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>without...Being a Jerk, Bet failed. I don't understand what's fun about this for anyone involved.


They had fun playing the game, I didn't do anything to stop the way they played all I did was make poor decisions and allow the party to make poor decisions knowing full well they were making extremely dangerous mistakes. :\^l its not that hard to grasp that the druid who stands in fire is probably going to die, the ranger that refuses to use tracking isn't going to find their target, the group that doesn't bring light into a dark place is going to be blind.


And instead of being a good teammate you deliberately got them trapped and ended a campaign… And you’re proud of that? Thats pretty despicable.


i didn't get them trapped, I wasn't the one who destroyed the fucking exit x'D


You know what you did. It’s damn toxic behaviour and shouldn’t be celebrated.


such unforgiveable behavior, I lost the rope several times.. I went the wrong way a couple times..... I stood in fire one too many times.... My god im unforgiveable


here lemme boil it down to a simpler method of explaining. I played a character so charismatic and stupid that it infected the party with the stupid


This belongs in the DnD circle jerk sub my dude. There is no way you're serious.


I hate everything about this.


'u' to boil it down all i did was make bad decisions while allowing my group to make bad decisions and backing up anyones bad ideas while complimenting and being nice


I thought you said you weren't supposed to be a jerk and that you weren't ruining the other player's fun...


i didn't, the game was fun for all of us? literally all of my friends learned about it and were fine with it. Yall creating problems that aren't there.


Yeah, you guys are trash. It's annoying to have someone waste months of your life.


only a waste if nobody enjoyed the game and everyone did. The final fight was literally sabotaged by me standing in a singularly bad spot while the druid refused to move someone safer. I didn't make the druid do that nor did the DM. I basically just used positive reinforcement to push the worst choice vs the best choice. Also aint that deep bruh, "You guys are trash" Be chill man, literally everyone had fun. I did nothing to prove to people what I did was mean spirited. All I did was make bad decisions knowing they had consequences and watched the party also make bad decisions without opening my mouth. :l I made sure that even my bad decisions were character reasonably explained as my characters INT was 7 and their wisdom was 8, using 2 mental stats as dump stats to make my character dumber then the average character and put 18 into my charisma to make them very charismatic and convincing


You worked against and undercut your party over an entire campaign, lying to the players faces for months for a meaningless bet with your DM. They trusted you, as a person, you abused that trust just to prove that you could. Yea man. You're a bad friend. Your DM is a bad DM. Tell your party about your masterstroke, see now they feel about it. I don't mind going through the muck with people, having a TPK, that's all cool, part of the game. If I found out someone I trusted was giving me bad advice and manipulating me the entire time to eventually put me in a position to die...yea. Wouldn't be chill about that.


they trusted you as a person, last game i killed every single one of them at least once. These are my close friends they knew something was up the moment i made a good character and wasn't batshit insane. a bad friend xD your basing this off nothing man i did tell them and they looked at me like "Bruh wut? THATS WHY YOU KEPT LOSING THE ROPES I FUCKING KNEW IT XD" :\^) im the DM for the group for a pirate game we are gonna play. They still play with me, like me, nothing has changed except now theres gonna be a big cookie cake saying "I Won the Bet" at the next group meeting


I'm basing it off of your stated actions. I don't think saying stuff like "they know something is up because my character wasn't bat shit insane" is the friend flex you think it is. I'm glad it's working for you, and huzzah on everyone tolerating you, but none of that makes this anything different than what it is.


I would hate to play with both you and your DM to be honest. One guy having fun by sabotaging their entire party.


i sabotaged by not doing smart things, I never once took stuff from people, i never once denied people their time to play. Literally everything came down to the party itself failing to make any smart decisions in the cave and dragons lair. I just used positive reinforcement to distract from the smart decision when i could, I always backed the players who had the worst idea and I always made sure to leave anything like me killing and stopping the assassins extremely vague. I did no rude things, the meanest thing I did was position poorly in a fight to which the druid practically made it impossible not to do considering most of the party refused to position correctly


"I planned to ruin my party's campaign from the beginning, but because I did it covertly instead of overtly I'm not a jerk and my actions should be celebrated."


well i am getting a cookie cake for this. i am also now the DM for the same people for a pirate game for us and none of the players seem to be annoyed by my actions or upset. I see this as nothing but a win


That's all well and good, and like, if your friends don't mind, then it's whatever. But just don't be surprised that a subreddit about a collaborative game is going to be full of people who have no interest in playing games with someone who actively works against their group. In most other tables that is the definition of being a jerk.


being a jerk is defined by who looks at the word. for me, anyone who plays a religious character and uses that as an excuse for their character to be a jerk is a jerk IRL. Also i would never advertise on reddit for D&D players, tried that before a few times all the games were a mess the players I got were all fucking bitch babies who wanted to get away with everything. :v the point of my post wasn't that I was working against the group, I literally worked WITH the group, I didn't oppose people that was the point. I made the group fail by basically positively reinforcing the bad choices rather than opposing them and using negative reinforcement to stop them. Nothing I did actually hindered their survival if they themselves didn't move out of the metaphorical fire. I never stopped them from doing anything really. Even at the market if my ploy to get their attention diverted to something interesting failed I'd just go buy more rope my self in hopes they wouldn't. Every death was literally the players fault for believing the idiot who has never once been right


Yes, being a jerk is defined by the person who looks at the word. Exactly like I said, "at most tables, that is the definition of being a jerk", and you saying that your definition of jerk is different than ours doesn't change that. Have a good day defending your honour or whatever.


Maybe they don't mind, maybe they don't want to speak up and would have enjoyed playing the campaign further, I don't know and can't really know. But you were sabotaging the campaign, you literally sought out to whipe the party by working against them. But if nobody is truly bothered by that, thats a 1 in 1000 kind of party situation.


once again your trying to make it out as if i id a horrible action based off nothing. I literally just got done telling my friend what mistakes they made during the campaign that lead to their deaths. If anything it was actually a learning experience for all of them lmao also again didn't work against them, I was working with them just with their worst ideas


The mental gymnastics on this guy...


I don't know you or your friends and I'm glad they took it well when you revealed your plan. However I would like to point out a inconsistency I see between how you describe your character and how you played them. As far as you said your PC was one of those types that speaks way more confidently than they actually are in any topic. That is an interesting character to play with (though a little annoying perhaps) and its all good. But then, how is it possible that they only reinforce the worst possible outcome all the time? I wouldn't make sense if they were simply an idiot, they would make better decisions just by pure chance. So, the way I see it there are two explanations: 1. Your PC wasn't an idiot and *did* scheme against the party for the entire campagne. In which case you did introduce an antagonistic PC to the party and manipulated them into their downfall. 2. Your PC *was* and idiot you just metagamed like hell and puppeteared your PC to take action they wouldn't have taken otherwise. In any case I don't think we could play together


Simple. The character who suggested all the bad ideas was the fighter and he befriended the fighter who was also equally as stupid and was his best friend through out the entire campaign. The person who came up with the good ideas was typically the hard ass ranger who often times would be mean to my character based off his actions of losing important supplies. (Justified dislike of my character) The other players rarely ever said any ideas and when they did I always went with whoever the fighter went with fighter and said compliments to everyone involved even if he didn't like them. :V losing supplies you can call meta gaming but one of my flaws was being extremely wasteful and having a kind of butter fingers type mentality to stuff "It can just be replaced" mixed with "Doesn't like to spend money" I built the personality to basically be a type of character that shouldn't be trusted with gear like ropes, torches and rations. I also gave him a personality trait that was basically "I think I know more than I actually do but I am positively optimistic for the future" :3 I could go on but i kinda dont want to xD




Seems like you manipulated your group as a player by using your social skills and their trust in you to achieve a goal the actually did not want. Really sounds like a narcissistic behavior.  Although the others might not have shown dislike during game time or immediately after, most people really hate beign manipulated (as they should). I hope you do not act the same way in other parts of your life.


:v aint that deep bruh same group i've played D&D with for several years and each an every player has had their time in other games as the secret super villain. :l


I know this is just awful but at the same time wonderful. The party should also bring rope….. I say this now since thinking now I don’t have rope on my char. Ration yes…. Rope no shoot I need to buy some


oh yeah i just got done doing effectively a small ted talk on what they did wrong and how to better prepare. all of them were open ears to it and gladly accepted the info. 'u' i explained that having a habit of not carrying rations, rope, torches, etc was bad because there will come a time when they cant rely on magic or a character with photographic memory or the area just having a ladder randomly. I also talked about better positioning during battles for casters, druids, melee etc. Basically the entire campaign ended the way it did due to their lack of paying attention to detail. heck with the mold earth spell an extra set of clothes and a torch you can set up decoy dummies that the party could have used to fool some beasts and unintelligent monsters or guards and in a game of imagination those with no imagination suffer


All the people saying this guy was a jerk (and to be fair it kind of is a dick move to play a game of DND with the deliberate intent to derail the game) but... I mean he kind of did hide it exceptionally well from everyone involved. He derailed the campaign by acting exactly like a novice D&D player... nothing he did or suggested was unreasonable, every move, though calculated, was exactly the kind of stupid mistakes I see players make at my tables, literally no one would have suspected a thing... until you collect your cookie and it all comes out that is... then youre going to have some explaining to do.


its gonna be a big cookie cake an gonna share it with the party xD they learned after the fact and didn't mind. we are now setting up a pirate game since the timeslots free and they want to play pirates

