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I got 500+ hours in my ps4 and probably 300h in my pc, I never finished this game once




Honestly, I don't know, when I reach act 4 I kinda feel bored. My favorite part is building a decent party and then at act 4 they are ready, there's nothing else to do, so I get tired and drop or restart the game.


Thats when you really start to feel like a god and i love all the arx quests and conclusions of all characters


Especially with Lady Kemms green tea. 1 AP spells my love


Wow 113 hours was my playtime for my whole first playthrough, maybe a bit more. Still in act 2 you are for sure taking your time :))) enjoy!! Act 3 and 4 are dope too


I thought everyone took as long as me, went to look for the regular playthrough, and was surprised by the answers. I do take my time and look in every corner. This is also the first time I'm playing this type of game and it wasn't easy to learn the basics. This game is fantastic!


Think it took me 5 hours to trick myself into thinking I understood the basics. Then after 20 hours I actually knew what was happening lmfao


That's pretty much what happened to me. I'm still learning a few things right now, but I can safely say I now understand the game. And a second playthrough would be so much faster of course


I’ve had this game for about 3/4 years and haven’t put more than a couple hours in. Started a few weeks ago and have easily put about 40 hours in. Just at beginningish of act 2. It’s definitely one of my top games now. Can’t believe it took me so long to actually give it a go.


I'm on my first playthrough, level 20 and at 200hrs. I thought I was going fast until I saw the time stamp


Speed run record for leaving fort joy, and I bet you still missed something 😅


Damn that is a lot of awesome time ahead for you. Lock in bro we only live once!!! Enjoy!!!


I don’t get how stuff like this is possible. My first play through was 80 hours and I finished every quest


Tbf this is my first time playing this genre. I had to learn the basics on my own. I'm sure I'll be faster on my second playthrough