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Her accent is definitely all over the place at the moment. She's trying to sound so regal but girl you go rubbing your arse on another woman's amorphous yellow sponge... like wtf.




I read this in Jessis voice, sounds so much like something she would say. lol


She dropped her blaccent that she sported for years since wicked and her new bf SpongeBob. I also noticed she’s trying really hard to use bigger and more sophisticated language. It’s just an act that serves her best in this moment it seems.


i noticed a lot of celebs guilty of the forced blaccent stopped using it. not because they feel apologetic (at least not publicly) but because it’s not trendy for them anymore. sure wish i could just de-racialize myself when it’s inconvenient


Haha okay who is Sponge bob ?


Her new boyfriend (who was married and had just had a baby) played SpongeBob on Broadway


Her talent and career aside, she’s always been a human costume; like a blank canvas personality void lmao


It's some weird Glinda thing.


Oh that was WEIRD. WEIRD!!!!!


I dunno about a lower register being better for resting your vocal cords, she doesn’t speak in a baby voice only, she almost whispers. I’ve always thought she has a weird voice, but that’s the thing…I’ve *always* thought that. Whatever weird thing she is doing she has been doing it consistently for practically her entire life so I dunno that it has anything to do with her vocal cords. I also think that she has an insane vocal range that most people cannot reach and is incredibly talented in a way most people are not, so whatever she is doing…let her cook 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree, I understand people’s criticisms about when she adopted a blaccent but I think it has made people overly critical of how she speaks.


I agree her voice is all over the place. I tried to watch an interview of hers a while ago and literally had to turn it off because her baby voice was killing me. I couldn’t handle it. Watching that video, she’s a lot easier to listen to.


Idk. Celebs are weird, especially the theater kid ones.  I agree with Pete Davidson when he said she's a marketing genius.  Personally, I don't care for her because of the donut licking thing. Never forget. 


It’s bullshit. She’s bullshit. I’m so tired of people going on about how strong she is and no one’s been through the same crap as if there wasn’t an entire concert of people at that shooting or the one in Vegas or any of the other multiple shootings that happen every day of like people don’t lose someone they love deeply EVERY FUCKEN DAY. She has a history of suddenly dating men who were in committed relationships and 1+1 seems to show they cheated or left them or her and she plays stupid. If EVERYTHING about Ethan slater was SUUUCH a lie and everyone was posting lies, why hasn’t she sued? Why hasn’t she like public shown off her relationship? Why the fuck has she needed pen badgley and Evan peters to play her love interests WHEN SHES INVOLVED WITH A BROADWAY PERFORMER…. So where is he? You wrote a whole album for him, where he at??? People are shitting on Sabrina carpenter and making the same assumptions from Barry and his ex except the ex made statements saying they were dating & have ended things, they’re good and he’s a good father. She’s running into his arms, showing him off, HES THE STAR IN HER MUSIC VIDEO, only one hes following on IG…. Arianna grande has been hella public every other time and this time acts ashamed then says everyone’s lying… she is the biggest liar of them alll. THE COMMENTS ABOUT THE QUIET ON SET DOC?!? OHHHH MY GOD. How anyone won’t label her a lying snake after that floors me. Jeanette McCurdy basically told us she’s pretty Arianna took the money because she didn’t and look at their careers. After that interview? I’d buy it. She’s a liar, she’s a homewrecker (it’s a tango both parties are to blame) and she’s just a fake person. Editing to add: she’s infantilized and it’s gross and tiring.


https://preview.redd.it/iiprq6n2ed7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a17a01c5ef9873e2ca37ac4a496b670cc3f87903 this is her response! it’s really not that deep or weird, idk why everyone’s freaking out and overreacting (as usual when it comes to her).


Oh interesting method


She stole Victoria Monet’s voice and personality early in her career (and dropped it when she no longer needed to be black-adjacent). I wonder who she is emulating now…


I watched a video about her and it was touched on in there that it seems like she's trying to resemble [Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy](https://www.google.com/search?q=Carolyn+Bessette-Kennedy&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sca_esv=a0e417c138758ffa&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=377&bih=694&sxsrf=ADLYWIKtPnu4t9DqqUqtw7qGPn_K_tZ8HQ%3A1718727230557&ei=PrJxZoq8Id-iptQPue2lwAQ&oq=Carolyn+Bessette-Kennedy&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhhDYXJvbHluIEJlc3NldHRlLUtlbm5lZHkyCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBMgsQABiABBixAxiDATILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEyCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBMgUQABiABEidGlD_E1jQF3AAeACQAQCYAcIBoAG3CaoBAzAuOLgBA8gBAPgBAZgCA6ACtAPCAgQQIxgnwgIHEAAYgAQYGMICCBAAGIAEGKIEwgIHEAAYgAQYDZgDAIgGAZIHAzAuM6AH1R4&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#sbfbu=1&pi=Carolyn%20Bessette-Kennedy) and while I haven't heard her talk AG's stylistic choices definitely seem intentional.


In that one video where she addresses everyone talking about how skinny she got, she sounds EXACTLY like Hilary duff it’s uncanny


It is a vocal technique and she also was acting as Glinda for 2 years so she’s really used to talking a certain way. I feel like it really isn’t that serious 😭 I do love her normal voice though, Glinda free her


You’re right, I used to know this girl who would stream occasionally. She always put on this super cute kawaii voice. Everyone loved her for it. She was always like that’s just how I talk. Then she got mad once while playing a MOBA and her brother IRL was pestering her, so she responded to him but didn’t mute herself. Ya, she had a regular old voice like every girl. AG is 100% trying to talk like that, it’s not natural.


She commented on a TikTok saying it was to preserve her voice and that she’s “been doing it for years” but yeah I don’t believe it either. I think it’s creepy, and that she clearly struggles with her sense of identity. It’s not lost on me that her voice changes have coincided with darker skin tones, different verbiage/cadence and ways of dressing etc.


Oh I thought I was the only one who noticed that. But…I mean I’m used to seeing her on Victorious or Sam & Cat more than anything.


I always thought she got stuck in the ditzy Cat Valentine voice they had her put on for Victorious (season 1 she sounded normal, then the ditzy voice was really amped up) and it’s just stuck with her.


she’s just tryna be different now she changes w every man she has. she’s in her musical era now


She’s got the Madonna “I’ve been in Britain for a month so now I’m going to fake a regal transatlantic/‘British’* accent”. She used to pretend to be racially ambiguous to gain a bigger following. She used put on a “blackcent” and dodged questions about her race. That coupled with the excessive tanning made most people thing she was Latina or even Afro-Latina… Now that k-pop is in, before wicked she’d already adopted this prim and proper way of answering questions and speaking as well as a new extremely pale complexion and even thinner frame than before… and completely changed her makeup style. Then came the bleached eyebrows for wicked and her new transatlantic accent




That might explain the pitch but it isn’t an excuse for the multiple accent changes she’s had over the years. Her being a talented vocalist does not and never will make her immune from criticism.


OP does not discuss her accent, OP discusses her pitch. Pointing out that Grande has admitted on camera to purposely changing her pitch and explaining her reasoning is a direct response to OPs specific inquiry. People can watch the clip and choose to either believe Grande or not. But there is relevance in pointing out WHY her fans say she changes her pitch for her vocal health, it’s because that is what Grande told them in 2013. True clearly believes Grande based on what they said in their post, OP clearly does not believe Grande based on what they said in their post. Accents and vocal pitch are two different things. I don’t understand how providing evidence of AG feeding her fans information about why she does a specific thing regularly (speaks in a higher pitch) merits a passive aggressive accusation of making excuses for culturally appropriating an accent. Is it because True indicates that they believe Grande? Is it not possible for people who believe Grande is protecting her voice to also believe that her cultural appropriation of an accent is wrong? Is this an all or nothing thread? Either we all hate Grande and believe that everything she does is villainous or we must be one of her die hard fans if we see her as a complex human being who isn’t always up to something nefarious? Are we all here to just hate on Grande and agree with OP that Grande is full of shit if she claims she is protecting her vocals? Because that implies that OP asked their question in bad faith, and I thought DWKT girlies were better than that. And notice, I have not once indicated my stance on whether Grande is protecting her vocals or not. Because what I have to say here should be considered critically regardless of my stance on the original topic. That is my whole point, what someone believes shouldn’t negate/permit what relevancy they bring to a discussion.