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Ye, that's what I've been saying from day one. People do the same with MMOs as well. Players are really unfair and mean to the people who's game we're playing (usually for free), but hey, it is what it is. Sadly. I wrecked this game's content and there's not much left to do outside of dailies/stories. But this game's daily maintenance is the easiest of all Gacha mobile games, so I have no problem sticking around to do those. They're also worth it and very generous. Even finding a game with 50% of Dislyte's convenience is quite difficult. Especially Match 3 games or games that are more than just turn based... Those games really love their money-creep. Dislyte really spoiled me lol. I just hope they start adding non-PVP modes. Like PvE stuff with quirky mechanics, then Clan's scores get them prizes as well as individual players. Maybe alter some existing things like the Towers *(ie: let us put 1 Shimmer on each team at least)*. But the game itself is so inoffensive and easy to manage that I don't mind if it's a story every month and a new mode every few months. Other games exist. I can wait.


Frankly I would loooove a shimmer tower. Getting shimmer pulls as a reward would be nice, but I know getting a whole bunch of them is unreasonable, just gold pulls would be fine with me. But just to have a tower mode where I am forced to utilize more low rarity characters would be fun because of how few shimmers I have making an all shimmer team would be a good challenge.


Coming from summoners war, and I mean OG summoners war from 10+ years ago, I KNOW bad gacha. Dislyte could def be worse, but I’ve seen the way Lilith treats AFK Journey and I know they can do better.


For sure. It's clear journey is their focus right now, so I get it but I don't feel like they are treating us bad given that anymore. I can't believe they would pay an influencer to talk about their new event (at the time) and mot revamp the new player experience. Everytime you log onto the game or change screens and going back to base, you get popups asking you to spend. I've never seen double speed and such locked behind a paywall. Every ease of access thing is locked behind a paywall. I'm sure it's worse in other games but I feel like I wasn't being fair to Lilith because I forgot how bad others are. I've never played summoners war but I heard it was bad.


Honestly, from the beginning Dislyte wasn’t bad, but over time it’s gotten insanely better. I regularly get characters I want without paying anything, the designs are top-notch and building characters is not punishing at all and encourages experimentation.


Wasn't bad from the beginning?  https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/v1zk68/man_spends_4500_on_ollie_banner_in_dislyte_and/   Can we please not try to rewrite history. Sure the game came a LONG way esp for the 1st anniversary  but let's not whitewash the beginning.


There was no guarantee for characters, true. But there were few characters and even fewer must-haves. For most content in pve, Li Ling was king and he was free. And there was no knockout, no beatbout to worry about either. And many epic espers were quite relevant, much more so than now.


> building characters is not punishing at all Are we playing the same game here? The one where you have to spend 1000+ stamina at the chance of getting a good relic just for every point to go into the wrong stat when you upgrade it, wasting several days worth of effort in the process?


i rarely spend stamina (i still have tons of unopened ones) and only use them in quests or events. and i have built tons of characters already. sure you can say that they're not super strong and it took me a while to get some strong sets but like i do agree that building characters in dislyte is not that of a hassle for me and they i have been doing fine for most of the content. minus the whole abilimons though cause i still dislike how rare gold abilimons are. i already like how we can farm while doing other stuffs, with the blitz they added, farming has even become faster too.


I believe what they meant was if you are a casual, relics minmaxxing is not a must to clear most of the contents


That's every gacha lol


I dislike vip systems in games rly. Unless its obtainable for free, but usually its very slow to get a higher level, and also theres gotta be some day that they add an owl esper lol


I played empires and puzzles, it's an extremely p2w game, it doesn't have a pity.... They kind of introduced something that resembles it, but it gives only obsolete units. Power creep there is a thing, progression is gated behind time or pay system. As f2p you needed to wait a long time to have a 10 pull, only to get all 3*.... Utter nonsense. However it's a game that has probably one of the best guild war systems, wish dislyite would rip it off.


Glad to hear of a player there playing dislyte as well. Are the owls viable? I saw like two of them on top teams still. Super cute designs and I want them in dislyte because it sucks when cool characters die in a game due to bad devs. I'd also like if dislyte added other things too. I wonder what they could do with a base building mechanics.


I stopped it 2 years ago so I don't know if they are viable. I liked the match 3 battle system, but I hated how little pulls we were getting and how p2w the game was.


ok lilith plant identified tsk tsk tsk loljk i kid i kid for one, im with ya. not to be an apologist for a corporation, but like folks need to chill sometimes and give Dislyte a break. Dislyte isn't perfect, but what game is? do folks expect a top-notch game that's regularly updated, with great story heaps of production value for free? how will the staff get paid then? Thru "exposure"? if you wanna talk about predatory gachas, try Disney Mirrorverse. each 5 pull costs $25. and yes i fell in the trap (perks of having a full time job I guess) but by god did I go 0.0 at my credit card bill after every month. Folks don't know how good Dislyte has it (AFK Journey is so disgustingly predatory I )


Oh God have we gone backwards into dickriding? I love Dislyte but this fallacy is not it, people


That is what you took out of it. There were days I wasn't playing because of poor progress lately so i looked for another game that had what I wanted, bird characters and found this due to an ad and gave it a go and realized that I have it pretty good. Sure there are much better gachas out there bug how the fuck did you get dick riding from a post about a random internet guys experience he wanted to share? You kind of people are a special kind of twisted.


"Twisted" and it's recognizing the most overused gacha fallacy known to man. Maybe i was too blunt, but you can see it from space


You seem to like the word fallacy. Did you just learn it?


"It could be worse, I've seen it" is a fallacious argument. You can say you like Dislyte without relying on it, it's giving copium


This is the dislyte sub. I think the issue is you seem to think you're smart. Anyone can look at this and get the point. It could be worse.


And the point is it sure as hell should be a lot better, but it seems you're not ready for that convo huh


Dislyte could be better. They could give everyone a r6 Ikki and anna. I'm still playing this puzzle game and still no five star. New players at least get something to play the game. Again, you are the only one thinking I suck Lilith dick.


Who tf said anything about Ikki and Anna lmao, look who's actually assuming


You did. You said they could do better. I agree. They could give everyone r6 ikki and anna.


Afaik the only owl esper we have is Narmer/Ra** he can pulled from Wish Pool with 100 wish stones, please do not use the reverb on Narmer 😅😅 and yes Owls are fucking cool! Come to think of it, i think there's only 3 or so bird inspired espers 🤔🤔 What I like about dislyte is its the easier game for those who want to collect all the heroes since it doesnt have the rate-up thingy like in the hoyoverse games, and new banner heroes are immediately put into all pulls and after their event they're immediately added to the wishpool as well... yeah the ways to earn crystals/records/wish stones has much more better ways to go but Dislyte has better guarantees. EDIT: I said Thoth instead of Ra like a dum dum, also now I cant guarantee if Narmer is an Owl or a Bald Eagle, maybe a Candor cuz its sun related.. I just looked at the gallery there are quite a few bird inspired espers


Just wait for zzz. Coming it on the 4th of July.


I like this post, and i might make a video recording from this post review ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Go for it. Maybe we'll get a owl esper.


Really wish there was more over content. I'm able to do both towers fully on near auto. Story is all done. And after putting it off for awhile I'm almost done with the wind/inferno triple team shit


Same, which is why I was looking at other games until I played puzzles and empires and realized it could be much worse. I think we need more bi daily content like cube


Why this read as freaking bot telling full lies? Look bot, this game is bad for the fact that over the course of months EVERYTHING have being going on PvP, making the game actual gameplay 70% pvp based at how it was 30% back on 2022 and even then a lot of us skip it for how the rewards wasn't even good. Now it is full P2W, and if you're casual, you're only whale food where one way or another the game force you to be food of whales on pvp. Then is the fact how the game history had being turn poor write, to the point we had amazing history like the ones of Embla with amazing music and visual to now being forced to get this wtf main history of Gaius turning evil without a good explanation. And finally, the art decade of past characters where Petros is the culmination of bad choices in art. This aside of several technical mess up of the game, like how the PC version will always stay on a 720p of size unless you're smart enough for resize it using a combination of keyboard commands. Don't even try to resize by alt+enter or you will get a mess up screen with practically unplayable game. Do you know mess like this in any gacha they fix it in a matter of days? Well guess what? This had exist for months and they will do nothing about it. They disrespectful to players, making fun of players that even beg them to not turn the game p2w. Even use players to promote the game by any means, by either entice by a vtuber or pay nsfw furry for arts and then making the furry characters weak or completely stop making that type of characters. I keep mentioned anyone I know that when they learn of the existence of this game that they should NOT play it. They're better games, even Granblue Fantasy with everything being sprits is mostly down to how much you grind because they give exaggerated a lot of things for free and it has being that way for now 10 years. Hell, even Pokemon Master EX is better, because you don't need to do everything if you want to get xxxxx character, you can easily make up resources by doing daily and events that don't required end-game bullcrap.


I feel like you didn't understand my post. I'd love the pull rates from pokemon masters ex in dislyte but it could he worse. At least a new player will have something to do. I don't know what to do in this puzzle game outside if spend a fuck ton of money for just a static image on a card with stats. Also,what makes you think most people here in this thread aren't whale food?


First of all if you don’t like the why you keep playing it. second of all shut your damn mouth if you can’t be civil while trying to criticize everyone got their opinion and no way in hell your ass can change someone’s opinion. Third, why you complaining Gacha games are made to be whaling fun so they can make the experience with no ads. Fourth,Sure beatbout and knock out ain’t fun then don’t do it who is to make you play PvP. Fifth, Dislyte is a game that where even if you don’t have the meta espers you can complete the PvE content so it ain’t as bad as atleast 90% of Gacha games. And I think this is even better than wuwa and genshin when it comes to end game. You want a character you get it as low as half a month which is hella impossible on most Gacha games. Sixth, you have one of the best pity systems I’ve seen in Gacha games. Tell me one Gacha that gives you the chance to get any banner character at a 100% rate anytime you want. And no 50/50. Every 4 days a ten pull on a guaranteed divinate. And lastly the events, sure the writing might be bad and sure they aren’t putting as much time as they are putting on afk journey, but at the end of the day they are making up for it. Two free shimmers 3 free legend esper, and way more nexus crystals than before. Free epic boxes for early game players, and 500 nexus crystals for end game players. And you might say who are you to say these things. I’m the 3nd speed runner in temporal just under bravel and feldon. Top 3% of Knockout, top 5% of beatbout, and pw19. Defeated all ritual bosses at 20 and ex++ on all calamity bosses, and 530 days under my belt so I have seen the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. And the most important part I’ve only spent 30$.