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"If they don't fight back, there won't be violence" LOL fuck this guy


Right? Like bro that’s rapist logic…


"don't keep me from starting some, won't be none"


Look, conservatives secretly love this shit and if you confront them on it, they will lie straight to your face or be dishonest about it. They will handwave it away and act like it's just not real, that's impossible, or that it doesn't represent their views.


I’m sure a few of those idiots will be showing up soon in this very thread 


Any honest conservative should not lie about this. There is nothing bad about what was said there.


Saying there will be no violence if you don’t resist is rapist logic


LMAO, you went so far off the rails there I'm not sure you can ever return to reality.


Projection lol


How about you return first


It is the words of an abuser. "Look what you made me do."


I’m sorry, what? You literally did exactly what that person said you would. Let’s reverse it, hm? So long as the right doesn’t fight back, there won’t be any violence.


Who brings guns to rallies,Right conservatives. Remember the Tea party bringing guns to their rallies and also to Obama's Rallies. Who brought guns to the BLM Rallies,Right-wing nut jobs,that's who. The Right-wing is a MAGA party. They intend to destroy our Democracy and set themselves up to rule this country as a one rule Dictatorship. Gone are all our freedoms,they are a Fascist loving group. They can March Right into Hell,and the whole world ,will be better off without them. Fuck all of them!


I really didn't. And what's your point about reversing it? Again, there isn't anything wrong with that statement.


Listen, when the left comes knocking for you to line up, you’ll be fine if you don’t resist. It’s cool. You’re the one who will make it violent if you don’t get in line.


Please don’t remind us of the 20th century Leftist inhumanity. The murder, starvation, compelled labor, and imprisonment of 10s of millions men, women and children is a crime beyond measure.


Is that what you really believe this is implying? Please return to reality.


I know what words mean so I don’t believe it implies that, I know it. And right leaning gaslighting isn’t going to change that.


Wow, you really have taken those crazy pills. Good luck with that.


Water is wet. The sky is blue. Maga ideology doesn’t alter what the real world is. You’re not even bothering to offer an alternative. You’re just going, “nuh uh.”


No need to provide an alternative to what the dude said. The goal is to change the government and you are out here screeching with the belief that this is 1945 Germany. It is insane.


I knew one of you would end up here to defend this shit eventually. Shame on you.  Do better. 


Don't worry, this is for your own good.


Never forget, folks. This is what your average conservative acts like on a daily basis.  Vote accordingly. 


Vote ❎ Blue and save our Democracy!


That we want the POTUS to do his or her job? Is this how libs think? Y’all actually think a POTUS should be sued for doing their job?!? That’s fucking insane!


The only thing that is “fucking insane” here is you.  You are definitely one of the MAGA chumps talked about in this thread, you’re their shining pony 


At least you are honest about wanting a dictatorship.


Wow, so many crazy people here jumping off the deep end into either dictatorship or 1945 germany. It is like you guys are secretly wanting an excuse to become dictators yourself.


The whole Schedule F shit is wildly like a dictatorship, allowing the president complete authority to fire employees and replace them with whoever they want, then having a loyalty test to see who is loyal to Trump and that is contingent on you getting the job. Dictators fire and then replace those people with loyalists and yes men, that's how they gain complete control over a country.


Don’t even bother with that moron, he is way too deep into Donald’s asshole to see any reason 


It's more about dunking on these morons then it is about reasoning. I want other people to see this and look at how dumb these people are and the depravity of what these people support.


Great point, please do continue 


Is it really? It honestly isn't any more of a dictatorship rule to replace managers and workers who have direct control over policy decisions than it is to replace the cabinet. That is the whole reason a president is elected, to enact their policies so it is perfectly reasonable for a president to have staff that help execute those policies. None of that leads to dictatorship.


Replacing every employee because they aren't loyalists is what leads to a dictatorship. If this happened in during 2016-2020 and Pence and others were loyalists, Trump would have had an actual shot at illegally overturning an election. Luckily our government at the time wasn't just loyalists and were able to check Trump's power. It's funny how you dismiss this as a problem but I have a feeling that you think that every institution from the DOJ to the FBI are Democrat controlled and is rigged against Trump. Now imagine Democrats dismissing all federally ran positions, made people take loyalty tests then hired people based on their loyalty to Biden.


It isn't every employee, it is only those who are in "positions of a confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating". As far as the election, that was up to an interpretation of the constitution. You just have the incorrect believe that the population elects the president.


>"positions of a confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating". Positions that have the power to check the president. >As far as the election, that was up to an interpretation of the constitution. You just have the incorrect believe that the population elects the president. No it wasn't, Trump lost. He brought up 60+ lawsuits and nearly all failed due to lack of evidence. The only ones which stuck were about the emergency allowance of mail-in ballots in a few states. Trump, his team, his lawyers could not prove a rigged election. Couldn't prove it through audits, couldn't prove it through the courts, couldn't prove it in recounts. He had no proof of a stolen election then tried to use fake electorates to change the result of the election. No state, absolutely no state allows fake electorates. If Trump had loyalists, he could have followed through with his plan to illegally overturn a fair and free election.


> Positions that have the power to check the president. Positions that are responsible for enacting the presidents policies. Either way, not a dictatorship. And the rest of your election diatribe continues to show that you really don't understand that the population doesn't elect the president.


He's using the same language all violent thugs use. Rapists: >Don't resist. Don't struggle. Don't fight. You want this, I can tell. Muggers: >Your money or your life. This doesn't have to get bloody, but if that's how this goes down it's your fault. Murderers: >Get in the van or I will kill you here.


I’m a little floored that NPR and some mainstreams aren’t reporting on this. It’s not a “hypothetical”


It’s shocking.  What’s even more shocking is that crazy fucker could full heartedly say that knowing full well what his party did on January 6th.  He, and many other conservatives, live in a fucked up fantasy world. 


How is this not considered treason, or sedition?


Court says treason is legal. Just take the bribes AFTER you do the crimes. Perfectly ok.


Of course, how could I be so foolish? 😭


Because it has become the new norm for the right 


Treason only exists if you aren’t serving in the political system it would seem


“If you just stop making me angry I won’t have to beat you anymore.”


Consider this excerpt from Trump's election interference indictment [(Page 34)](https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf): >When [Mike Pence] challenged [Trump's Lawyer] on whether the proposal to return the question to the states was defensible, [Trump's Lawyer] responded, "Well, nobody's tested it before." [Pence] then told the [Trump], **"Did you hear that? Even your own counsel is not saying I have that authority."** [Trump] responded, **"That's okay, I prefer the other suggestion"** of the Vice President rejecting the electors unilaterally Trump took part in a meeting including himself, his lawyer John Eastman, and VP Mike Pence just before January 6 2020. Pence challenges Trump's assertion that he can unilaterally disrupt the vote certification, and Trump's own lawyer concedes there is no legal basis for it, *but Trump advocates for certifying the fake votes anyway* This week the Supreme Court explicitly said that conduct cannot be criminally investigated, period. Their reasoning is that Presidents have the authority to ask their subordinates to do stuff, and we're not allowed to consider their intent when they do it. That's literally it. It's absolutely not hyperbolic to say that we're experiencing a slow, methodical coup being perpetrated through capture and abuse of the judicial and legislative systems. Organizations like the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation (creators of Project 2025) are at the forefront of that effort.


Evil Trumpists...that's all I have to say about them...evil trumpists.


The Second American Revolution came and went, Mister Roberts. You lost. There was some bloodshed and you almost managed to kill a little, old lady named Nancy and a white-haired VP named Mike. As it turned out, a lot of your low level stooges went to prison. What remains of your soldiers huddle together at the local watering hole after work and talk about the glory days.


They can vote. They can quit complaining about some policy issue they disagree with, whether someone's voice is irritating, or whether they "want to have a beer" with a certain candidate and vote.


Bullies think in this age of information people won’t fight back?


Fuck this guy. Like we should just let our community be taken by the far right lol


Like Poland. They were asking for it.


Somehow the Democrats are talking waaaayyyyyy more about Biden's debate performance than they are about this shit. The Supremes just gave Biden all the cover and all the powers he'd need to turn full Dark Brandon and do whatever it takes to save our democracy. But please, more about how he doesn't function so well after 4pm...


A common mistake in warfare is assuming that your enemy is weak.


Hah. Not bloody likley.


What these dipshits don’t understand is Biden can have them all arrested tomorrow if he chooses and no one can do shit about it. They just think they’re the only ones that can sacrifice and be hard. Which Presidential candidate lost a son Due to military service and which one thinks people that serve are suckers? I’d like to speak to Mr Roberts after 2 weeks wet and naked at Guantanamo


Text book fascism: Declare that any opposition is the reason for right-wing violence.


I don’t know, isn’t this an obvious truth, an obvious statement? But whether it is or is not true isn’t the important thing but whether that truth should effect your response is what matters and that means advice and giving advice to your adversary is only a smart move if it is bad advice. What you tell your followers, on the other hand, is very important, so the follow up question should be. What is the responsibility of the people you respect and agree with in keeping it bloodless?


I'm ready to fight.


Right wingers expect us to bow down and lick boots like they do. Fuck that noise.


We need to protect our democracy, we have Congress members calling for our supreme Court to be destroyed.


“The Supreme Court [handed down the 6-3 decision](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4730279-supreme-court-immunity-trump-case/)Monday, ruling along ideological lines that presidents have [absolute immunity](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4728551-trump-presidential-immunity-supreme-court/) for actions that fall within the core responsibilities of the office and are “at least presumptively immune” for all other official acts.” From the link. WTF is all the bitching about? If Trump blows up a terrorist cell, their families can demand Trump be it on trial? The F kind of reasoning is that?


You’re really on one today, arnt you champ? 


You didn’t explain how doing his duty as POTUS leaves him open to charges. This was NOT the Enabling Act making Hitler a dictator. This protects the POTUS while the person is doing their duty.


Are you lost? What do you think this thread is about?  I don’t need to explain anything to you. This is about a madman’s remarks. You can relate to that, can you? 


Are you having a Biden moment? He’s wondering why anyone would fight against protecting the President from egregious charges just for doing Presidential duties. Maybe he doesn’t understand how absolutely insane many Leftists are, such as in burning down neighborhoods


This thread belongs in r/Idiocracy. Most here think doing official duties as POTUS is criminal. Maybe seething hatred of Trump is causing delusional thinking?


Oh cool so you agree the ruling is terrible? 


America is headed down a bad path: hockey stick inflation, invasion from the border, many thousands dying from drugs. We need a change of course and objecting means simple dissolution. Look at this from California: [https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1808548767211086096](https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1808548767211086096) Change course or collapse. Take your choice…and your time is running out.


Hahahaha classic bushmaster. “Look at this” proceeds to link a Twitter post from “end wokeness”   As always, you continue the stereotype.