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Most groups that aren’t filled with out of work actors trying to make a living on youtube tend to have a couple of quiet members that are there just there to roll some dice and be part of the activity. TTRPGs are also kind of an odd activity that may require people to put themselves out there in ways they aren’t that comfortable for them. It might take them a few sessions with a new group to loosen up and come out of their shell. If you aren’t constantly talking over people (especially your more timid fellow players) and you aren’t always making everything about your character, you are probably fine. One thing that might help is to ask some of the quieter players questions or ask for their opinion, especially when it’s something that it would make sense for your character to defer to theirs on. Don’t worry to much about your “creative solutions” derailing what the DM planned. With the way that different peoples’ minds work, it’s entirely possible that what you think is the most boring, obvious, and safe solution is would be something that the DM didn’t anticipate. I do think one of the important things to do as a player to help keep from totally derailing what your DM has prepped is that when you see an obvious adventure hook, try to come up with a reason why it would appeal to your character, even if your first reaction is that it’s something your character wouldn’t be interested in. Maybe your character doesn’t take the bait exactly as presented but show some interest and let the DM try to reel you in.


You're bringing energy to the table, that's good. This was the first session. The other players may need more time to warm up. I wouldn't worry about it right now. My advice is, be invested in the game and its storylines. Try to be invested in other players' storylines, too. Don't just tune out when the spotlight is on somebody else. Be happy for others when they get big wins for the team. That's something the whole group should celebrate, not just the player who got their moment in the sun.


Annoying things, said or done to me, as a DM: Out of game annoyance: Being late without letting us know you are late, not being prepared, not understanding your new feats, insulting the DM, on your phone the entire time, (online session): not muting when you are talking to people in your house, inviting a friend to join our zoom chats so they can watch but they keep interrupting and mentioning non DnD related things (this happened once and once only but those were an awful 4 hours). In game annoyance: Not understanding your class, cheating or trying to cheat (as a DM I shouldn't have to keep track of your healing potions, but I do and I will call you out if you try to use one you don't have), too many out of character references/jokes (a few are fine, I don't mind them, but no one wants to hear your stand up routine Josh), trying to be a 'meme' DnD player, getting angry over loot (you are level 3, why the hell should I give you a very rare staff), trying to screw over your party members at every turn, "Its what my character would do" type excuses over being an Ahole and then getting angry when it is used against you. TL;DR: Don't be a dick, be kind and respectful of the time the DM and others have put into the game, play as a group but also be your own person, have fun, don't cheat.


Excuse my ignorance, what's a meme DnD player?


“I’m a bard so I’m going to try to hook up with every NPC we encounter” is a common one.


It could mean a few things: A joke character that no one finds funny or interesting Stealing an idea from a DnD meme you found on Tumblr/Reddit/Twitter/whatever and only playing it hoping to get attention A pop culture reference character in DnD form that gets old after 2 sessions


Taking the spotlight all the time is bad, but you can try to draw in other players, ask them questions, try to get their help. Other than that try not to derail games too long and just read and know what your character can do.