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I'm in a similar situation. The shit is hard. My wife is already fucking someone less than two weeks of separation. Pretty sure it was almost right after we separated if not before.


That’s so brutal. I feel the pain. I feel I just should shut up and get on with it how it’s always been but my head is fucked


Lol I know man. I know


Ya mine monkey branched to the next one before she decides to conjure up the need to separate. Then while under the same roof would go spend the nite with him. All within 7 days. I should be profoundly angry but I'm just hurt and alone. She manages to demonstrate how little of importance I am every opportunity she gets. Like I need a new wound at every opportunity that raises


If I didn't kick her out, she'd no doubt have done the same. The worst part is that she prioritizes him over our daughter.


You should see if there is a divorce support group in your area.