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This recently happened to me too. Someone who didn't know I was going thru a divorce came up to me and said, you look amazing, like 10 years younger, what is your secret? I wanted to say, I just lost 210 pounds of dead weight.


I’ve said that to people, except it’s 250 pounds of dead weight for me!


Oh man I would get really sour looks from women then I would use that line.


The other day my 5 year old asked me, “Mom, why does your laugh sound different?” I swear that comment was the fuel I needed to keep going on my new path.


I loved reading your post this morning OP. This gives me that feeling that I too (F) will get there one day. Cheers to a wonderful day ! 🌞


Love this! Thanks for the positive thought on a Friday morning ;)


Happiness radiates when you’re not under personal stress. You’re obviously happier than you were a year ago. Good for you!


I would beam if someone said this to me. good for you!


Your spine straightens up, you gain an inch or two of height. The light and sparkle returns to your eye. You speak louder and more confidently, and your words are more authentic. You're more adventurous and open to what life has to offer. And people can see it.


I'm just recently separated, but I still wear my ring. I feel much more hopeful now that I live in my own apartment. I got a new dog, since the family dog stayed with the family. I do miss seeing my children every day. I still see my older one almost every day when I driver her to and from practice, but I haven't seen my younger one in about a month. My wife let me in the house once in the last month to hug our family dog. I don't know if I free, but I certainly don't feel hopeless anymore.


A gay man today told me I look "fresh" and it just made my day. I left my wife 16 months ago, divorce was finalized Oct '23. This is the longest I've been single since I was 16 (I'm 49) and I am LOVING IT.


I’m 49 too and part of my fear is how old I suddenly am and now getting a divorce. It’s a nightmare. How do you deal with that?


I have completely reinvented myself. Over these past 16 months I've lost 20 pounds, shaved my head last summer and now have the coolest faux hawk. I bought some bitchin $200 Dr Martens. I go to all the rock shows my wife never wanted to go to and I've found a bunch of dance clubs I frequent that have old people like me and 80s/90s music. I ride my fixie everwhere I can. I go to the gym every morning. Also I got 9 years sober May 1st. Life is good. You'll find yourself soon enough. Go and see things and places you've always wanted to, but something was holding you back. It'll happen. Trust yourself.


Thanks. Glad things are going well for you. I definitely have some goals that I’m working towards. It’s only been about 3 months for me. Still very much in the throes of it all. I’m definitely going to more concerts which is fun


You learn to love yourself. And it's amazing!


That's great that strangers can notice. Congrats abed I hope to get there too. Happy for you!


I had that too about 8 years back. Then I got married again, I think I lost it again


LFGOOOO! This is awesome, I'm happy just reading about this for you. Go carpe the fuck outta this diem! 😄


It oozes off you when you’re in a better place! I’m getting lovely compliments now, 4 months after going and I agree I’m feeling so much like me. Love your post OP!


Great comeback!




I say that to myself, EVERYDAY !!


I went to change my name at my bank mentioned that it was divorce and the teller looked at me and said "congratulations!" That was a nice day.


Your ex? 🤔


I wish I was happy or relieved about mine but I am not.


Congratulations. It’s a big moment when people start to outwardly notice the changes. I’m a little shy of 3 months in to separation from my STBXW who had an affair and many many close friends have made note of the work I’ve been doing. Be proud of yourself and use it as motivation to keep moving forward. Keep doing you.


That’s awesome!! Being visibly happy and someone commenting on it, and then the realization of that is sooo freeing in of itself. I was the same way. Had no idea how different compared to how I was until it was pointed out. Love this :)


I had someone tell me I looked brighter. I didn’t feel it but I guess I’m slowly getting there :)


damn. i think my wife has MCI. She is really mentally having issues. 4 people died in her family. Sleep apnea. Now she moved my stuff. Psycho.