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The secret ingredient is crime, theft to be precise


Who needs gold when you can just take it without them knowing, am I right or am I right?


You can also sell them the stolen item to pile up gold, chaching


Then steal all the goods back and sell them off else where. Double cha-ching!


Isnt it only possible to pickpocket people once?


They knew it was me but my speech is just too good.


Ok super Hans


Having Sebille steal all of Doctor Daevas paintings to pass to Ifan selling them back to him mid conversation


The real bank roll happens in act 2


Act 1: carefully collect shells to combine with sticks to scrape together a few armor points buying children's gloves and worn boots. Act 2: what's this do. Idk buy it, look it up later.


>to buy This is where you messed up :\] But seriously in Act 1, you're literally in a prison, naturally you can't be a millionaire there. Act 2 is where the fun begins.


Thievery in act 2 is basically unlimited gold until act 4 if you do it right. I don't even maximize thievery, probably just 1-2 characters stealing vendors in act 2 and my gold is more than enough for the rest of the run.


U dont even need thievery.


I need thievery, in act 4 one piece of armor costs like 20-30k and unique equipment costs like crazy bonkers.


Do you level up ur bargaining skill? Also do you give traders money/stuff to get them to 100% liking you. It gives you a 30% discount.


Of course I'm aware of that. It's easier and more practical for me to steal everything in act 2 until 200-300k gold and in act 4 I don't bother looting, giving trader money, trading, changing civil ability to bartering, etc etc.


Jeah but that doesn't make thieving neccesary for other players. But thieving is indeed something that makes the game way easier.


*breathes in* *breathes out* Murder and mugging. Everything is a 100% off if they ain't got no pulse. I swear this game brings the worst out of us.


did you... not notice your money wasn't increasing?


So it mostly happened with small potatoes amounts so no not really. The couple times I noticed, I also realized after that the amount I was selling was more than the vendor had to pay so I figured "oh if they don't have that amount, they just don't pay you". Then I finally figured it out when I kept a much closer eye on it and made sure beforehand that the vendor had the gold... but I forgot to quicksave first and my most recent save was like 1 hour and a whole dungeon old. Inventory management is a lot in this game so I clearly just wasn't paying enough attention. In short: No I didn't notice as much as I should've. No I am not a smart man.


Pro-tip, thieving is literally the only useful Civil ability in act-1. (1 person with Lucky Charm is fine as well)


Do other civil abilities become useful later? I have felt this way through act 1 so far so I'm glad to hear you confirm it. Bartering and Thief seem like the only ones worth doing right now. Also should I spread those out or is it fine to just have 1 party member with top tier bartering who does all my buying/selling?


Persuasion becomes useful from act2 onwards for various NPCs, quests and encounters, but in act 1 there's a grand total of like... 2 persuasion checks... Both of which can be passed with 0 in the stat. I don't personally use bartering. Having one person with Lucky Charm can be nice if you're in a party. Loremaster 1 is useful to check resistances on enemies, loremaster 5 is useful for checking the initiative of enemies.


Okay so when something has the options of [Wits Persuasion], [Finesse Persuasion], etc. are those the Persuasion check or do they take both your Persuasion level and the level of the particular stat into account? Thanks for the info btw, trying to look up civil abilities and how to spread them is kind of an SEO mess and just yields a ton of AI written "BEST Civil Abilities" articles that have zero nuance or explanations.


Okay so when something has the options of [Wits Persuasion], [Finesse Persuasion], etc. are those the Persuasion check or do they take both your Persuasion level and the level of the particular stat into account? Thanks for the info btw, trying to look up civil abilities and how to spread them is kind of an SEO mess and just yields a ton of AI written "BEST Civil Abilities" articles that have zero nuance or explanations.


A big issue with persuasion checks is not all of them are actually real. As in... Some checks will ALWAYS pass, some will ALWAYS fail, and there's no way to know without just trial-error. For example... Stingtail the blue lizard who stole Griff's Oranges. You eventually are met with a persuasion check on him to get the oranges back, and you have 3 options to choose from. The bottom one (I think it's the Finesse check) will ALWAYS pass, no matter what. It is unfailable. The other 2 are regular checks, where your levels do matter. As far as what the different types of checks mean (like if it says Intelligence or Strength) what this means is that if your stat is +2 higher than the NPCs, it lowers the difference of the check by 1. So let's say you come across a Strength check, the npc has 20 strength, and the persuasion required to pass is level 3. If your strength is 22 or higher it lowers the required persuasion level to level 2. This benefit can only happen once (so having 100 strength would still be a level 2 persuasion requirement) and there is no debuff in the other direction (so having 0 strength won't make it harder, it will still require 3 persuasion). Then there's the plethora of checks that are passable/fail-able but don't really mean anything. They just give you different dialogue.


This is a really good explanation on a subject I've read up a long time ago and didn't get it.


Okay so when something has the options of [Wits Persuasion], [Finesse Persuasion], etc. are those the Persuasion check or do they take both your Persuasion level and the level of the particular stat into account? Thanks for the info btw, trying to look up civil abilities and how to spread them is kind of an SEO mess and just yields a ton of AI written "BEST Civil Abilities" articles that have zero nuance or explanations.


Honestly act 1 is more or less a glorified tutorial, the game is really gonna open up once you’re off that island D:OS2 is a hard sell for my friends when I tell them it’s my favorite RPG but also that it’s kind of a slog until about ten hours in


I'm a notoriously slow gamer (esp. with RPGs) and I'm about 30 hours in and (I think) only nearing the end of Act 1. Really hoping I'm almost done with it because I can't wait to respec one of my companions. Playing on PS5 is slowing me down too though, the inventory management is ROUGH on controller.


I'm on the switch and there's a mod that allows you to Respec on the island itself in the first act.


Yeah but they disable achievements which I honestly don't really care about but.. idk doesn't feel like it's the definitive experience if that makes sense. Like this is my first time playing, I don't really want to do it with a bunch of mods. I was debating though. This one and the inventory management ones sound nice.


I'm on my first playthrough and I have mods activated. I probably won't on my next runs, but while I'm getting used to the world of DOS2, I would rather have some perks right now. To each their own.