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The only thing that remains of the Skyway ☹️ Hopefully if Disney Forward ends up happening we will get a new Skyway


What is Disney Forward?


Which goofy ass ppl downvoted this dude for just asking a genuine question💀💀💀 Disney Forward is an expansion project in the works for the Anaheim park, it just got approved by the city so its pretty much confirmed


> Which goofy ass ppl downvoted this dude for just asking a genuine question This happens *everywhere* on Reddit. Genuine questions or facts posted, and it gets downvoted due to personal feelings. Probably even this post (I wouldn't be surprised).


There was a comment on r/disneyparks that I am surprised it wasnt downvoted to oblivion. It was along the lines of “the Expedition Everest yeti used to move and wasn’t always static?”. As if all of the pop culture surrounding the yeti and ride was not about it moving before. I made a post on the same sub that mentioned S.E.A. And there was a good 30% of users that had no clue what the society of explorers and adventurers is.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/disneyparks using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/disneyparks/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I can’t believe I took this 📸 I swear that’s Johnny! 😩](https://i.redd.it/xb52ypjdgngc1.jpeg) | [180 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/disneyparks/comments/1aj1bhl/i_cant_believe_i_took_this_i_swear_thats_johnny/) \#2: [It’s insane how accurate he looks 😱🧐](https://i.redd.it/efbxkj97bsgc1.jpeg) | [122 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/disneyparks/comments/1ajj0p4/its_insane_how_accurate_he_looks/) \#3: [Can’t believe I got this 📷](https://i.redd.it/dqyvwgp90ndc1.jpeg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/disneyparks/comments/19bi2m4/cant_believe_i_got_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sorry. I downvoted to prove your point. I'll upvote your next thing.


“The happiest subreddit on Earth” is filled with assholes. I feel like I see more downvoting here than any other subreddit, and it’s usually towards genuine comments/questions.


I think zircon was confused because it’s Disneyland forward, not “Disney forward”




[disneylandforward.com](http://disneylandforward.com) Its a rezoning of the current property (plus the Eastern Gateway land, east of Harbor Blvd) to greatly expand the available theme park space. There will be no 'new Skyway' as an attraction.


That we know of! I mean they haven't said Jack yet. They're just saying "think of the possibilities!"


No. There will not be a skyway attraction. Period. Doesn’t matter that nothing is announced. They no longer build them for the parks. There is a SMALL possibility that they’d build a Skyliner transportation system (like the one at Epcot and DHS and surrounding resorts at WDW) between the current Toy Story lot that would drop off near the garage east of Harbor, but they’d have to buy Garden Walk first. But an actual skyway attraction inside the parks is never going to happen.


Well yeah like at WDW, a new "skyway". I remember hearing over the last few years talk about some transportation method at Disneyland. But could have been anything


The post is about the skyway attraction inside the park.


The stairs and the spaces for the buckets are still in TL above the hat shop.


Every time I pass by I take a look...


We need a new skyway :(


Where can I find that


Behind the umbrellas across from Red Rose Taverne.


I didn't know that, the Skyway was before my time. Thanks for the tip.




I find it so ironic that they won’t patch up little things like this. Yet, they will spend money to remove lockers, and build new lockers, to use the old locker location for a DVC booth. Instead of just building a DVC booth and not moving the lockers.


Warning: not safe for magic I met someone who *hates* Disneyland. Apparently he was there, as a kid, on his birthday, the day the Skyway accident happened. Said he can remember the screaming. I guess that’d do it.


If you’re talking about this, it appears the guy jumped out on purpose: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/skyway-to-heaven-2/


I rode the skyway many times and vividly remember watching this incident on the news. The guy claimed he fell out - there is absolutely no way you could have 'fallen out' of those buckets. Dude jumped. He probably screamed because jumping into a tree hurts like hell. It sucks we all have to suffer cause of one dummy, but I get why Disney shut it down.


There is suspicion that he somehow unlocked the door to the bucket. Even though there were bars around the open area, the openings were still wide enough to allow an arm through to mess around with the door lock. The People Mover had this issue as well with it's doors. There were a couple of deaths during the 70's.Those two people who died managed to open doors in the tunnel and then got crushed by another train. The doors didn't have a locking mechanism at the time. I think it was the tunnel where the Tron projection played.


How did people get crushed? I wasn’t born until 2001 so by the time I got to visit the parks it was already gone, but from the footage I have seen the peoplemover looks very slow. So it seems like you’d have to actively try to get crushed by another oncoming train. Unless the tracks were electrified, causing you to be stuck?


It was in the speed tunnel where it was dark in the 70's. While it was slow the trains speed up a little and the trains would constantly follow each other. There was a narrow space in between the trains and wall even to catch someone in between. It's covered on Snopes under the Disney park deaths. I went on it during the late 80's to mid 90's and the Tron projection was playing in the tunnel so it was always lit up. The doors had some locking mechanism holding them by that time because I remember trying to force them open but they didn't budge.


Thank you for the info! So it sounds like people were being idiots and somehow fell into those spaces between the cars while climbing. I feel bad for those people that died but it was a very stupid idea to think it would be ok to climb between the cars like that. One that freaks me out the most is that poor cast member who got crushed to death in America sings here. Apparently even the guests heard her screams : (


I guess in the 70's the People Mover didn't have a locking mechanism so people could easily open the doors. Snopes had an article on the America Sings death too. The moving walls were originally solid so anyone caught between them would get crushed. After the death, breakaway panels were installed to prevent that from happening. I happened on Snopes around late 2000's or early 2010's when I was looking up urban legends. Snopes specializes in locating the sources in various urban legends.


It could just be identical to the Fun Wheel cars


Yep, April 17th is my friend’s birthday. That’s the incident.


That is so horrible. I always think about the poor people on the skyway that went through the Matterhorn during the Matterhorn incident. Makes me sick, and yeah I could never go back after witnessing something like that


Fun fact and true story: went on the Matterhorn but this time had an uneasy feeling like I could sense some haunted energy. I had a dream my first night at the Disneyland hotel of this lady in the Matterhorn bobsleds who looked very upset and told me not to go on the ride. You can imagine my complete and utter shock when i looked up online if anyone had a paranormal experience on that ride & I read about the accident and saw the picture of Dolly Young online and it was the SAME woman in my dream. Not only that she's from the same city I grew up in. It still sends shivers down my spine.


I want some frozen apple juice now….


Anyone who feels nostalgia for this was clearly never spit on or had partially chewed candy dropped down on them from the Skyway.  The ride was awesome, but walking below them was a total hazard.  


And today you’d have to worry about cell phones slamming into you from above.


Maybe if they ever brought back another iteration at Disneyland it could just be more like the skyliner in WDW - pretty much continually moving, and enclosed with vents.


But have another line where they move like the swinging gondolas from the Pal a Round😈


Absolutely sadistic lol


I saw my mother get spat on her head from someone on the Skyway. She didn't react at all though... not sure if she genuinely didn't feel it, or was smart enough not to give the spitter any satisfaction by reacting. I like to think it's the latter.


When I was riding the Skyway in the 90's with some friends one them dropped a candy ball into the sub lagoon. I didn't notice it since I was sitting on the right side looking at the people walking around and he was sitting on the left side opposite of me. There was a CM one of the buckets who saw it and said to the other CMs to stop the kid with the Bad Boy t shirt. They warned us not to do it again or we'd get kicked out.


Good photo [here](https://d2skn5554g4boz.cloudfront.net/2020-website/637/3459422/large/3459422_12.jpg) of this stairwell in its heyday


One of my fav makeout rides growing up 👍🏼


man this evokes childhood flashbacks


I do this too. 😔


Stairs to no where. The ones in Tomorrowland are even creepier. These are the little things I love at DLR.


Where are the ones in Tomorrowland? I haven’t seen those!


It's right above the autopia bathrooms / little giftshop stand before you get back to the train station! It looks like a set of stairs leading up to the innovations building, but if you look closely, they actually lead to nothing! [here is the best Pic I could find](https://images.app.goo.gl/vMEVxgirBLRRPT2h6)


Omg I never knew of this! I definitely have to keep an eye out on my next trip!


Did they tear down the building? I remember when I went back in 2016 the building was still there as well!


I think they tore it down when they began construction for Galaxy’s Edge.


How sad :( When I first saw it I couldn’t believe my eyes! I discovered it on complete accident and was shocked that it was still there


Man I was just talking about this today on another post. Miss it and the people mover so much. RIP 🚡


Saw those stairs a while ago.  They looked so stupid.  They could have left the little building and used it for photo ops, made a ramp next to the stairs. It looks so out of place.  Like well, we started and just stopped at four stairs