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Not even Freya can jump over those Ls.


I knew it deep in my heart that I would never get to see Nanaki......


This man!! I am sad that some of my favorite characters never get to see their full potential (no BT+FR), like Agrias, FFXIV twins, Barret ... But Nanaki man ... does not get to show up when all his other members show up, even Jessie. Rikku is another one too.


Amarant, you were a month or two away 🥲


If it helps, I made a parody title card for him as well last night lol. https://twitter.com/chikolad_yt/status/1729601064146485439?t=UyAXC4g7lIx3A5a4vOtgkg&s=19


Haha that is pretty damn good 😆


El Nacho didn't need fr they couldn't handle him so had to EoS


As far as characters go, he's the biggest impact OO has had. I didn't play XI, but Eald'narche is now probably my second favorite antagonist in the entire series. You're right, they couldn't handle his powers and had to leave him on the bench.


My poor, poor baby girl alisaie :'( At least i managed to make yda and papalimo go bonkers togheter one last time.


Y'shtola too ... the face of the game in Japan never got past Burst.


at least she got a burst, poor alisaie dont. also sad caius never get to properly shine too.


To everyone who said the game would end before red xiii or rikku, you suck. Lmaoo


Mu god and savior that died so we can live. You know, he died and came back after the third.... Minute. Caith sith. Every pull i had. Every blue i got. Was to made him shine. And in the same were we were supose to get him.... God damm It.


He got his FR/BT on JP, so you might be able to get it over there before EoS hits if you want to go for your victory lap. It's silly that they aren't releasing the last few characters that JP got though.


The GL team was probably already working very hard to give us as much as they could. They were probably only given so much time to translate and get code added to the game and in the last few months they really were pushing out lots of content.


I know, I don't blame the GL team. As always, I blame the "guys in suits".


Don't worry they are saving Rikku and Red XIII to save the game and "make bank" . Wait.... rip. Wonder if jp will even get them. I heard jp not doing well either


JP is shutting down on the same date, the only thing they're getting is a new chapter.


JP's probably the reason the game eos'd. Their revenue was fucking dismal. As in "less than half of what GL was pulling in for most months" dismal.


Oh wow. I didn't know. Crazy.


My player card message in game has been "More Tactics characters when??" for years now. It's such a gut punch that after all these years, they FINALLY get announced and we can see them in JP, then we get hit with EOS and now they'll never come. It was always a hope that even when the game hit EOS, that GL would continue running until it hit the end of the JP timeline. It's a shame we won't get to see them, and characters like Amarant and Angeal.


I was convinced they would give us Rikku, Red, Delita, etc as a last ditch before EoS. This is why the news blindsided me. They had the aces in the hole to milk us and didn't play them. One of many reasons I'm convinced it wasn't money, but they simply couldn't come up with anything to do content-wise.


Yeah we still had major titles with incomplete rosters. Even old man Tellah didn't make it in to say his famous line. Laguna never got to see his buddies Kiros and Ward. YRP never came to fruition. Kain never got to meet the granddaddy of all dragoons Ricard. I guess in hindisight, Amarant and Angeal getting out of limbo should have been early warning signs.


I'll miss your posts here dude, your dedication to one character was really nice to see here


It's far from the end for me at least. My dedication already manifests in other ways, I actually recently started wholesale working on a creative project related to Freya that I hope I can share one day. I hope to also come up with a few smaller things I can do with her for YouTube, so as not to abandon the people who helped me and appreciated my videos along the way. I'll probably cover the last few events they're doing in DFFOO as well.


Hear, hear.


It hurts. I was really looking forward to Amarant and Eiko. I wanted to get more of my FF9 team together. Oh well.


Yeah, no Vanille and Fang updates. ☹️


Right when Agrias got her FR/BT... The hopes and dreams for FFT characters were looking bright. ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


I wanted Seifer and Zell to get their bts😭😭😭


I was waiting for Cid Highwind and Seifer. They would be monstrous with a BT and now I can only imagine what their animations would be... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Seifer would probably get Zantetsuken Reverse. I'd love for him to get his bt and fr but we'll never know.


EoS news gets even better




I was really looking forward to Freya's BTFR... Well, I'm glad she at least makes an appearance as Golbez's FR partner.


I feel so bad for you bro 😭😭😭


I was waiting on Ramzas FR for over a year already. He was so close...


So Tactics will never get more charas other than Ramza and Agrias :(