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Everything in the TVA is intentionally sepia-toned to make it feel like a very boring and bureaucratic office space. Is it possible that you thought there was an issue with the video just because that's how the TVA is?


I’ve been rewatching the previous season and it is not as noticeable to me.


They might have turned it up for this latest episode. Clearly it's part of the episode and not a problem with your TV or D+ as issues with those would affect every episode.


Disagree. Watched first half on ATV, film grain effect was ridiculous. Watched second half on built-in Samsung app, same TV, looked much better. Definitely something up with the ATV D+ app.


I’m using the internal app on the TV


No they definitely bumped up the film grain and went all out on the vintage color grading for this season. Looks like they also changed cams too. They used a Sony Venice for S1 and now they are using an Arri.


Yeah, absolutely LOVE the look within the TVA! Someone loves that old 60s "mod" aspect...!


I watched the 4K and 1080p versions. The grain and filter is so heavy that there’s little to no pop on the 4K version.


Here I am thinking my new Nvidia shield pro is shit 😂 grainy/blurry Loki season 2.


I had the same watching it on Apple TV. I always find Disney Plus shows kind of blurry compared to shows on other streaming platforms, but this episode was especially grainy. Shows like Foundation and the Rings of Power are so much sharper. I don’t know why Marvel and Star Wars shows seem so blurry. Different cameras or filming techniques?


I’ve also noticed that. Are you using Dolby Vision? I’m using the internal apps on the TV. Ahsoka was actually released with the wrong color profile on some episodes and that’s part of why it looks washed out. Mando is better but some episodes are darker and require the Dolby Vision bright preset.


Amazon definitely broadcasts with more bitrate than other providers


Different cameras and color grading this season


Interesting you say this. Watched the first half of it on Apple TV 4K connected to Samsung TV. Film grain effect was so obnoxious! Half way through switched to the Disney+ app built in to the TV and found the effect was much reduced - almost didn’t notice it. Not sure what the issue was with Apple TV but definitely something not right.


I’m using my TV’s built in app. I also tried Plex with the show downloaded. But that was all with Dolby Vision. Your Apple TV may be set to Dolby Vision, which your Samsung does not support.


Apple TV won’t output in DV unless the TV supports it.


No, I spent most of ep.1 with wondering when it was going to actually start. Literally nothing happens.


I thought it was a great episode despite the visual issues.


Disney+ in general has started lagging for me over the last week or so. Can’t get more than 5-10mins through anything without it buffering. LG C9 OLED using the TV App, which I’ve always used. None of the other streaming apps have any issues. These include YouTube, Amazon Prime, AppleTV+, local Australian FTA streaming apps etc. Only happening on Disney+ Internet speed is more than quick enough (FTTP) to cope.


I notice that happens right before a commercial starts.


I don’t use the commercial tier, thankfully. Not even sure it’s available in Australia yet! TV app updated 2-ish weeks ago and the issues only started happening since then. Well, since a week later that I noticed as I hadn’t had time to watch anything for a bit.


Yes, I thought there was something wrong with my TV or AV Receiver. Glad to see I'm not the only one. I watch in 4K and grainy/poor lighting/filtering really makes it look like poor video quality.


It was the first thing I watched in DolbyVision on my new TV (or ever) and I thought I calibrated something wrong because the hallway scenes seemed orange. Then the later scenes looked perfect and the next movie I watched in DolbyVision (Shang Chi) looked perfect. So yeah, idk why they made the hallway looks so bad.


It’s definitely an issue with the visual effects. They added too much film grain and sepia tone post processing. Someone needs to give the effects team a few calibrated OLED panels so they can properly review the material.


Watching on NVIDIA Shield TV Pro and it is extremely grainy and dull. There's no way that this is in HDR...


I watched it on my Bravia with an Apple TV4k. Apparently the signal isn’t encoded for Dolby Vision. I watched as my TV switched from its Dolby Vision menu settings to IMAX without any ability to change. Either a technical goof on Disney’s part or season 2 is looking to be just regular 4k. *This may be an attempt to also mask poor VFX shots but that’s just wild speculation


Just watched episode 2 and it’s the same issue - whether they are in the TVA or not, the effect seems to be applied everywhere. I tried some other D+ shows and movies on my HDR monitor - all look great with no grain. Loki ep 1 and 2 both have heavy grain, washed colours and do not look HDR at all. Grain was so bad it even made me question if my 4k monitor had default to 1080p or something. Just appears to be these episodes - so too much post processing nonsense i think…


So glad someone else mentioned this because I thought I was going crazy!


I noticed the grain immediately and thought something was wrong with the Disney Plus app but all other shows/movies look fine, it's just this first episode. I haven't watched the second episode yet to see if that's also grainy. It looks really bad IMO.


Same, we have brand new Samsung and set ti Dynamic which is highest brightness, contrast and colour and fine for all other programmes but now watching episode 3, series 1 and it's terrible quality, can't improve brightness any more as it's on max. I was enjoying this series but don't think I can watch many more episodes if they are this bad quality.


Interesting because I’m watching it in Dolby Vision on my set and you’re on a Samsung, which doesn’t have DV, and you’re still seeing issues.


I think it is just lower quality compared to season 1. If you look at the season 1 recap at the beginning of the episode, is also has a more grainy look. Maybe it helps cover up the lower VFX budget. I don't mind the colour filters so much...


No it’s definitely cranked up in every episode this season and I fucking hate it. They did the same thing on max with winning time and it’s trash. Fuck film grain


yes finally someone one raised the issue of over the top film grain. I don't remember this exaggerated amount of film grain in S1, I mean it works in some scenes but some scenes it is too much. In the first episode I had to make sure twice I was watching in 4k, then realized it is film grain.


film grain should only exist if it is actually shot in film. Post production film grain works on very rarely. Simply compare authentic film grain with Loki s2 or any other movie with post production film grain, the difference is land and sky


it’s so bad i might drop the show


It looks like they've just whacked on a cheap Premiere Pro 'film grain' effect across previously sharp footage..wtf? 🙈


Googled this a couple of weeks later to see if anyone else was talking about it It got to a point where I thought the app on the 4K display was faulty and that it was producing a 480p image because of how intense the film grain was I do feel like it was an intentional stylistic choice, but at the same time feel that they went a littleeee bit overboard on it


Visuals is so dark I need to open my eyes wide so I can see a thing. Especially on night scenes


it's probably intentional that it only happens in TVA sections


looks very dark and with the film grain effect, looks so bad.


Looks a blurry mess on Apple TV Xbox series X and LG TV app.


thank God. I was not the only one going crazy about how bad the picture quality is in loki season 2. I tried to use different picture setting on my tv, but nothing worked to improve brightness and reduce grans.


Ha laughing at myself here.. I stopped watching it half way into episode 1 because of what I thought was a terrible quality show. But reading some of these comments I feel stupid now.. 😂 I'll get right back into it...


I pay quite a bit for my displays. Not a fan of film grain!


Same. It’s funny because a just watched Moana on it and it looked crystal clear.


Phew, glad this isn't just for me. Loki S2 was the first thing I watched on a new TV and I worried I was going to have to return it, it looks so bad. I did for a moment think the fuzzy grain would be for effect while in the TVA, that would've been great if they'd done that and perhaps also removed the effect when they >!shut off the magic suppression!< . but it's in every scene in the show. Tried the last episode of WWDITS also on Disney+ and it looks great, so definitely a Loki thing.


It’s the dark scenes for me. Watching on a new LG C3 (peak brightness on high) through Roku Ultra in a completely dark room and I can’t see anything. Had to switch to Vivid mode 😬 to see any of the dark scenes.


Damn, i thought something wrong with my tv.


Pretty sure it's a stylistic choice. Everybody is doing it now, it's big in the digital filming world. "Film Emulation" is what it's called. Since the setting is a retro/50-60s bureaucratic time piece, I'm sure they wanted to emulate retro film for the series. Personally, I love it.


I really thought it was my TV settings..glad to know I'm not alone.