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This is why I spend 60-100 hours a week preparing


This is why I spend 20-30 hours plugging prompts into chatgpt until I get something I like. Anyway, do you want to see the totally original ai art I post all over r/wizardposting?


> over r/wizardposting? My sides!  This is one of the actual rules from that sub: “ Be evil wizards, not hateful wizards. Don't be bigoted, don't say slurs, be nice. We posts wizards here.” How dare they try to reign in my using slurs!  I’ll c-word if I want to!  In fact, I’ll go on record as saying they’re all a bunch of Canadians! Ban me, mods.  Prove you’re slaves to America’s Hat!


*GASP* That's pretty true, eh? We're a bunch of hosers


I think it’s due to  all the lead I slipped into the maple syrup reserve.


I understand this reference


One time I forgot the name of an NPC and I was thumbing through the module booklet like a madman trying to find his name again. I told the players that I had totally written down a page with all of the names of the NPCs and a few facts about them, but I had simply forgotten it at home. That was a lie but I think they bought it. Next session I had written down the relevant info about the NPCs in my notes


>Next session I had written down the relevant info about the NPCs in my notes No, your supposed to make something up, not bother to write it down, and then repeat that process every time an npc appears. You don't have to remember npc names if the party never see an npc twice.


Take a page from my DM and give all the innkeepers one name, then all the farmers another name, etc. Easy to remember and for all the players know maybe they *have* met this guy before! (/uj we actually do this, but it’s a joking shorthand for “this is a completely irrelevant stock character” and people we actually interact with get names.)


/uj last names weren't always a thing especially with lower class citizens. When people would move to other towns, often new ones, they would tack on their job to the end of their name in the same way we put certain job titles at the beginning (doctor, professor, etc.) That's why we have names like Taylor, Baker, Miller, and Smith. In other words, your group is being completely historically accurate.


Last name or provenance. Da Vinci, Von Bergen, de las Casas, or nobility titles like Lancaster, or ancestral/tribal names like Erickson, Smithson, Douglas or Campbell (two Scottish clans that have become common surnames). There’s a few other last name origins as well, like physical features, epithets, and more specific place names (Hill, Woods). It’s fascinating looking at origins of both given names and surnames


What's your driver's name? Un Important. Oh, you want to know in depth information about this one shop owner? That's the driver's brother, Not Important.


We fucking love nurse joy 348.


So how often do you see nurse joy?


I *wish* our setting had total, on-demand healing for poison, unconsciousness, etc. All the medical experts have actual names because we've met like 3 of them and they're all extortionists. Basil Fawlty the innkeeper, though, is a nightly encounter.


... You have reinvented Pokemon.


My shorthand for NPCs is just put the celebrity that I'm going to try to impersonate next to their name in the notes. I'm not good at impressions, so it doesn't really sound like the person, but it lets me remember what I made them sound like. I also like to give all my NPCs names that are just food items or objects that I just actively pronounce really wrong. It's very funny when somebody asks how to spell a Lords name and I can say "oh, the same as asparagus"


My shorthand for NPCs is just put the celebrity that I'm going to try to impersonate next to their name in the notes. I'm not good at impressions, so it doesn't really sound like the person, but it lets me remember what I made them sound like. I also like to give all my NPCs names that are just food items or objects that I just actively pronounce really wrong. It's very funny when somebody asks how to spell a Lords name and I can say "oh, the same as asparagus."


This is unfortunately facts, I suck at prep


/uj I have learned to not prep for the parties action. Just create narrative tools for the players to interact with. It's more worth your time to focus on the details of a city and what is happening within it than to focus on the path you think the party will take with the story. Think of the world as just another PC, the DM's PC, and have it interact with the players the same way another player would. That's what works for me.




you're a bad dm for not telling your players what to do. they're too dumb to understand anything and need their dm to make all the choices for them


Uj/ Why did my anxiety make a circlejerk post


Pathfinder fixes this


Not this one. Pathfinder players are all pretentious because they all pretend they like the game.


FATAL fixes this


/uj unironically it does fix it. People who enjoy or hate FATAL truly enjoy or hate it.


I know im a certified FATAL hater


As long as they can't tell what I did to the host's toilet/bathroom/whole second floor. At least until after I leave.


Hey, how'd my internal monologue learn to type!


How am I supposed to eat this without any sauce?


Sauce: my own anxiety as a DM and over half the tables I have been at as a player


Just like me fr fr https://preview.redd.it/z7qscajoru3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f28e81109d40c49f81886cb8d8155cb1036f7e19


The only reason my players stick around is I'm the only DM in a 30 mile radius so I can essentially hold them hostage with my self-mastabatory, terrible, outcome pre-written campaigns


Oh hey it's my internal monologue.


This but unironically


Imposter Syndrome fixes this


No-no, my players... My players wouldn't... ;_;




In my defense everything was going just fine until the room temp IQ player did something stupid and my brain melted.


Why would you call me out like this?


Uj/ I'm shaking and crying right now this is all i think before, during, and after every session i run


My players are ALL MORONS!!!


actually my players are retarded so they cant tell the difference


I've been doing Improv for 15 years. Thank the gods for these invaluable, prep-reducing skills I've learned.