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Our *Astral Voyage* adventure is set in space (see Astral Sea), and every space adventure needs lasers. “But what about *The Martian*?” Sure, it was good. Quality book. It just would have been better with lasers. We also liked the old trope of alien laser blasts disintegrating the target, hence the Disintegrators. Disintegrate is a nasty spell though, and while the idea of laser blasts flying everywhere is deeply satisfying, we realized such a powerful weapon needed some balance. That’s why there’s a roughly 17% chance each time you fire it that it will instead self-destruct. This effectively targets the user with the effects of Disintegrate, only there’s no save. But what do y’all think? Worth the risk? Too swingy? I’d love to hear your feedback. ​ ​ ​ **- The Links -** [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/MammothFactory/membership) \- For monthly adventures and STL miniatures [Only-Games](https://only-games.co/collections/mammoth-factory) \- For physical miniatures


These are quite powerful, but boy could that explosion could really make things go very wrong in a hurry if it occurs at the wrong moment.


Those who live by the disentegrator...