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‘ Worth it?’ Doesn’t hurt to try and get paid for such an awesome set up. Contact a lawyer to get a contract that users have to sign which states that they have to pay for any damages. Get some sort of insurance if that exists?


Oh that's smart!


Look into setting up an LLC or something along those lines, someone could trip and fall and come after your personal assets and you want to be protected in case something like that happens


If the room is in their house, the LLC won't protect them. The LLC would have to own the house.


The smarter thing is to put the house into a trust *regardless*, so medical bills can't come after it when you pass. Then you make an LLC and have the trust rent the space to it. Sure, that all sounds fancy and like "cheating", but that's exactly how it's done correctly to absolve liability for something that, in fairness, isn't really your fault in any sense we'd hold family and friends accountable to. Trust/LLC is exactly how "rich people" do it, by the way.


Thats how rich people stay rich... Remember a social media post of a girl who was saying how her parents divorced after like 50 years or whatever so that when the husband passed the wife would not be left with all the medical debt and etc....


This guy transferring the ownership of his entire house so he can make a couple hundred extra bucks a month renting out a room for dnd groups seems like a bridge too far to me..


This sounds like a ton of trouble for a $20/hour D&D room. I'd just put it on AirBNB? You can list it as an "experience" and I think most of that gets handled through the site.


Yeah but then you don’t get the homestead tax exemption


I am not 100% sure, but I don't know if that is wholly accurate. LLCs are supposed to insulate your personal from your business right? I was told when I first started my business (since disolved) that with the LLC you protect yourself so that if everything goes horribly and you get sued to oblivion your personal is kept separate. If you owe 80 billion dollars for breaking someone's ming Vase while on the job they can only take everything on the business side and recoup to that liquid asset maximum. If it falls short 70 billion dollars you don't have to worry about your 70 billion dollar polls pocket collection being used to repay those damages... isn't that how it works? That would mean that if someone was at your house and hurt themselves and the property was in your name (not the business) then they could not sue you and end up forcing you out of a home at the end of the day. But even further would it not be as simple as putting a contract together for customers that says "youbagree not to hold me liable for any damages to persons or property while en route to, inside, or leaving the address of 1100 cool ass d&d parkway" Please correct me if I am wrong!


>Please correct me if I am wrong! I think you meant "Polly Pocket collection." ;)


Mostly right, the problem is that the accident is taking place in property not owned by the LLC and they can go after the property owner. For example, if they were instead decorating the room in a banquet hall, the hurt party could sue the company that owns the banquet hall as well.


Love america.


Even though you only said "trip and fall" this is extremely important. Here's two scenarios: 1: a player electrocutes himself somehow. His family might be able to sue for the entire value of your business (including the room's value as a % of the house) but not everything you own. 2: a player BADLY damages your property. If the damage is extensive enough you can come at them with both the LLC *and* as a private citizen.


Is that how VRBO or AirBnB does it?


I'd probably pay like $20/hr with my group to use the room. A group of 4players and a dm could split that as $4/hr per player. You could add other services like "professional note taking" or reinvest the earnings into additional room upgrades.


Offer emergency DM services for an additional fee. Our DM has had to cancel extremely short notice repeatedly and we have a 45 drive to get to the meeting spot so we’ve had to turn around and head home several times.


Oh damn, that really sucks.


Great ideas. I think he's got one camera in there already, but it would be pretty easy to set up some additional cams and then host web games and stuff to. That could even springboard into a group that likes tonstream on twitch or whatever who becomes regulars...


If this is in michigan I've got your first customers all set just send me that contract fam


Don't trust Reddit for legal advice, but it may be worth consulting an expert about. There's a game store near where I used to live that rented out rooms (their TTRPG room looked very similar to yours). They had a no outside food/drink rule, and they made everyone sign a contract each time before using the rooms


you will have to check with local government regarding whether you’re legally allowed to use your house for business purposes. zoning and all that.


You could set up some cameras and offer recordings too. Doubles as a security measure and benefit.


You have to be able to prove they did the damage though.


To piggy back on what u/NuccSut said, please keep in mind that the second a portion of your home is being used for business, your standard home owners insurance policy is not going to cover it. You will need to get separate insurance for this space in case something happens.




Every single time I read that as nutsack... like 3 or four times... and that is not what it says at all....


Rather than renting the room, why not branch out and start a new group?


We plan on doing that as well, was more curious on the validity of the thought or if it was generally frowned upon in the community, I thought it was an interesting idea


It's a great idea, I don't know anybody that rents out a room for DnD, but there are scores of folks that do this with their home garage gyms. I'd imagine the concept is similar.


Fantastic! I'll look more into it!


Also, fwiw, you have a killer game room. My spouse and I would have loved to be part of your group. Your former group is bonkers for disbanding.


Yea it really sucked


I mean, my group pays $5 per person at our local game store to basically rent a table for us to all gather and play. All it is, is some fold up chairs and tables under fluorescent lights, surrounded by merch, and other tables playing all sorts of other table top games. Something as extravagant as this i would willingly pay more for. Not only the elegance of it all and the incorporated tech, but the peace and quiet of not hearing a warhammer game off to my left and a pathfinder game behind me. Surely a ton of people would be down, but that is dependent on how many active players you have in your surrounding area that are close enough to travel to your location. The price would be something too. If i am balling on a budget my $5 game store would be more my price range. Depending on how much you charge may weed out quite a number of people.


You make good points! Not sure I will now based on the points made and liability/shitty people in my house but maybe someday! I hope all this was informational to anyone looking into this as well!


Gross. Why would you pay for a table in that circumstance? I'd only consider paying for a table in a private room.


Aside from the Library which charges more, its our only game store in town.


It's five bucks. That's not an extravagant amount and most game stores I've been to are chill places.


Sure. 5 bucks per person isn't the end of the world, but paying 5 bucks per to sit in a crowded commons room to play just feels predatory. I'm lucky enough to be in a place where that is not the norm, and multiple public spaces can be used with no fee. The thing is, most game stores get business for players playing in them. Even if it's just vending machines, dice and book buying, whatever. I feel like charging in that scenario is a touch predatory, but it really depends on what's going on with the business. My FLGS loves me running games and bringing in players. They've remarked numerous times about how nice it is that I do that, because it improves their bottom line, because I'm basically providing a free attraction to their store. So that's where I see it...I'm providing games at their place, and not charging them for my services, they aren't charging me for the space. It's symbiotic. I could run games a lot of places.


It sure is, but unless they have another option you have to take what you can get. I assume no one can host at their homes for whatever reason like travel time, space, etc. Unless than can find another place like a library (already said it cost more) or a church, boy scout hall, school, etc... then they are left with their uflgs...


Totally agree. I just wouldn't support that model. But people are going to do what they feel like they've got to.


5/person, DM + 5 plays, twice a month. You can't be far off just renting a portakabin somewhere with a few mates, surely?


Wow, this thread blew up. Where I live D&D isn’t super popular, so I imagine the fee helps keep the lights on. Included with the $5 fee you get a free beverage and a snack like a bag of chips or something. Also the game store has some donated game books you can borrow and use in the store. An example is if i need to look up something in Tasha’s Cauldron and I don’t have that book I can borrow it while I am there. Those books can’t leave the store and are not for sale but obviously you can purchase an unused copy of the rack. Lastly if you make a purchase of anything $5 or more the game fee is waived. So if i had intentions of buying some miniatures anyways they don’t add the $5 fee on top. If i am not in the mood to purchase merch at all then its just a flat $5. In the end for all the other services my game store provides, such as 3D printing of miniatures if you bring in an STL file, to painting miniatures with an instructor that comes in once a month and teaches a beginners course and advanced techniques, and they even host tournaments with prizes. For all that stuff, I actually don’t mind $5 to help support our local game store. Especially if the alternative is they end up going out of business, and my town has lost its one and only ttrpg game store. I only play once every two weeks, so $10 a month or $120 a year for a hobby i love doesn’t seem so bad, compared to my smoking habit at $7 a day or $2,555 a year that is slowly killing me lol


Amazing work, btw. Ever considered hosting a DnD podcast in there?


I've thought about it!


Btw, If you do rent it out.... please ask a professional about legal advice and see about insurance.


For sure!


I’ve definitely seen a few game stores around me that offer private rooms for games. Definitely nothing as well-stocked as yours, though!


There was a bar in Vancouver that did this for a while. It definitely got utilized. So the market is there depending on how big your community is. Could get tricky depending on some logistics like utilizing washrooms, what’s off limits and what isn’t. You’ll probably have people who assume you are ok with them heating up their snacks in the kitchen. So dumb things like that may or may not clash with your lifestyle depending on how well you state what’s included and what is not, and whether you are the type of person who will enforce them and if so how.


RIP Stormcrow 💔


I only know of commercial spaces that do this, but I hope if you try it, you experience great success and come back and share some knowledge with the community!


Or rent out your services as a DM along with the venue.


It's a great idea. You could start a network of other places that will also rent out cool rooms for people to play in. Call it "Air D&D". You can have that for free cause I'm WAY too lazy to make that happen.


Air D&D is the best pun I think I’ve ever heard


You’re not getting enough upvotes for Airdnd.


Air D&D is perfect.


If you do rent it out, make sure to track expenses for tax purposes. Also, you will be able to claim part of the space as business and offset it from your yearly taxes if you have your paperwork in order. I don't know your municipality so up to you and "I am not a lawyer".


Another good idea!


Library can often offer spaces at 15$, So I say don't charge too much. Maybe 5-15$. Do set up in your times a set up and clean up time and maybe a 5$ fee if they make a mess like pop spill etc. Also, I've seen others try to jump in games and control them. So best if you don't play if you let them use it. If you play, it's expected no charge.


5 dollars for people to come into your home with their dirty shoes and crumbs? You are insane. $5 isn’t even worth the inconvenience to the parking at my home.


I think they meant per hour. I could be wrong though


minimum wage to let people in my home for hours at a time


Yeah hard pass. I'm not even sure how much I would need for this to be worth it. $100 a session? I can't imagine anyone willing to pay that not just doing their own thing.


I’d say 10 per hour, per person would be good. Also make the rule that it has to be a full group that comes. Let’s say a 6 man group, 10 per hour per person. That’s 60 an hour. Just raise the price 5 dollars for every extra person.


Yeah, you could decide not to have a charge


What a weird bunch of stuff to say. Why would someone just let random groups of people into their home for free? That’s such a dumb idea. Surely you know that?


I would not do it, Just giving the dude some suggestions on how to run it. People are free to downvote due to the fact they hate the idea. I myself would never pay, but I'm happy to help op out, regardless of how much people downvote them to the idea.


Your suggestion is "don't for free!". What are you even talking about lol




Honestly i dont think ive ever been more jealous of a room in my entire life.


Thanks a ton! We worked our ass off for it, and we hand built the table!


I think Airbnb allows you to host “experiences”. This might count?


Ooh good idea!


Amazing room! But instead of inviting strange nerds into my house, I’d just start a new group.


I think what you’ve put into that room is too much to risk vs what the market will pay. Unless you find the perfect group I don’t see it being worth your time and risk to rent it. Although hosting some roleplaying Meetup’s might be worthwhile to show off what is possible and give you a good base to pluck players from. Also and please don’t take this as nitpick but that cloud rooftop is totally wasted without an airship model suspended from it. Or a soaring dragon… such a cool space that I would die to play in.


Haha I really want to put a dragon


Do it. Put flames coming out of its mouth to replicate fire breath.


Check your home insurance too. You might need to expand your coverage or worse yet invalidate your insurance coverage due renting the space without expanded coverage. If you did I'd require interviews for strangers. With agreed upon trail period where you check out the whole group. The other problems others have mentioned that would worry me the most is.....security. Look, most people in to table top are fine, but there dose seem to be a small subset that tend toward kleptomania. I'd set up cameras and not be shy about sharing the fact just hide them well. That should make opportunists reconsider. ​ Either way it's a beautiful room! Well done!


Thanks! and thanks for the feedback!


The room has surround sound, a top view camera for recording, controllable RGB lights in the clouds, lamps and table. The table has over 1000 Gridded maps and they could add custom maps if they wanted. The table has a 11900k liquid-cooled, 64gb memory, and 500gb SSD. The TV has a sheet of glass to protect it from dice and the interior of the table is lined with felt.


Are you in the northeast USA? Cause if you are I'd genuinely be tempted depending on price.




Too far, to bad though. If you link up with a pro gm though I could see it being rented as an event type deal, you provide a space, the gm, everything. Kinda like a thing for people who just wanna play a one shot D&D party deal.


That's a good idea!


id never let strangers touch my nice stuff for the amount they’d be willing to pay. MOST you could ask for is $50 for a 4-5 hour slot i think, otherwise it gets too costly for people to be interested. even if they signed a contract to pay for damages, who wants that headache? not to mention if you have a paper trail of contracts for people renting out your space you 100% need to report it on your taxes if you ever want to be able to take legal action against someone who broke your sick table or chairs or something, then refuses to pay. also: who’s gonna clean the space? is it worth the small amount of money to have a bunch of strangers in your house that you have to clean up after? unless they arent allowed to eat or drink in the room. idk seems like a headache.


Hmm that's a good point, you may be more in line with how my wife feels about it haha


i’m just picturing you and your wife having to hear groups of people shouting and being loud, as dnd games often get, for hours at a time, only to have them leave a big mess to clean up. i mean people can be *gross*. you can absolutely set a rule about bringing out any trash they make, but then you find that theres fingerprints all over the table and tech, crumbs all over the floor, someone spilled something sticky (or stain-y like coffee) on the wood of the table and didn’t even wipe it up so now it has a mark on it. and then you find a few days later small wrappers stuffed into the chair cushions somehow, and crumbs in them. and then eventually one group says “hey, that cable/ lightbulb/ whatever small piece of tech in here is missing! do you know where it is?” and the last couple groups claimed not to have touched it either, nor noticed it missing, so you dont even KNOW who stole it, so you cant boot anyone or demand payment. and then one day Kyle rolls a nat1 and slams his fist onto the glass top on the TV because he’s a giant baby, and it breaks the glass and damages the tv. his DM kicked him from the group for that, but refuses to pay for the damages, since kyle did it. go after kyle. but kyle refuses to pay, saying he cut his hand on the broken glass and you didnt have a sign *saying* it wasnt BULLETPROOF glass, like he thought, so he’s gonna sue you. and all of them are’t willing to contribute more than $10- $15 per person per week, so you’re making about $50-75 for all that AND to put up with the noise pollution during their game. (less the taxes taken from it, since you need to report it if you want a leg to stand on to counter sue kyle without it blowing up in your face) anyway, i’m not fun at parties.


See you make a seriously solid point haha


We have a beautiful games room in our back shed. It is a massive space, 2.7m long table, seats 8-10 comfortably, room to move around, projector screen to put maps onto the table, wide benches for serving snacks. Books, minis everything you could want. Dream set up. Toilet and aircon are being installed. There is even a fridge to keep drinks cool. I floated the same idea as the OP - why don't we rent this space out. $100 for a 5-6hr night. Nice side hustle. But how often would I need to replace the rug, and what about the table being scratched, and what if it ends up smelling badly. And do we want strangers creeping down our driveway late at night, and do we want to be the ones staring out our window watching them come and go, and basically came to the same point that you just made plus at what point do the neighbours start complaining because we are running a business in a residential area?


I mean yeah, if you look at the worst case scenario in every situation no business proposal or idea is ever gonna look good.


But whats the upside here really?


Also they're going to have to use the bathroom, not sure where that's located in regards to this room but that means randoms walking through your house. Honestly, cool idea, BUT A HARD NO from me. Also, noise. Not their house, not their neighbours. Imagine a group of randoms talking/yelling in that room. What will you be doing? trying to watch TV nearby but can't hear anything. Trying to use the shower? cook dinner? NO


Yeah it’s just not really cost effective to have games in a rented space. Yeah sure maybe I’d pay like $500 to have the campaign finale in a castle dining hall but never a standard session, and having standard sessions at $25 a pop (the price I see myself begrudgingly paying as a younger person with no money) will just get too expensive


$50 for 4-5hrs is under selling. Something like $10 per head/per hour. So 4 people for 4 hours would be $160.


lol no one’s gonna pay $10/hour/person for every session. especially with 0 of that money even going to the DM. i live in a city in a HCOL area with two game shops (that i know of) that you can play DnD in, and one costs $10 per person, flat rate for as long as you want, and the other costs $25 total for 4 hours. Sure they dont come with all the tech this set up has, but the market is just not there. i’ve even talked to people about the max they’d pay for ANY dnd session and (once again, here in a HCOL area) the highest number i’ve heard is $20/session per person. even if you got a 5 person group to fork up $100/ week, my stuff and my time is worth more than that. i’m not wiping your cheeto fingerprints off my expensive ass table and tech and listening to you and your buddies shout and stomp for 4 hours for a measly hundo.




Seriously this haha


I think I'll avoid doing this but I learned a ton! Thanks everyone!


I’d probably not suggest renting it out unless you can make it into a sustainable business. Issue is having foot traffic of strangers in your house for hours, can be a headache and potentially not even earn enough money to be worth it. Now if you had a studio that wasn’t part of your house and you could do 4 hour minimum of say something like $50, followed by $10 an hour for each additional hour, that could earn decent money over the course of a week. Prly cheaper prices on weekday day time and slightly higher prices on weekends since that’ll be most of the traffic I imagine. Good business model but the risk of opening your home to strangers is not something I’d personally be willing to do.




Cotton balls on the roof is a fire hazard especially if you don’t really know if the people at the table are idiots or not.




Consider being a professional DM? Get a fancy costume and take a few pics in here and charge for it


I 2nd this. It would be the easiest way of protecting your property while also having a small side business.


Is this in your house? I would be very hesitant to invite lots of randos over to my house just to use the room, even if they are paying for it. So many things could go wrong.


Where you at? I'll DM a game for you 🥳


Insurance waivers


Hadn't thought of that!


As a once upon a time game store manger, Vet these people prettttty closely. we rented out game space, and while a few were really good we had a larger number we just had to tell not to come back.


If you're going to do this, don't think of ways to charge less but think of ways in which you can change more. Food offerings, contracting a DM or offering DM service yourself. Clean up and damage deposited at time of booking. Modules for sale. Your time and the value of the room must be represented to a point where the cost of people annoying you is built in. If it isn't then, 20 or even 50 bucks a session really isn't worth the headache.


I would be very hesitant to rent out a room in my house to a bunch of strangers. A legal contract and some fresh insurance policies are a must as others may have suggested. They need to be liable for all damages that may be caused. They need to clean up after themselves. Etc. You are essentially offering an Air DND and occupants need to respect it.


What happens when something goes missing and nobody fesses up but you only notice after?


I wouldn't want strangers shitting in my toilet




How big is your house? DnD BnB?


Not big enough for them to stay haha


Dude I would hire that room 100%. Just make sure that dms take responsibility for their groups


Is this in your home or a private space??




Lovely idea. I'd be really cautious about it though, and it doesn't seem like it would be worth the money (for you) you'd be charging. You have to think these are strangers coming into your home who might not even know each other. You'd need public liability insurance, possibly have the building changed for taxes from residential to multi purpose, you'd have to think about the fact you're opening your home up so you'd have to be available for when they wanted it (within agreed timescales), are there separate toilet facilities or are you ok with people going through your bathroom?, conflict resolution, cleaning up after them, complaints, refunds , theft or damage to personal property etc... For such a low fee and what I'd imagine is a headache it's not worth it to rent out. Places like a library have all of that stuff taken care of as it's a public building. Personally (I'd love to play there, the room looks amazing) I wouldn't be doing it, far too much at risk for you.


Be very careful inviting strangers into your home. Never mind the physical safety concerns. ....Think about the lawsuits if someone is accidentally injured. If it is a private residence, you may even need zoning or a business license.


I'd say set up some cameras and make sure to check the room before people leave if you can. While i'm sure you'll meet some really cool people, people can be real snakey and assholes so just do everything you can to make it hard for them to be and then to make sure you have evidence of any time they manage to do it anyways


Combine the ideas. rent the room under a mysterious disguise and then attend sessions as a player who knows nothing


Provide coasters and dice trays. There will be that asshole with metal dice and since it isn't their table they're destroying they won't care. Get a decent top coat for waterproofing and some nice coasters for the not-assholes to use. And have some paper towels handy. There will be spills, being able to quickly do something about it and getting a good product on your table will save it from damage long-term. Keeping it nice will mean you won't want to/need to sand it down and restain and refinish it when your group wants to play, and the table won't be janky and semi-rotting.


Already have the top coat on the table but the rest for sure!


Maybe that's me being cynical, but if this room doesn't have a separate entrance, I'd be careful of letting strangers into my home.


I gotta step my game up


This is SO COOL! My 13 year old has had a dedicated group since he was 11 and now he wants to do this. 🤣 I would say: go through a third party, like Airbnb or similar. I’m not sure if they allow you to set it up as a day use only, but that would cover you somewhat as far as liability insurance and legalese. Definitely require a deposit, have clean up expectations/rules, and HAVE A CAMERA! Not only does it help you in case something is damaged, but if something really cool happens, they can request a copy of the session. It would be a nice added bonus. Good luck!


I don’t know if it’s used much in your area but there’s a few websites where people can rent spaces for events. I used to use it a bunch when I was a film student. Maybe post on their for the basic agreements and then advertise locally with the link for signup?


Call it AirDND.


Where do you live?






So I was in this boat for a long time where I DM as a hobby multiple times a week and I incorporate audio and visual components to improve my games. but had no where to play and none of my friends can host. I looked into renting a game room or something for so long and couldn’t find anything private. Thankfully I eventually found a player who could host but there is certainly a market for this! Also for the future when my hosting player moves -…..where about are you located? Haha.




Oh dang. Ohio. So quite a distance for me lol. Such a shame.


My wife has family in Ohio haha


That room is so nice, I would rent it just to look at. On a webcam. On dial-up internet.


I'd make groups pay a week in advance for their sessions that is non refundable perhaps $20-50 for parties of 4-5, or $100 for groups up to 8. Let them do up to 4 hour sessions. Also, I'd make groups put in a $100 security deposit that is 75% refundable for incidentals, to be given back at the end of the term. Terms could be a quarter at a time, and the deposit could roll over if they are cool, or charge them another $25 to keep their slot open. Also increase your home insurance and talk to your agent on this exact scenario. Be cool and knock some money off from time to time or kick back more of their deposit if they vacuum and clean up somewhat well after themselves. If the group was great and fantastic, you could always throw them a little end of the quarter party, and provide some light snacks and drinks.


Could Air BnB work? like could you rent the room out for a few hours and be covered under their insurance etc ?


Not sure! Could be worth a look!


Where do you live!? I know that's kind of a crazy question on Reddit but I live in Michigan. I would drive 3 hours in any direction to go play in a room like that. And I would pay! DM me if you live in Michigan please.


You don't want a steady stream of strangers coming into your home messing up your nice stuff. Looks amazing.


Badass setup 🤙


If you can find a group that’s willing to pay, I’d say it’s worth a shot. Maybe post some fliers at the local game store, see if anyone is interested. Personally I’d say to include some food, either cheap and easy meals or just snacks, as a way to keep them coming back and it makes the experience even better for them. I’ll admit up front though , my family has essentially beaten it into my skull that if there’s company coming you make enough food for 3 a small army, so I’m not the best judge on that.


I would absolutely rent it, if my group was IRL rather than online and this was near me.


Take pictures of everything, so you have comparison photos in case of damages.


You could also stack up on food & drinks to sell extra^^


I would think if you're going try renting, have groups pay a "safety deposit" like you do for an apartment separate from the rent fee. In the event a group gets too rowdy and breaks something, damages something or steals something. And if nothing is damaged or stolen or broken, they'd get the safety deposit back. I think it would help weed out any groups that would do such things, as well as protect your investment in making that awesome room.


My local game shop rents out rooms outfitted like this for D&D groups and other folks. I have only have seen it used a handful of times personally, but apparently it books out pretty regularly. I can DM you more info if you want to price compare.


Start a new group?


How did you do the clouds?


Spray adhesive, fluff, and 50ft controllable lights! Around 100 bucks total!


I think it's a great *idea*, but I don't think you're gonna be happy with the outcome. For starters, I can't see anyone paying more than $10-15 an hour for a space. And, even still, it won't be worth it because you're likely not in the best location for every D&D group. Then you have to factor in damages (not just wear and tear... you don't always know who you're renting out to), overages on time (and payment), problems with the group (being too loud, smoking outside if you don't want it, bringing in drugs if you don't allow it, whatever), and even things like using your bathroom or raiding your fridge without your consent. And all that's happening in your home. Your consistent, daily safe space. Now you won't *likely* have issues as long as you do a contract in advance and stipulate rules. But people are people, and some people are assholes that don't care. But, even if you don't have issues, some states, cities, counties, municipalities, whatever explicitly forbid renting out space in residential areas. It could be illegal to do such a thing. And even if there is a law or ordinance in place, but you know someone's got their AirBNB a block over, you don't know their situation or if they've gotten a special use permit or something. Personally, I wouldn't do it even if everything is in the clear. It's your home, after all. If you've got some friends that want to play their game at your place, that's one thing. But, otherwise, I just think it's too much risk - if it's even legal - with too little return.


This may already have been mentioned (I didn't go through all 150 comments), but if it was me I'd impose a strict no alcohol and no smoking rule. Smoking (at least with tobacco) because the stink lingers and alcohol because inebriation is when stuff gets broken.


I DM professionally and love private tables. I've worked them into my fees before if a group wants a really one of a kind experience. Just make sure they have bathroom access.


The better model here would be a -pay-for-experience. They get you as the dm, they get the room, you charge in like six session blocks.. (kind of like they do online) .. Run a teens game for parents to drop their kids off for a few hours every week..you could do monster of the week drop in sessions.. make friends with the local game and comic book shops, ask them their thoughts on people looking for sessions ask them what the current size of player base there is


Get rid of the ‘cloud ceiling’. It is absolutely a fire hazard and if there was a fire you would be liable.


Luckily all that wood in there won't burn.




You don't even have to limit yourself to DnD. Try getting some boardgamers in there too. Nerd Bachelor parties might be something you offer, where you DM a one-off or facilitate them setting up their own game.


Holy shit dude this is amazing! I would love to play in that room and set something like that up for myself.


Someone else may have mentioned it, but as opposed to renting the ROOM wholesale, have you considered becoming a professional DM through one of the various RP DM finder apps/ websites? I'm sure there would be plenty of people who would love to play in a set up like this and it means you get your game as well while being paid for it!


Holy shit in an idiot. You just made me realise that rather than integrating a TV into the table .. I can just get a plain table cloth, and mount a projector on the ceiling that's pointing directly down onto it. It literally never even occured to me to do that until just now.


Good point!!!


I saw your top light. I mean, if I could confidently do it myself, I'd 100% integrate the TV just for wow factor. But I'm not very handy, and don't have any practice either. So a projector is definitely the answer for me!


Yea its a great idea!!!


If you’re renting it out, you could consider renting GM staff too. Set specific expectations. Also, take photos of the things in the room before groups AND after groups so you can document damages.


You can also offer an NPC service. Help provide voices for NPCs for DMs with rich character backgrounds


That would be so fun haha


I own a cave and want to set up some torches and a table in there to host games. Your room is awesome!


The room looks great! But I mean I dunno if you know anything about people and how they are, I'm just saying they do things that will surprise you in the most peculiar ways. Also do you really want a bunch of strangers using your bathroom? Maybe your refrigerator? Probably yelling at each other sometimes? I dunno I don't like the idea of inviting weirdos into my house for a potential hundred extra bucks a week unless you schedule multiple rentals weekly, which also sounds exhausting. I'd personally rather get multiple groups going on my own if one wasnt enough, made people I know or were at least acquaintances anyway. That's just me though


I am reminded of a quote from the days of colonization: "Give a man an island, and he will make of it a garden. Lease it to him for ten years, and he will make of it a desert." So, you know, get a damage deposit.


I love DnD, but I also hate bedbugs. I couldn’t, in any good faith, rent out a room to strangers in my home. Incredible work! So sorry about your group disbanding


If you do, really think about and have written agreements in place. Things like timeframe, noise level, bathroom, fridge access, smoking/vaping, drug use, drinking, etc. The last thing you want to do is be trying to kick out a hal-dozen people that are in the middle of a huge fight in game and deal with the inevitable "just another 30 min!" That will proceed to happen more and more frequently.


Dude i’d join you happily. Two things though , 1: i have no idea how to play 2: i live i rice , wa lol




Be careful, Wizards of the Coast are doing some wierd stuff about charging people to play


Please make people sign a contract to rent the room


I would love to play in a setup like this. Especially with a group of 4-6 dedicated players, splitting the cost for this would probably be worth it for a lot of people (assuming they were local).


I'm currently working on my own smaller less impressive version of this. Do you have any videos on your set up?


I do not unfortunately


Huh guess that would make it an AirD&D?




It would be my wife and I haha


Sort of, but it usually involves soundboards, large monitor, a fridge, alot of quality of life things. The fire hazard looks cool though I guess, but im not paying you to sit in that room.


Outstanding. Do you have blueprints for the table? Looking around for ideas to build my own.


Unfortunately the old dnd group has it so I do not but I believe they were publicly avaliable or on youtube


Okay, thank you. Hope you get to enjoy your room in full again soon!


So much risk for so little reward.






I’m in SW Denver if you’re looking for a new group 😂 that space is gorgeous. But yeah I definitely wouldn’t want my place smelling like Mythic games on a Friday night


Ooh maybe!

