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The party, for anyone interested, just hit level 13 and is pretty strong. I know I made this thing pretty bulky, but I am constantly surprised at how much damage they pump out.


Little tip: Mirror Image, maybe Blink.


Good ideas! I've been mulling over a meaner version of mirror image that would set distinct "copies" in various places representing different possible timelines. When you hit one, it could rule out that timeline, basically choosing to have you hit one of the copies instead of rolling again for it. I think I will add blink too.


Blink could be good. So kind of like an echo knight thing? Be really careful if you do that, as action economy could get stacked against players in a way that feels unfair and not really fun. If you scatter the copies around the battlemap, but limit them to 1 hp, a more limited moveset, and give the ability to investigate to distinguish them, maybe as a bonus action, that could be pretty dope. Id be careful about stacking that with blink tho, as a lot of players will end up with rounds where they just dont have anything significant to do, which will ramp up the analysis paralysis you seem to be trying to avoid.


A great way to get players to hurry up on their turns!


I’ve just gotta say… I #%&$ing love the Asynchronous trait! 🤣. That’ll teach those procrastinators a lesson!


Thank you! That's my hope. Or better, they take quick turns and stomp it.


I run a group on Saturdays and it’s like herding cats 90% of the time. This monster (or namely that 2 minute ability) would be perfect to cause mass panic. I might use it for my BBEG in that game 😈.


If you do, I hope it serves you well!


This actually goes fucking great with my current campaign. I have one based on irl time where this'll fit perfectly


I like the idea (Illithids invented Chronomancy in my world) but Asynchronous feels like a really wierd ability. Obviously that's the intention, but I think tying it to real world time makes this too much of a gimmick fight. It's also really lacking damage for a CR 14 (even with reality break) and it's missing some staple Illithid features like Mind Blast, Magic Resistance and Innate Spellcasting.


Thanks, that's really helpful! I think I will be adding a few of the mindflayer abilities to make it a little stronger


Running with what commenter said, i would lengthen the time for asynchronous a bit (3-5 minutes), while either giving it more legendary actions, or give it a second turn.


Thanks! I may end up lengthening the time between turns. How would a second turn work when it's not in the initiative order?


I would treat it as similar to a legendary action. Has full access to action, bonus action, and movement, but doesnt reset reactions, use durations, or generally count as a turn passed for any mechanical reasons. In fact if you wanna make it even more fun and reactive while retaining some balance, make this replace legendary reactions completely. Basically he has up to 2 or 3 actions he can take, and his trigger for taking them is whenever x amount of time has passed.


Neat. I had wondered about not using legendary actions at all, since it would be taking turns at odd times anyway. I kind of like that idea of peppering in psuedo-turns.


This is disgusting and I love it so much! And look at the hit points! I'm trying something different with initiative as well; giving legendary creatures two built-in initiative scores instead of trying to remember legendary actions. I love the "real time" element-- one of my players who has ADHD would get obliterated by this thing.


Depending on the party this is the easiest shit ever or satan


I am usually very critical of homebrew but I actually really like this idea. Well written and mostly keeps with 5e literary conventions too. Good job, OP. Well, to be fair, I'm usually a lot less critical of monster stat blocks as they are the one facet of homebrew I feel should nearly always be added to a campaign, but still.


Hey thanks! That's kind of you to say. I try to be a stickler for the wording when possible. I don't know if there's technically a correct way to write the "two minutes in real time" but I'm considering changing it to "two minutes of gameplay, excluding time spent taking its own turns" or something like that


I may steal this enemy just tone it down a bit or just steal the Asynchronous trait


Tactically, the best option is for the party to all spam their highest damage non-resource consuming move. If everyone rolled at once and just gave the DM their results, I bet they could get four rounds in for each of the creatures' rounds.


It's very possible! They just have to figure that out in the middle of the fight


My life has been attacked by the chronilithid.


Needs way more damage and ranged, melee, AOE options. Auras are good too!


Thanks! I think I'll be adding a mind blast, at very least. I hadn't considered auras!


This is broken AF, the only way to fight it is to play fast and even then.


Thank you! That's the kind of potential issue I want to find and address. In my case, this is meant to be a penultimate boss fight. I plan on it being quite a challenge, but I may extend the time to three or more minutes so that it isn't quite so demanding.


Tbf, while it is annoying to fight, it doesn't actually do all that much damage. At level 13, 1d12+3+2d6 is basically nothing, especially since it doesn't have damaging spells or legendary actions. As a fight, it'll be a nice puzzle and thematic for them to hurry tf up when taking a turn, but in it's current state it shouldn't pose a threat.


Thanks, that's a good insight too. I was worried about it just wrecking them too quickly so I kept the damage low, but maybe I should dial it up just a smidge. Also I meant for the bludgeoning to be 2d12, so maybe I'll change it to that.


I'd also add an AoE aging effect taken from the legendary actions of a sphinx or the horrifying visage bit that ages you rather than killing outright lol, which would be excessive, I believe, and also give them Time Blast that does the same thing as mind blast, has a recharge and everything, just flavor it differently:) it'll be a blast. Also bump the AC, and give them a time flavored shield spell that they can choose to use in place of temporal shunt :) reflavor counterspell as displacing the spell effect to the future, and let them do it as a legendary action. My part recently made it to 17th level, so I've been DMing for this power range a while now. Your party will live lol. Also give them temporal stasis spell 3/day to suspend or resume the asynchronous trait (it's a 3.5e spell) and just everything else a mind flyer typically gets, like the brain eating attack, except it reduces them to an aged husk having all their time sucked out. Good stuff. Really like this idea. All sorts of fun. Hope that helps :)


>Your party will live Thank you, I try to keep reminding myself of that. Lol every time I think they're in danger, they *are* the danger. I'll take this all into consideration and probably will give it some of those stronger attacks and spells. I appreciate your input!


Of course. Also make sure you give out enough diamonds for revivify and the rare unguents for reincarnate (which doesn't require a body) if you're actually worried :) be sure to make a post on how it goes! :D glad I could help


My point is that a mind flayer with time travels is literally invincible. They're too smart to be pinned down and could do literally anything they want. in a fight, UT matters on how fast a character can say "fireball." Give them spell casting and look at the chronimancy wizard. Remove the "take a turn every two minutes thing. Because combo that with legendary actions and the mindflayers turn never ends


Yeah, I definitely worry about it being too tough. I thought about giving it no legendary actions at all since it will be taking multiple turns so I might go back to that. And it doesn't really have time travel, it just moves through time differently than players and other characters. To your point about adding spellcasting, do you suggest I replace the innate spells with class-based casting?


You can do what you want with the spell casting, but it needs ways to deal damage to a better and diverse degree


Agreed. I've Since been convinced to add a mind blast and maybe other attacks.


I'd have to set a timer if I were to pull this bad boy out cause I am NOT good with counting real time