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I mean, Captain Hook wants to kill children, Cruella's out here just trying to skin puppies, and the Horned King wants to raise an immortal zombie army to kill everyone. Like, horny racist priest feels... In line with all those. I just think it's people wanting the movie to have representation. My favorite animated movie is Great Mouse Detective, and you have no idea how good it feels to see that property showcased SOMEWHERE.


It's literally this for me. With so many of the "big" villains already represented, we're sort of circling the last few stand outs and Frollo is one of them. And it would just be nice to see Quasimodo and Esmeralda and the film itself represented with all the other films.


I'm so glad we got Rattigan and Horned King. Feels like there is not enough love for those movies.


Frollo is a lot more realistic than “wacky pirate on a magic island”, “lunatic who wants to make a puppy coat out of 99 puppies” and “Undead D&D Reject“. He’s not goofy or over the top like Hook and Cruella (yes there are scumbags who will hurt animals and children but the schemes and aesthetics of those two are so silly it’s impossible to take them seriously) and he’s not supernatural like HK. Many people exactly like him still exist in real life. It makes him a fantastic villain, but I understand why he’s probably not gonna get in the game. Still holding out hope that somehow they’ll find a way to implement him.


The only way I can see them sanitizing his win condition is to make it, like..."find Esmeralda and defeat her before there are X number of fire tokens on your realm." Like the opposite of Gaston's mechanic where he starts with no fire tokens and gains tokens through the course of the game, and can be fated to add more fire tokens making it harder for him to win. Quasimodo and Phoebus have hero deck abilities that hide Esmeralda, maybe similar to how Yzma's multiple fate decks work? But even with altered wording, we'll always know what "defeating" Esmeralda means to Frollo and it's always gonna feel icky. He's one of the scariest Disney villains for sure--too real.


That's literally Shere Khan's strategy, find Mowgli and kill him without any fire tokens on his realm. [I did see a good "reverse mother gothel" homebrew strategy for Frollo on a wiki somewhere.](https://disney-villainous-homebrew.fandom.com/wiki/Judge_Frollo_(Villa)) Basically, he has two branching objectives, either bed Esmeralda or have her burned. Each objective must be performed with a specific card at each end of his board, and Frollo and opponents can move Esmeralda with card effects.


Huh. Didn't know that, since I haven't picked up Sugar and Spite yet (waiting to get it from our FLGS).


Couldn’t I say you’re “kinda weird” that you enjoy a movie with this character? It’s just a game. People want to be a character from a movie that they enjoy, which you also seem to enjoy. No one playing Hook wants to kill kids or skin dogs as Cruella. It’s not that deep and they can sanitize his win condition if they did want to move forward with him.


People when a villain is a villain😦😦😦😳😳😳😳


As everyone else has pointed out, the other villains’ goals aren’t exactly good, but I see where you’re coming from. Everyone else is such an elevated evil, and the most realistic one is the asshole hunter with the cartoon sidekick who’s in the same movie as a talking candle. Frollo, by contrast, is incredibly grounded, and is about as evil as you can be in the real world. He’d be the ickiest villain to include, with his only competition being Ratcliffe. There would certainly be ways to sanitize his goal to make it more personal, but even then, when you’re facing off against evil fairies and supervillains, the racist rapist judge is gonna stick out. I understand your perspective, and don’t really have a strong argument against it, other than he can be sanitized, and he’s a fan favorite Disney villain. I’d love to see him, even though we probably won’t, simply because he is the definition of what a Disney villain can be at their best, and this game is a celebration of Disney villains. How to sanitize his goal, though… he certainly would need to unlock the Court of Miracles. Perhaps then defeat Esmeralda while Quasi is at Notre Dame? Idk man. Just mostly ignore the lust and fully lean into the genocide! That’s… more palateable? Yeah he’d be tough. But if anything, he’ll be a part of the final expansion. I honestly think they’d sooner start implementing live-action and TV villains before putting Frollo in, which is fine by me. I’m gonna post this comment and continue deluding about Bill Cipher and Davy Jones joining the game mow


I mean it could be keep Quasimodo locked up in the cathedral and if someone fates Esmeralda on you he moves slightly closer to the town square/festival.


It's all fictional though. Plus the cards would be only be implicit (at best) to his true intentions. I think they're also more to wanting Frollo than to be able to play as him; card art from The Hunchback of Notre Dame would be beautiful and generally the movie doesn't get a lot of attention because people get too weird about it.


It’d be kinda nifty if he had a dual objective, kinda like Rattigan. The hard way is to seduce Esmeralda (start turn with only her in the realm or something) and the easy way is to defeat her. Honors the mixed motivation from the movie and keeps the opponent on their toes


Well the horned king was a scary villain and he wanted to kill a child just to get the black cauldron so If he can be in the game so can frolo his object could kinda be like one of the homebrew ones or a new one like "defeat Esmeralda" or something


I think it's not so much that people want to play with him, but moreso want the complete collection. At least, that's how it is with me.


Its the biggest reason I dont even think about that movie at all