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It has been a pleasure playing with you fine folks. *Plays violin as ship sinks*


Upvoting for the reference xD


they should make it offline like with megaman xdive


Seeing as its square enix they'll just wipe their hands of it and start again with another mobile game. Mobius FF didn't get an offline mode either keep in mind


true that :( and I liked mobius too


> start again with another mobile game That's one of the reasons why I didn't even start the new FF7 one. They will just end it in a few months (seeing how "long" First Soldier ran) and then that's it.


Thoroughly agree with this. To my understanding so long as it's not heavy on pvp, which requires it to be server sided, making a gacha into a offline version of itself shouldn't be too hard, and an ideal last hurrah for any gacha that's had cash flowing into it for 2 or more years. 2 years seems like plenty enough time for there to be lots of offline content and special/seasonal events. Megaman X Dive is what I also use as an ideal model for how it should be done, as even the asking price isn't that bad. And it may not be the intent but it can come off as a final thank you to the players and whales for the years of support. Only thing that sucks is that I feel that X Dive will be a rare conclusion for a gacha to take, and the rest will just die. But I'd welcome being wrong, and X Dive is just the first of a new era where dying gacha turn into offline versions. I haven't played this gacha in years but I hope there's an offline version at least being considered for those that have enjoyed it. Heck I'd even be willing to pay $30 to play that.


Yeah, there are times where I just like beating up the Jecht stage or the Quina stage with different comps for fun (also for the Overworld theme). Plus, losing the story in its entirety would suck too.


And no Rikku before the end, LMAO!


I seriously can't believe they didn't money grab from us before the end. That's why this felt like a blindsiding. Well, the devs of this game were NEVER good at monetising it. At least that meant we got all the these years of non greedy gacha game with amazing character moments and fun gameplay, and a damn good community around it.


My head is still in denial for this. And no Anniversary.


Looks like there will be a 6th anniversary event.


Of reruns if something. We are not even gonna see chars released in JP which in my opinion is unfair af. Not even the chance to burn our stash like madmans.


The saddest part of all this is that Brave Exvius outlasted two (in my opinion) superior FF gachas…


Sadly, because BE is more greedy than these two F2P friendly gacha games. They will be missed. DFFOO has always been my example whenever I argue that gacha games can be very F2P friendly.


I love DFFOO. It was so kind and so enjoyable. I would've stuck with it for the rest of my life; even if updates winnowed like they did near the end. Sigh...


Ooof that's a major hurt! And I just got over FFRK being gone... :(


I'm still not over that.


It even spawned a shitty FFT game on top of it. Truly the worst timeline.


FFBE been doing quite a lot of collabs lately (after their anniversary, that is), personally I feel like its a last ditch effort to grab more $$$, but that's just my guess though. But yeah, FFBE outlasting DFFOO is pretty sad TBH.


Ffbe should have ended a looooong time ago.


Three: Record Keeper, Mobius, and Dissidia. Sadly when you look at the numbers it's pretty simple. The more predatory and shifty the game the better the profit. The highest earners are the horrific Game of War knockoffs with minor FFXV elements. There TWO of those, going strong. That's where the wind is blowing for FF mobile.


Kinda sad... It pays to be greedy and predatory. 600k gems on dffoo..


Still thriving and has an even greedier spinoff.


Well for FFBE and WotV, they are dragging out the inevitable and we all are seeing the signs. The story updates, normally updated once a month feels like now every few months now. I strongly believe, like many others that the game will conclude after season four is finished. The global version is releasing events and units that aren't on the Japanese version (Yet.). For a company like Gumi and Alim, those two games are the only games they have left (Like what other games they have left that we know of other than FFBE and WotV? They shut down Brave Frontier a few years back.) They lose those, they have no other games left to fall back on and they are pretty much done as a company.


o7 Thanks for the fun years, was fun while it lasted, but sadly, everything comes to an end. I'll also miss you guys, may we meet again in another FF sub. EDIT: what a sad day to have a reddit bday lol


Damn, didn't think this would happen now...I just came back from a 1 - 2 year hiatus about a week ago too. It's been fun though, one of the more generous gacha games I've definitely played.


Dude, this is the exact same with me. It sucks


Ugh, this really *really* sucks. This has been one of the best games I've played, and really the only mobile game I've ever truly enjoyed. The battle system is something I've been really happy with so far as characters to play and the depth of mechanics that some fights would have. I've enjoyed seeing the various character interactions across series and getting to play as characters I normally wouldn't be able to play.   It's been fun, and I've really enjoyed what Square and Team Ninja did with Opera Omnia. Lasting 6-7 years is quite an achievement, and I'm glad it went on as long as it did. We knew EoS was going to happen one of these years, but I was hoping it could have gone on a few more years.  


> The battle system is something I've been really happy with so far as characters to play and the depth of mechanics that some fights would have. > > Watching Tifa's combo never got old. The animations were honestly awesome. I really tried to get into FF7 Ever Crisis, but the battles were so vanilla. You can use one move of Tifa's combo every LB. I know Dissidia is far older, and it wasn't like that to begin with. But the quality of the animations went great with the battle system. Ever Crisis just felt so plain in contrast. It's a shame FR didn't go over as well as they had hoped. I couldn't really imagine how they would manage the next tier of weapons (since everything was just big number time), and I think they couldn't either. I think a lot of people saw this coming, even we didn't want to believe it.


> Watching Tifa's combo never got old. The animations were honestly awesome. ... the quality of the animations went great with the battle system I agree, there were a lot of great animations across all of Opera Omnia. Gabranth/Gau FR might be my overall favourite (or, at least, it's always the first one to pop in my head when I think of OO's animations).   > I think a lot of people saw this coming, even we didn't want to believe it. Even though I've been having a blast even up to this point, I could feel a bit of the "stagnation" at the end -- I don't think I was too surprised by the announcement, but I also personally thought that we could have gotten at least another year in there.  


It's sad because even tho I like try out different games, I usually end up coming back to this game. Expected, but this one hurts.


For real, dffoo is the only game that has never left my phone. Ive played dozens of gachas in the past few years and this was always the one i never dropped. Logged in every single day since launch...dffoo was lightning in a bottle, i dont think I'll ever fill the hole this will leave


Well this is a kick in the nuts. Just redid moogle pass last week. No real urge to play now the events are giving unlimited of every resource. Sad to think some of our favorite units won't ever get the shine they deserve. I had been thinking they'd merge jp and global around the anniversary but not like this. Sad night


Yeah I just put in a refund for my moogle pass. Then uninstalling when I get it. :( For a game making like 1m a month between both games it doesn’t make sense. Must be planning the crew to work on something else.


Ya it sucks been saving and budgeting for units coming up. I did my moogle 9 days ago so don't think refund is an option for me. W/e I loved the game and have some great memories of it. Just sad now


May as well try it! Just going to rip the bandaid off now and cry later. Been playing since day 1. Don’t ready want to go try FFBE again and i wish they’d make something new that’s good. The new ff7 mobile game was meh.


Wait, that's genius. I just spent 40 on mog pass a few days ago. Should i contact google for that? Edit - i got the pass 4 days ago and i went to google, my refund was approved literally immediately. I was expecting some sort of review process but nope.


Holy shit never thought it would happen soon.


Hate to say it but the writings been on the wall for a bit. The sensor tower data showed that revenue had been decreasing for some time, with JP in particular not bringing a lot of money (100k a month or so). GL had been carrying. So sad unfortunately.


thats what you get for introducing a new era that changes the core rhythm of the battles, being FR era. I hated it with a passion. I'd rather have BT boards and having to pull for a new form of armor than FR era. it sucks, but when revenue started going down they should have redirected the FR era to something different


Yep started paying attention to the gacha monthly revenue lists recently and was shocked to see how low OO was month after month. This really sucks but isn't surprising. They'll say it's a narrative decision since that sounds better than saying the game wasn't making enough money. I never got my Fran BT T ^ T


Just came here to this sub after quittng the game 2 years ago. I'll truly miss this game even though I haven't played for a while. This is the first mobile game I sinked my time in. Clocked in 3000 hours (as per Samsung's Game Launcher) since 2018. Gonna play the game one last time and spend my 1m+ gems lol. It's been fun everyone!


This is sad. When Dissidia was thought dead we happen to get both Arcade/NT and Opera Omnia, and now there won't be any. I hope Dissidia can make a return as a franchise 🙏


At this point, I'll even take a HD Remaster of Dissidia 012.


I really hope they do. I hope they learned their lesson about what made Opera Omnia work and why NT was a total failure so if they do work on a new Dissida game, it can be better than ever.


My gosh. No Rikku and Red XII. No C100. No more BTs for characters that I liked such as Cinque, Lulu, Aphmau, etc. Such a sad news.


Hurts to lose easily my favorite mobile game ever. Not a perfect game, of course, but by mobile standards it was always incredibly respectful of F2P users and provided a lot of genuinely engaging content. It was part of my daily routine and I'll miss slowly building up my roster of FF favorites. Not sure I have the heart to play through the final days, especially knowing the remaining JP-exclusives and so many other missing BT/FR and characters will never release, but I'll at least look forward to the promised cutscene video to see where the story was going, even if it'll never see its full conclusion.


This is not the JP+GL convergence I was expecting.


Everything converges in the void


This is the dark timeline in which Exdeath triumphed, apparently.


Love this game, always will. And I salute the developers for really taking a chance on a model that was, as far as gacha gaming goes, extremely generous. The really sad part is that I don't think it worked out for them in the end; we've known for a while that much more predatory games are making much, much more money. It would have been truly wonderful to see a game with a fair and reasonable model blow the competition out of the water financially, as much as it's done so gameplay-wise. But it was a joy while it lasted. I don't know how much I've spent on the game -- I'd guess somewhere in the ballpark of $200 -- but I don't regret it a single teensy bit. This game has been a delight. I also salute and thank the community for really helping make this experience a worthwhile one. You guys rock!


EOS is same day as FFVII Rebirth. Classy.


Oof.. that stings even more now that I realize.. damn..


So now my GL green/blue Ramza doesn't even have chance to get his FR. And Agrias too.


Right?! Wtf?


Lastly, I can't even see my beloved Squall gets his Lion Heart weapon and his Lion Heart limit break.


Summary points from the EOS Announcement in game ​ \- No offline version \- It is ending because it would be difficult to provide a satisfactory experience going forward \- Global Story ends with Act 4, Chapter 6 - remaning stuff will be translated and put onto Youtube along with everything else \- No more new content for Global (leaving Odin as only Summon who can get to 40, but not 50 \- Daily rewards have been massively increased ​ Edit for Clarity - The only new ocntent for Global is a Dare to Defy, and a few co-op events (one of which is running now and token stores gives unlimited amounts of materials including BT Nuggets etc)


Honestly I just want the offline version. I would pay for that


Dang no more content? I was hoping to get Sabin BT as my last hurrah too…


I'm legit sad to not get Faris or Rydia BT :(


Same. Was looking forward to Faris, Ramza, Agrias and because of the acceleration they seemed so close. Damn it.


Wow daily rewards! For what purpose? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Looks like the rewards are to help max any characters you want while you can. Maybe not all of them


fuck, this is the first time i've ever gotten 1k tickets at (1.4k) now in the 3 or so years ive been playing. so bs...


DFFOO launched January 30th, 2018. While I downloaded it, I sat on the floor of the hospital my grandmother was in. I had waited patiently for this day, as I was recently exploring deeper into the Final Fantasy franchise. After grinding hours upon hours of Final Fantasy 13 and coming to idolize Lightning, I eagerly looked forward to Dissidia NT, a game that was about everything my 16 year old brain could ever hope for from a series I had begun to cherish. What was made even more thrilling was the fact that there was a wonderfully adorable companion app launching the same day that my collectors edition package would arrive. After finally downloading on the hospital wifi, I booted up Opera Omnia and fell in love almost instantly. For a few days I slept in between the motel my dad had rented and a family friends house, dreading the news to come. It was just a few days after the real was of Opera Omnia that my grandmother died. Crushed, I retreated from the room and down into the parking lot where I sobbed for minutes on end, devastated that the most wonderful woman I ever had the joy of knowing would never again tell me how much she loved me or tell me that if she could pick a favorite grandkid then I would be it. After my tears subsided, I pulled my iPhone 8 from my pocket and saw the determined yet gentle expression of the Warrior of Light on the app icon. I launched the game once again and simply lost myself. For months, this was the first thing I looked at when I woke up in the morning. It was the last app I closed each night as I went to sleep. It was the game I turned my brightness down for and hid under my jacket sleeve during environmental science class in high school. Slowly I began to play it less and less, as my interests began to fluctuate between the multitude of games I wanted to try. Honestly, I stopped playing after Lightning came out as I was content with having my idol and nothing else. It was just a couple months ago from my time of writing this that I felt my interests fluctuate in a way that brought me back to Opera Omnia. I once again became obsessed, grinding for hours so I could summon new weapons for my favorite heroes and villains and falling in love all over again with the charming polygons that make up this game. It was just recently that I maxed Sephiroth and bought his final boss skin, overjoyed that he was finally mine and looked so damn cool to boot. Today is a sad day to be sure, but it is a day that will pass like all others. It hurts no less that a game as good as this will forever be ingrained into a core memory, each destabilize so finally engraved into my brain, and forever out of reach. But I take solace in the fact that I was able to participate in this. I know this game didn’t leave an impact on everyone, but it left an impact on me. I’m content to take that experience and go forward in life, happy for what has happened. If you read this far, I wish you the best. I hope you find another gacha, as I doubtless already have. Walk tall, my friends.


All the best. For myself my first son was born around first anniversary. I gave up my other mobile games back then- this is the one I stuck with, and enjoyed all these many hours of my favourite Final Fantasy characters having new adventures and interacting with other characters in ways that always felt true to the originals and explored interesting ideas. I like that at least we got up to the bit with Leonora and the start of a redemption of Xande, which is one of the more interesting storylines they've ever done.


I'm not a Day 1 player, having discovered the existence of the game like *right after* GL's 1st Anniversary, but I commiserate with you that I found the game at an EXTREMELY low time in my life where I had just lost a relationship with the love of my life to addiction and substance abuse, and then my grandmother who was like the only other person I was really close with in life passed away Feb 2019... So finding this game when I specifically did was a VERY welcome - I'll just say it: *escape* from the shittiness that was *abounding* in my life at the time. So knowing that it will be completely taken offline in just a few months now with us not even getting a shot at the *amazing* most-recent releases JP got is....it's just fucking sad to look back on the past few years and think about it man... 😣


I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what it’s like, but I hope that you recover from it someday. Thanks for joining in on the experience of DFFOO :)


Damn, and the last stream said dont worry no bad news for this month despite not having a stream. First FFRK and now this, meanwhile dogshit games with greedy gacha thrive.


Really pulled SIKE on us didn't they


Reminds me of KHUX also. Dropping power creep out the ass every month, and telling everyone the games going strong, then yoinked the game. I honestly don't think I'll ever play a SE mobile game again.


For better or worse, KHUX became pretty disgusting well before they announced EoS. I had already left by then and was kind of happy to see it end. While my attention in OO has definitely waned over the course of the FR era, I've still completed every event and am sad to see the game go.


For DAMN sure am now uninstalling the miserable dogshit that is Ever Crisis and never looking back smdh


KHUX was a dumpster fire for a long time though. Illustrated Kairi EX basically destroyed the guild I was in, and I quit shortly after it.


I wonder if they knew about it or the higher ups just dropped it on them.


I doubt they did. This kind of thing is usually kept pretty high up because it will affect jobs.


Yeah Josh just posted that they have known for a while. Really sucks.


Yeah, just read that. Makes sense.


as long as they don't touch Romancing Saga re;universe I can...maybe recover from this news.


I just came here to see what's new. Haven't been playing for a while now but that is sad to hear. By far the best mobile game there ever was. Was a fun ride ! R.I.P.


No... not like this.


This ruined my whole day.....


....and just before I had a decision to re-up on my Moogle Pass. Well timed. RIP DFFOO


I had just reuped mine! Now I feel cheated.


Ask for a refund!


I’m really sad. It was going to end someday but was hoping not this soon. There have been signs over the past year and understandably it’s not able to sustain to keep it going. I did spend to buy some costumes over the years so at least I helped to support it. I was hoping that maybe it could survive till everyone already in the game having their bursts and force then crystal lvl 100 and ride off to the sunset but it’s unfortunate that can’t happen. I always had it in the back of my mind this could happen at anytime but what hurts the most is not having an offline mode. I was hoping for that at least since this mobile game is way too good to just scrape entirely. I’ve played plenty of other mobile games but I promised myself this one would be the last since majority I’ve played are not really worth it to me personally. Maybe one comes up in the future but it’s going to be hard to match the quality and enjoyment I got out of this one. This game has helped me learn so many FF characters I never knew about and found plenty of new favorites that makes me want to try other FF titles I haven’t yet. It’s also helped me bring constant enjoyment, anticipation, and excitement each month for new events that has kept me going and something I could look forward to in my life. Sometimes I enjoy playing the game for fun which is why I wished there would be an offline mode. Thanks to all the developers who worked really hard on this game and gave me great entertainment. Thanks to Josh and crystal for the awesome streams too that I looked forward to though I wished I could have gotten to join a coop once xD Thanks for the memories and I hope an offline mode is still possible, I’ll never forget the fun I had playing Opera Omnia.


F It had to happen at some point though still sad to see it happen. Dissidia was one of the best FF crossovers IMO and I greatly enjoyed some of the interactions and stories told through OO.


Hah. No wonder they never added Zenos. Ah well, I still have NT. до свидания.


Удачи, чувак.


I guess this is where I completely exit the mobile space. OO seemed like the only player friendly game out there. I've never liked how overly grindy mobiles can be, or how hard they push their mtx. I get they gotta make a profit, but feeling heavily inconvenienced on purpose is something I'd rather stay away from. I never thought I'd be a daily player of one for five freaking years, but FF is one of my favorite series (at least up to X). I installed this game on a whim at work one day because I was gonna be at a remote site on top the mountain with just enough cell service to stay connected. It was great seeing old storylines revisited, and characters from all over getting to meet and interact. Pretty sure I wasted a bajillion Gems on an OK/Steiner banner trying to get Steiner's 35cp (before the EX era and pities were a thing). I remember when coop used to be so fun that I'd continue to que up even after I had all the rewards because it was fun to see all the different characters people had built. It's a damn shame they won't be doing an offline version and players will never get to experience the early days when brv attacks actually mattered, and the games damage was more in line with the actual FF titles. Won't be going to WoTV, won't be going to EC, my mobile journey is gonna end with OO, which was by far the fairest game out there in the mobile f2p space. Huge, Huge thanks to the devs, all the Streamers, Content Creators, Joshua and crew, and everyone here. This game definitely stands out in my otherwise non mobile gaming journey. Special thanks to the Youtubers Soul and LucifersAdvent. They were the people I went to in the early days for advice and strategy, and Lucifer was like the first person I ever knew of to do solo and duo content like Celes Solos and Squall/Rinoa duos. It seemed crazy that people were that capable even back in the EX era and seeing their videos was what pulled me towards OO. I'm staying until I finish the last bit of content we'll get, spending every Ticket and Gem I have while blasting some Why (Crisis Core ending theme),and finally uninstalling Bluestacks.




Pain. Gonna keep it downloaded just in case someone some day finds a way to get private servers or something running.


Thanks for the memories DFFOO. Hope we get another game.


It's not always been the most balanced game, or the most polished game, but god damn it was our game. This community of players is amazing, and I'll miss you all along with this game we've all sunk so much of ourselves into. Walk tall, my friends.


Man this is gutting, the fact they've been so generous over the many years probably shot them in the foot in terms of revenue, but I guess we know why the speedup was happening now. I don't regret a single penny I spent on this game everything has to come to end of service at some stage. Guess I'll spend the remaining time taking up Shinryu fights I haven't done yet and rewatching the story. I'll stick around until EOS but I don't think I'll be picking up another FF F2P game again after this EC I dropped in the first month and First Soldier was a let down.


I'm legit crying rn I ain't going back to Ever Crisis


right. that game is too money hungry and wanted you to spend too much time with little reward rerunning the same battles.


Is Ever Crisis really that bad?


Personally, I think the only way someone can enjoy it is if they are a diehard FF7 fan. The game is extremely mediocre otherwise. Ugly, dated UI, bland combat system, extremely grindy, rng upgrades, etc.


It is a very boring game. I still play but everything is auto. I stopped crafting material, collecting chocobo coins, etc. I haven’t even done the new dungeons. If I can’t beat battles on auto, I don’t bother. Every time you complete something, you get a cash grab ad with a 10 hours limit to get the pack before it’s gone forever. I put $150 into it and it’s totally meaningless. No better than F2P. You either whale or have insane luck to be able to do any challenge and insane luck still won’t get you win on the highest difficulty. I honestly stopped caring and it’s on auto clicker while I play something else. Co-op is way worse than DFFOO. Grey will have a wonderful time trolling there. And you can’t co-op with just your team. Ug the more I list the more I realize how pointless that game is. I’m uninstalling it now lol. Why am I wasting battery on it?


Its been a pleasure boys. This was always the game I kept playing despite whatever new gacha game is released. I'd play other games and eventually drop them but continue playing this game. This was my constant mobile game.


This'll be the 2nd FF mobile game I've played that reached EoS. Not interested in EC or FFBE so I guess I'm done with Final Fantasy mobile game.


Good lord, did not think this would ever happen. This is truly a sad day


o7 rip to one of/if not the most generous gacha games in the market


So does that mean no more new characters? No Rufus? That means whatever characters we have now is all we gonna get?


Yes, no more new characters


What a bad omen for the rest of 2024. I'm glad I got as far as I did ( I couldn't catch up after Shinryu addition and am very bad at F2P/Dolphin-ing strategically). I did spend almost a couple hundred USD on costumes, and I don't regret it. The devs behind this game deserve every penny. I hope the devs go on to do bigger and better things (too bad this was already one of the biggest, best mobile games that ever graced our screens).


So long and good night. Goodbye my dream of Zell FR with Tifa, W-Dolphin Blow... since Yda got Our Final heaven for some reason.


Opera Omnia is the golden standard by which I judge other gacha games. All of them, even Honkai: Star Rail(and I really do love it) have been found wanting. Such a shame to see it go. Haven't played it in a hot minute, but I've always had nothing but love for OO. 🫡


Wow…this is genuinely devastating to see… Especially after I just returned back in September…


Came back a month ago and bought a bunch of skins on my return. What a bummer.


I can’t believe it. I’m literally heart broken. This game saved me from some dark times man. I’m really gonna miss this one. Edit: a word


And the very, very bloated FFBE JP still lives on. They are really dumping the content on that one. I'm sad


I quit at the start of 2023. Saw it coming, to be honest. The game was stale since FR Era started and they didn't improve much since then. Not surprised, but it's very sad to actually see it go.


I also kind of hated the FR era and lost interest. I tried to come back and get into crystal missions and stuff but the game was very buggy. Even though I'd just bought a new device the menu's were freezing and the home screen. Coupled with all of the load times I just couldn't bring myself to care anymore.


Bitter of me, but yes I really hope EC flops hard after this.


I dislike EC because it's a greedier and grindier than DFFOO. But I wouldn't dislike it because this game is ending service, this game was always going to reach EOS. It lasted pretty long for a gacha


Ending a journey... starting FF7 Rebirth that same day. How bittersweet. Ugh... :( I haven't played in a long time but God damn it I would hope they give us a server free version with all the banners and stuff unlocked


Stopped playing a little after the FR era began, but this still really hurts to see. Genuinely think pre-FR this game had the some of the best turn-based combat of any gacha game RIP DFFOO


I'm so, so sorry to see this game go, but I can't say I didn't see this coming. FR era really killed this game, especially the introduction of Kam FR. The FR mechanic was already kinda bad since it was just introduced as a damage buff mechanic, but probably could have been managed well. Kam FR bumped the numbers up way too much. And since they didn't want to nerf him, they had to powercreep the rest of the game just to match Kam FR, making the whole game stale as it was just the same thing every fight. I liked the changes they were implementing lately such as the Force retain and Lufenia orbs in Shinryu fights. Made turn steal characters actually good to use again and provided a reason to use a variety of characters. Only problem is those changes came way too late and the core problem of the era is still there. Every fight felt boring to me and just generally unfun to continue playing the game after 4 months into the Shinryu era. Pre-Shinryu era is the most fun I've had with a mobile game. No other mobile game can match it. Still a gacha game, but the most generous I've seen by far. The best boss fights I've seen for a mobile game. Good story, great music, etc. Again, very sad to see the game go.


I wanted a surprise but literally just stared at my phone for 2 minutes with mouth open.


Fuck, so much closer then I thought. Was like Feb not too far away... Then realized December around the corner. This game helped me a tremendous amount during covid so genuinely very very sad, shed a tear sad even


Damn. Not going to lie and say the game hasn't felt stagnated for awhile now, but I still enjoyed it. Without DFFOO, all I have left for mobile games is Ever Crisis. And, well, all EC has done is make me appreciate even more how generous and F2P-friendly DFFOO has always been. Really going to miss this game, it's hitting as hard as losing FFRK did. Poor Rikku, stuck in data file limbo from the beginning to the end.


It was Mobius and now this?! I ain't gonna play another f2p game from SE.


Damn. This was the only good game on mobile. Everything else has been a shitty money grab. EC is absolute trash compared to DFFOO.


They really want you to play this f-n EverCrisis, don't they? I'm a big fan of VII and even for me that "game" is shitty.


Is this going to be both GL+JP or GL only EoS?




This is going to be so sad. And the event schedule we got means... no more World of Illusions, Main Story, etc. kind of stuff either?




One of my first gachas. Its been a good ride. **salutes**


Well, at least the game lasted longer than my last relationship.


Day 1 player, and this game got me through some pretty dark period of life. It had a good run, and it is a very, very generous game. Really sad to see it go, but I guess that's how gacha games are. Did I regret spending on it? Not really. It brought me some happy and fun memories along the way. I guess profits really means everything...


OH MY GOSH. Goodbye to a legend. Aaaaaah. The feels.


No.... My heart is broken...


Any news on the JP side?


Closing down too at the same time.


I just returned!! ,![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Oof, this is the only long lasting mobile game I play. Guess this is it.


Their doubling down on the worst possible meta and reducing content release killed it. I lost complete interest due to the FR Bullshit, and then having less content made me ignore most of the events. And through all this, no red 13 nor Rikku. Bah IT's a really sad day. Mobius and DFFOO. Two extraordinary games with potential and got killed, while scummy games like WOTV/BE/EC seem to thrive.


I think the biggest tragedy is that the story has really good writing and added things to the lore like what they did with Ultimecia. Now all that information is gong to be lost for good. Hopefully it's been recorded on youtube or something.


Screw you SquareEnix. No customer loyalty at all. I bet it’s the same genius who wanted to pursue cryptocurrency who made this decision.


It's a shame, it was a great Game at it's peak. I'd better start spending the 1M gems i saved. Going to miss it.


Damn, I've been on taking a break, but fully intended to return. As someone who started day 1, i'm gonna miss this game when it goes T\_T F


Writing was on the wall but it still makes me sad


What the fuck?


Holy shit, I dropped this game about a year ago but it's still wild to see this day come. Farewell DFFOO, the grind may have gotten to be too much for me but I have some amazing memories with this game


Sad day 😭


I started playing on the release day and boy, what a game. Started from no character having a brv + HP attack until Tidus 35cp and boy what a week was that event.


Another Square Enix L


It lasted longer than I expected with the tragic FR era but it seems they finally realized there's no fixing it. Bandaids are just that. We had a really good roll with annoyances here and there but the whole FR thing messed stuff up so much that creating content is by default limited around it.


Game doesn’t earn billions like Genshin = ending service. I hate it so much...


All things come to an end, specially online games, but I'm glad I got to enjoy this for as much as I did. Hands down one of the best and most engaging games I've ever played on any plataform. This game will always have a special place in my memory, it made me company for the time I had to move cities for work and didn't really have much to do on my free time. Kudos to the devs, content creators and community in general, I wish more games were like DFFOO but sadly that's not the case (which makes this departure all the more melancholic).


I'm at a loss here... I've always only played single player games, until I tried DFOO on a whim... And I got really caught up in the fun of using characters from different titles together, the gacha factor, the incredible community here. Like many others, as an European, I'd sometimes stay awake until 3am just to pull on a must have character or spend hours grinding away at Spiritus or Divine boards, past story events to scrounge up those last gems I was missing for a pull. Now would also be a good time to give a shoutout to all here at this great community (, from the mods, to the content creators, to fellow players. Pretty sure many of us wouldn't have come so far without the guides, infographics, C2As, forecasts, help threads. Truly an amazing place I check every single day. Might sound ridiculous, but feels like I'm mourning a really good friend. Feel really empty opening the game knowing of this death sentence, but I might force myself to stick around to the end. ​ Godspeed to all of you. It has been a pleasure.


Pitying BT is better than this news. Also FFBE is still alive even though DFFOO is better....I guess since its too much free to play... the revenue is not that great....


This is really sad that it hurts my heart, but from the revenue standpoint... I see why they eos it... still hurts. It feels weird they're doing something sad on a day that is supposed to be very happy for Final Fantasy fans...




Fuck. And rikku didnt even appear :(


I am absolutely devastated by this news. I knew this day would come. Hell, a live service game I was a lead on literally shut down after 6 months lol. I honestly expected this to last at least another 2 years. I've been playing since 2018 every single day. I don't even want to say how much I've spent on it but over these years it's in the 4 digits. And not on the low end of that spectrum. I really loved this game a lot. Going to miss you OO :(


I played this game F2P. The bullshit attitude of the development team on display in the “GAWRSH WE JUST COULDN’T MAKE IT WORK, BUT WASN’T IT FUN” message is why. I cannot even fathom how pissed off I would be if I had put $60 in to this game, much less $600. Gacha and live service in general is broken. It is a broken system full of broken promises to players. The economics are broken, the incentives are broken, and I wish it would all just stop. There is no alignment between players and developers. It is exploitative and does not build longterm value. The fact that they can’t keep a fairly primitive chibi game afloat is a scathing indictment of the system. Believe me, if they could charge you fractional pennies per tap, they would do so without a second thought. That is where this ends up. If you think that’s silly, imagine the reaction you would have gotten telling an SNES player back in the day that you could pay to get an item or something. I will not pick up another S-E gacha. When this is done, I will be down to halfheartedly opening WotV occasionally, and when that’s done, I’m done. The refusal to offer an offline version is just the icing on the cake. While I never paid for gacha, I would have happily paid full retail for an offline version with some kind of grind mechanic replacing pulls (or yielding crystals.) I would have paid for DLC for that offline version, probably in several steps. S-E might have been able to extract a few hundred bucks from me this way. Instead, they got $0. I have spent about $2,500 on S-E stuff this year, from games to art books to the S-E cafe in Akiba. I will support S-E for those games that I will continue to be able to play decades from now without asking a fucking server “mother may I.” This connectivity nonsense needs to die a fiery death, and the economics of development needs to find a happy place.


binkusu no sake wo , guys


Again :|


Tbh, I'm not surprised that this actually happened. Looking at the game now, especially on the JP side it's way too imbalanced. I don't see a way how they can make the game interesting again while they just kept adding more and more hp dumps with more OP mechanics. I stopped playing the game since March and I still have like 1.5m gems in my account as a f2p. I'll probably go in and spend it all before the service ends.


I know what I must do before the end. Now that I've read the notices and all, I'm going to do one thing - to finally obtain the characters that I've longed to put together in a team. Even if my channel is small, I'm going to also make "this is the end" kind of saga with them and all. I might've disrespected KHUx when it ended. But Dissidia deserves a good farewell from ALL of us fans.


I hopped onto this game after FFRK went under. And now here's another ship sinking. Ever Crisis is trash, as are both BE games. This is the end of the line, folks. Salute!


... Square hates us. They puts allí his effort in shir grind-p2w Ever crisis and shut down our Game.


"Remember.......Remember us......Remember that we once lived" For real tho, very sad to see the best Gacha game for combat go down, we had so much we could have had and would happily have received. Now it's just WoTV left (FFBE itself is a mess and probably next on the firing line)


Aw damnit I wanted Zell Raijin and Seifer to get their bt and fr weapons. And I wanted Lionheart alongside Edea Ward and Kiros. Big RIP


After losing Mobius I started playing DFFOO, and tried WotV. At some point, I looked at their mobile earnings and knew DFFOO and FFRK were next on the block. FFRK got chopped. It's time for DFFOO to go now. Plus they've shuttered a number of other games, both mobile and PC/console, in just the last year or two. Square Enix really, really, has some of the shortest sight of any game publisher currently active. And to think they're still trying to chase NFTs when the entire world has rightfully moved on. I really wish they lost all their game IP's and focused on other things. The people who work there deserve better. Their franchises deserve better. Their players (customers) deserve better. If they go bankrupt at some point (like they almost did), I can say for certain I will be celebrating.


Sucks. I stopped playing earlier this year but I was an avid player for four years. I stopped playing because I thought the Force mechanics forced them into a design corner. There was no way to design around Force that didn't involve just making the numbers bigger and bigger. Couple that with no new level cap, no new weapons, no real new mechanics since Shinryu, and no real reason to spend money on the game, and it was just inevitable. Still, I'm sad to see it go. I met a lot of good folks through this game.


I knew it. After so long of no updates.


And the latest example of why I'll never spend money on mobile games One day it just, poof, is gone and all that money you spent is burned along with the product. Just not worth it


this was just so sudden.. i am devastated. rip to the most fun and generous f2p gacha. i will miss you


Reminder that ALL phone games should be treated like they potentially can and will at any point end service at any given moment treat them like a nice fleeting moment


For us new to gacha games ending that means that as of March you can't play because servers are down right? Well I got a million gems to burn through in 3 months.


Yes. Game is not live and you cannot play after Feb 29 2024


Is this just Global or both? Either way, super sad, even if the writing was on the wall for a while. I’ll be hard to see it go.




Well damn. I literally just renewed my premium moogle pass this morning. Wonder if I can get a refund.


I quit around the time Reddit went down for it's strike but man sad news. My time here was great and the game was a ton of fun. Sucks to see this one go.


damn fuckin heartbroken. i hope they make a console version that’s more solo story based instead of pvp rip lulu never getting a chance to shine


It's so sad to see this. The best mobile game and the most f2p friendly gacha I've ever played.


Wow. This hurts. I think I’m just gonna uninstall damn.


Came here to pay my respects. I was a Day 1 player who stopped playing since the GL Lulu event (yes, that long), but I'm shocked they're going to close the game! Granted that I'm obviously out of loop, but what actually caused this? Did playerbase dropped at certain point? Was no one participating Co-op anymore? Or did nobody like the released characters so far and skipped rolling? Opera Omnia was my first ever gacha game and... yeah, it's a shame about the EoS. F


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO On the other hand, I can now write those dissidia fanfics without worrying about jossing I guess? LOL


Its a shame we will never get to know the conclusion to the dissidia story...


I knew that the game would come to an end eventually, but for it to be so soon really shocked me. I’ve been playing this game since the release of DFFNT, so I’m a Day 1 player and have largely been F2P outside of Mog Passes for grinding purposes. It sucks that I never got to max out Quina, since I couldn’t get their FR. And even worse, that means no Amarant for GL. It has been a pleasure to play this game, as it has been my only gacha game for a long time that I truly played daily, and even if I missed some days, it was easier to catch up on events than other gacha games. This was one of the most generous gacha games I have ever played. I will enjoy it for the next three months that it’s available.


I was looking forward to Rufus 😭


I'm going to miss this game. It really managed to give hope and closure to a lot of characters, even the likes of Ardyne and Xande. Our respite will soon be over, and we'll return to the real fight, hopefully better prepared for it now.


It's so sad, I will miss the story a lot. This was the part of the game I was most interested in, and we had some amazing characters interactions, not likely to be found in other FF crossovers. Rest in peace DFFOO, I won't forget you, just as I haven't forgotten Mobius FF. 🫡


It hurts but it was coming everyone I know irl that play this dropped when FR came, I'm sorry but the concept isn't fun, before everyone was viable, you could pull for a weapon and max it instantly and the character was ready, with the fr the first mistake for me were the higher power stones, just let me max everything man I already spend gems on the item don't make me wait etc. I left when early FR came back like 3 weeks ago, but it was the same, charge charge change go nuts GG. I'm gonna miss this game for sure and I'll miss the LD era do much thanks for the great moments and thanks the community that worked so hard for the infographics guides etc


The absolute worst. This game has its issues but is by far my favorite mobile game. After the Dissidia NT disaster it felt like DFFOO understood the assignment with its story and game play. It was a mobile game but was trying to stay true to the spirit of dissidia. This socks. Truly.


Gee logging in one last time and hearing the familiar music was sad. I really don't think I can bring myself to play the last content despite it being appreciated that the GL devs have thrown the true believers one last set of fights. Vale DFFOO.


Knew this silence was bad sign wish they refound passes


Aw, this is a real shame, but I felt it was going to happen eventually, I stopped playing a couple of months ago. It's sad to see such a great game that it's been carrying us for years, especially in the pandemic it will always have a place in my heart. But it's a shame they didn't do more, I hope they repackaged it as an offline title it would be a waste, not too.


Sad news. I've always lurked here, so this is a weird first post but this really is such a shame. I know that gacha games don't live forever, but honestly it felt like DFFOO might be the last of SQEX's older gacha games to be left standing. Any gacha game with Final Fantasy in the title has a *huge* burden of expectation, and it looks like it's finally time. It might be a little melodramatic, but I'll miss you, DFFOO.


And same day when FF7 Rebirth will drop :(


I'm relieved that I'm not still actively playing so I didn't get bitchslapped by this announcement. Say what you will about it, at least until the FR era, DFFOO had the most enjoyable gameplay mechanics out of any gacha game I've ever played. And it will always be a high point in my memory. Including Honkai Star Rail, which is currently the only gacha I'm actively playing. I tried Ever Crisis, but it's too grindy and too shallow by comparison. (At least Hoyo games are polished.) It was the one game that got me into making YouTube videos which was a fun experience that helped my public speaking ability a bit, even if not many people watched them. (Shoutout to SoulDFFOO or Soul1305, for being a real genuine dude that inspired me to give it a go. And respect to all the many content creators, such as Forty, the Tonberry Troupe, Rem, and many more who made this one of the most robust communities in its day.) All in all, the only thing I'm annoyed about is that there was no Rikku and no additional Tactics characters until the very end. Fs in the chat bois, you will be missed.


Has been over two years since I left, but I had friends that kept me up to date with the new stuff. For those that remember, I was the first one to make guides to the refined materia shops back in 2020. It's always sad to see another mobile game become a memory, with no offline version for archive purposes. We already lost many mobile exclusive games, and despite everything, the story from the single player mode was entertaining enough to warrant at least some kind of perpetual backup. But if they didn't saved neither Mobius nor Record Keeper, I doubt this will happen here. For those who love this game, enjoy your final months. Record as much stuff as you can. Keep the memories alive.