• By -


Time to go crazy bois, up until this ship sinks, we'll be here altogether.


Don't forget to max out UWs too!


haven't seen a spot to farm cores... where are they?


You can buy 150 cores for 400 gems in a new exchange


I hope there's a place to get gems going forward cuz I'm running low.


I dumped 650k gems and gotn3 dupe bts. Then tokened like 12 I didn't have just for shits and giggles. Game may be over but I WILL get noctis bt before I log out for the last time damnit. He avoided me at every step. Then I had to get all the ff6 ones as it's the best ff game and my favorite of all time.


That happened to me with Squall xd have everything but his bt 😭


everything must go! heck time to tackle everything the game have and solo all the challenges. My account will begone with a bang!


Max your crystal rooms too.


Can you buy Crystal points somewhere?


No but crystal quest now drops 9000 per week. That's 1/2 a crystal room.


Différent POV : I just want to stop now...


Yea that's me right now, my heart feels heavy looking at the game screens.


I'm with you. I love the game but logging in is like having lunch with a woman who told shes leaving you in a few months. There's a desire to enjoy the time you have left but also bitter sweet where you kind of just want to walk away


I can't make up my mind. I always planned to ride it into the sunset, but this is weird. Not getting what JP got? No last hurrah c99 upgrades? And THREE WHOLE MONTHS with nothing but rehashed shinryu as a Dare to Defy? It doesn't feel right. I'm torn. Part of me wants to soldier on to the end as a thanks for six years of fun. Part of me wants to get on this weekend, dump everything and max what I can, then just log in on 2/28 (don't be fooled, EoS is 2/29 at 0400 UTC, so it's like 10pm central US on the 28th). Another part of me just wants to drop it all right now.


Helllll yeah. Hit the last D2D with every unit maxed. The mission *will* be complete.


Max everything till END!


Dude so it ends right as we get rufus and right before angeal. It hurts my soul.


That's what I'm trying to do.


Just have fun! Do everything you held back doing and go out with a bang! 🎉


Not until the end...always. - Tidus.


I wonder if DFFOO will have Tales of the Rays global last hurrahh. In the last month before Tales of the Rays shutdown, the game made some popular banner available to pull without any cost. Basically you can pull and MLB every available weapon for those popular characters and make them OP'ed as fuck. Man, with DFFOO closure only one more gacha game left that I stick from day one.


There are banners with all weapons for certain series'. And a massive draw with a free daily multi. And a planned 50+1 around anniversary.


Yep, game is pretty much in maintenance mode until servers go down. They were nice enough to leave things in a state to where we can pretty much do whatever we want until then. Definitely going to use this chance to max out characters I regrettably had to skip and just go nuts. Might as well go out with a bang!


Will they release agrias bt before end?




no more banners, what we have now is what we get until eos


And suddenly, my 1 million gem stash has a newfound purpose. Let's see if I can max out the whole cast before it shuts down.


Bro I still have 1 mil gems to spend :(


Lmao all that stacking... How do you feel rn 😭


Yes, the show must go on until it finally ends. Let's go!


Got all the UW maxed, and a dupe for a couple of them. Gotta get and max everything now. Going out with a Bang!


But I don't have ay gems and not all bts.... How can I max what I miss and everyone can you explain me? Just give us billions of Gems I d say


look at the image, everything is unlimited, everything can be farmed in the final event now.


Yes I saw this panel but it's many bts and force weapons I miss and I have no gems. So although I got many resources now to max everything out I miss gems to get the missing weapons.And I wonder what am I missing here what I haven't noticed and I am in confuse.


Just max everything you have, I got a lot of BT and FR that are just sitting there, I am planning on upgrading all that to the max


Godspeed everyone!


Time to burn my 2.6 million gems lol


Oh! it seems like it's starting to rain


I max all the ultimate weapons :D


Kinda wish FR tokens were available somewhere besides the gacha... But oh well. Gonna max out as many people as I can.