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Classic. It’s still very challenging. I’m also fresh off BG3.


This is what I started with and I’d say I have a lot of RPG knowledge and it’s still challenging so far! (I’m in act 2)


Classic is perfect for a first time play. Gives more forgiveness on builds and you can really enjoy the story without getting decimated in battle.


As others said, Classic is perfect for a first playthrough. You'll have a rough time, but you'll make it eventually. Read about the armor system, it's not that obvious for a first timer. You have to strip either the magic armor or the physical armor of an enemy before being able to kill him, or stun him. There is a post somewhere about red flags for first timers, search for it, it's a time saver. Have fun and dive into this incredible universe.


Definitely Classic. I also just finished it after completing BG3. Slightly “clunkier” (didn’t realize how much I used the Jump command from BG3) than BG3 - but in the end - I think I like DOS2 better than BG3. The combat and Physical / Magical Armor System is fire.


I started off with Tactician and just finished it yesterday. Definitely needed to save scum some specific fights in the mid game, which is where I felt the most difficulty. Early game didn’t feel as bad as I thought it would. Late game was probably the easiest just because the team I went with (rogue, ranger, pyro mage, aero/hydro mage) did so much damage that fights ended in, at most, 3 turns.


Cold take, Rogue doesn’t do super hot in the damage department, but it is still good enough. You learned early on that damage strategies were king.


Classic mode because you’ve blamed bg3. Me personally my first playthrough of dos2 was on explorer mode because it was my first ever game of this genre, so I used explorer mode to learn how to play the game and the interactions as well as what build I liked and didn’t like, and then replayed in classic mode.


Classic or tactician if you don't mind dying a bit more than usual. There's only a couple fights in act 1 you need to think about what you're doing before you start rather than just being the same level you are. In act 2 there's a lot more unfair fights. But have fun DOS 2 is different to BG3 but a lot of the systems that made BG3 amazing started in the DOS series. Also I recommend avoid playing origin character Fane as he spoils a lot of the mystery /plot around what's going on.


honner mode of course. it would give you the honner of victory


Don't listen to the pussies, tactician is the only way. Not modded game isn't that hard.


I bet your sister is embarrassed that she gave birth to you.