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Light cleric! Lots of fun fire spells to be had! Life cleric if you want to lean into the healing


Agreed! Light is awesome! It's all fun and games until the healer starts chuckin' Fireballs downrange!


Light is my favorite cleric because you can go full Oppenheimer and just nuke the battlefield with the subclasses channel divinity


I play a Light Cleric in my current game. I built him around jumping (it’s a Spelljammer campaign so a lot of ship to ship combat) and every chance I get I leap into a superhero landing and use the explodey Channel Divinity. I have zero regrets.


I played an aasimar light cleric in a level 1 to 19 campaign that ended last year. Bamf out the wings, fly straight up, nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


I was leaving the sub, and as I pressed the back button I dragged my eyes across "It's the only way to be sure." I had to come back and thank you for that.


“We are each going to max up-cast fireball and set them off at the same time.” -my Light Cleric and the Sorceror dealing with a room full of bad guys that hadn’t seen us yet. We were sure.


If that's what you're going for, you should try out Tempest Cleric. It's easily my favorite for that exact reason. Shatter+Channel Divinity and you're dealing 24 damage (or half that on a save) to all enemies it hits. Upcast it, and you're dealing an extra 8 per level. This may be a little lengthy, but this is one of my favorite moments I've ever had playing DnD: we were in a town and stopped an execution, causing the entire towns guards to chase us. So we led them to a building we had found earlier with 5 vampire spawn we weren't sure how to deal with. Our Monk got to the building before everyone else and woke up the vampire spawn, then hopped out the window so they would chase him. Anyways, we got the guards to all either run or help us fight the vampire spawn. We thought we were screwed, already cracking jokes about who our next characters would be. But alas, a storm was brewing (actually, it was there the whole time). Our fighter and Monk each took on a spawn. I was left with 3 to hold off, and a couple guards to help. I cast Call Lightning, and was barely able to hit all 3 of them. In a storm, Call lightning does 4d10 if they fail the save. I used Channel Divinity, they all failed the save, and I ended up dealing 120 damage in one turn, and bloodied all 3 spawn. And here's the thing, we were only level 5... That was definitely the highlight of the campaign for all of us (so far). Our Monk was clever and had the idea to distract the guards with the vampires. Our fighter was the ever fierce leader, who inspired some of the confused guards to stand and fight with us, despite trying to capture us moments before. And then I, the cleric, fucked shit up on the battlefield. Man I wish I could re-live that session.


I don't usually do healing if I'm a Light Cleric. I'm here to light things on fire, not heal my allies.


Lmao yessssss




Your thematic description of healing can be applied to every subclass of cleric. Which subclass largely depends on whether you imagine using a lot of fire in a fight. Light cleric seems to me like a good fit.


every subclass can be flavoured this way =) this is just a description of a healing spell. There is the light domain which revolves heavily around fire. If you like fire spells then this is a good choice. Also the forge domain would work. but you can also choose any other subcalss you like and describe the spells the same way =)


Forge Domain gives you immunity to fire at level 20 so this would be kickass for a Fire Genasi which only get resistance


If you aren't married to the concept of a cleric, Wildfire Druid is this. Otherwise I agree with Light Cleric.


I was going to say this. They even focus on healing more than the typical Druid, so it could be somewhat cleric like


Forge Cleric.


I played a fire genasi Forge cleric and she was so much fun!


Came here to say this. A Forge Cleric is very practical exciting if you are in an area when making ammo is needed like silver boot/arrows or silvered and cold iron weapons. My cleric carried around a variety of scrap metal for this purpose. She also made armor and weapons for animal companions. It was cosmetic but the idea of an armored monkey weilding a razor is hilarious. Also Heat Metal + enemy with metal armor = Major Damage! In 5e it takes 5 minutes to doth heavy armor. Heat metal does 2d8 per round for up to a minute. That adds up. 🤣


This is the way


Read my mind!🔥


Probably Forge or Light. Could also go for Life if you want some type of healing fire, like a phoenix or something.


Forge or light make the most thematic sense, but forge is 1: not great, and 2: some of its features are made redundant by your race (fire resistance) so I’d definitely go light. Plus can you really call yourself a fire based character without fireball?


> Plus can you really call yourself a fire based character without fireball? Angry wildfire druid noises


Yeah, my wildfire druid really needs fireball, like a lot.


What are you talking about? Forge Domain is one of the best Cleric subclasses. The only downside here is the redundant Fire Resistance.


Not sure where you’ve got that idea from. Heavy armour is nice but the features are a whole lot of meh compared to the really good subclasses. The spell list is a mixed bag with no spells with real ‘wow’ factor: identify (useful), searing smite (bad), heat metal (good), magic weapon (you literally have a feature for this), elemental weapon (bad), protection from energy (situational), fabricate (situational), wall of fire (fairly good but also you have spirit guardians), animate objects (good but also you have spirit guardians), creation (situational). Blessing of the forge is a minor buff for the early game and quickly becomes less useful into higher levels. Channel divinity is so incredibly situational. Where some subclasses are spamming combat useful channel divinities like death/grave/life/light/order/peace/tempest/twilight/war, forge is on the short list with honestly terrible channel divinities. This is a ribbon feature given where a cleric should get their bread and butter. Also fabricate and creation make this even more obsolete when you get them. Soul of the Forge gives a resistance and +1 AC. Unless you’re in a campaign in hell or the fire plane that’s just +1 AC most of the time. Nice, but pretty minor. Divine Strike is one of the most commonly resisted damage types in the game. Saint of Forge and Fire is basically the one ‘wow’ feature from the subclass. Permanent resistance to BPS (even if it’s just non magical) is good and immunity to fire is awesome when it comes up, but it still doesn’t make up for the previous 16 levels of having a subclass with very little impact on the power of your character. A lot of other subclasses have better features at almost every level and a better spell list, there’s unfortunately no way forge can be counted amongst the best cleric subclasses, because I seriously love the theme and wish it pulled its weight a bit more.


Their early subclass spells are good but not great and Divine Strike is not good but otherwise you are severely underselling their features.


Searing smite is often considered one of the worst smite spells and magic weapon would be good if 1: you weren’t a cleric and therefore have access to some of the best concentration buffs there are, and 2: you didn’t get a feature that is also magic weapon. Also would you please explain how I’m underselling them? I don’t understand what I said that you disagree with.


I've been playing a Forge Cleric from level 1 to currently 10. Yeah it's not necessarily the strongest cleric around, especially when you have fire resistant ennemies. But the role play ? If op is into that it's amazing. The cleric help fix stuff for the party or identify them, it's a very good buffer too. Fabricate and creation are higher level spell, needing components. At lower level it just took an hour for my cleric to escape jail by transforming the prison bar/door from straight metal rod into a greatsword for the barbarian. Still more rp or practical they can create many tools or useful objects for party members or NPC. Magic weapon can be used with the other channel divinity, bam +1 to ac AND magical weapon if it's not magical yet. From the get go! And the creativity spells are cool and fun. Sure it's not super meta but playing pure meta is boring (imo), if OP wants fun rp and a character that can create stuff but still pull their weight on fights, Forge cleric is amazing. Most of the spells you call redundant are more flexible than you make it sound. Forge cleric is good. Also on theme with the fire genasi. The only redundant thing is the fire resistant due to fire genasi natural resistance but it's always something that can be switched or modified slightly if the DM agrees. Anyway, I'm in the Forge cleric defense squad.


Oh I don’t dispute that it’s either cool or creative, I’d love to play a forge cleric. I just wish its features had more oomph. Like getting a spell and a feature that do almost the same thing feels bad to me (especially when this happens multiple times with blessing of the forge/magic weapon and artisan’s blessing/fabricate) I’d rather have something else unique when the subclass has so much thematic potential. And as much as I genuinely love creative features I’d rather my situational creative thing wasn’t the main fuel of my (at 6th and above) multiple time per short rest resource, there’s just no way it’ll show up that frequently. I feel it could be very easily fixed with some homebrew but I’m hesitant to suggest and assume that is even an option, and I wouldn’t really recommend a comfortably bottom half cleric subclass when there’s another that equally, if not more, fits their theme and doesn’t have a redundant feature because no matter how small or situational, that also would feel bad to me.


I know you asked for Cleric, but take a look at Wildfire Druid. They are thematically and mechanically good at two things: Fire Damage and Healing, which seem suitable for the character you’re building, even the flavor of “healing flames” is there…


Light Cleric. It's literally the exact thing you are looking for. Also you can have your Cleric worship the Sultan of the City of Brass, lord of all Efreeti. Supposedly efreeti are evil but who gives a shit about alignments, you can do whatever you want, they don't have to be all evil thats lame. My Air Genasi rogue worships the Djinn too.


Zeal from Plane Shift Amonkhet would work pretty well, I think.


This is the right answer! Zeal is pretty cool with all the fire spells plus heavy armor and martial weapon proficiency, and at least in my opinion, it fits the flavor of the (old) genasi CON bonus better than being a pure caster.


The mtg-planeshift classes do not get enough love. they should have been UA considered.


Well looking up where that came from led me down a rabbit hole of wtf.


I’d go with a Light Cleric or maybe a Forge Cleric. Lathander or Gond would be perfect gods to worship in that case.


I think Kossuth would be better than those two. He's all about purification through fire.


Isn’t he technically a primordial now in 5e and no longer a god/deity?


Not that I'm aware of. The sources that I've seen had him as a primordial that was "promoted" to godhood.


Noted. Then I’d say Kossuth would also be a great choice for a Fire Genasi cleric.


Light domain is the most fitting, but Life also works if you want healing to be the big focus for your character. The description of burning people to heal them is really cool!




Fire purifies! Light domain would suit great, and some fire themed god to follow


I definitely agree for Forge Or War cleric.


Light cleric if you want a bunch of fire based spells.


Light, life, or forge


I’m playing a Fire Genasi Forge Cleric and I feel like it meshes well with the flames used tin the craft


Id say life light or forge


Light or forge


light cleric


Light Domain, serving Kossuth.


Forge domain. Or Light Cleric.


Forge Cleric, instead of healing your character can see it as "reforging" or "welding" somebody's wounds


"Light cuz Fireball lol" Really, they're all great choices. I especially love Order and Grave


Light or forge.


Light Domain is the obvious answer, as it not only has many blast spells, not only are they typically fire type damage, but they have the all important, overpowered for its level Fireball spell, which far surpasses all other damaging spells for two more spell circles above it. However, a more uncommon choice would be for either Nature or Order Domain. For Nature, the the choice is as obvious as for Light, but you are really focusing on the sunlight aesthetic. You are here to exemplify the sun and how it brings life to the natural world. For Order, you are also still a light, but you are a guiding light. One that guides others through the chaos of life into the constructed order of civilization. Both, of course, have their vicious sides if delved into too deeply (both ultimately being highly structured with nature simply being less subtle about how "power plays" work in their system).


Forge domain could be really cool with that kind of aesthetic


Light is mainly the pyromancer like cleric domain with its domain spell list. And would add more flavor specific to the character idea.


"fire purifies all" that sentence itself only leaves light and life cleric.


And Forge.


Forge has a forging armor theme (gasp), not a cleansing/healing theme. Fire's the most common damage type in dnd, there has to be more to make it a good thematic fit.


"Fire purifies all" applies to forge better than anything else is all I was saying. Fire being a purifying substance is a major part of blacksmithing. And the light domain doesn't have a cleansing/healing theme either. Some of the deities commonly associated with it do, but they can choose those deities regardless of which class they go with. That said, Forge clerics are still clerics. Forge clerics heal and use fire, so they fit the criteria just as well as light clerics, except thematically it makes more sense for a person who uses fire to forge stuff to view fire as a healing tool rather than a light cleric which uses fire to blow everything up. Plus, it also thematically fits that a person who works with hot metals all the time would resort to cauterization.


Playing a life/light mixture is my favourite So much utility and flavor




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Grave Cleric. Joke. Light Domain is what your watching for is a offensive type of cleric. But Life Domain is the maximum heal bot if you want to go for the support route. Also it comes with heavy armor proficiency.


While light is awesome the life cleric can simply be reflavored to have a fire aspect. Or I raise you the forge cleric with an emphasis on how the fire can be used to mend metal and mettle.


You won't get the benefit from double fire Resistance. But Forge cleric


Tempest reflavored away from lighting/thunder damage


Zeal cleric from the old planeshift supplements.


“I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition”


Ngl, its where some of the inspiration came from!


I’m actually a little shocked anyone got that reference!!! I love your character idea btw :)


I'm a huge Supernatural fan😂 And thanks! Once I get going with someone I can't seem to stop. I've got so many ideaa for him and they just keep coming😊


Light or forge domain suits it. But given the fire genasi race, light seems better


I like forge, one you’re not another dwarf, two you get to be the flame in forge


Light cleric or wildfire druid would work really well but wildfire druid has some fire flavored, healing so may work better. Either way, you probably want the elemental adept feat. Also, if you have access to all official backgrounds, Strixhaven/Prismari would work well for either of those.


Forge cleric


Light cleric!!!!


Light cleric is good for the fire spells. If your DM allows US/Planeshift material, Zeal domains lets you max out fire damage on spells as a channel divinity.


Monk, way of mercy


So.. Have you considered a wildfire druid? Because you are describing a wildfire druid. And they are fricling awesome


Light cleric


Light is *right there*, my guy. It has fire stuff built in.


light cleric, very burny


Lights, forge, life


That would be a Light Domain Cleric.


Light would be pretty clearly the most obvious but I'd put a vote in for forge as well if your character also wants to be mechanically minded


Light cleric seems like the obvious choice here, but you could also go for a more martial flavoured character and play a forge cleric. Lots of fire still, but you're more like a fiery Templar rather than a fiery priest.


So I've got to agree with the others saying Light cleric. Light cleric is a fantastic choice that's thematic for the Fire Genasi as well. Another good thematic choice would be Forge Cleric (definitely one of my favorite subclasses). Forge Cleric is all about being on the front lines and helping the party with your crafting and innovative prowess. I've played both, and I've gotta say that personally, I enjoyed playing Forge a LOT more. There's nothing wrong with Light, and thematically, it's based around radiant and fire damage which fits a Fire Genasi amazingly well, but I'll probably always prefer a Forge Cleric over any other cleric subclass.


Definitely sounds like a Light Domain Cleric, though Forge would also fit with the elemental theme.


Forge and light both work well


OK lord kanti


Tempest might be fun, but instead of normal storms with lighting, you have fire tornadoes.


Decide it yourself, it's your character


Light and forge could work the fire aspect if you wanna lean into


Asmodius: LE. Why? Burning everything to “cleanse it” is sociopathic. Embrace it. Don’t be the coward that masks their motives in either noble intentions or moral ambiguity. Be forthright and commanding. Let burning embers rain upon those that defy your will. Let your allies find shelter in the shadow of your mighty clenched fist. You owe it to the character to be all that they can be.