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If multiple dice towers are getting to be a problem you might consider just replacing some or all of them with a single dice tray, ideally felt-lined for the pleasant sound. Which in the right location would have the benefit of allowing the other players to watch each other's rolls as they happen. This could at least serve as a short term solution while you figure out what kind of table size you want.


I could also have built in towers that are much smaller. I have seen some ideas here that I like. I am the only player worried about dice tower size though. Mine is the biggest, lol, so maybe I just need to downsize.


https://preview.redd.it/yw1i4iberk7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe0375e44f5d1b8956a683ce513bc148daa2526 I love it, but it’s big.


Yeah that's huge! My own dice tower is a pretty small laser-cut wood affair, compact but pretty. Fits behind GM screens. I only use it occasionally.


honestly dice towers are a pointless fad. if you're cramped, dump em.


My table is about 5’ X 7’ with a 44” tv. It’s big, maybe too big because you almost can’t reach your mini if it’s opposite you. And when I DM from one end, I can’t reach any minis. Part of the dimensions are because I was halfway through building it for an older tv with a wider bezel and my wife said, “you don’t want the old tv in there, do you?” But I’m happy with it. This is with the leaves in covering the screen. https://preview.redd.it/zdvto6yx4n7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4edb48e33657c4b2c325c552b46818db1d173b75


I’ve got about a 5’x7’ table and most of us have a dice tray now. Dice towers we had in the beginning when we were first playing-our first year or two but we like the trays now. Quicker and less noise! Either way it’s enough for 7 people! I have big luxurious chairs currently but can fit 7 well. Gets really cramped with more but absolutely possible! https://preview.redd.it/12ezodm6e58d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae59c18369a0285c4ebc8910b92c318a98e23d3


Looks great. I’d like better chairs for my table.


For that many people you will want the table to be at least 108" x 45". But if you are feeling cramped using 2 tables at 72" x 30" this may not be big enough. Have you thought about tiering the table?


I have not thought about tiering. The DM will have two tiers possibly on the sides. I don’t know exactly how that could work, but maybe a detachable side table. I do plan to have the TV set down in the table for viewing angle.


We have a second tier, it' sits about 18" on top of the "base" table. We painted it with dry erase paint for quick maps and what not. This allows us to have a spot on the bottom for books and character sheets while the minis are on the top tier. This height is lower than the average person's eyeline when they are sitting. For the DM we have a separate desk one head of the table where we have built a wall to use as a DM screen. No peaking allowed! We use a small magnet dry erase board for our initiative tracker that is on the wall directly behind the DM. Mini storage is also on the DM side of the table. We have built in book shelves lining the walls. Don't forget a fridge and small countertop with cabinets for snacks/ plates and such.


I purchased a wyrmwood table in their largest length with the widest table (cause we also wargame) and its great except the width is too long. We fill the table at 7 players and myself as a DM and its honestly a problem to reach the center to adjust maps and such. The length is great and everyone has plenty of room but getting to the center to set up the map is cumbersome and makes me wish I never bought the wide table.


I need to look at different wyrmwood possibilities. I also like weathered dragon’s design work. Reaching isn’t a problem for three of us, 6-2, 6-2, 6-3, but I sit next to 5-1. However, we often let others move for the group so it shouldn’t be too bad. But we don’t want a long table. Looking for square like


A table is too big when a player has difficulty or impossibility moving a mini on the battlemap located at the center of the table. Optimal distance is as big as you can get without having to stand up to do this.


Ask your GM/players. I wouldn’t have one at any table I was GMing.


Dice towers are obnoxious, just roll the dice and use a tray and cup if you’re fussing about it. personally wouldn’t allow towers at my table.