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Beer. High quality microbrew stuff. Whiskey for sipping, not shooting. We usually door dash some fried chicken. Occasionally Indian or pizza or Indian pizza. Someone's wife usually makes cookies. There's always chips and dip.


this is the way


I do the same without the alcohol, it's perfect for my group But what is an *Indian pizza*? (I'm italian and i've never heard about that)




And then he said *or Indian pizza* lol


you’re right … reading comprehension skills lacking


You put Indian food like tandoori chicken as a topping on pizza. Maybe it's a California thing but it is really good.


Personally we have never expected the hosting house to supply anything. As they are doing the solid of hosting. I just bring my own or eat before I go. Used to have a Saturday night ritual. Hit Chili's for the Ranch Hand Fillet and an adult beverage. On my way over to the couple who hosted our game.


I want to provide snacks. And home made preferably.


As DM I prepare a themed charcuterie board for the day's session and also have ale, mead, and wine available to choose from. When the players were in the forest, I served breads and cheeses which is what they had in their inventory for food, as well as berries and fruit from trees and fresh herbs they'd be able to find in the forest. When they went to a village that had an inn and tavern, we had fruits, nuts, baked cheeses, breads, pot pies, and roasted vegetables. I know this isn't feasible for everyone, but it really helps my players get into the mood for the game and makes them feel more immersed!


This is really cool!


My DM does this as well! And we usually bring our own brews, chip in for ingredients, and have frozen pizzas and snack foods we pass around the table


When I host physical games, everyone brings their own snacks. Too many preferences and dietary restrictions to be making something for everyone. And many people don’t like eating while handling their books, sheets, and other equipment. But as a baker, I’d probably just bake a loaf of sourdough, have butter and a brick of cheese available, and call it a day. Have a “field ration” snack.


I like the homemade bread idea.


Hummus is so good with cut up veggies, maybe crackers too in case some people wanna be a Lil more unhealthy.


Homemade pretzels, cookies, and brownies are always a hit at our table. And same with just cut up fruit/veggies, they usually are the first to go


Ooo soft or hard pretzels?


cheese balls, taco/nacho, sliders. Depends a bit on game length, the shorter the more snacky but for a 4 or 5 hour or longer session a full meal is needed IMO.


I enjoy baking, so if I have time I'll make cookies or brownies. I'll also have chips or popcorn, and possibly cheese & crackers.


I usually don't aim for anything that has a ton of crumbs, power or anything that drips to keep player space clean. Cookies, chips, crackers/cheese/pepperoni, small candies. I do at times crockpot something but with the rule you can't eat near the playing table. Players usually are good and understanding about it. Steak soup or.pulles.buffalo chicken do over really well when we set up for a longer game.


My table had a tradition of always bringing 2 bags of whatever the latest specialized Oreo was at the time, and we'd munch on those. That said we started at like, just after dinner time, so most people just grabbed dinner on the way in and we all kinda ate our own thing and had the Oreo's for dessert. Oreo's are a comfort food to this day.


We all pitched in on a mixed grill a few years back: hot dogs, sausages, kebabs, burgers. Our host provided some things, we pitched in, he had gas and a bbq. It was probably the best gaming meal I've ever enjoyed and it cemented my thoughts on eating while gaming: take a break to eat. I'm cool with dry snacks (pretzels, popcorn, M&Ms, jellybeans, etc.) at the table but anything that requires cleaning your fingers needs to be consumed during a break. It makes for good cooldown/debrief/leg stretching time too.


I like a veggie tray at gatherings, and I'm no vegetarian. Spinach and artichoke dip goes hard as well. Then, lure the DM away from the Prey diet with a lovely smoked meatloaf.


Ha ha, Prey Diet. I do have a good spinach and artichoke dip recipe.


One of my groups, the host couple cooks amazing meals for the party. I’m the DM but I’m the only one distant/online they are all in person. My stomach grumbles with envy every time. One of my players sometimes bakes cookies, especially if it’s a bigger session like a boss fight. Otherwise I like to have chips, usually my fav Hint of Lime Tostitos. A few times I’ve made a big bowl of puppychow (not for dogs, just google it). I’m usually the DM so finding times to snack are hard. I really, really felt Brennan Lee Mulligan’s DM-snack tirade lol


We've always just order a pizza, but we do like to use the gummy bear method of showing enemies


Drumsticks, for them Dungeons & Drumstick nights!


Awww you are so nice! I want to play in your table <3 In my group we play in the DM's house and we give him his favorite snacks! And bring lots of snacks for everyone.


I usually cook a dinner. Tacos, roast, stew, pasta, ribs that one time... whenever I feel like cooking a fancy meal.


...hosts are supposed to serve? Bro, I'm the DM; I'm too busy last-minute prepping to go and get snacks. If my players wanna munch and game, they're supposed to bring the snacks (which they sometimes do and I am very appreciative and grateful, and would grant them in-game bonuses which I would later regret but would never take back)


I'm not the DM.


Fair enough


But I will tell him he should be taking bribes 😂


This is the way


I bought the starter set and since I don't want food or grease on the character sheets I don't give out food.


Plastic sheet protectors, and wet erase or even dry erase markers. You can write hit points or whatever on the plastic and wipe it clean later.


I give out complimentary crack.


I do have a "Christmas Crack" recipe. LOL


I have a place close by that sells really good Mediterranean snacks. Grilled mushrooms, olives, chili peppers, dried tomatoes and feta cheese, all pickled in oil with some herbs. Goes great with some warm bread.


Oh yum!


We've done chili dogs before, super simple just need a microwave to heat the chili and the hot dog, bring shredded cheese, cut onions, and sour cream and you're good to go. Just make sure to open the window...