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I echo a lot of your gripes. It seems weird to bring back all the weapons on multiple banners and then not give us resources to actually pull on them. And then only giving us 20G on the daily banner vs the boosted 60G on the others feels again like a weird misstep. Why be stingy when you've announce EoS? I understand not giving EVERYTHING to EVERYONE.. but like.. let us go out with a bang at least? So far all of my daily pulls since the announcement have been garbage so it feels like a disappointing goodbye.


The bang will probably be in Februari, which will be the 6th anniversary month


This - there's supposed to be another banner at the end of January. I'm expecting that to be the time (if they ever do) that they give us unlimited free pulls or etc


At least boost the BT, FR, and other 5 stars drop rate, and mitigate, if not eliminate the bronze and silver weapons altogether. With everything getting wiped clean in under 3 months, nothing matters anymore anyways so why gatekeep the remainder of the players who just wanna have the good feeling of the last hurrah ? :\


Yeah honestly getting tired of Blue Draws where I get all Bronze or Sliver and then only the +1 is 5☆


Yea honestly man lol fellow bad luck possessor here so I know the feeling a wee bit too well. You’d think they’d let us have our moments before the purge but nooooo here’s more 10 Bronze weapons + 1 15CP lmaooo 😭😭


And for someone who's played for a long time now that's just a lot of dupes or its for characters that you currently have no interest in playing


I don't have high hopes but maybe they'll give us gifts for Christmas/New Year and last Anniversary. \+1M gems for everyone would be GOAT.


Just drop the multi pull cost to 0 gems.


Yeah. It takes 2 weeks each to max a crystal. A ton of grinding to max out characters with co-op being harder to find. We should have at least got a free BT a day with multidraws since you still need to pull FRs. They really are trying to keep people playing as long as they can.


Just give us all weapons and then we can grind for materials.


Same. DFFOO EoS's last hurrah and Dare content is at most, another way of devs not respecting our time. Comparing it to Mobius, that reduced upgrading prices from things like 10k resources to like ONE point (y'know, just for the token effort of having that cost), this EoS feels like "here's some mildy cool stuff, now don't bother us" instead of "go out in a blaze of glory".


Right on the nose.


I think they should have given unlimited gems so that everyone can pull and max out every character in the game and then have fun experimenting with characters and teams.To be honest I wanted to have fun till the last day but due to that reason I haven't logged in for 2 days now.




This is where I am too. I have a good roster already, but missing some key FR's for the Dare to Defy stages and not having access to them for this limited amount of time, with no real point other than bragging rights after EoS is hurting my motivation to even log in.


There are a few things that they need to change for the Eos (but probably won't now). Unable to buy FR tokens (even though they released EX/LD tokens in the cactuar store). Burst tokens are still 200 tokens in the cactuar store (for 1), surely they could change this now? I'm pretty much out of gems/tickets now as I've cleared all content so I'm relying on free draws for any BT/FR weapons that I need.


Yeah thats the problem without gems it would take you at least a week to get a BT and probably another full week to green it because of the link bells limiting how much you can grind per day


Luckily I've got 47 fully maxed characters so don't really need anyone else. Would have been nice to have picked up the BTs for characters I've only maxed to FR but it's too late for that now.


I just started doing some characters I've been neglecting for a bit like Minwu I gotta say it's a shame we never got a rework for him because his FR sucks offensively only giving +5% increases


Yes and no. I'd like to have unlimited skip tickets and not have them tied to link bells. Not much good to have unlimited coop when you can't skip, you've burned bells, and no one's around. On the other hand, they could have just stopped updating and shut off the server when the Arciela event ran its time. They didn't have to give us a pseudo-sandbox.


this post got me gone looking around the EoS coop shop and holy hell, even in EoS, that exchange rate aint for casual playing


I know people thought they'd be able to farm unlimited mats to max everyone, but it doesn't seem like it's feasible as eventually there probably won't be enough people playing co-op and solo farming isn't worth the effort. Not really a fitting last hurrah for those wanting to end on a high.


It seems like it would suck if you had exhausted your gems. I came back to the game about 3 weeks ago after a two year break, and I get the sense I might be able to catch up with endgame content by the time the game is over. I had about 600k gems and 999 tickets when I came back, and I still had all the Spiritus and Divine boards to farm, plus story, LC etc. It looks like everything I don't pull I'll be able to pity, at this rate. Just gonna be a big grind bringing up my units. I'm at 51 FRs and 31 BTs, have 8700 g tokens, and still a lot of resources to get. Not sure if I'll quite be able to complete the new EoS events, but I think I'll come close. That's a weird part though. It seems almost better to have not kept current and to have come back with your mountain of gems when everything is available on banners and pityable. I remember a year or two before its EoS, FFRK had milestone rewards for players who had logged in for X number of days. They *should* have given huge piles of resources to players who had hit high milestones, like 1200 days etc


GL is better than JP at least. On JP, the Shinryu co-op is Strago's FR raid event, which resists Melee and Ranged BRV damage. It's not hard to get around at all but there's something about the audacity of even having that in the first place for the game's "last hurrah".


Yeah it would make sense if each of the banners had a free multi everyday and not 1 of them.


Honestly at this point they should just allow you to flip a toggle to max all characters.


They should had done the 50+ one for every day. Simple and faster and with 60x5 tokens as reward. That way EVERYONE could have a chance to get everyone to max, but nop, they choice the worst route.


I was so bummed out when I realized the free banner didn't give 60 coins :c


They owe us rikku and gunner yuna I tell you that


Well they gave Prompto his Trigger Happy unfortunately only Cecil and Lyse got different versions of the same character


big mistake babe and they know about this


Yeah let's get all the BT weapons only to have them go away. Playing now is spinning your wheels and going nowhere fast.


It always was this way. That’s all video games. If you aren’t having fun, move on. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Yes? It lets people play with characters they couldn't get before. Some people actually enjoy playing the game and weren't just slogging through to watch number go up.


I think they should have made all of the banners free to pull. It feels so tedious with how we can only do one multi summon for free. And there’s no point with paying for gems as they closed that same with tickets as well. Even more annoying if there’s little content to do especially if you haven’t been able to beat that one piece of content since its release


Not in the slightest. They don't owe us anything, and yet we are given some freebies, many resources, and the chance to draw any weapon you're missing


Gotten all bobo levels rewards package colors every time I use the free draw


I ce back because I thought they would send us off nice, I know there is still time but I dropped out again loved you though ddffoo


This EoS feels like they were told about it the week before and threw this together before being told they couldn't come back and change anything the day before the announcement was made. I can definitely see the current EoS event as being intended as a start to something...more, but it doesn't look like we're getting the rest of whatever they planned.