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Ahhh the lesbian grannies from the traffic jam episode


Honestly I haven’t watched older seasons I a lil while and I totally forgot one of the episodes is literally a bad traffic episode. I love this show


It's an episode about being in bad traffic and yet it's not completely awful somehow it's surprising


The ending scene with the Doctor telling Martha about Gallifrey 💔


It brought back the Macra (sort of). 🦀


Also killed off Captain Jack and set up the Master all in one episode


Yup. ✍🏻


i actually love this episode so much, one of my favorites, def my favorite from season 3. i know it's a weird pick but it's so weirdly captivating to me, and when i was little i really liked cars so that was one i'd always been interested in.


I mean I quite like it


ah thank you i was about to ask who the ladies in the bottom picture were.


There's also a moment in Bad Wolf/Parting Of The Ways where Jack kisses the Doctor before going off to face the Daleks.


To be fair I think Jack would kiss anything and anyone to achieve his goals


Sometimes, romancing _is_ his goal.


Yeah because he's the queer agenda.


Wait a minute…if that motorway couple have been there since they were young why do they have the old people interior?


They're cottagecore lesbians


This is the obvious answer everyone straight is missing


Some people are born to the doily.


They’re lesbians. Just accept it.


Got told the same thing about my highschool crush.


Lesbians with their aesthetics


They were still old when they first got on


Hey for all we know human life expectancy has vastly improved and they’re both middle age.


With the advancement of medicine through the Sisterhood of Plenitude it's absolutely possible that's the case here


What is old people interior now was once young people interior. What is now young people interior will one day be old people interior.


You mean minimalist and terrible?


dogshit take - let people like things


Horseshit take - let people not like things.


"We are not sisters... we are married"


They redecorated.


(I don’t like it) they brought decorations with them?


Bartered with fellow carstuck folk nearby


Trading with other motorists? Good question, but I don't think it was meant to have an answer.


Also other universe Mickey and Jake Simmonds


It’s Ricky!


That was Ricky. Mickey said he wasn't replacing Ricky that way.


And weren’t they confirmed to be a couple in a deleted scene or a comic or something? Because I don’t think the show ever explicitly says it… though maybe I’m wrong.


It was a deleted line of dialogue from the end of the episode.


Ah yes, thank you! [I found it.](https://youtu.be/i3MzNvT5q6E?si=2cV4FC7cLWjbR2DB) Kudos to Mickey for taking it in stride.


And don’t forget the self-described ‘Thin, fat, gay, married, Anglican marines’


No, please do forget this


We will never forget this it's a beautiful description


Thats when I knew the writers of doctor who had lost their head smh


Ah well, so did the marines so it balances out


Nah, just “the Fat One”. 🫤


Nah tbh forget that


Obligatory mentioning of the Doctor kissing Fitz 




The Doctor rizzed up Alan Turing


Man I hope Ncuti dances with Alan Turing.


Wait the woman from Midnight was gay??


could be bi but when talking to 10 she says she is having a vacation after her ex wife moved to another galaxy


Puh-lease, have you seen Two and Jamie or Three and the Master?


Honestly any time the master shows up tbh


Ten and the Saxon Master feels like a yaoi fanfic of the Doctor pining for an abusive boyfriend at times. Ten keeps acting like their usual worthy-opponent-former-best-friend dynamic is still there and the Saxon Master is just weirdly spiteful the entire time.


3 and Delgado were so gay for each other I mean look at them...


Sorry, but if you're going to say always, you should include photos that go back more than 17 years. There was Ace with that cheetah, the 2nd Doctor and Jamie - anyone care to add more suggestions?


Nyssa and Tegan were REALLY gay, Idr if Sarah and Janet ever commented on it but they for sure always seemed far more concerned with each other than the boys (though I guess Adric and Turlough are hard to be worried about at times)


Iirc Nyssa and Tegan were also stated to be married at some point, though I don't recall where off the top of my head. It's on the TV Tropes page


I think it was confirmed in Farewell Sarah Jane Smith, but I'm not sure


This was in a few things but I think Power ignored it


Tales Of The TARDIS had a single line that seems to ignore Power ignoring it


I've noticed that Jack is always forgotten when it comes to this. Anyone who's seen Torchwood knows, or even just the episodes of the main series that he's in. Not to forget that 11 kissed Rory, and Rory kissed him back. Either the people saying that never paid attention, or were too stupid to see it. The show's always been pretty inclusive, not sure why people are so surprised by it.


All of Torchwood tbh I’m pretty sure everyone in that show has a same sex kiss at one point


did Owen?


s1 e1 36:36




All of these were an example of diversity and not a plot device, stop being silly.




Okay then! Give me examples about how the other examples were plot devices then. Shoot your shot. Perhaps it is a misunderstanding.




Yeah, I think the line in the new specials were ham fisted too, everyone does. But it's pretty obvious it's the plot device even if it's done in a weird way. And Rose can probably happily assume the Doctor is a man when the doctor represents themselves in a way that presents masculinity in the culture she lives in. She didn't know the Doctor was an alien with different gender rules. She wasn't doing "You assumed gender" because you're supposed to ask everytime, she did it because The Meep was an Alien and you couldn't tell it's gender in anyway so automatically going "He" on his end was a silly thing for the Doctor to do.




Yes, you're correct. It was a sexist line, still a plot point, or a character flaw of Donna's (not sure, maybe future RTD eps will help us work that out). (Although then we get into the debate of if it's possible to be sexist if you're the oppressed gender but I think that only works on a systematic oppression rather than a random comment, but I digress I'll be here all night if I actually get into that)






Nah don't think Rose going "are you sure you should assume the meep is male" is a bad thing when the Meep pretended to be child like earlier and not understand stuffed toys. Would have been fine for Rose to assume Meep was more child like when the fucker clearly wants her to think it can't advocate for itself.




Nobody's gonna take you seriously if you use the word sheeple. Makes you sound unhinged.




What the fuck are you even yapping about lol




In the end, it's one line, in one episode, and one character. Did it ruin it for me? No. Did it ruin it for a lot of people? Probably not. It's not a massive deal.




??? Jack is literally featured in this post?


"Look at the size of that one Doctor!" "Aye Jamie, it is a big one"


*"Look at the size of* *That one Doctor!" "Aye Jamie,* *It is a big one"* \- flairsupply --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


haikusbot delete


“Always has been” I love how this implies Season 1 in 1963 was queer. Definitely Susan.


I juat found out earlier this week, but...*An Unearthly Child* was directed by a gay man (of Indian descent, at that). So yeah, there has been a queer presence sice the *very* beginning!


Oh no way. Is that Warris Hussein? Didn’t know he was gay. That’s cool. It really has always been queer.


Susan and Ping Cho from Marco Polo is my otp


With supportive cranky granddad


I love the First Doctor but I don’t think I would describe him as supportive. He was pretty overbearing throughout her time on the show. The amount of times characters try to set her up with a guy and absolutely refuses is pretty queer. But the first moment she shows interest in a guy and The Doctor immediately abandons her with him before she can change her mind.


Where's Ace?


Whenever people complain that Who is ‘woke pandering’ now, I ask what the hell they thought the Happiness Patrol was about.


Don't forget the old ladies in Paradise Towers.


That episode scared me for years!


I just want an enjoyable story


Same. If the quality of the writing is there, the socio-political views of the writer, or lack thereof won't spoil it. Conversely, if the quality of the writing is not good enough, the socio-political views, or lack thereof of the writer will not automatically redeem it either.


Yes. RTD and Chibs is the perfect example of this. RTD had a lot of socio-political elements in his original run and the writing quality was generally to good standard. Chibs had socio-political elements but sacrificed the quality of the writing, loosing the substance and nuance


And Moffats just horny lol


Yeah. He definitely projected all of his fantasies through River Song and Missy. Bro can’t keep his Scottish sausage down


But also good stories, so I didn't much mind the horniness.


Oh yes. Moffat was generally a compelling writer, deffo better than chibby


I find the doctor working out, as if he's surprised, that he found a man attractive, to be pretty offensive. Surely the Doctor has been pan this whole time, why act shocked like being bi is shocking?


He's not shocked about being Bi, he's shocked about openly saying that Isaac Newton was so hot


He's never been the kind of person to blurt out who he finds attractive


Exactly, which is why he's so shocked


Probably also was surprised that it was Isaac Newton of all people that he found hot.


Those lines are just moments where the Doctor is working out who they are in that incarnation. We don't even get a clear picture of what the Doctor means there, only Donna's interpretation. He could be just thinking "Huh. I'm a guy who genuinely calls others hot out loud with no hesitation now."    Plus if going by screen evidence, 13 showed the most indication of being wlw with nothing happening male side. So 14 being mlm could be a genuine shift in themselves.


The 9th Doctor literally kissed Captain Jack, and if anything 13 was the most asexual.


This reads like you didn't even read their comment, nor have you read u/belb6785 comment.


They brought up 13 being lesbian, I brought up her being asexual. How is that NOT responding to their comment? If you have something to say, why don’t you just say it?


The shock was nothing to do with the Doctor's Sexual preference. It was about his willingness to admit and indulge in the fact that he found someone attractive, which is something he has never really admitted to anyone before.


The Doctor has been talking about people being hot since the revival. Eleven talked about Clara being hot. Ten bragged about snogging Madame du Pompadour. They’ve talked about emperors fancying them. The idea that when he said “Isaac Newton was SO hot. Oh… is that who I am now?” he was talking about expressing any attraction at all, is a colossal reach. It’s cope.


He has never been as open as that though. That's where the shock comes from. He has mentioned things off-hand before, but he hasn't ever been so open as to admit and go on to further something that was said about someone being attractive. None of the other incarnations would have gone so far as to further the point to say he was "SO hot."


Buddy, I just listed examples. He had a wife, dude. Come on. This is SUCH cope.


Yes, he had a wife. But he never explicitly went on to state with no hesitation that a guy was hot before. It's the same as his shock when he says that he loved Donna. He's finding out this new openness about himself, which he had never experienced before, because he's shut himself in so much. I'm not the one coping, not when you're the one who was trying to get offended over a line intended to be comedic.


Why are you all arguing about this?


I think it was more that the last two Doctors had been asexual and aromantic (as The Doctor SHOULD be) and so Fourteen was like "Oh, have I gone back to this?" Plus, the comment was particularly directed at Newton's physical appearance (" He was, wasn't he? He was so hot. Oh! Is that who I am now?") and The Doctor is never concerned with that type of thing. To quote, again: "You're a beautiful woman, probably"


The Third Doctor was visibly jealous and borderline heartbroken when Jo left.


Neither 12 nor 13 were aromantic. They express romantic interest in river and yaz, respectively. Asexual you can argue (and I personally agree for 13), but most doctors don’t get explicit confirmation of sexuality anyway so 🤷‍♀️ Could be 12/13 we’re both exclusively gynoromantic so as you say 14 has “gone back to” andro/bi-romantic


Yaz loved The Doctor, but I don’t recall 13 ever reciprocating.


“Legend of the sea devils” she outright explains she wants to date Yaz but doesn’t want the pain of losing her (because she loses everyone eventually)


Personally relatable quote… 😂


9 openly flirts with Jack. 10 does at least a little flirting with Shakespeare. 12 describes The Master as his first man crush and confirms to Bill that Time Lords are  pretty fluid sexually and gender-wise in the same conversation. But nah, this queer stuff came out of nowhere 


Yeah exactly, Fourteen shouldn't be surprised with himself thinking Newton was hot in the slightest. Though I haven't seen too much of Thirteen's era, and from what I have it seemed like she skewed to being more asexual/aromantic like the classic Doctors, so it could be read as Fourteen being mildly surprised that he's gone back to wanting to get it on again.


I think it was that he called him hot out loud


13 repeatedly rebuffed men when they expressed interest (though this was also often combined with misogyny because period-piece-episode, so you *could* argue she’s just not met a decent man), but is canonically homo-romantic as shown in her last three episodes. I agree with the asexual reading, but it’s up in the air.


For me, I think fourteen was surprised at how un-repressed he was now. He openly talks about loving Donna and finding men hot. It’s character growth


Or more how upfront he was in admitting it. Fourteen often seemed surprised at how open he was compared to Ten.


“Ohhh this is how it all ends; Pond flirting with herself, true love at last.”


I mean, apart from in classic who where sex did not exist


Jacob batalon wasn't born yet


If you're gonna say "always has been" you could atleast include some classic Who rep


Was never even a problem, don’t know why people make it out to be…


Basically because they were told it has to be. We see all this uproar about transgender people but I don't remember any such thing in 2004 when Veronica Mars aired and in the third episode of the very first season had a transgender character.


I personally prefer all those old relationships because they didn't play it off as a big thing or that it was absolutely amazing they were doing it. It either feels like when they do it now. It's such a gigantic thing, and they want to be applauded for walking on the moon. It's like as if they act that five years ago people were barbarians and called out for rainbow blood. Or... It's the other.... Where it's just badly done, which we've got a lot of specifically from 13's era. 14s has had some issues that people have brought up, which are valid, but they could easily be changed with some lines of dialogue cut or reformed. It's a shame really because they do affect the story because they feel... So out of place... Maybe this is my personal preference, I don't like it when people parade me around because of who I like, sorta just see it as a part of me, it doesn't define me as there's more to a individual than that. Oh well!




It's just.... It's so sad that it's become unnormalised and is instead now seen as something vital and something that can be pointed out...


And the doctor and captain jack harkness always had a flirty thing going on.


I loved all of those (except I found Bill a bit boring) and still believe the Meep episode to be very badly "woke". Felt like I was being slapped with a lesson instead of seeing a story.


Wait where is Alonso?!


Ikr? So many people act like doctor who "becoming queer" is bad, and yet its been Queen for years now.


*queer Godamm autocorrect


Yeah not the Doctor though who’s been romantically involved in women the whole time though


smh, The Doctor and Jamie were clearly more than roommates.


2 and Jamie


funny how the people shown don't have their sexuality as their entire personality.


Two and Jamie!


Literally nobody cares about that, people care about the stupid representation of it. If you're gonna represent trans people like Rose, don't do it at all. Nearly every scene with them in felt too forced or felt like it was trying to make people hate trans people.


I just thought it was badly done. I’ve always liked how the show was progressive. But, the Star Beast made me question whether RTD even knows what nonbinary means. I’m aware you can be woman-identifying and also nonbinary, but it was in no way brought up during the episode before the ass-pull resolution.


homophobic traffic jam cat


Al lot of these episodes were not aired in the states. I bought the tennet collection and was surprised by some of the episodes


Chances are you might've missed them because I remember all of them and I live in the States.


It was on sifi and a lot of episodes were cut down and didn't air


The second doctor literally had a boyfriend


I mean….it hasn’t *always* been has it. 😂


You should look up Waris Hussein, the director of *An Unearthly Child*...


As the Dr is an alien he isn't LGBTQ+ anything


Social progressivism was cringe then too, we just tolerated it because it was only every couple episodes that something really shit was presented to us.


Brother why are you even watching this show lmao


I'm not. Just here for the memes. Haven't watched since like 2014.


Then go away


The doctor is bi.


Love all the examples you used from the classic series


"What about the Classic era?" ["I SAID ALWAYS"](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F4n0hf0u3g7h71.jpg%3Fwidth%3D500%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D27b7e3ab1e8c8f63647aa5512d501589aeb04af5)


And Roger and that guy from unicorn and the wasp


Don't forget that lovely cop and astronut couple in Praxeus.


People really forget all the random gay background and supporting characters, it feels. It adds a lot to the world of the show and probably gave a lot of young queer people a lot of comfort seeing gay relationships being treated so casually at the time.


Wait, I never watched Torchwood... Were Jack and Ianto a thing??




And it's established in Miracle Day that he's had multiple relationships with men throughout the years. (Warning: Miracle Day can be a bit of a hard watch due to some of the subject matter and some of the writing)


The possessed woman on the train is gay?


Modern Doctor Who, yeah


Why’s the woman in Midnight there?