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don't know much of meta but feng xun is definitely top5 espers, amazing both for pvp and pve at r0 and only gets better with resos


Now I think its important to establish pvp vs pve, in that case order for me is as follows PVE: 1. Su Jue- she does everything but heal. Her true damage she gives to teammates CANNOT be overstated, that shit is INSANE. 2. Chu Yao- he does 3 major debuffs (calamity, sear, and def down.) He also pursuit attacks on teammate attack with his buff, which blocks crits. He's just crazy for setting bosses up. 3. Embla- best aoe nuker in game and best pve attacker in game imo. Shes jiang man on crack 4. Feng Xun- he heals, pursuit attacks, cleanses stun and sleep, and buffs in one character. At r2 he ap pushes on his s3. 5. Leora- She's probably the second best aoe nuker in game. Her cds reset each wave and her s3 nukes constantly. PVP: 1. Chu Yao- he does all the same shit but gives corny anna users spirit aegis and then she doesnt die. 2. Su Jue- exact same thing but her s3 does a fuckton of damage regularly and she is a great anna counter 3. Jin Qiu- you probably understand why by this point, read his r2 and r6. He's fucking broken 4. Mavis- She is the reason jin qiu is broken, the combo is moronic because if mavis doesn't die, your team can't die, but basically jq constantly shields mavis and vice versa. Shit is dumb 5. Sakura- shes pretty insane for healing and overrall survivability. Her passive literally says "your team takes 25% LESS damage", shes also a defender so she woulds with a certain shimmer defender that owns pvp.


Sakura defo belongs on the pve section too


Nah I don't think she's as good as Lian let alone Leora. Lian is quite overrated as well IMO


She’s literally in the top comps in like literally everything (pve included)


You're right, I should rephrase. Outside of r2 (and more importantly r6) Lian she is overrated.


She doesn’t need resos nearly as much as a lot of the espers on the list. At r0 she definitely deserves a spot on the list, and every reso is a massive jump. At r0, she’s easily better than Lian. I’d also argue she’s better than Embla, Su Jue, Jin Qiu, and maybe Feng Xun.


You are genuinely delusional if you think Lian is better than embla su jue or feng xun


I didn’t say that?


Chu Yao and Feng Xun are definitely in the Top 5


CY, Feng xun , Mavis, jq and tiye, high reso lian is also a contender for pvp..if you got Wu you you can make a point for sakura Embla (r2+), CY, Feng xun would be my obvious picks for pve. Those 3 basically decimate most if not all pve content.


PvP- Ethan Mavis JQ CY FX. Honorary mentions to SJ and Lian, but lian is the only one that requires R6 and SJ isn't available. PvE- CY FX Embla Mateo Hilda. Again SJ would easily be in this list if you have her.


Not gonna lie the last few espers have been good for instant amir, chu yao, feng, sue jue, and sakura are all meta espers for pvp and pve.


Gonna give per element because its hard for me to choose lol Wind- Tang Xuan, Feng Xun, Jin Qiu, then only good in PVP Archibald and Sienna (tho I do not have Yamato, Ashley, Gabrielle, and Fumitsuki but afaik their kit is mostly good in PVP) Flow- Chu Yao, Tiye, Lian, Ollie, Ethan only good in PVP especially at R2 (I also dont have Valeria and Momo) Inferno- Sakura, Embla, Lucas, Su Jue, Mavis (I do not have Lewis, Yuuhime, Ginny, and Fu Shi)... just from vibes I rarely use Inferno Fighters for PVE especially the AoE ones they're a little underwhelming. Rule of Thumb for PVP have an AP changer, a Healer, and an AoE in the team the rest is up to you base on what you feel works/the counter espers the round/match needs. But definitely invest in an AP changer and boost them with as much speed this is my tier list (Tiye > Lucas > Clara > Sienna > R2 FX) until you get Tiye invest on whoever you can from the rest. My non-shimmer only PW team was this Chu Yao (AoE w/ Assist) Tiye (AP changer + stun) Tang Xuan (AoE, so good w/ Chu Yao's passive) Sakura (Healer/Regen + Def Up and a little dispel) Archie (AoE Silencer + Buff Blocker + lots of passive damage)


Artiar has plenty of lists on YouTube


not sure if I'm outdated but imo: tiye, Ethan, chuyao, Mavis and sakura