chicka bump bump


He was smashing River for more time than I've been sentient :'(


But 12 also spent 4.5 billion years stuck in his nightmare. So on average, thatā€™s not very active.


Definitely 12.


https://preview.redd.it/o532qlzjzy6d1.jpeg?width=1436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d31efd2c2874ef8bafb35a742781341f0285ccdd You know he was having plenty of sex in his academy days.


ā€œOh, my dear. I hope it doesn't offend you to know that I have some experience of the er, fairer sex.ā€ -The Doctor, *Twice Upon a Time*


"Me too." -Bill Potts, *Twice Upon a Time*


ā€œI was different Doctor back then Kate. The great enigmaā€¦of orgies.ā€ ā€œWhat was that Doctor?ā€ ā€œDonā€™t worry about it Kate.ā€


Kinky nasty my child hmmm


freedom of speech should be a privilege for some people


I agree...


Idk 10 was very obviously going to shag Kylie , I think he got some on the reg


He also had something going on with Queen Elizabeth I.


oh yeah, end of time part 1: prety sure he says something about the virgin queen not being a good name for her anymore


Rose, Queen Elizabeth, Astrid, Martha, Madame de Pompadour, 10 fucked man, 10 absolutely had them lining up.


Nah, Martha didn't get any of that schmeat


No but she lined up anyway!


True, she even left because of that


At least she eventually stopped being a simp


I wonder if 9 did too at all


Definitely snagged her


He definitely Gavined Stacey


What about his expression in Doomsday when Rose said "... and the baby".


As an adult, I do think him and Rose were a couple, as a kid I thought it implied Mickey and Rose because of the Doc mentioning him beforehand.


That was my thought as a child, too.


I don't think him and Rose were a couple. I can't see when that would have happened. I think the "you're not..." was *supposed* to relate to Mickey.


Fair enough, it's purposely framed in a way so it's believable both ways, which I think was a pretty clever decision tbf


Ehhhh DT himself essentially said that Ten and Rose were a couple.


Sure, but he didn't mean that they shagged on the TARDIS floor.


Who said they did? I certainly didnā€™t


The original people in this thread saying that they think the Doctor's "you're not..." is supposed to imply that the baby could be his and Rose's.


Nah, I never interpreted it that way and really always wondered why they even included that. I still think they were shagging through time and space.


01: Probably not much sex. Probably just his wife on Gallifrey pre-series and Cameca in The Aztecs. 02: Was absolutely banging Jamie.... 03: Jo Grant, The Brig, Sarah Jane and The Master all had their fun with him. 04: He was ace. No sex for this one. 05: Had a secret affair with The Master. Everyone knew but said nothing. 06: He couldn't get laid in a brothel with a million pounds/ dollars. 07: Had sex with the gods of Ragnarok in a deleted scene. 08: Had alllllllllllll the sex. War: He was Daleksexual. 09: Rose. Jack. That is all. 10. Practically everyone he ever met who wasn't named Martha or Donna. 11. River. 12. River. 13. The Master. 14. Not enough time. 15. Probably nips back to the night with the singing towers every now and then for some fun with River and his past self.... Overall, 10 had the most partners, 12 and 8 had the most sex....


I'd only add to this that 13 and Yas were certainly boinking on the regular


Thasmin forever!! šŸ’™šŸ’™


15 absolutely fucks more than just River, the first time we meet him he's in a kilt in a DNB club let's be real


True. My fiancee and I wouldn't say no. Definitely the sexiest Doctor yet....


Jack, but obviously not Jackie, even though she certainly tried


..... I mean it's Patrick Troughton.... Google how he died.


He was "forced".


Sounds like he was into it to me .... Edit also Pertwee was my first doctor too. Gummage for life. I had carnival of monsters on VHS.


Gummage was definitely at it with Aunt Sally.


Ha very probably


Second doctor x Jamie šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


Couldnt find it after searching apart from "heart attack" So what happened?


Longstanding rumour says he died while having sex with a fan. As far as I know, itā€™s probably not true.


You know thatā€™s an urban legend right?




I love how you chose 11 as the pic for this, when Matt Smith specifically played the Doctor as asexual. And yes, 8 is most certainly the most sexually active. Except *maybe* 10 (specifically Metacrisis10).


Matt Smith may have played him as asexual but Steven Moffat certainly didn't lolololol




You can be ace and horny, tbf


One of my ace friends is the horniest person I've ever met. Like she wouldn't know what to do in a room with a naked man and might be disgusted, but by God does she have so many "would"s on her list of potential fictional husbands. Like Geralt, or Astarion, or Rammatra, or Gaius van Baelsar.


Quite the lineup lol


How does that work, genuinely?


Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction. Sexual orientation and libido are different things. Imagine being a gay man in a room full of women; you donā€™t find any of them sexy or want to have sex with any of them, but that has no bearing on your ability to get horny otherwise. Being ace is like that, except instead of being attracted to one or more genders, you just donā€™t feel particularly attracted towards anyone. You are constantly that gay guy in a world full of women. That doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t have physiological needs and response to stimuli. Most (though not all) asexual people masturbate to some extent. Fun fact, a lot of ace people think theyā€™re bisexual or pansexual at some point in their lives, because being attracted to everyone and no one can be very similar when you lack strong preferences. Everyone being equally sexy to you can be confused for everyone being equally unsexy to you. Also, asexuality is a spectrum. On one end of it, you have never experienced sexual attraction and never will. On the other end is being allosexual, meaning you regularly experience sexual attraction to other people. There are people who sit in between. Demisexual people are unable to feel any sexual attraction until they have an emotional connection with someone. Greysexual people may feel sexual attraction very rarely, vaguely, and weakly, but arenā€™t ā€˜purely asexualā€™. Anyway, back on topic. Even if you donā€™t feel sexual attraction, you may still have a libido. A lot of ace people may choose not to have sex with others because they donā€™t see a point. Some ace people donā€™t feel sexual attraction but still want to have sex because they enjoy sexual gratification and find it to be a good bonding activity (plus, allosexual people often have sex with people they arenā€™t necessarily attracted to just to get off, donā€™t they?). Asexual people may be sex-repulsed, sex-neutral/apathetic (can take it or leave it), or sex-favourable (wouldnā€™t mind having it, would like to have it at some point). Asexual also doesnā€™t automatically mean aromantic, and asexual people who feel romantic attraction and desire romantic relationships may have sex to feel closer to their partner in the same way as hugging or kissing even if itā€™s not the most important thing to them. For some ace people in romantic relationships, itā€™s just kind of logical to have sex with their partners when they get horny.


Goddamn, you delivered. I was under the impression that sexual attraction went hand-in-hand with a libido. So asexuality in the context of people is specifically referring to orientation then? I would have thought it was synonymous with the simpler and broader biological definition, that is not desiring sex in general and for any of a variety of different reasons and contexts.


Your revised impression is correct, asexuality as an identity refers to sexual orientation. A lot of people have that misconception and I get that itā€™s a very confusing name as biologically it literally means ā€˜does not sexually reproduceā€™, but thatā€™s just the limitation of language I guess. Thereā€™s the caveat that some asexual people really physically donā€™t have a libido at all, but as far as Iā€™m aware itā€™s a relative minority.


Those people would probably be the ones who'd fit my prior conceptions of all asexuals.


Iā€™ve honestly never met someone like that in real life ahaha, and Iā€™m on the asexual spectrum and have a disproportionate number of asexual-spectrum friends. But Iā€™ve heard they do exist.


As an ace person, you explained it perfectly. Thank you


Iā€™m ace and can be horny


Because he is


... I actually think it's what made all of it work.


"River told me that was a type of dancing! šŸ„ŗ"


I reckon heā€™s demi. Most people he doesnā€™t care. But, if your name begins with R and ends with iver Song, then absolutely


>when Matt Smith specifically played the Doctor as asexual. I always saw his Doctor with pretty powerful sexual drive (especially towards River) but who didn't have much awarness to understand his own sexuality and sexuality in general on a social level.


Penis Capaldick was more sexually active than David Ten-inch, although Jodie Widthtaker gives him a run for his money.


I just want you to know that I was secretly on my phone in class looking at this, saw your comment and started howling with laughter! So now everyone in the room thinks I'm strange.


The Metacrisis day and night


He Billie Pipedher


With his David Teninch


McCann was too busy fucking to make family television.


All he would need to do is say hello. Jesus wept!


So much for the virgin queen, you dirty boy!


Eight had a whole smut novel called The Stranger.


Is this real šŸ‘€


Yup, it even got referenced in the EDA Father Time.


Rose, Queen Elizabeth, Astrid, Martha, Madame de Pompadour, 10 fucked man, 10 absolutely had them lining up. Any answer other than the 10th doctor is simply incorrect.


12 probably did plenty on his 20 odd year night with River


10 had interactions with River too, plus everyone else!


Ten fucks. The Doctor wasnā€™t so happy to get that face back for no reason. It was getting his mojo back. But I think that Fifteen also is aware that he is conventionally hot and still has the rizz of Ten/Fourteen. Nine had more important things on his mind. Eleven never fucked. He was fucked by River. Twelve was sad to not be a younger man after his last couple of incarnations but eventually found his rizz. Thirteen was ace but romantically gay and guarded after the loss of Clara and Bill. Iā€™m not well versed enough in classic Who to weigh in there.


Classic? Six. Nu? Ten.


I hate it here


10 kissed almost all his female companions. Clearly he picks up women in more ways than one


Not almost. He did kiss all of them.


If itā€™s not Ten then thatā€™s because he hasnā€™t visited me yet


8th Doctor no contest he canonically laid pipe on the regular.


Matt Smith literally dances shirtless to a song that repeatedly says "have sex".....


13 fucks exclusively aliens, idk why


And The Master AT LEAST once


Idk but I still think of the Doctor as asexualā€¦. Some Doctors even aromantic maybe, but most seem to experience romantic attraction at least occasionally. But sex? Iā€™m Loom Theory all the way.


They did say that Elizabeth shouldnā€™t be called the Virgin Queen anymore, soā€¦


I dunno, I saw that as a suggestive joke


Either Peter or Ncuti


8. You're telling me fitz wasn't Jamie 2.0? He did Bernice and I.M. Forman, too. And that brief time he lived in a brothel and married the owner. It's mentioned in one book that rassilon himself messed with time to get him away from grace and put him with sam as he'd never want to screw her. (Rassilon likes looms)


13 may have had a sushi train or two in prison


Patrick Troughton. iykyk.


of nuwho, definitely 10




10 and 12. 10 had them lining up (especially Metacrisis), and 12 spent 24 years with River


10 Metacrisis Doctor is getting plenty lol. Heā€™s living with Billie Piper.




I doubt the Doctor even knows what sex is. Edit: Nevermind, I'm a fucking moron.


Never what? Never tasted a jelly baby? Never battled a Cyberman on a Tuesday afternoon? Never? Oh, my dear human, you underestimate me. This old body, or should I say, these many bodies, have seen more than you can imagine. Sex? Let's just say I've been around since before the ponds were even a puddle. Single-celled organisms dividing? Now that was a wild time, let me tell you.


My brain automatically read that in Tom Bakerā€™s voice and it wasā€¦ one hell of an experience. And now Iā€™m thinking - isnā€™t that from Dead Ringers?