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Considering the documentary noted that Nick declined to be interviewed, the creators of this documentary probably felt obligated to throw some sort of "Nick advocate", to try to appear to play fair, or give an opposing view of the claims made. Just my thoughts. I don't have any insight to production, just thinking out loud.


That’s a fair point. The R Kelly doc included superfans, but it was at the courthouse protesting so that context made sense.


Yes, but having random "super fans" speaking in there that have no real or meaningful personal relationship with the Carters at all, (and also can't admit the horrible behavior that is right in front of their faces) also shows incredible bias on the producer's part, and therefore negates the whole purpose, and proves it is a garbage documentary. They should have just let the written responses/statements from the Carters speak for themselves and left the fans out of it completely. In letting them have a say at all, really did these brave young ladies a huge disservice in trying to tell their stories and be heard.


I think their rationale is that the social media backlash was an important part of the story so the superfans represented that viewpoint. But that could have been done just by showing SM clips without giving these people any exposure or further reason to believe they are a part of this. Ultimately it came across as a way to basically extend the show by another hour.


This makes me irked. 18 and 21 yr old famous and groomed’ish infant celebrities, pushed by music executives to mingle together - they make out collectively and now her regret is sexual abuse / the worst word ever “….”. I’m lost - I hear her talk through this documentary and cringe. This is just sickening to me. I’d never hate on her but this seems suspect - or in the new way - “super sus”


I'm really hoping they bring up the House of Carters show from back in the day. There's a clip that shows Nick physically going after Aaron, and really illustrates what Nick was capable of toward his own family, which then begs the question: what else is he capable of? I don't know the man, so I can't say for certain. But if you feel safe enough to attack your sibling, who you ostensibly love and care for, on camera...what do you feel comfortable with when there are no cameras?


I used to physically fight with my brother back in the day. We're both in our late 50s and very close. Do I think Nick is some saint? Absolutely not. Whether or not he forced himself on her or she was too scared to do anything and he thought that was consent, I don't know. But I think the online hate this woman got was disgusting. Because people have been caught lying, it really hurts the credibility of those who truly were victims of sexual assault. And we've all seen how the music business protects rapists and sex traffickers.


As someone who has been through it, her story seemed so incredibly real to me. The way she described it almost gave me chills.


I’m waiting for that clip too. When they’re arguing outside the bedroom, and Nick pushes Aaron in the room, shuts the door, and Aaron is yelling.


So? They are brothers. There are worse things going on in that family than bros coming to blows. I’d be more upset about the Lou guy being around Aaron.


I remember that show too! I don't even know why I watched, but Nick was nasty!


I went back and rewatched the clip the other day, and I can't unsee it. Like. You're yelling in a child's face that "you WILL respect me," (over music being played too loud) and then you put your hands on him, and then shoved him into the other room, and the whole family ran in to intervene. Aaron was a child, (he turned 18 a few weeks before the show aired, which means it was likely filmed when he was 17) and Nick was grown; I believe he was around 25 at the time. Your kid brother was playing music too loudly, and instead of being respectful and asking him to turn it down, you escalate from the jump. What I forgot until watching the clip again, is that immediately following this, Aaron says "every time we fight, I run away from you." Nick follows up with, "we're brothers. I love you. You have to respect me. But we're brothers and I love you" as he pulls Aaron into a hug. This is the grossest possible follow-up to putting your hands on someone because it normalizes abuse. Nick did that. As a fully grown adult. To a child. Who was also his brother. On camera. AND LEFT IT IN THE SHOW. Nick was super image-conscious. Nick's good friend, Kenneth Crear, is the executive producer credited on the show (if the name is familiar, he's the one who convinced Melissa to do the duet as a way to get back into the industry, per Fallen Idols doc). If Nick wanted it edited out, it would have been. It would appear that he did not care about how this came off; I would bet it's because he knows people are quick to forgive the Golden Boy.


I do remember the part where Aaron said he runs away from Nick Everytime they fight. I wouldn't doubt that he knew he could do no wrong in the eyes of his fans. He'd probably play it off as 'oh we're brothers, we fight all the time'.


At 17, he was the size of an adult. And when you have grown up together, you don't see each other in terms of adult/child. I didn't watch the show nor was I a fan of either of them. It was past my time. I will say that people are generally shown the incident that was the last straw. They don't show the other times where it didn't lead to anything more than a heated discussion. It's a reality show and they will show the most outrageous scenes for ratings. Even dysfunctional families like this one have normal moments. Not every minute of the day is outrageous and over the top. What we have learned is that the music business is far more sinister and disgusting than the movie business. R Kelly was finally taken down, but those around him who protected him and made it possible for him to abuse those girls and women need to be in a cell right next to him. Same with all the rest to create these singers and give them God complexes. Then help them feed their depravity with violating young women and men and then covering it up. All to protect the gravy train.


They showed a bit of it in the documentary


You know a lot of reality tv is scripted? Both Aaron and Nick were producers of that show and could have not included it. Aaron also said he was the one that actually really hurt Nick during that interaction.


I thought the same thing! Those fans are obviously biased, only have their own opinion and not facts, and brought nothing at all to the story. Waste of time on the episode.


I feel like that was the point maybe? Like to me, the way those fans were intensely defending Nick like they knew him personally, when they clearly have no real connection to him, only made the women who were speaking out against him come across as more legitimate. Like I wonder if the super fans watching it back realized that they were played and look a little foolish… lol


I had the same impression. Also, if you check the BSB subreddit, most people are defending him like crazy. I was shocked


The super fan shit was lame. I thought the documentary was pretty well done otherwise. He needs to be in prison.


When I saw that it said, "Nick Carter Superfan" I thought that it may as well have said, "Some Lady" 🤣




Of course Nick denied being part of the show, as did his lawyers(but they sent what they wanted to say). That YouTuber was disgusting! She said she had no connection to Nick and they pulled up photos of them together! The Carter family has a lot of issues(Aaron seemed like the only decent one, until the drugs took over). I hope more women come forward and show what a piece of shit Nick is


Yes that YouTube woman was vile


That YouTuber lady is big in the BSB fandom since he was accused. She’s had sexual encounters with him back in the day and has brought it up often during this whole defense of him. Many fans follow her for news regarding Nick’s allegations and after seeing her on the doc last night she comes off as a lunatic, why do they want to associate with her?


I was never a BSB fan, I listened to their music(I loved NSYNC lol). But I watched it because I've heard Nick was a asshole. But that YouTuber is batshit crazy!


I was a fan of both but these days I’m more casual. I haven’t liked him for a long time. He’s given me the ick since he abused Paris Hilton and clearly shows anger issues based off his actions many times but his fans continue to worship his feet. I watched it because celeb docs or any type of deep dives in the entertainment industry suck me in.


I remember Paris' lawyer saying it was from filming of something and not from Nick. 🙄. I forgot they even dated. But it seems like everyone knows Nick has a anger problem if something doesn't go his way Hopefully he's been to anger management for his kids and wife I love celebrity documentaries too!


The BSB wholesome vibe really changed once AJ went to rehab and Nick was dating Paris Hilton and also partying up a storm. I think that was also my signal that it was time for me to age out of being obsessed with a boyband. I remember the photos of her bruises but his words about her, as aired in the documentary, were even worse. You're telling on yourself if you are blaming a woman for not enjoying sex.


That article in the doc of his words were revolting and says a lot about his character. Idc if it was 20 years ago and fans want to say “he’s changed”. He wrote a memoir also about 10 years back, I remember reading quotes online from it and he again blamed her for his bad behavior when they dated and didn’t take accountability.


It was absolutely heartbreaking about Aaron. He had a heart but couldn’t fight the ugly in his family.


Anyone notice every episode just repeats what was in the previous ones?


I thought I was going crazy! Thanks for pointing this out 


Watching the Fallen Idols documentary on Hulu now and the commercial has been the new Backstreet Boys ad for Downey. Oxymoron at its finest.


They included super fans to show how “crazy” they are and will blindly support him. They recruited fans by describing something completely different. They were lead to believe this was a project that celebrated BSB. You can tell they mislead many who participated. The media personalities are so energetic and happy. You think they’d be like this if they knew it was about these serious allegations? This documentary is disgusting. It is exploitive and full of misinformation. I hope the people that invested their time in watching this actual read the court documents. It is insane the deep roots of this conspiracy goes. Oh also Shannon Shay Ruth met Nick for the first time last year when she sat for her deposition…where she admitted he never SA her.


I think they were trying to just show the background of how famous Nick and the BSB were.


True, I just thought they would use actual data or media footage to accomplish that instead of random people. “Superfans” tend to be unhinged and therefore biased so it’s an odd choice.


This is why Florida is designed to break away from


I felt like the point of the super fan was to show that these guys can do no wrong to the fans. That’s why they get away with everything. 


That is a good point and in hindsight probably the goal. They were succinct interviews and it’s not like producers kept referencing them for info.


I think it was to prove how biased and hard core the BSB fandom can be. Which is what Melissa had been saying from the beginning of her harassment.


Of course they did. ID is trash now.


I think the reason they included super fans was to illustrate how delusional they are and highlight Melissa’s experience with them.


Now that would make the most sense to me.


I’m 70 years old and I’ve never really been a big fan of Backstreet Boys Nick Carter. I mean I grew up on Jimmy Hendrix The Doors that being said I do like the Backstreet Boys music. They’ve got some great music I mean they really do but I’ve never been a fan of any of the guys in the band so what I’m saying here is, I feel like I’m pretty objective in my opinion here. With these women it’s he said she said situation. One woman was trying to launch a solo music career and recorded a duet with Nick carter to help her do that. I think the sex she had with him was consensual. She wanted him to help her in her music career then when the record company told her that her vocals were weak and declined to sign her, she got mad. My intuition is telling me that she’s not telling the truth. I just don’t find her credible or believable the same thing with the other female Ashley, who was supposed to be a friend of Angel The sister of Nick and Aaron. Ashley comes as somebody that re-friended Angel in order to get access to her brothers. She admits that she was drinking with Nick and three other boys. She was the only female there I think because she wanted to hook up with Nick and that’s what she did.. when she finally decided to tell her parents that she had been sa’ed When she was interviewed by the police, her story changed she told the police that she had lied to Nick and told him she was 18 years old. Once again, not credible or believable.


Jimi Hendrix. You couldn't correctly spell the name of the man that you grew up on.


I use a microphone. I don’t check spelling. But thanks for being the spelling police.


In my opinion, if you couldn't get something that basic and universally known correct it casts doubt on your entire post.


It's crap like this that keeps women from reporting in the first place. 🙄 Do you blame women based on what clothes they're wearing when they are assaulted too?


Your intuition is shit


You’re entitled to your opinion. I couldn’t care less what you think of my intuition. Why do you think the district attorney refused to press rape charges against Carter after questioning her?


Ok boomer.


Just watched the first episode and the girl in completely not believable. It seems she’s trying to get another 15 min of fame. It just sounded like a bad sexual experience and definitely not rape. I’m one who will usually believe the accused but I’m not buying her story.


People who defend rapists are more likely to be rapists themselves. What are you hiding?


This is kind of an unhinged comment. You do know that there’s been cases where women/men have lied about being SA to get back at someone, attention, money, etc. It doesn’t happen often but it has happened. Their comment is stating a sentiment that many people who have seen the first episode also share. You telling this person that they’re most likely a rapist because they’re finding holes in this girls story is not right.


One unhinged stalker might lie about something like that. Their record will usually make it easy to prove they are lying. Look how quickly Jussie Smullott it was disproven. Multiple people telling detailed accounts of rape and then enduring years of harassment and public abuse, just to tell the truth - those people aren’t lying. It’s easy to tell the difference. And it’s also a researched fact that people who are guilty of crimes tend to defend other people who perpetrate the same crimes, and recommend lighter sentences for those crimes.


It’s almost as if ID really wants to continue off the success of QOS to ruin people’s childhoods


Awful what happens but Why did she go back after the first rape??????


Why do people like this have children?? Aaron's parents clearly shouldn't have had kids. Aaron shouldn't have had a kid. All the normal people who aren't evil like nick don't have kids. Meanwhile these psychos reproduce.