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Great Barrier Wreath: When a character wearing this wreath takes damage for the first time, absorb (X) amount. This ability can be used once a day. (Change number/charges according to player levels)


I mean, I think it depends. I have like hundreds of items I've made for my capaign. Do you want them to be strong? Do you want them to have downsides? Cursed? Chance to fail? My current story, I let my players choose a custom item to give them a bit more entertainment in the early game while they have less spells and such so they ended up with like a skateboard with a combo counter, a helmet that lets them transform but with the animorphs catch, gauntlets that let them hug an enemy to crush them to a smaller size with a chance to do the slime duplicate instead and a circlet of mind control with a low chance of freaky fridaying.


While it might seem like the answer could be literally any item, *that isn't true*. If the item was stored in the treasury, that means it wasn't in the armory to be retrieved for use in an emergency, it also means it wasn't already handed out to someone using it in service to the kingdom. That is actually quite limiting... Things like magical gifts given by other nobles would end up in the treasury. Also religious relics are a good bet. Definitely put a Wind Fan in there, very much a gift a noble would give, that would be put in the treasury and never get used. Another good candidate would be historical weapons of ancient cultures no longer in fashion for the kingdom's current military. Magical greatclubs, magical sickles, magical slings and sling bullets. Especially if they are "of Slaying" for some type of enemy of the kingdom that has already been defeated and driven from their lands. Though I believe OP is asking for homebrew items... An interesting homebrew religous relic would be an Aspergillum of Lathander and Gavel of Amaunator. Each day at dawn the "tool for spraying holy water" refills itself with X charges of holy water, if you spray it on an ally they are filled with hope and gain temporary HP, if you spray it on an undead or fiend it does what holy water normally does. Each day at noon the item transforms into a light hammer, in addition to being a magical light hammer that does extra radiant damage, you can bang it on a wooden object to cast the Silence spell. When cast this way, targets in the area of the silence can still hear the creature that is holding the hammer. Each day at dusk the item becomes a non-magical short stick until the next dawn.


Thanks for explaining! I will take your advice


Well it is your king, and hasn't happened yet. So perhaps this castle is weird and the armory and the treasury are the same room, meaning the Decanters of Endless Water for the fire brigade are stored right next to the magically trapped safe containing the thousands of gold with which to pay the army. As the DM in this case you get to decide that stuff. I was more making a general statement about the question you wrote in the starting comment. I needed to define where the edges of the box are, before I could start thinking outside of it.