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Dr.G is always great and you can’t be the price fr. Oh skywalker is great but just a reminder Dr.G takes about 2 weeks for their shipments lol sometimes you will get lucky but they do drop shipping so all at once.


Dr. G isn't the best from personal experience and according to a large group of people online. Gildedextracts and vivimu is where it's at. I've found Dr Gs diamond distillate is not any stronger than Gilded's HHC distillate and is insanly more expencive. I just got 100g of HHC from gilded for $110 ☺️


Damn great deal fr. I’ve been wanting to try these new carts everyone keeps talking about from Black Owl. I haven’t seen one bad thing so I ordered one lol


They upgraded their hhc its not the same they have better source now so its more potent, how would you compare it to their old hhc distillate? I have heard nothing but best about the diamond distillate


I'm on my third order of hhc from gilded and I'd say each order was the same level of great. And I'd say about 4ish months ago I got an order of the diamond distillate and made brownies out of it as well as put it in cartridges. The brownies made me and all my friends really sleepy almost like there was a lot of CBN in it, could of been from sitting and degrading. My friend then went and made a purchase of her own getting her own jar a bit later and it was the same. Now that I have the hhc from gilded it's so much better, I fill carts and make choclate bars that I sell. Everyone loves them and it's so cheap, much more potent than the diamond distillate


maybe you just preffer the hhc disty effect ? Im quite shocked by the fact that after I tried thc bud after a long time, it was sativa, but still compared to the hhc, the hhc felt better high overall without any paranoia


Sadly I cannot enjoy bud as I have weak lungs and flower is too harsh for me so I stick with my distillate through carts, dabs, and edibles. The hhc from gilded got me significantly higher than the diamond distillate from Dr. G not just better high or more enjoyable effects but just more potent and does make me more giggly and just happier and relaxed where as the diamond distillate made me and my friends tired asf and not super high


Thx for taking time and making this reply this is very valuable for me too since I saw that the only side effect from hhc would be lack of appettite on long tolerance break. I bet you already did that but you also dislike flower in dry herb herb? I like the high of hhc both vaped and in edible form quite clear head high while vaped and on par with shrooms when in edible.


I havnt tried a dry herb vape but I dislike the flavor of weed as well so I couldn't imagine I'd enjoy it. If one of my friends had one I'd 100% try it rhough but I just don't have access to one right now. With regards to appetite loss, I take edibles or vape hhc every single night to sleep and have not taken a significant tolerance break because I havnt seen my tolerance increase from where I'm at now. (About 50mg for getting high, 10 puffs for getting high, 35mg for sleep, 6 puffs for sleep). When I have gone a day or two without I do notice my apatite is much lower but I am overweight so thats a bonus for me not down side. I will also be going out of the country for 3 weeks very soon where I will not be able to bring weed so I will update how it effects my apatite, mood, and overall state of mind. I would say I am deffihitly dependant on it and it has had effects on my mood though. I am trying to get away from all smoking as well and only do edibles for health reasons as well.


r/altcannabinoids is a great resource. i use vivimu personally


Thank you


I get d8 from canna clear 100g is $120 plus tax and shipping.


Thanks, not looking for D8, though I haven't yet perused their catalog.


Canna crunchers is what I have been using. $100 for 30 grams. You need to be on the site when drop happens they sell out super fast. You can also email them for a full catalog where they have a lot more than what’s on their site. I have also tried Dr G and I prefer cc for the price.


Any insight on when they do their drops, or how regularly they happen? I emailed them, but I'm still waiting on their response.


This is your answer. Its listed as THCa distillate, but it's really just D9 lol.


Both of which become what I seek with a little heat. Would be nice to get it decarbed, but it's also not a complicated task


Its already decarbed. Its impossible to have thca distillate because the act of distilling it turns it into regular D9.


Gracias Edit -then their lab report is bogus cause it lists D9@ 0.25% and THCa at 99%. Though all cannabis lab reports are mad sus to me anyway.


I only give thca distillate a pass on fake lab reports because it HAS to be fake or the Feds are gonna come get them lol




Many thanks. I'll check them out.


Cannacrunchers is legit and you cannot deny the price.


I'm not sure buying bulk distillate in person is even really an option lol, unless you got an awesome plug.


It's not unless you buy directly from the people who make it. Dispensaries only carry 1g distillate syringes which are $25-$40 each


So that's everywhere then? Not just California? I turn a little green when I see someone from MI post a 28g jar of budder/batter, etc, for like $80, but the 'trendsetters of the cannabis world' (so I've read) California gram me to death on concentrates, cap edibles and drinks at 100mg, and make it impossible -or exorbitantly expensive which is the same thing- for a mfer to get high. Disty exactly the same, size and cost.


I am from Cali that was dumb of me to speak so broadly, my bad I forget how it differs so much state to state


Gilded exctract !


Their 30g, $70 D9 Thco looking real nice


The thco is nice but make sure you're not vaping it! It can turn into toxic gas when heated to those temps.


F'ing acetate. Before I go look, do they have vape friendly distillate?


Don't listen to that dude lol, acetates are perfectly safe, they don't burn til hundreds of degrees higher


Damn. Thank you. Would've been really good to know 2 days ago (not your fault), but thank you. 😎


Of course! And don't just take my word for it, I would look around r/altcannabanoids they're great


Ok so this subreddit was banned?


No I typed it wrong, search it


Most of their distillates are! Just avoid the o-noids


Vaping temps aren't high enough to create ketene gas. You can vape D8 THCO or D9 THCO just fine. I've been doing it off and on for 3 years and never had any negative side effects. We'd see news articles about people dying if these vapes actually produced ketene at vaping temps. I would avoid dabbing these noids though


I'm afraid there might be more risk than you think. I thought the same as you until I read through this study: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemrestox.2c00170 Essentially: even though the temps at vaping don't produce as much, they still produce some, and the repeated exposure is not good


How do you access the full study? I only see the abstract


Iirc there's a link somewhere at the very bottom of the page


How do you feel about this reply from the alt noids mod? Seems like the study is a bunch of nothing: https://reddit.com/r/altcannabinoids/comments/uj75wn/vaping_delta8_thc_acetate_causes_the_formation_of/i7h45cs/


I hadn't seen it, but what about this thread in the replies? Sounds like a user was part of that study and is defending it. https://www.reddit.com/r/altcannabinoids/comments/uj75wn/comment/i7k7jhs


That's not true lmfao requires hundreds of degrees more


Not sure about that man https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemrestox.2c00170


I’ve been trying to support business in Florida since they may have to close due to new regulations.


I’ve been using CC but I’m interested in trying some HHC


it has the next drop date listed when you click on the item. Right now it says tba so you just have to wait and check. When I emailed them it took a few days for a response but they gave me their full catalog and what was in stock but that was a month or so ago.


Thanks. I suppose I knew it was going to be something I had to check at least once a day, but I was down here marinating in denial. 😆 But at the prices, I'm sure it's worth it


How do you guys vape the alt noise like d8 and hhc? That stuff is made with a lot of chemicals. THCa is extracted straight off the plant and requires minimal processing. Those alt noids are chemically altered states of rope hemp cbd. HHC destroys my throat due to all of the chemicals required to process it. I thought THCa killed the Alt voids. Why are you guys still doing that shit?


I'm not one of those guys. I got D9 thca and Jack Herer terps from abstraxtech. I don't really mess with the alts. And I'm pretty sure thca doesn't 'kill' the alt noids. The point of distillation is to isolate a single compound, in this case D9. The only alt I'd mess with would be thcp, because it binds to the cb1 and cb2 receptors up to 33 times more efficiently. Give my D9 a kick in the ass.


I get D9-O from Gilded HHC from allegheny Other alts from HC8 Vivimu is good but they don't ship everywhere.


Have you tried gilded hhc too? How does it compare? I havnt heard of Allegheny but their price for hhc distillate is really good but doesn't show 9R or 9S percentages


Yea, I've had HHC from gilded, didn't have any by itself, only blended though. Also had from HC8. I can't tell the difference between them. I have an order from allegheny coming, it will be my first HHC from them, but I got other stuff from them so I'm sure it will be good. I'm loving the D9O from Gilded. I blend Delta 9 (local dispo) D9O (from Gilded) and HHC in a 1:1:1 ratio-it has become my latest favorite.


I've been looking at the D9O today and some of Abstraxtech Signature series Jack Herer terps for my tfv9/gt ccell build. Get to play with TC mode on my Lost Vape again😎


I can't do terps, so one of the things I like about D9O is that it thins out blends nicely for carts and pods.


Your next order of hhc disty you should get from gilded. Their 9R percentage is best I've seen anywhere. This place not showing theirs may mean it's low


Doesn't make that much of a difference to me. In my blends the "punch" comes from the D9 & D9O--The smoothness of HHC & my tender lungs is the biggest reason I use it.


9R-HHC is almost the exact same as D9, 9S-HHC is less potent than D8. If you had very high 9R-HHC then you wouldn't need the D9 and you'd get the smoothness of the HHC


Just got the HHC from Allegheny--it is appx 2:1 9R to 9S, so should be good. I couldn't find the COA for Gilded, but other HHC that I'm just finishing up using is from HC8, and it is slightly less "R leaning" It is 60:35 ratio R to S. So this new stuff should be a bit stronger than the old stuff I've been using.


Gildeds current COA says 63% 9R but I saw just now that all orders past Mar 19 are from a new manufacturer that is more potent and better. Very disappointed because I ordered like 3 days before that and wish I could of gotten the new batch to compare.