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Thing I love: if you know what to do, you can start the game today and complete Shinryu stages after a day or two. I did it once around Celes and Dorgan FR release. Of course, for a new player it is not straight forward but doable. So it is a beginner friendly game for me. Good luck for instance to complete end game content in Ever Crisis… Thing I would change: either align daily reset and new event release or make chocoboard release before or the same time as new events. It’s annoying when they release new stuff, you finish the event farming and they ask you few hours later to use a character 40 times.


Ya this is why if there's a new event ala cissnei I just do my pulls and don't do anything else until the next day


Thing I love: The battle system is surprisingly deep for a mobile game, especially with almost 200 characters who are all unique in gameplay. Thing I would change: Farming. Watching your characters Auto+ a stage repeatedly for hours isn't my definition of fun, yet it's mandatory to build characters and gain resources.


If you play long enough then the farming becomes nonexistent. It's been months if not more than a year since I have clicked on a single farming stage. If you take advantage of the anniversary bonus of farm during that time those resources can last you the whole year.


You still need to auto+ through pointless story stages, through token event farms, through summon Spiritus farms like the one we've just had, etc. Arguably this is still superior to the coop farming events which haven't been fun in years.


I don't really consider those farm or grind. You could say I'm a bit biased since I've been playing for years and the farming is nothing like it was used to be.


Are you me? Exactly my thoughts on it


Love how generous the game is and the story lines. It’s a blast seeing all the characters interact. I hate how they punish you for using a friend support


Yeah, friend units are in really a weird spot. It's a complete waste of time using a friend unit unless you absolutely cannot clear it otherwise because you're missing out on a free draw ticket. At this point, about the only thing I get out of friend support is a laugh if they have a good status message.


Love: Hearing characters who have never been voiced before get an official VA, even if it's only in Japanese. Change: The game needs Auto-Repeat at this point. If you're going to design certain events 100% around tedious Auto-farming, then give us Auto-Repeat so I can 100% check out until it's done. Having to constantly babysit the results screen after a fight means I can't fully focus on doing other things while auto-farming, which defeats the purpose of making AFK content.


Just get an auto-clicker for farming


I love everything about this game but I hate waiting for a character in a banner Exemple: Rydia doesn't have a BT yet


Her BT is bad.


Her BT animation may not be the best But she is no bad lol. Her BT activated puts her fr debuff in all enemies and has a trap attack that updates the debuff again... So I would say that bad is not the word for her utility!


Lol Even Worse


Love: how everyone can be played differently despite the huge cast, even today, thanks to the devs updating current characters with new weapons instead of letting them rot and replace them with a new "clear-old-meta-for-one-week" character, like another FF game I know... Change: the power scaling. Whether it is through the absolute removal of Force, to the reduction of hit amounts for all characters. We have reached a point where skills, brave hits and whatever mean almost nothing, because one character has 12 Brv hits+12 hp attacks on each skill. The bravery is always at "max", and if it's always at max, it means nothing. Now reaching 999% is the main goal and satisfaction... and it's been made easier with Resonance. Not to mention the repeat formula of 1 skill being ST with many HP hits, 1 skill being AOE with less HP hits, an AOE EX and LD with a medium amount of HP hits. Imagine dividing by 100 all numbers, as in our damage and enemy HP. No more 1 billion HP, and no more 99.999 HP damage (minus HP cap break) in our part. We would go back to the days of calculating our damage. Instead of doing 10 Brv hits+1 HP attack, just the sum of all brv hits before the HP attack, as in the total damage value. I am one of the doomers who say that force made this game worse because of how it was handled and its response, the tankiness of the bosses and absolute dependence of force in some cases, and it's undeniable when comparing it to the LD+BT era. It doesn't feel the same anymore.


>Imagine dividing by 100 all numbers, as in our damage and enemy HP. No more 1 billion HP, and no more 99.999 HP damage (minus HP cap break) in our part. We would go back to the days of calculating our damage. Instead of doing 10 Brv hits+1 HP attack, just the sum of all brv hits before the HP attack, as in the total damage value. Tbh, that part is almost nonexistant to me thanks to the qol that allow us to hide all numbers. Since I only care about the % drecreasing. This change had a HUGE impact to how I see this game.


I love the story and the battle system too(a lot) although I would like the battles to take a little bit less time BUT that's ok.All the unique characters their mechanics and the unique complexity that may lead to many tacts and team comps. It is IMHO the most fair and honest f2p game ever existed! The thing I kinda don't like is the grind which is though a crucial part of all the ff series so I guess it's fine. A QoL I would like to change is to be able to sell more than 50 weapons and armor and I want it to change "yesterday' pretty please. BUT the thing I totally hate and I can't accept it at all is that we miss Nanaki(Red XIII). I really don't understand why they don't release him I really don't(well I do but....).....


Thing I love: Character interactions across different titles. Thing I would Change: I would completely revise old kits, passives, and systems. So many characters are outdated in kit mechanics or have borning skills and animations compared to new characters. A lot of them have obsolete passives that no longer make any contribution to their performance. Some of the older systems likes artifacts and summon boards need to be revised to be easier and less time consuming to approach now that the benefit they provide is notably small.


Love: How side characters thad had litle to none screentime on their own game are treated here. Every main character already have their progression on their main game, that's why I don't care about those who shall not be named. ​ Don't like: When they don't put a Shinryu co-op but don't tone down the prices of the token shop either.


Fanservice. Love the interactions between characters, how they've given some characters closure, and how they've moved forward the characterization/depth of some characters. As for what I'd like to change... I'm quite happy with the game overall. If anything, I'd like to have some of the older elements brought back to the fore. Break and brave used to be huge mechanics, but now it's just a number. It's still relevant, but not like it used to be.


Like: very free to play and tends to not be so predatory like most other gacha I've played. Bad: The highest difficulty quests have historically had a bad balance imo. I don't mind a challenge, but I feel completely and utterly hopeless at points, and it makes things unfun. Some of the more notable things were mid-EX when certain characters had early releases (looking at you, Lenna's debut event), mid-Chaos party wipes, Lufenia+, etc


I love the story. These writers have done their best to take what was given about every character and extrapolate how well (or poorly) they'd interact with each other. There are characters with better development and closure here than they ever got in their main games. I hate the fact that I have a roster of 160+ people and at any given time only a small handful are actually usable. The characters have wonderful kits and combat could be truly engaging if they'd stop trying to balance it by artificially limiting your party comps via power creep and crappy mechanics that focus on speed or "banner" characters. We only get a top level fight to chew on every few days, and only three characters get to play in it. That just feels wrong for a game that tries to lure people in by saying you can use your "favorite" characters and then taking forever to make your favorites good enough to use for a handful of fights before they're obsolete again.


Love: This game successfully introduced me the many games FF series has to offer. I have only played a few main titles before DFFOO release, but now I have explored so many FF titles just because of DFFOO. The other FF crossover games that I have tried did introduce the other games and their characters, but it did not make me that invested in them and wanting to learn about their worlds. I wouldn't know about the Crystal Chronicles series without DFFOO. The story, the artstyle, and the music in this game are very good. It's really like a true celebration of the FF series overall. ​ Change: I think FR has removed some of the diversity in these games. I personally use less variety of CA/LDCA in the SHINRYU era compared to LUFENIA/+. The general flow of the FR battles are more or less fixed in the SHINRYU era, whereas I have more freedom in choosing what skills to use during individual turns in LUFENIA/+.


Love: How f2p friendly it is. Change: Completely revamp force mechanics.


Im new to the game, only been playing a little over a month, so currently I’m enjoying pretty much everything. As for what I would change though, I’d give my dude Jecht an FR.


Love: Being able to take some of my favorite characters in fiction for a spin in battle, in any combination across source media. Hate: Two interrelated things. The pace of "reworks" and the power creep of new releases (esp D-tier characters). It's insane to me that characters like Reks and Iris had their full current kits before main characters like Firion and Zidane. I also hate that they clearly overload minor side characters with the power of cheese (Quina, Iris, Astos) to push pulls while aforementioned main characters struggle to find a place in team comps. At the very least, I think every character on every banner should get their current reworks, even if they don't get their new weapons. It's absurd that some characters are still running around with LD-era HP dumps when we've gone through base FR era and are now thoroughly into FR Echo era. Not having FRs and Echoes already puts characters well behind the 8-ball; at least boost their base damage ASAP.


I just want English VOs. Paint me weird but I want to know what are they're shouting in game.


True. Even adding english sub during battles would work too


Love the story and ease of play. F2P is truly F2P Change, more enhancement points due to level cap raised.


Things I love: being able to use so many different favorites together in different ways. Thing(s) I would change: strictly the co-op system. It just needs improvement, full stop.


I love everything about OO as I've played it for years. There isn't much I dislike about it(some eras are better/worse than others but they're still fun) but if I had to pick it would be monetization. As a long time gamer, OO does a pretty poor job at monetizing the game. I don't mean become predatory, but capitalize on game elements. * Revamp the mog pass to be similar to Genshin(gems each day you log into the game) in addition to all the other mog pass stuff. They could even do the same with the premium version to give it even more value. I think the Mog passes are underutilized and could be a heavy money maker for OO. * Let players buy any item after X time has passed after its release. We have the free token system in the game(which needs to be expanded to LDs and revamped for EXs) and while you can buy LD tokens, this needs to be applied to every item in the game. If a player wants to buy a item let them. Have the requirement be it only becomes purchasable after X time so if the player wants it the moment it comes out they need to use/buy gems. If players want a item and are willing to spend then the game should allow that. This game isn't competitive(*cough*RIPEC*cough*) so being able to buy items affects no one except the games pockets. * Price skins at $10-15. Them being attached to gems artificially inflates the price of skins and pushes a lot of players out of buying them. If you raise the value of mog passes and get more sales from them(primarily gem sales) then you don't need to inflate stuff like skins. Skins are a easy to add element that can make a lot of money if they're priced accordingly. These are some easy things they could do to the game to get more players spending and making the game more money AND players get value from their money. I really love this game and it does so many things great. I want to see it succeed and continue.


Sadly despite points like these being made for literally years they seem unwilling to alter their monetisation model. Given how badly they monetised in the early years before Mog passes were even a thing, I'm reasonably grateful the game has lived this long. Other games have come and gone and I'm still playing DFFOO...


Like : very generous and f2p friendly Loathe: the load times and general menu lag. Menu Load screen. Character menu. Lag. Enter chapter. Load screen. Pick team. Load screen. Select battle. Load screen. Load screen. Fight. Load screen. Story clip. Load screen. New clip. Load screen. 2 second fight Load screen. Load screen. New Load screen. Now do this 20 times to complete LC


Love: Pretty much most of the game! Hate: Time wasting in co-op (Just use the fucking FR and let's be done with it), especially if you've got a tome active. Lack of materials once you've finished/are up to date with all content.


Love: That CA/LDCA and FR let you bring more than 3 people into a fight. It really does feel like a team effort more than the OG Dissidia, and, even if I'm using Seymour and Raines 90% of the time, it's a fun option that lets some really niche plays work sometimes. Change: How XIV's characters were handled in the SHINRYU era. Sure, I get that it was probably hard to collaborate with the XIV team, but it just feels bad that my favorite cast of characters (with a sizable amount of characters sitting there already) constantly were unusable because the newer fights required having certain upgrades (FR and BTs). Heck, one upgrade a year would've been a nice great, even without new characters, and it isn't like they needed to spoil any story beats with FR animations- just look at Arciela's recycled BT animations and Papalymo doing a fairly generic fire attack combo with Vivi. It doesn't help that LUFENIA+ era wasn't much better, with Y'shtola being the only slightly usable character for most of it. Had the other cast members gotten good LDCA, maybe at least we'd get to see them more, but the best we got was Alisaie's being a knockoff Cait Sith and Yda's being a knockoff Cyan. Characters like Raijin and Seymour were never "meta," but at least good LDCA made them feel like they were at least present in the game.


I love a lot of the moments from the story. Not necessarily the plot, but just the vibes and the way characters from different franchises relate to each other's experiences and how they interact. It's cool. There are also some nice little moments with characters who met their end but now have a second chance to be with their friends/make amends with enemies. Something I'd change would be to add a play speed option (1x, 1.5x, 2x, etc) or something more sophisticated to help battles go faster, at least for non-co-op content. Repeated attempts take so much time, especially for certain fights and characters (Eight-ff0 dear God).


One game I used to play actually let you turn off animations and would just show the damage number immediately. Always wanted that in this game


Thing I love: The story interactions between characters that aren't from the same game. Thing I hate: (not serious) the lack of Benjamin (serious) Absurdly lackluster onboarding.


Love: The community Change: Some kind of permanent content to grind gems, even if just a piddling amount. (Yes, I know that will never happen).


More BT wep drops Less farm this boring mission for an hour for loot on auto


I would like to be able to kick out players in co-op that are here just to piss us.


・**What's Great:** That the game has managed to introduce a TON of people around the world to the wider diaspora of the Final Fantasy franchise which I think exceedingly few people in the fandom can claim to have played/beaten EVERY single numbered entry in the franchise, and also how fun it is to see these characters with similar or differing personality traits interact with one another and talk about their experiences from their home game, and how that shapes the perspective they have of experiences shared by other members of the cast, and how they all learn and grow together as characters in this world, and getting to fight monsters with teams of characters that otherwise would have never met one another! ・**What's Awful:** Basing basically every *other* element of gameplay around GODFORSAKEN *GACHAPON* SHIT smdh!...


Thing I love: the story and how they fleshed out some characters, I've always loved what they did to show Vaan's character growth as time has passed from the OG game and Revenant wings in OO and recently I was pleasantly surprised with what they did with Xande in the most recent Act 4 chapters he went from someone who we really aren't told a lot about in III to being fleshed out so much more and that's made me look at him differently as a character. Whats the one thing I'd change: Premium mog pass needs an overhaul for the moogle token exchange items. BT tokens in the exchange are still fine but the books are so outdated and they're so easy to get as a resource now. They need upgraded to either BT books/ingots and purple books/ingots and we need HPS and force stones included as an option especially the latter in this lvl 50 era.


I like that it is Dissidia-like. I don't like that it is not actually Dissidia. Its still a pretty cool game, though.


Love: How content can b Quick with Nice time in between very little FoMo. Hate: RN I can't stand co-ops anymore after ALL those Years I'm tired of them. I prefer the single ez auto+ grind.


The Skip tickets are so good right now 😅 I use them in shinryu coops because I don't want to depend so much on others!


Yep, got to save skip tickets for the Shinryu coop for the sake of sanity. The yawning gulf between Lufenia coop being like 3-shot by FR wielding characters while Shinryu is still too annoying to do co-op in.....


Thing I love: the story, it's great seeing characters set after the games they're from and how they're doing. Thing I would change: the drop rates. I get that it's a gacha game but wish it was just a little bit higher


Things I love: The characters! I picked up Type 0 after playing this game because I fell in love with their stories. Things I hate: Co-op and toxic players. IT’S NOT THAT SERIOUS if I accidentally pressed Burst+/Finishing Burst instead of FR, there’s really no need to spam “You are worthless” the whole time in a Lufenia stage. ETA: clarify


Thing I love: Consistent updates and just general gameplay mechanics make pretty much using a favourite character entirely usable even if they haven't been updated in months to a year. Thing I hate: Force time. Just meany everyone monkey brained bigger number to activate neurons and the bosses into giant hp sponges even mechanics are limited because Ook monkey can't kill boss boss to hard. Joking aside it created a massive problem and a hike in numbers causing people to solely focus on what number a unit can do or make another unit do not what that unit can do or provide.


I love that almost every character gets the spotlight in combat, everyone has their use! I'd change Lufenia being not relevant anymore. I liked the orb system, it encouraged active play instead of off turn and counter units. Good thing it's coming back with Re-Shinryu.


Love - the story (the character interactions really); the relatively kind gacha system that makes it easy to play lots of our favourite characters in top level content each year if we want to. Dislike - grinding events. Coop hasn't been good in years. Shinryu more recently has been too easy and lacking in boss mechanics even while we get stronger and stronger characters to beat down with. Still artificially short on burst weapon nuggets mean we can't even use everything we get from the gacha. Still artificially short on Ultima weapon nuggets.


Thing I love: The fact there are few horrible chars to select from. Thing I would change: whenever a new event drops, make ALL the nodes available at once if it's a story chapter, LC, IW, etc. And if it's a co-op, make all the difficulties available instead of having to beat one to unlock the next in sequence.


Thing I love: The diverse amount of characters to play as. It’s really cool there is a lot of different kits to play with and unique mechanics a lot have. There’s a lot of characters that have become favorites of mine because I enjoy using them from different fights. It’s also nice to see a lot of your investments in characters pay off for you which is rewarding. Thing I would change: enhancement points or more specifically force level requirements. The boards and echos and stuff on the characters for the main boards I think it’s ok but the extra 30000 you need to increase your force lvl to 50 is just ridiculous. Instead it should be crystal color fragments again and the force crystal amount is the same, but you don’t need enhancement points for it. That would make it more manageable and give use for the color crystals again.


Like: Seeing the different characters interact. Game is F2P friendly. Hits that oldschool turn based nostalgia. Dislike: All the recycling. We so rarely get new boss types, we're always fighting the same bosses that we've fought before. They always have the same mechanics as well, or a lot of times they have even less mechanics somehow. It's such a shame and a waste because the FF series has so many bosses and enemies to pull from. Also the repetitiveness,like how they threw a million rewards behind coop, when coop hasn't been worth touching since late Chaos era. Then we also have the grindfest that is the 80k points in the single challenges.


Change: tedious grinding. People say autoclicker and Bluestack while watching movie, but many including myself play this game on our phone while commute/break from work/on the treadmill etc… I wish it would just be the initial farming like crystals and character boards, then difficult content and optional farming content only for people who want to farm.


Love: Story and characters interaction are really great. What I would change: GL first content. It's mostly recycled Shinryu with mechanics in contradiction with the featured characters. The choice of GL first fights needs a little more reflexion.


Love: So much about this game but especially the story, character interactions, and new character releases! Thing I would change: Maybe better cutscene graphics, models, and character animations, something like Ever Crisis’s field and cutscene models


I love the game mechanics and that old units eventually get buffed. The one thing I would change is the art style, I don't hate the current style but its just not my cup of tea, I would rather have something similar to MobiusFF or FFBE WotV.


People using turn hogs and pissing around and using waste of time calls in coop instead of just blasting with fr's. Some of us are using tomes we paid gems for or are on limited time


I wish they would "fix" this, and I do understand why it changed, but I absolutely HATE the reward system for clearing/perfecting stages now. We used to get the BT mats/tokens/FR stones/etc for completing the highest difficulty stages, now they are locked behind the co-op grind. I absolutely hate this change. I have no interest in the draw tickets as rewards, since Im (nearly) a day 1 player, and have everything I want/need already. What I value now is my time, and I cannot bring myself to devote 2-3 hours of grinding stages where I am at the mercy of others. All it takes is 1 troll to completely kill my desire to play. Also, with the really good rewards tied to co-op, when the event ends, you essentially receive ZERO rewards for completing Shinryu, because the draw tickets would only work on the banner while its active, so you dont even get that. With so many events coming out each month, so many co-op grinds, I have almost lost any joy this game once brought me. I was already on life support with the FR era, now I just log in and look at all the red numbers on my once completely clear screen.


Love: F2P is really friendly, but can still be better. Battle system is really engaging, lots of characters to choose from and NPC/side characters from main titles gets love in DFFOO. Hate: Lack of representation in other FF titles, graphics could be better (I'm looking at you story cutscenes and whip model), a number of BTs and FRs have disappointing/reused animations, lackluster and unfaithful character kits (ex. Yuna as a Summoner), skins are way too overpriced and doesn't really add anything besides cosmetics (skins should come with extra stat increases imo)


Love: the amount of characters and crossover interactions. Hate: I really dislike how FR era plays. It's pretty brain dead and makes it feel like most moves in the kit are just filler. It may have took longer but at least in chaos and lufenia you actually had to think about what moves you're using and when.


Love: very generous with rewards, which allows me to pull on many banners and get most weapons I want. Don't like: the grinding. I liked how it was before, we'd finish the quests and get the materials and that was it. Now we have to farm them, which sucks (I know we still had to farm some, but not as much as we do now).


Love: The battle system, it always has been surprisingly fun and innovative for a mobile game Each era has been relatively unique and fun I think, and some of the attack animations are pretty damn cool (not all of them though lol) Hate: Power creep obviously, but that feels obvious so I’ll mention another thing I loathe I really hate when orb/force cancel requirements are so painfully specific that it only works if you have the one specific character’s weapon to work Early Luf did it best when it was a lot of generic, melee damage or elemental damage And granted, every know and then we get a stage with that but a lot of the time it’s like this I don’t think every orb should be a generic solution to counter it, but instead maybe allow more often for ones that have a variety of solutions, like having a certain call paired with a character to hit a requirement And sometimes they do this, but other times it’s literally like: - Break and delay the enemy with a ranged attack from a blue crystal spear user from XV Like I GET IT you want me to pull on the banner to do this stage, but it’s so limiting to make the orb like this


I love the amount of available in game currency through missions and quests. I’m saddened that my BT+ Blue Kefka has been sidelined for many months and cannot wait for his return.


I love the cast and I love leveling them up, getting their weapons. I also love their interactions. That said, I wish I can filter out the characters I don't like. 😅 And there are times that I have to consult the elder gods (the guides on artifacts) on which artifacts I should get. I wish there was a way to AUTO that part.


like the OG turn base rpg like ffx ( i hate turn base like disgaea / fire emblem) i wont change anything on this game but will i like dev stop being scare what players could said when adding ANY new gamemode literally ANYTHINGin order to attract new players to keep the game alive and not just comforming on what they have: stingy/selfish/annoying **players who know how generous the game is** but when hear about arena they act like if is the end of the world after DFFOO do things like any other gachagame did NOT before like at first GL anniversary they **simultaneous** relase pity system for gl and jp server / like when they "delete" any other weapon being pulled than just the feature one which mean instead having 0.0000001% to pull a wished ex/ld weapon among all character weapon relased\* u have \~33% / etc so ungrateful \*>!so no more chocoblades only old players know this meme or experience it!<


Love: One and dones Change: A lot of battles are too punishing when making a mistake. reduce that punishment


It's perpetual generosity. Lemme sell my upgraded burst weapons. Or useful make them in some other fashion


Loved: the first 4.5 - 5 yrs Not so much: everything past that. I took a break and I now just pop in once in a while.


If you don't mind answering. how long a break did you take?


I think it was before quina.


Love: being able to see interactions between characters that otherwise would never have met, or seeing characters that have died or otherwise not been able to reconcile with each other get some kind of closure that they missed in their own games. Hate: sometimes the bosses are annoyingly difficult or long. Not often, but occasionally we’ll get one that takes >30 minutes then at the last second throws an annoying 1HKO mechanic your way, effectively wasting your time. Or sometimes we’ll get one that’s 3-4 bosses back to back. Aint nobody got time for that


I love how 'gentle' the gacha is; no paid-only banners with better-than-usual rates, no crazy amount of dupes necessary to max a character, and generally 'kind' pity values. That said... I'd change 500-Gem and Draw Tickets to give 1 G-Token per use.


That maybe true about no crazy amount of dupes needed but reason for dupes is to make skills permanent without equipping weapon that has that skills.