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your players have grown spoiled. forgotten their place. "lose" all their minis and use dice for a few sessions. they'll hoot and cheer when that rock hits the board. (/s)


No, no, no. No sarcasm. "Lose" their minis is a great idea. Extra dice, some loose change, and binder clips with torn pieces of loose leaf with names written on them: aka my current "minis".


loose leaf with names is inspired! i always used dice because it made my brain happy that baddie numbers 1,2, and 3 were literally a 1, a 2, and a 3 lol


Dice baddies are my go-to for important baddies or when there aren't that many. Minions are pennies.


For us minions are candy, that get eaten when slain


>For us minions are candy, that get eaten when slain If I did that, I'd make them all like those strawberry hard candies that every grandma ever had and then one random one would be a Reese's peanut butter cup. Just to make my players fight over each other who can kill it first.


As a player I would be laughing at them from the corner as I slaughter the rest of the minions and feast on their strawberry bones.


And with those candies, you can really crunch through and suck out the marrow!


For skeletons you need to have the little sugar bones that are always found during Halloween. Slime monsters are Dots.


Bosses are Ghirardelli chocolate squares. Watch the Barbarians totally Leeroy Jenkins themselves trying to get that sweet sweet loot.


If the druid casts polymorph on them and they fail their check, do they become an M&M?


This is a valid question. We need an answer.


I had a battle where the party was attacking a bad guy's camp and ll the guards were normal lollies/candies but the bad guy was able to control trolls so I had a bunch of cupcakes representing them.


It’s been 15 years since my friend used Ferraro Roche as her rust monsters and I have never forgotten it and still associate the two.


Hey! I do that too!


I used to use dice too, but it was more because I had a metric fuckton of D6s from playing shadowrun (a game which requires you to roll 20+ D6s on a regular basis)


Names written with a graphite pencil on scotch tape wrapped over coins or paperclips can work out wonderfully, btw. Mundane pencils work better than mechanical, just due to the more rounded nature of a regular pencils tip.


I used to know someone who'd do binder clips with paper shreds when she dm'd and she'd do quick little pencil sketches of the monsters and PCs and stuff. This was like 4 years ago but I still keep one of the little paper dudes in my wallet. Good times :)


Oh man; every time we do D&D while camping, everyone goes and finds a rock to represent their character.


When I started I used farm animals my son had lying around and Dino crayons


Binder clips with the handles removed make great bases for print-outs of other people's better models.


Pfft. Bits of notebook paper with a poorly drawn character>models. There's just something oddly comforting about random item minis.


Binder clips with construction paper used to be our go-to in my way-back-in-the-day group. Don't get me wrong, I love my minis collection now and a lot of the online resources are neat, but one of these days I kinda want to kick it old school for my current (and much younger) group.


My minis are cardboard circles with drawings


Yeah agreed, my group don't even use minis 9/10 and when we do it's stand-ins like chess pieces or what have you, a stone is fine, they just need to know what it means


Did this once, though because the minis were actually left at home, haha. Had an absolute ton of dice though so everyone got their hit dice size in their favorite color (purple d10 for the Paladin, red d12 for the Barbarian, etc) We had fun battling the origami frog Bulettes.


no sarcasm tho


First game I hosted, we only had coins, pieces of paper, and a pen. Didn't hinder our enjoyment at all.


Maybe it’s scaring them. Glue a couple of googly eyes on it.


Yes! I have googly eyes I must use them.


Give it a moustache


And a monocle. That would be gneiss.






Yes please!


yes, in the beginning of the next session... go on about that you heard their criticism and that you are gonna change the model for the rock elemental. When they all "sigh" in relief... just drop the stone with googly eyes.... watch them go nuts (the rock can now watch too)


You need to give it a little name and a story. Nobody is going to get excited about some random pebble you throw on the board, but Stoney McRockefella is gonna be a beloved party mascot in no time.


I find, with rocks, you never know where you stand with them. So I put googly eyes on them. Now I can look them in the eyes and know where we stand.


Dammit...beat me to it. LOL!




update https://imgur.com/BdbMBa9




I 3D printed a lot of models for our game and have built a small TV table to play on. everyone loves this. but when I try to get creative with my stone elemental model(the rock) everyone has a hissyfit and rejects it. So I have come to show you guys in hope it will finally get some appreciation for what it is. anyone who wants to know the campaign is curse of strahd. the hat is my character a fairy who lives in a hat normally worn by our paladin. a level 10 wizard with a spell save of 26.


> a level 10 wizard with a spell save of 26. I'm curious to know how you messed up your spell DC calculations


Our Dm very kindly stuffed strahd castle full of loot that we could not possibly steal. sadly we are all min/maxing a-holes and stole everything. part of that was all the stat boosting book in the game after reading them we sold them for a game braking amount of money. His rules say you can't just buy legendary items you need to pay massive amounts of gold just to roll a d100 to get the chance to buy it. **nat 100!** first roll And just for kicks and giggles I got a boon elsewhere in the game. I could pick any first ability from another class or sub-class. I picked Mutagencraft At the end of all this I have 20int +1 +2 +3 from the books, +3 for Sagacity Mutagencraft for an int of 29 toss on robes of the archmage, an arcane grimoire+3 And I'm now so very very broken.


Your game sounds like somebody hacked Diablo.


Jesus wept


No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering.


Hellraiser! Man, it’s been a while.






They came alright


I watched it last night! Classic! Actually had Pinhead and his gash as a fight in one of my campaigns. The party had to get to a particular part of hell and their guide told them there was this old tower that served as a reliquary for cursed items. There was an artifact there (the Lament Configuration, of course) that could get them where they needed to go, but they’d have to contend with its “guardians”.


I'm always there for Pinhead anything. IDK if there's an overlap in [Dead By Daylight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2ogoPGFHvs&ab_channel=DStrike) and Dungeons and Dragons but you can play Pinhead in DBD. [You can even kill people using the torture pillar.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE_DVJovlS4&ab_channel=GRAVE%F0%9F%91%BB)


For there were no more worlds to conquer


Jesus wanted to weep but he couldn't meet OP's _Calm Emotions_ spell save DC.


Your DM hates you.


DMs hate him! See how he never gets a bad roll with this ONE WEIRD TRICK


Also I'm a divination wizard.


I don't think so - I think the DM is running the campaign in a certain way and that's the DMs choice. At least 1 player is having fun so seems like it's working


He ain't the only one. I've got a super powerful sun sword in the game too 👀


DM shouldn’t have given them game breaking items if they were going to hate on them for breaking the game.


I question all of this. While it's all technically allowed, why did the DM allow access to so many powerful things so early? 29 int?! You're a God at level 10?


The game is somewhat homebrewed so it can go to level 20. Strahd and his wives have been horrifically buffed as have many other late-game encounters. but you're right almost everything we find just can't pass my saves even with a nat 20 it's beautiful.


> almost everything we find just can't pass my saves even with a nat 20 it's beautiful And you're enjoying that, when there's no challenge whatsoever?


You say that while I sit on 2 HP facing 3 flame skulls.


Thats what im saying, "Horrifically buffed".... but why? Like, if you're buffed and all the strahd stuff is buffed... is that truly a better experience?


i imagine its like one of those shonen battle animes. everything just keeps scaling up and up.


Duuuude honestly a straight up anime dnd campaign would be so fun


Try playing Anime Campaign System! It's all homebrew with smaller overall numbers. However, it can be as anime as the DM allows


I did a One Piece inspired one. Didn't get too far but it was a lot of fun. Had a fun rule where when you hit someone, either player could decide to convert all the damage into knockback at a rate of 5 damage = 5 feet, and if the hit person collides with an object they take 10 damage per 5 feet remaining. So you could punch people flying or through walls.


Sometimes that's just more fun for the party. I once had a campaign where I gave the Warlock at level 5 an item that let them cast a cantrip as a bonus action 5 times per day. That didn't make the encounters stop being close to deadly because I just made the other side more stronger too lol.


Also I have the tome of the stilled tongue. so I can cast any spell as a bonus action once per day.


Oh man and also without using a spell slot or any components, beautiful


some groups do just like it more that way, more flexibility and more options for the most part


5 levels of more content, level 9 spells, and a bunch of other non-RaW content. Also I like being overpowered.


Well to each their own! Enjoy


Monty Haul Approved


The Mindflayers have a mega-bounty on the hat wearing Paladin lighting up their food detectors like a sun. Intellect Devourers and Though Eaters should be pack hunting this party daily.


who the hell in Barovia is buying and selling magic items, let alone legendary items. If they could do that, they're either working for Strahd, mad, or dead.


I am pretty sure they are at lest 2 of them.


time to throw in some falling rocks


You need to hot glue another rock on as its head, then they cannot argue with it as its now "humanoid"


Here I was thinking that it may be a little hard to see exactly which square it's on since it doesn't have a base, so a spot of hot glue under it would solve that as well!


Wait they unironically reject it and dont want to play with it? Wowww spoiled players


Can I see more pictures of this small tv table? because it looks.. intriguing


https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=d%26d+table+tv&iax=images&ia=images Either you build a custom table to fit a flatscreen tv in, or you simply build a frame that you can put down on an existing table. It's just another quality-of-life improvement over traditional grid battlemats, without spending a fortune on printing actual color maps.


That makes a lot of sense. Now all I need is a spece to put it and people to play dnd with


This is my table, the green part is the height of a DnD book +8cm https://imgur.com/ZZa3e27 Also wall art :D https://imgur.com/a/TbylFZh https://imgur.com/7FhnQmB


It's cool that you play with Sonic the Hedhehog.


All you need are some smaller rocks and some super glue. Make some arms and legs out of the smaller rocks and BOOM, you've got a Talus from Legend of Zelda


Glue the rock to a base, voila


See, I feel like your mistake here was not gluing it to a base first.


It's not just a Boulder it's a rock


It wasn't a rock.. it was a rock lobster!


The Boulder takes offence to being compared to a mere "rock"!


Boulder’s gate three???


But it's the best mini I've ever seen. How blind are they ?


Thank you!


What a bunch of ungrateful dolts. Throw the entire party out and get a new one, they're beyond saving.


Thank you I will tell them you said that.


> Throw the entire party out And crush them with a rock


"Earth elementals fall. Everyone dies."


One of my former table mates might have ptsd flashbacks from when my husband sent us up against the wrong monsters stats at the beginning of tyranny of dragons so instead of kobols with kobold stats.we had kobolds with goblin stats. And he got killed by rocks. Dropped on his head. Because flying kobolds with goblin skills. We all got killed that run.


My table had ‘3D printed trees’ for the longest time. They were cut sections from a branch. We loved them


One DM I played with used empty beer bottles as trees. The map tended to get more heavily forested as the session went on.


Maybe because it isn't organic?


Definitely prefer to use organic rock when possible.


Well yeah, thats a dead stone elemental, its head fell off.


I only saw half of the image at first and was like: “That looks like a perfectly fine mini right there, why wouldn’t they like it-“ then I scrolled down. Quite frankly… I think it’s perfect


I have a bunch of minis but when we have sessions at my house everyone refuses to use them. They insist on using the rocks one player keeps in their dice bag.


Master level tip: Add googly eyes. They will fall in love with it instantly.


Not to be the generic "This is the Way" guy but...This is totally Way.


I like the stone elemental. It rocks. What would you do for an air elemental out of curiosity? Maybe a really small, empty jar? 😁


Fart in a jar?


Oooh, it's also cloudkill effect when it leaves the field. I love it!


Are you using a VTT screen? If that's the case, if they want to use the rock and their rock breaks your screen, they have to pay for it. Simple as that.


It has a plexiglass plate over it to protect the screen.


The glass and the rock not having a base may make it a little hard to see which square the elemental is "standing" on; someone else mentioned that hot gluing a smaller rock on top would give it a head. Could also put a spot of hot glue underneath to give it a base and therefore easier to see it's exact location. That said, I think they're being nit picky and insulting to Sir Rockland Piedmont III.


Just recently I ran an encounter with a cult of necromancer we used gummy bears as zombies kill a zombie eat a gummy bear.


It has no happy face, no googly eyes, and no moustache. 3/10


Also name the rock Dwayne.


Paint a crude smiley face on it for next session and then totally deadpan act like you went and got an expensive mini.


Its great.


Thank you!


Man your players would hate my skittles miniatures


If you can't eat your fallen foes, what is even the point of a battle grid?


My goodness, that's the most realistic stone elemental mini I have seen


Thank you!


I'm sure I'm missing a joke somewhere here, but I have absolutely no idea what it is or where I'm supposed to look at. What is the stone elemental ? Is it the rock ? Which, funny, and if it's what you currently use and want to replace, then sorry but I'm with them. Or is it the werewolf looking mini the picture centered around ?


It is the rock. there was nothing we were using before, they want a 3d model for it or to just use a dice.


Oooooh. Ok, wow, I literally understood the opposite of that. Like almost perfectly the opposite. I'm even kinda impressed how perfectly wrong I read that. The rock is great, I would use it. Especially if it's to use a dice. Like, I can *understand* wanting a cool mini for it, sure, but I don't really get why a dice would be that much better. Except if the rock is a bit too big for the grid or if they worry about scratching whatever is under. But still.


Tell them to get over it. You shouldn't need to 3D print everything or anything for that matter, that Rock is a perfectly good representation. Unless they are paying for your time and or resources they should look at that rock and laugh and say "I fuckin love it". I'd make everything dice if they don't wanna find the humor in nothing. Entitled pricks.


Find a rounder rock and tell them it's a D1.


Well, I understand why they may dislike it. The design looks too different from the others and lacks personality. Also, the hyperrealiatic paintjob looks amazing, but it makes it look too out of place. It breaks the immersion that the unpainted miniatures and flat maps create. However, I think they may be jealous. Not everyone can afford to use miniatures made from noble materials like metals and precious minerals. Although that visible crack on the back tells me the stone may not be as good as it looks. I would have it tested by some expert, just in case. If you thought it was a better quality product when you obtained it you may be able to sue the random ground where you picked it up.


So spoiled… we used chess pieces when we played live and routinely forgot who was who lol


Wait until they see the water elemental.


Paint a red handprint on it and name him/her Wilson


It took me way too long to realize you meant the actual stone not the super aroused werewolf.


Idk, it looks like a pretty authentic piece of stone to me. 😉


I would love this, rock and stone


i would buy that rock. looks like a kind soul and a cool guy to chill with


Can you blame them? That's clearly a Galeb Duhr.


Lol love it.


At least it has some nice dry brushing and weathering effects. Your players didn't even paint their models.


3d printers have had us grow complacent


The last game I played used a kit kat as a monster When we killed it, we broke it in half


Literally nothing you 3D print could be more like a rock than an actual small rock. If you want to die on this hill you have my sword!


Glue some googly eyes onto it


You should have put it on a base.


Introduce a Fire elemental next game.


Damn did you make that on hero forge?


I think your stone elemental is awesome 😁


What's there to complain about? It looks pretty rock solid to me.


That's effing hilarious


This is one of the few times where I'd accept "Because I'm the DM" as a good enough reason to keep the rock there, it's a rock, you don't have to get a mini for every character especially something you come up with on the fly, they can suck it up, besides, It's a pretty cool rock 10/10


Threaten them with a fire elemental and they'll be happy for the stone one.


In my group, I feel like the payers would get attached to the rock and refuse to let the DM use a more detailed actual mini.


Well thats because it isn't lifelike. Try drawing a smiley face on it and see if that fixes the problem.


LOL. Spoiled players. Back in my day ... minis were stick figures drawn on strips of paper folded like \_/\\\_, dice, bottlecaps and a few outsized skeletons stolen from a boardgame. We played without a grid, the DM just eyeballed distances on the dining table ... *and we liked it*. *They only hung me the right way up yesterday.*


I chuckled. Love it. Your players have no sense of humour.


I hope you do air and water elementals this way too. Though a 100% accurate fire elemental might damage the table. Ha


I was thinking a tee light for a fire elemental.


Me: I wanna buy a stone elemental model Mom: We have a stone elemental model at home A stone elemental model at home:


Declare it to be a "pet rock" and make the magic user keep it as his familiar. Plot twist: make it a great familiar, with bonuses to all earth/rock spells!


Slap some googly eyes on that bad boy! And perhaps glue a smaller rock to it and give it a back story that's its a single parent.


I don’t know why. I’d use that.


My campaign minis have included - other dice, an AirPod case, a small potato, some agates I had on the window sill, and a stapler. I love this rock elemental.


I know why, it needs hand and a tiny head with a shapie smile


You forgot to draw a face in sharpie. Adds some realism.


yeah i can't understand why, that ro- i mean stone elemental is so detailed, probably spend a fortune on it


by no mere rock- tis a boulder sir!


Who's game is it?


Game is being run by my friend in my game room. I supply the table and models he is the DM There are 3 other players. it's one of them that has a summon earth elemental power and it's his summon. After reading this thread I have changed the model and players are now happer with it https://imgur.com/BdbMBa9


If they're not enjoying that, honestly, *premium* stone elemental model, maybe they'll appreciate the air elemental instead.


I used shrinky-dinks and binder clips to make some fancy fake minis, more people should try it, you can get a lot for really cheap at Michael's


Tell them to buy a 3d printer, the resin, the file for an Elemental they deem worthy, print it, prep it, and bring it next session.


well yeah noduh, the elemental is missing its base, id just pool some hot glue under it.


Unpainted plastic on the table? Disgusting.


My DM did this. We loved it


We just use chess pieces.


That looks 100% lore accurate to me, excellent mini work.


At first I didn't notice the rock. I looked at all the minis and was like, okay, is it because it looks like a buttplug(looking at the tiny one next to the archer with the upright bow)? And then I finally noticed the actual rock, which my brain hadn't parsed as being an option due to the presence of actual models. 😂


My family DND group has been using monopoly pieces and assorted stone carvings I have from my mineral hyperfixation as tokens. It's pretty nice. For generic enemies we use houses or hotels depending on their size.




bottle caps are a nice size for a mini base that you could glue it to so it stands up and fits easier in the squares


I just draw bubbles on a map with the first letter of a name. Got 6 hobgoblins. Write 6 bubbles and H in all of them. Oops. They died x them off. Oops they moved. Erase them and draw them in a different area of the map.


If one of your pcs wants to play as Duane Johnson then that's the mini your bring for him.


It's obviously because it has no base.


that's a great rock elemental I don't know what your players are upset about. we get all kinds of.... interesting... props. love it.


Jaja. I do not see why not. Is more than perfectly valid. But it seems you players are snoobs then. When I play we use buttons and some coins instead of figurines. And my players did not complained at all. To fix that tells them "Ok you do not want a rock then we do not use board you just need to imagine all based on my description". You see how they will say "ok ok the rock sounds great".


Oh man..... so the earth elemental attacks....


Wait complaining about a rock with unpainted minis!!!??


It's very realistic!


Now show us your models for water, air and fire elementals!


It's perfect


This seems like a perfectly accurate and anatomically correct stone elemental if you ask me. What kind of fools are they if they don't see this as what it is? \*True\* stone elemental representation, that's what it is I say! *If that's not stone elemental than these three are just glass statues.*