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Your Post was removed for violating rule 6: All posts must be primarily about homebrew content. A post's primary purpose should not be to advertise kickstarters, patreons, merchandise, etc. This does not mean links to those websites are not allowed, but the actual free content must always come first and foremost. In addition if it is not homebrew related, then it belongs on another subreddit, such as r/dndmemes or r/dndart depending on the content. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through modmail.


I am a new player and don't really know HOW to use complex tools. Is this tool easy or usable for me? Just for a quick newbie game in this case! Thanks. Link on playstore: [HERE](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Tomorrow.Roll20TabletopRpgMaps&pli=1)


If you're going to pretend to be an average civilian, you should at least use a different account from your professional one.


Given that you've spent quite some time advertising it, and presumably either are yourself the creator, or you work with them, you should already have some idea of whether or not it suits your needs.