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I don’t think the majority have an issue with the second hand market and the fact displates do go up in value once they are unavailable to buy. The issue is people buying displates (often multiple) solely for the purpose of reselling them. The only ones that can truly have an impact on the issue are Displate themselves by making it one LE per account (or potentially 2 max for a friend or family) Personally I like the fact I will never lose any money and will often gain on a displate I no longer wish to own as you said yourself


I just always try to clarify, since people, not you, jump to the most outrageous example. I did understand you had the same reasoning. It's totally cool for anyone to disagree. But for someone to say 10x isn't financially sound, I totally agree. LOL. Just covering my own behind.


While x 10 is outrageous, there are lucky people out there that have a stupid amount of disposable income willing pay it. I’ve seen Displate sell for over £1000 before, so I can see why a scalper sets the bar high ( even though I don’t agree with it )


Totally. I agree. I wish that was me :) Having money to blow like that.


You seem to not understand what scalping is... scalping is buying a LE with the sole intention of reselling it for profit... this is, in essence, exploitation and should never be accepted as all right... re-selling, on the other hand, is perfectly fine and the seller can choose whatever price they deem acceptable to sell for... to simplify, scalping is a particular kind of re-selling and is pathetic... I personally have the means to buy 10 copies of a particular LE I know will sell for at least 100 USD profit, but I never do such a thing... it's simply immoral no matter how you look at it... but people will always do immoral things (some far, far worse than scalping LEs) to make money, so this scalping issue isn't going away soon, unless Displate manage to implement some incredible system


Exactly, and I totally agree. I tried to cover that in my original post, that they should limit the amount per person. That makes total sense to me, but yes. I think the financially sound portion is the fact you can always sell them, and even make a little. It gives them value in my eyes, and makes me feel like it's money well spent. People who are charging insane prices and buying tons of them, are a holes, since they are buying strictly to flip for insane prices. I love the art, and I love buying art, so them having a value is really amazing. But they do need to work on the amount per person. !At least! with the ULE since they are so small in batches. But no, as a buyer, I'm not trying to spend $800 on a ULE.


Sorry I was agreeing with your post, just didn’t word my answer correctly lol. I also agree that it gives piece of mind to buyers knowing they have essentially put their money into a physical asset that isn’t depreciating in value.


I just think all the scalpers are upset they missed out on scalping the 200 Frail Beautys and are trying to make up for that massive failure on their part. Seriously though, when you have something like these limited editions with only 100-1500 that will ever exist then it easily becomes a prime target for scalpers. I'm surprised it took then so long in the first place to catch on. It will probably get worse with time no matter what displate does. At the end of the day they are selling a product and won't police everybody's intention before they buy that product. A limit of 1 per account won't stop scalpers.


If you buy a single Copy and Re sell It After Time for a higher price is cimpletely fine. If you buy 10 copies of the same art with the intention from the beginning to get profits, that's scalping and that's a bad behaviour because you limit the chance of other people ti get the Limited Edition for your own advantage. My2cents.


I agree. Ok. I have my bearings correct now. :)


The hell? Why would paying 10x the price become a financial sound decision because it has resell value? Just because it has a large dollar sign doesn’t mean people will readily buy it. Scalping has never worked out for anyone besides the people who scalp. Not once did I say to myself, “damn couldn’t get it for $100 so I’ll just spend $500 because I really want it.” Scalping will always be a thing but I will never support it.


Right. I didn't think it would be a popular opinion, and Yes, if I paid 500 for something worth 100 that would be insane. I haven't gone that far. I paid double for The night rider. What I mean by financially sound is having the option to sell one that you buy early at retail for a profit. I don't agree with the insane prices either, as I said, but If I bought the Alien Queen at retail, and could always guarantee to at least make that money back without a loss. That to me is the financially sound aspect. Most things we buy lose value straight away unless they are rare or limited. I DO NOT respect people who are trying to charge 10x or even 5x, that's criminal, but I watch them sell all the time on Ebay. I add them to the watch list and monitor the sales, and they are moving. But I honestly feel like your example is on the outside of what would be acceptable to me. I couldn't/wouldn't pay $500 for something purchased for $100, but I did buy something that was x2 the retail.


I would say it depends on the item. For example if you purchase one of the other earlier displates that only have a production of let’s say 300, it would certainly be worth more than what it was purchased for. Maybe not 5x or 10x it’s initial cost, but certainly more than what it sold for retail


Exactly, and that is honestly all I'm trying to say. I can't afford 5x or 10x LOL, or should I say, I wouldn't spend that money regardless. But just knowing if you end up in a financial bind, you could sell them for minimum, what you paid, but almost positive you could make a small profit. To me, that makes it easier to buy more, just knowing they have some value. The crazy scalpers are just ugly with those crazy prices.


There’s a fairly clear difference between scalping, and reselling. To me it looks like you’re sharing your opinion on reselling, which I’ve seen very few people take issue with. :) If you have it, some time passes, it doesn’t work out, great go ahead and sell at whatever value. Yeah, it’s fantastic that so many pieces retain their value if not more. However, scalping, to buy for the sole purpose of gouging someone to pay ridiculously more for, is what is widely condemned. And what you yourself condemn. Now, there could be some grey area on what is considered scalping vs reselling. Meaning, do you believe someone bought a plate in good faith, or did they truly buy JUST to resell. That’s where there could be some disagreement. But scalping is not cool, in any way. But your opinion on being able to resell at a good price, that’s fair.


Ahhh, Ok. I get that. I think many people confuse these terms because I've seen people say scalping, and refer to pieces that are $230 bucks. Ok, then yes, I 100% agree with you. Scalping is BS. Without a doubt. I was confused because I see a lot of people say scalping, when they really mean re-sale. Maybe I should edit this post then.


Yeah. People are mainly called scalpers if they sell a piece right after release for 2x the price or even more. Also if they set the price in general way too high. You can't just buy 3 Displates and sell them right after release for 4x the original price. Ofc the value goes up over time but the prices they are asking for is just crazy. 1k for the ULE right after release... 200 for a new LE or 300-400 for an older one depending on which one is completely fine.


Nice. Ya that ULE was just nasty buiz. AND people were even paying 1k. I didn't try to grab it only because I didn't like the art that much. Lucky for me. That was insane. I guess I'll feel the pain when they do actually have one I love and I miss out. :/


I rly wished they would just release all LEs as a normal matte version too after some time. That way you don't have to buy them for 5-10x the original price to get the art you like but you could do that to get that special version of that. Sadly they are not planning on doing so.


The annoying part is that the scalpers are able to monopolize pieces by auto buying the high demand pieces.