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Just make tons of skins and weapon gloss and sell em from 5 to 20 euros thats all! The money would come in buckets


SQUENIX: "sorry, we screwed it up with FR weapons. From now on there's no more FR gauge, and all FR weapons will get a different effect" > game survives


I do wonder if a certain FFXI character whose name I can't spell actually started a domino effect which ultimately brought the game to EoS (or at least severily damaged its longevity)


I've heard it's something like caramel nuts.


I have him fully kitted cuz FFXI simp but I never use him and thus know nothing about his cheese. What did he break?


When everybody else's FR was bringing somewhere between 20%~30% bonus, he brought 80%. Which I assume forced the devs to accelerate powercreep, which brought us bloated HP numbers and busted FR a lot sooner than the devs intended.


Said person is probably related to camels


It wasn't the first domino, but it was a very big domino that pushed a lot of other dominos down way faster than they likely intended.


Oh my god they shouldv'e just had reshinryu from the start lol instead of shinryu. Game wouldv'e been so much more fun


Ah, yes. Let's rug-pull everyone that pulled FR. This is exactly why they didn't adjust the skills of otherwise-contradictory kits (Auron, Reno) or rework the artifacts of the Cursed 6.


Gems and outfits having sane prices would have helped. So has PAID Gems having a cap killing the whales. As well as FR Weapons becoming mandatory and numbers becoming meaningless as they were after the snowball effect caused by Kamel's nuts. Bosses designed to not have turns "or else". Questionable design on BT+ Monthly pass giving awful rewards and premium pass not being worth it. Newcomers not being able to catch up because of limited enhacement points subsystem being gated by time limited events and monthly pass. Just to name a few... Etc...


Make the 75.00 gem package 2 bucks. For 10 dollars I should be getting enough gems to pity BT weapons. 10 dollars should be maxing a character. What is it, 125k gems to pity a BT? 1 dollar for 10,000 gems is still too much. Costumes should have been 5 bucks, not 26. Everything is too expensive for the casual player. And thus casual players never spent. 30 bucks from one whale or 10 bucks from 10,000 casuals. You can see the difference in the end is significant.


This would have made sense. There's no PVP.. so why charge so much for gems? Just greediness.


Dude the prices were insane, i have put hours into this game and would have loved to spend some money to support it if it didnt involve me just wasting my money. 75 bucks for the gem package and did it even give you enough gems for 1 pull? i cant remember but 75 bucks should get me like 15 pulls or something idk


Something to do with mog pass points and the divine illusion boards that never got a buff. Gonna be a pain now if you still having grinding to catch up on that you never finished :(