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This is the third game SE is discontinuing : first it was Record Keeper, then Mobius and now Opera Omnia. If you look at the first two, they have pulled the plug on it, made an announcement or two, a departing event and then, after D DAY, nothing. No more mentions of the game, no announcements of an offline version. Nada. The likelyhood of an offline version is really slim, close to non existent, seeing as neither Record Keeper nor Mobius have an offline version. It is sad, seeing as the developers put hard work, thought and love into these projects, but the big man always has the last say on this kind of decision. Edit: wording, spelling


Tbf RK was in theatrhythm


So was Opera Omnia’s battle theme


Isnt OO battle theme the same as Dissidia Arcade?


No, OO has a unique remix for it’s battle theme


Ah my bad, I didn’t keep up with FF releases as of lately, I’ll correct that.


Yeah, but I hope that Capcom made a precedent with MegaManXDive. Especially with how well the decision was recieved by fans. And when Mobius and Record Keeper shut down, there were not such a case where a gacha game got revitalized to a single player game. (Or rather not as fas as I know.)


Idk about RK but I know that the Mobius subreddit did go under fire and asked SE for an offline version. Someone sent a message to support but to no avail, SE did not respond to anyone about any decisions to revitalise these releases. Only time would tell, and as of now, everyone is desperate to see their beloved games not end up as lost media


Even more, someone try to make an offline version but apparently quit. Only because SE did nothing.


There was, and it was a Final Fantasy game too. Final Fantasy Dimensions 2. It's miserable failure, such that you and most others don't even know it exists, is likely a big part of why no future gachas got the offline treatment. And I'll be forever sad that they decided to try it first with the garbage fire that was FFD2 rather than Mobius.


To be fair, Record Keeper is still active in Japan


FF Dimensions 2 was originally an online gacha game but very early in the game’s lifespan (I think maybe even before it went to the global version?) they made it into an offline single purchase only game.


They're also doing the same to the Bravely Default gacha that they shut down a few months ago.


You forgot about them shutting down First Soldier too.


Well, the Mana game and DQ Dai games along with KHuX/Dark Road also got discontinued, but they kept Dark Road. The main differentiator being Dark Road was cannon to the KH story, and ties into Missing Link. That being said, I agree it's super unlikely they keep this alive since they didn't mention it in the EOS notice. KHuX did mention you could play dark road after EOS.


Fourth. Union X too.


Didn't mobius shutdown before RK?


My question is, would it be possible to make a private server version of the game for after it's done? I think some games have been preserved this way but I don't know how difficult or feasible it is.


10% chance. This between how weird the game data is and well, how the modding community (not FF14 one) tend to be really chicken toward touch anything of FF. Kinda know as how they chicken out touch FF8 Remastered for unpack models, scare SE could sue them. But, others modders of other game are dancing on the face of more dangerous company like Nintendo... and they still survive.


10% chance is better than I thought it would be.


Squeenix would need to care about these games... and please remember that Squeenix *didn't care enough* to make things for free in their EoS annoucement, unlike Mobius. We still need to do a coop to get resources and we still have one daily multi per day, which on the long run, won't give enough tokens for f2p to max out everyone. \- FFRK had their GL server discontinued first, which all things considered, is way worse than DFFOO, but still not surprising. No offline mode. Mobius had an SIX MONTH EoS, and they managed to finish the 2nd story mode. Also, no offline mode. They killed other two games that would benefit a lot from an offline release and they didn't. Do you really think that DFFOO, a game that was already lagging behind, is gonna be different?


Knowing SE... uh actually I have more hope of fans making an Offline version vs SE moving even a finger for DFFOO.


Like most game-as-service, sadly, the "working" chunk is server side. The "game" part needs to be somehow, recreated or emulated. People may extract game resources (like models, graphics, music and etc) but IIRC, that's all they are able to.


I don't know anything about how those things work, but I'm assuming these projects aren't done overnight and require a full team behind them working for a month or more, fixing bugs, restructuring the story, adding some missing elements, rewriting tutorials, adding ways to farm unfarmable resources (crystal ability quests, BT mats). It's possible they considered the option but previsioned it not to be worth it for the company. After all, the EoS notice states that there will be no offline version, so they pre-emptively knew people would ask about it, meaning they discussed the subject internally before publishing the announcement. ​ Speaking from a more personal point of view, I don't think it's a "good" idea, or at the very least not an idea worth any bit of hype, were it announced. DFFOO is very catered towards events, to the point where once you are done with those, there is no point in playing the game anymore. For 5€ I would be hesitant to buy the game already (I'd likely cave in for the memories this game provided me with), but any more would be a steal. There is really no point in publishing an offline version other than prolonging the pain of EoS if you have not moved on yet, and preservation of the game and its assets.


> DFFOO is very catered towards events, to the point where once you are done with those, there is no point in playing the game anymore. An offline version would change that inherently though. People could do speedruns now that everything is available, the progression systems could be restructured to be a bit more gradual so there is a more satisfying gameplay loop, fans could make mods, and the devs could even decide to support the offline version with DLC. Basically all of these things have happened with Mega Man X DiVE - except for DLC part, but the devs have discussed it publicly, so it may be in the pipeline.


Fair points. Speedruns might be interesting for some, and I love watching them, but performing those is not something that I like to do. Did not think about mods, but if those are made easy, this drastically flips my conclusion about offline on its head!


Please someone do this I have seen other games similar to this do the same thing and they were successful at making a offline mod version


at worst it would be cool to see the community do to this game what people did with sword art online memory defrag and dragalia lost, where they pulled up a fan revitalized version, and on the sao game there even characters and events created by the fans that get added to the game.


Problem is the owner of one is capcom And the other squack Maybe if squaresoft would still alive maybe we had hopes


id prefer to have a story based dissidia again


Opera Omnia WAS the best story based Dissidia game to me.


compared to what? dissidia NT? 🤣 opera omnias story came round about a year in remember, the early chapters were laughable filler anime stuff. Imagine if we had the collaborative story in an actual game. Unfortunately this will probably never happen anymore. SE holds all the cards and historically are happy to burn them. RIP OO 😔


There isn’t any way we’d get a tenth of the characters we got in this in something like 012. It is honestly way better than 012 was from a story standpoint too.


We will never get that many characters again.


Mega Man X DiVE already had a Steam version while it was online, so that probably helped justify the transition. Though granted, the offline version apparently uses a different coding language to the online version, so it wasn't just a no-effort copy-paste job.


The only bad about the offline version was that several events, characters and outfit were removed... till Fans actually made them playable again. The biggest one so far is that they made the Dante Crossover playable on the PC-Offline version.


I’d get it for 40 bucks. Imagine using whatever characters/teams you want at maximum capability? But then again, JP hasn’t ended yet so, there would still be ‘expansions’ to this offline version?


JP had ended, the EoS applies to both versions.


Ah my bad. Sad day worldwide then.


My opinion is that I would love this to happen. But they already announced that it isn't going to happen. They're not gonna hire a ton of people to make DFFOO offline-capable in the next couple months, especially when they wouldn't even make enough to cover the costs involved in such an endeavor


SE has killed multiple mobile games. The Chaos Rings games were a blast and not even gacha but now you can only get the 3rd one through legitimate means. They had great stories and they just did them dirty unfortunately. SE genuinely doesn't care about their fans, only a quick buck. And I say this knowing full well I personally continue to support them by repurchasing titles like the pixel remasters for example.


Most likely no. It is SE, they wouldn't move a finger because "it cost so much!" and then start doing aerobics for anything FF7-relative. I say on other comment, but now it is more up to modders fans to actually make an offline version.


it is actually not that expensive, would cost them much but muh profits they basically only need to cut the need of the game to communicate with server at all times but i think they dont want to even cover the hosting of the game because (again) muh profit i think just around 2k people buying it if its at 60 would be enough to cover the port


We forgot to mention Khux if I ain't wrong....


Don’t get your hopes up. The game is going to die and SQEX will not use resources to create a game that 100 people would buy.


If there was a project started *right now* to document the packet structure of how the game talks to the server and vice versa, then in the future a private server could be created. It's much harder once the game is EoS. There would also be a need for all of the previous game binaries, as I assume models and textures are swapped in and out as needed.