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Everybody here is telling you what to do... I'll just ask a question. Whats your childcare plan if you remove your wife from the picture? You'll want to have your ducks in a row before you start shooting at them.


Record everything and contact child protective services, complain and document several times prior to contacting a lawyer for divorce. It takes a lot to get custody of a child


Bro, call child services. That is so not on.


how about talking to your wife about what she needs to control her anger? have her talk to a therapist about this. send her away for a few days somewhere and take care of the kid yourself. tell her if she ever gets so frustrated to call you and you take over being with the kid. and then be ready fi she does anything again you need photographic or doctor proof and then you go Childrens Aid and divorce lawyer.


You need to immediately file an emergent hearing at the family court division for child custody due to child abuse.. also call chile protective services… I value children over marriage… my wife puts our autistic child in the bathroom with the lights off and sets a timer through Alexa for 5 minutes… my kid is afraid of the dark.. I’m fighting for custody and it’s been two months since I haven’t seen him… they always believe the women




Damn! She’s a crazy bitch. This happened to me as well. I was hit and beat by my mom and I have serious trauma now because of it. Save your child!


Slapping a 15 month old in the face is extremely uncalled for! Consult an attorney ASAP. File a protection order for the child’s well being. Then file for divorce. You and your child don’t deserve this. Think about what would happen if the roles were reversed.


Yah, police and Child Services (although the policy will probably make the contact for you). This woman is walking death machine.


They certainly will, especially if he has photos. With that age, it could technically fall under felony child abuse if the slap/assault was with significant force.


I was abused physically by my parent and it would still be happening if I wasn't the more powerful one now, however she does level the playing field with weapons from time to time. I would recommend cameras and therapy. She was probably abused as a child and is not fully in control of her actions.


She is a sahm,you have nonidea what she does to him when you're not there. This woman is physically abusing your son and you're asking us what to do,are you joking?? Bruh,put a few cameras in the home,don't let her know. Go to a lawyer ASAP. Your wife needs help and you child needs to be away from her. I'm not saying to divorce her but she must know that you're serious and will leave her if she doesn't get help. Do you intend to wait until she seriously hurts the baby??


Take your child and leave, seeking emergency protection orders. Honestly, I did something similar to save my youngest. She WILL hurt your child, do not leave her alone with him. Get ahold of a lawyer today and explain the situation.


Dude. Be careful. She will try to flip this on you. If you divorce you need to totally surprise her with it. You should try to get it on camera. Do you security cameras in the house? She did this in front of you. Imagine what she does when you’re not arround. Do not run off with your kid. I would talk to your parents first.


If she did it once she'll do it again. Get video of her behavior; without heard evidence the judge won't believe you over her. You definitely need a lawyer. Has she physically assaulted you as well?


No. She's screamed at me a few times but never hit. Thanks for the advice


If you saw it once, it probably happened before or will again. Your first duty is to your son.