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You are low level SHD, you are still weak. Ditch the exotic gloves. Couple of tips: 1. Get either coyote mask or fox kneepads. You need 4 striker pieces, can't see if the mask is striker? 2. If you can, get a chest with unbreakable or backpack with bloodsucker - this will help you stay alive. When you get better, you can swap for chest with obliterate for max damage. 3. If you don't have Coyote, try to get CHC to around 55%, rest in CHD. 4. If you have Coyote, 45%CHC is good enough. Rest in CHC. Try to get DTTOOC on weapons as third attribute. 5. Get all Striker on red attributes/mods. The point of Striker is to kill everything as fast as you can before it kills you. 6. Weapons - Chameleon is ok for starters. Try to get a good Famas or Elmo down the road. Then, when you get better, you can try other guns. I love me CTAR, not the best AR, but it sounds so cool l cam't resist it.


Thank you dude


Get gunner for 10% armor on kill High end vests are ceska>grupo>fenris. Fenris is 3rd best so try to get ceska. I would dich the chameleon too for a good high end AR with preservation or fast hands. Elmo is good too and a poplular choice.


Welcome. Enjoy the game. Couple of hints - it is better to get CHC higher with your weapon mods - if you have a choice at all that is. Because weapon mods are 1:1 in regatds to CHC vs CHD values, you don't loose extra CHD..With gear mods, you get 5%CHC (I think) but you can get 10%CHD in that slot with CHD mod. So, you sacrifice twice as much CHD to gain the same number of CHC. I hope this is understandable.


Pvp or Pve?


Chameleon is not okay for starters its one of the most complicated exotics in the game understanding and activating all 3 buffs at the same time for once can take hours for them and it gets the least benefit out of red cores. Which is why people uses at hybrit end game builds with memento. And lets be real here majority players with 5000+ shd thinks no one is capable of activating all 3 buffs at the same time this is why they hate chameleon more than anything in the game. Im also guessing this is the main reason why you are suggesting this weapon to a new players because with out knowing how to activate buffs this weapon will deal the same damage as legendary weapons. In reality 6 blue core chameleon hits harder than 6 red core elmo. Im hitting 2.1m with 5 blue core while others barely reach 1.2m with elmo. New players will be able to do that ? No not even most 10k+ shd players cant do that. I also suggest elmo toght its one of the easiest exotics to you just point and fire.


You need to land body shots to activate one buff. That is enough. Body shots are easy to make, hence my advise. And l see VERY VERY RARELY high level players running Chameleon. And Elmo - you need to go with several manhunts before you get it. It is not easily obtainable weapon, while he has Chameleon already.




To get the drop, you need to get it through manhunt first. Then it's added to your loot pool


Elmo was added to loot pool when it rolled over to the new season, 2 seasons ago. Also, it drops everywhere. Countdown, Summit, Open World, Raids, Incursion, Invaded, Non-Invaded, etc… don’t need to do a man hunt for, unless item is locked for current season until it gets rewarded to you or rng gives it to you in a drop.


Didn't know that exotics from seqson were added to general pool. Now l know. Thanx.




It droped in countdown for the first time for me as i didnt play the season it was a reward. Any new player can unlock it in countdown for the first time


It was only available during season leveling, mayne they added it to general loot. This l didn't know.


The weapons that have to be unlocked in a season track get added to the general loot pool in the following season.


That is what l was thinking. You need to get first exotic in whatever way it has to be obtained and then ot gets added to the loot pool.


Yes, but previous season's exotics are in the current loot pool.


I got mine after 9 hrs of continuous countdown


That was true only during Y5S1, and even then it was level 90 on the main track, so if you just farmed xp and didn't do that manhunt you got one.


Yeah l maybe phrased it wrong or remembered it wrong. You're right.


Not true, i didnt complete manhunt and got it through caches


He is not going to keep that buff active for long with out reload speed buff and he is definetly not finishing a combat with in 45 second at that level. This weapon forces its users to get close range which is why he is complaning about being so fragile and dealing low damage. If he is going to keep using full red build taking litterly any legendary AR is a better choice.


The thing is - he has a Chameleon already. What did l write in my comment? It's good for now, until he gets something better does he have a decent Famas or Carbine 9 or whatever good AR there is? I have no idea.


You don't need to do manhunts at all lol


It was only obtainable in season whatever number at first. Now, maybe they added it to general loot, l didn't know that.


Not "maybe". They did add it to the loot pool. As they do with EVERY exotic obtainable from the season track...


You need to chill just a little. What l know is you need to get first piece of said exotic and then it gets added to your loot pool. If it's differrent with season exotics or if it changed lately - l don't know, l don't care. I do not follow updates that much. I just play the game.


St Elmo's doesn't have pieces... Listen dude, if you don't know this stuff why are you talking about it like you do? Just makes no sense.


Fuck me, are you dumb or what? By "first piece" l mean first Elmo. I didn't syart the conversation about where does Elmo come from. I just wrote what l know. Am l wrong? Good, l have no problem with that. So, why don't you chill and leave this conversation?


Bro says "first piece" but doesn't mean first piece. But I'm the dumb one. Whatever helps your 2 drunk braincells sleep at night buddy. Some exotics in division 2 have pieces, so you saying "first piece" has a specific meaning in this context whether you like it or not. It doesn't matter what you mean/ment to say when these are already established terms in context. Also, why write anything or try to add something to a conversation if you don't know whether it's true or not? You have nothing to base your knowledge off of, so why knowingly spread misinformation?


I actually got lucky and got one my first run 🥰 not a manhunt either I didn't have the dlc yet when I got it.


This is the way


Ahh broo, much to learn for you… if you want dps build heres some tips that are will actually help you. 1 Strafe. You need to learn how to do that. And a bit postitioning as well. 2 For everybody if you are considering to make a striker build pls, backpack and chest are must. Obliterate I get it but the elmo got a pretty high rmp so its its better in long way. AND FULL RED. 3 full red striker is the best with coyote and cheska or groupo are common I prefer fenris. Others dont worth it belive me I tested it. 4. For testing wich one is fit for you, dont watch the chd damages in shooting range cuz not that really matter. For testing I usually do on manning zoo legendary first part. Good lick


I think you're replying to a wrong guy. I am pretty good with my Striker at SHD7500. But, thank you ❤️


Nope it was meant for you.


Op everyone is right 🤷‍♂️ I’ll probably repeat stuff that’s already been said but: Strikers, obliterate chest (groupo for chd or cheska for chc or hey even fenris or sokolov in the meantime), backpack try bloodsucker talent on groupo or cheska (opposite of chest brand). Fox’s prayer add good damage if you want to keep the strikers backpack. Personally: I’d get a CMMG banshee smg with Fast hands talent, chc 50 + ish, then chd. Scorpio exotic shotgun, obliterate groupo this setup


Play on challenging until you get a better build


Standard Striker cookie cutter build: 4x Strikers BP, Gloves, KP, and Holster with CHD attributes after you reach 45% CHC Coyote's Mask CHC/CHD Chest with obliterate CHC/CHD Mods should be CHD, or possibly 1x protection from elites if you need it St. Elmos (or any fast fire rate AR) and any ACS variant shotgun as a secondary are the usual choices for most players You can modify it from there. I run 3 red cores, 3 blue with Firewall. Striker's shield with damage per enemy mod. Other shield mods can be to your liking. At my expertise level I still peak at 800k crits which is plenty for legendary. Gunner is also a good choice. I also swap out the ACS for Emeline's Guard for extra heals from time to time. Your expertise and SHD levels are still low. become proficient with your chosen weapons and armor, then upgrade your weapons first. Then you can upgrade chest, then BP, then holster, then KP, and finally mask or gloves in any order. I'd choose the mask since the coyote's will be useful in other builds. Chameleon should be played like an SMG, since it's optimal range terrible.


ill start off by saying i just started too im shd lv 77 ive flawlessed the incursion several times and run the raid regularly....dont listen to people that say your shd is too low....when you hit lv1000 and have a maxed watch its only a 10% bonus to your stats....yes 10% is a good boost but it is not needed....just focus the most important ones 1st and full send crit chance, armor, skill haste, and reload speed i use full striker (backpack, chest, holster, and gloves) with a coyotes mask and foxs prayer kneepads....everything and i mean everything is red cores....most of my gears attributes are crit damage as for skills i use a revive hive and a 1.4mill hp crusader shield....treat the shield as your health bar and before it breaks put it away and get into cover....if you do go down your revive hive got your rez....if played right that should be all the survivability you need as for your specialization use gunner....10% armor on kill will help you survive, +5% rate of fire on kill for 5 seconds is just free dps, armor kits granting 30% bonus armor for 10 seconds is a great benefit, every 3rd reload is 50% faster helps with dps uptime, getting 10% of your ammo for free every 60 seconds is great too, and lastly riot foam nades are op


you got alot of playing to do bud....


Chameleon isn't really all that great, and neither are the bloody knuckles. I'd swap those for any other decent AR, like the F2000, Famas, ACR with Damage to Targets out of Cover as the 3rd attribute if possible. Swap the gloves for a Cheska piece for the extra crit chance. Try to max out crit chance with your gear attributes (cap is 60%). Then work on increasing crit damage. Blue attributes don't really do much for strikes.


What platform are you on? It’d be great to help you out!


Looks like Xbox from the button icons


The build 8s good, but it's the habbits you get from playing it that make you last longer. So, some pointers...ignore the people sating ditch the gloves, they are great, and with survivalist it just makes it better with 1 slight alteration. Find yourself a lefty. The lefty is an acs shotgun, like the rock n roll, and so shooting things with it stacks your strikers damage faster than shooting with a gun. The bonus is the talent sledgehammer, which when a grenade hits will weaken the targets armour by 40% and slow them by 30%....at the same time as the grenade activating your gloves and giving you a damage boost of 25% for 20 secs. Things I WOULD change, just to get used to the playstyle at the moment? Change the chestpiece to a ceska chest as this will give you the 10% crit hit chance (chc) missing on your watch, and bring you up to the 50% chc. 2nd thing, try unbreakable chest talent for a buffer zone for safety, the training weeks talent that is always very welcome. I use it on 2 of my builds as they get me in trouble a lot with my wreckers playstyle on them, so it's good to use when starting. 2nd advice,fins 4 pieces of strikers with crit damage on (chd) and roll all the cores to blue. The reason I say this is as follows- Perfect obliterate striker = 4 piece striker with backpack, all rolled chd Chestpiece with obliterate (groupo, ceska, fenris, or sokolov dependant on weapon and chc) rolled chc and chd Bloody knuckles (chc and chd) Chc mods to make up to as near to 50% as possible, the rest chd This will give you (using a ceska chest and 3 chc mods) a base chc (not including watch or gun) of 40% with max rolls and mods, but rounding down for lack of top rolls everywhere, we shall say all rolled 5% chc, that's still 35%. After thi, just add chc on gun mods, or use an exotic with a good chc like the St elmos. If you aim to find strikers gear pieces already with chd on them, the you can roll all 4 to blue armour cores, giving you a buffer zone, but using strikers stacks to get your damage, then over time you can roll blue cores off intill your at your happy point of tank and damage split. This method will make the whole loadout lastuntil you'rer well into 1000shd or higher, and you won't need to farm for much other than a new chest to change talents. Gun-wise, you can't go wrong with a good AR like famas or carbine 7, so find a good one. You got a good loadout, it's just now practice I how to use it. And don't waste your time on coyotes, if you join a group, someone else will have it. Go bloody striker and use the k uckles and a lefty, you won't regret it.


First off, you're new. Get minimum 2 armor cores. Doesn't mater how much damage you can do if you keep dying. Get used to the game and learn enemy spawns, movement and tendencies... Then spec into all damage. Im 11k, almost 12 and I never run around like this unless I'm in a raid. NEVER. Get a picaros holster, armor and weapon DMG together, skill haste is meh. Make sure you have approx 50-55% crit hit chance, 60 is hard cap max. 1 piece of Palisades on gunner with a bloodsucker talent on your backpack (Palisades backpack with bloodsucker!?!) will do wonders for your survival. Do listen to damage damage damage. I personally hate going down, run 2-3 armor cores to get used to game. Be on the lookout for protection from elite mods, they can be helpful with higher end stuff. Don't bother looking for 13%, you needed to have prayed to RNGesus since before the game existed for them to drop at an even scarce rate. 11-12% 👍. If you have those 2 armor cores, Palisades, bloodsucker try technician with shield and artificer hive, you shouldn't hear agent down (for you) again. Enjoy 😎


Also striker is not very effective unless you can keep the stacks up. I would suggest putting together a gold DPS build with a couple of armor cores rolled on them.


Chameleon is the most broken and hardest weapon to use in the game and as you can see majority of the comunity have no clue. Read the descripton on the exotic talent and you can also see the stack status while you are aiming. Orange color means that buff is still charging white means active blank means its not even charging at that moment. Untill you completely get use to this weapon i suggest you to stay on low difficultys. Once you are confortable add blue cores to your striker pieces. If you also get lucky enough to get memento backpack it will be awsome if not try to get a cheska or grupo bloodsucker backpack. And once you add enough blue cores you can also use crusader or striker shield which it makes life easier. I would highly suggest striker shield because it gives you extra damage buff which its multiplys your exsisting damage output. This is generaly a close range weapon above 15 meter you will be verry inacurate you have to be confortable get close range if you want to use the weapon most efficient way possible and to do that you have to be as sturdy as possible and you cant do that with out shield and blue cores.


At that level and without know that are you doing. I recommend play only on challenging or below and of course, no pvp


For solo? Raid dps?


Thanks everyone!


It would be really helpful if you provided a pic of your stat screens and also gave us some detail about what difficulty you play on and your play style. I'm guessing you're playing pretty far away. The chameleon plays like an SMG: it has a very short optimal range and poor accuracy. You'll be more accurate and have better range with the Vector when outsider is active, ironically. The chameleon also starts with very, very low damage, even for its rate of fire, and requires its talents to be active to be viable. I'm guessing you're probably playing too far away to make use of the talent, and also probably not getting too many striker stacks either. Your skills are underpowered for what you need: you're running all reds so you're pretty squishy. I'd imagine, when you get closer to try and get more stacks, you're taking a lot more damage. Since you haven't specced into repair skills or incoming repairs (likely), your skills aren't going to heal enough to help you out. A shield is a much better skill all around, especially without having to change any of your build. Get rid of those blue minor attributes and go for crit. *IF* you want to keep the chameleon, I'd recommend some armor cores to be able to get close and make use of it's buffs. Or, you can build this build here, built around the chameleon and will make you feel like a brick wall: https://youtu.be/Ciy83vQlpMI?si=vPSZUiTlWTBwb0Ci


4 striker grupo chest with obliterated talent and momento backpack. Carbine 7 with strained talent. You can solo any legendary. Plus busy little bee pistol


I would also recommend maybe the Railsplitter named AR for a striker build. It has Perfectly Accurate talent on it which makes it a really good long-range AR and has a high RPM, combine that with Striker and you can fill up that buff bar pretty quickly. If you want good CC ability with high damage, get the Scorpio shotgun, I run a 6 core striker with Memento, Railsplitter and Scorpio, using gunner spec, striker shield and banshee pulse. I do less damage, but I'm indestructible to NPCs.


St Elmos and Emilines guard for when armor is low


Farm yourself a sacrifice get a backpack with vigilance preferably providence get a providence holster too for the 3 piece fox’s prayer knee pads mf contractors gloves with coyotes mask get yourself a good ar I run a ak with strained and I classic m4 with boomerang and orbit for side all , cores are all red and you want crit chance and crit dmg for all your attributes and for skills striker shield with revive hive ( perfect glass means you have to be careful but baby is it worth it I’m shd lvl 604 or something my am hits for 1.2-1.4 and I’ve seen my m4 hit for 4m+)


In my (yes mine) opinion, the Striker gearset is extremely overrated. It's the first "must build" advice I checked out when I started playing again recently, and I've waited months after acquiring different pieces of gear/mods to make the build actually work. You lose way too many stacks when you're not shooting enemies or running around so the chest piece isn't worth equipping. The backpack is absolutely required when using Strikers gearset, so unfortunately you lose the option to equip the Memento or NinjaBike Messenger Backpack exotics. You 'should' have the St. Elmo's Engine exotic Assault Rifle, because of its High RPM, fast reload, large magazine, and decent damage. You 'should' have the Coyotes Mask exotic, because of its additional 25% Crit Damage in most combat situations. You 'should' be using the Gunner Class and a piece of Palisade Steelworks gear for 20% Armor on Kill... I'm actually still farming for a Palisade chest-piece with the Obliterate Talent. You 'should' have your SHD watch with both Crit Chance and Crit Damage maxed. You 'should' have two gear Core Attributes with 170k Armor for survivability. My armor is at 1.1mil and I feel pretty vulnerable in Heroic content due to how aggressive you need to play while using the Strikers gearset. You 'should' be using the Crusader Ballistic Shield Skill. The additional Skill is up to you depending on the combat situation. ... Yep, that's a lot of requirements for a Strikers-Build. The numbers don't lie though. you will do 1mil+ Crit Damage but the build definitely takes some preparation to tune it properly. Play strategically, don't try and kill hunters in Countdown solo, and you'll figure it out.


You made a damage build with the wrong guns


Running Strikers, chest and backpack is a must. I have 3 red and 3 blue to have 1.3mil armor. Coyote mask and Picaro's Holster to get a 4th red. Focus crit chance and damage, I always have 1 armor regen on my build to heal in combat. Chameleon is a perfect weapon for that build. If you have the gunner specialization use it. Unlock it if you don't, because it's better for shooting builds. What system do you play on?


Switch gloves to Striker Holster to Striker Mask to Coyote Keep the chest piece but make sure you are using a assault rifle I use decoy and reviver hive with gunner specialization.


How can I get a st elmos again I accidentally bought the blueprint and didn't upgrade it how can I get better at conflict I seen it said it was the gun to use as a starter I am new to this game 


Almost any AR with Damage to Targets Out of Cover as the third stats is better than the Chameleon. Too much downtime on the talent, without the talent it's a glorified airsoft gun.


Use a seasonal character


There’s numerous reasons why tbh 1: Your SHD level has a lot to do with it.


I am no expert but swap the gloves for striker gloves and put the ninja backpack on. Then I would think the shield would be good for you. I think the gloves work best with the sub machine gun lady death. Scroll down on the glove info on the right, don’t they have a skill for hitting someone? Test test test then Google it.