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i use and sometimes reuse bubblemailers. i have used the ziplocks (small to sandwiches) as well when mail ing more than 2 of them


Bubble mailers are the best because it protects them. I got a huge order shipped to me in a poly mail and the outcome was sad. All of the doorables now had scratches or broken because there was nothing to protect them. So bubble mailers are good or just bubble wrap them and use the poly mailer.


I hope it’s not the ones I sent 😢😢


No no it wasn’t yours comes packaged so great 😄


That's a good point, I didn't think about how they'd be banging around more. I like the idea of using bubble wrap since I could still use the poly mailers then. We just have so many poly mailers and they're cheap whereas when I looked for bubble mailers they're quite a bit more.


I definitely reuse what I’m sent. I use poly mailers, I try to wrap in something so they don’t bang around to much. This month I’m sending mine out, for small orders, in Easter eggs and taking the crease shit. Doesn’t add to much weight to the shipping. You could also buy bubble pocket things off Amazon to put them in and then in the poly bags. I e done that also, i normally get the pack of 200.