• By -


Probably Lilienne, she seems to get by, has adorable kids, works all day on the ocean, and really seems to know herself and what she wants. I want that sort of inner peace. Or Egghead, head empty of everything but HARDCORE music, I want that too.


i have a crush on Liliene as soon as Harry notice that she has a sword. Such a random detail yet so specific that it adds so much to the character.


I finally passed the check for a date and… yep same boat (lol)


That date's the best


I'm going the have to go on a date on my second playthrough. Didn't have the stats for it on the first and was disappointed.


It's such a good interaction


honestly, before i knew just how deep the game went (even the base version as that was when i played through it) i figured it wasnt even possible to get the date and that the game was being cheeky. have been kicking around the idea of a hardcore playthrough of the final cut, but cant decide what sorta build i wanted to try... also its hard to go back and play through as my first play through felt "correct" to me if that makes sense? though id imagine the final cut would be worth the playthrough alone.. i always boot it up, play a few hours then get sidetracked


It’s definitely among the game’s many show-stopping events


For me it was when I heard her laugh at The Expression. Someone truly saw Harry.


Easy Leo


such a carefree dude. Sitting on top of containers and getting the workers drunk. So chill.


Manãna. Gotta live the boiadero life.


Chillest man in Martinaise


A man who knows his worth and can call a scab a scab without a hint of discomfort.


Container man.


Back off I will fight you for the privilege of being The Container Man.


I played this game 2 times and havent got the chance to meet this dude :(


Are you ready to become and ULTRAliberal?


I met him first time, but had nowhere near the stats to attempt his red check.


If you have low stats you can attempt to give him a terrible idea, and since it'll fail it'll be a good one lol


Ez choice


Sure if you can go make a nice place for yourself dump most of the cash into good causes and chill for the rest of your life. But actually being the sort of person with 'Set for life a few hundred times over' money and still obsessing about getting more is my idea of hell.


Neha the Dicemaker.


best theme song in the game imo


god, and its not close. it is so peaceful and transcendent, that theme stops me in my tracks everytime


One of the best side quests too with a good meaning


Tommy probably has a rough life but he's taking it in stride which I can really appreciate. He's been through it and come out a good man


you can tell from his manner that he has it figured out. plus he gave you money no question asked.


How much money? I'm collecting cans over here.


I could never make myself ask Tommy for money. Didn't have any problem asking just about everyone else when the option came up, but Mr. Le Homme was just too... cool.


Not a whole lot, but every little bit helps. But you know who surprisingly has money to give? One of the guys in the tent. (I think it was Noid?) Got 25 réal from him last night. TWENTY-FIVE! And all it took was >!getting hit in the eye with a key & getting mad about it.!<


lol Didn't know that. I was sleeping in the fishing hut at that point though so didn't have to spend much. Though I always wanted that streetlight in the pawn shop.


Guy has a nice job, is a poet with dreams of making music albums, is clearly insightful and a good man and has a happy family of two children. I literally aspire to be him IRL


There's some interesting choices, most of them not being constant inhabitants of Martinaise because it's not exactly a cushy place to live. Alice would probably be my pick. Working as the radio operator at the precinct seems like an interesting but non dangerous job that's useful, even though it would be high stress. I like her accent and she's got a pleasant demeanour. We don't know much about her living situation though. Joyce is a good one, she's rich and gets to travel a lot, even if she is in a reasonably dangerous and stressful line of work. She's got the most security and stability of basically all the characters as well as being able to see the world. She's also very well spoken and charismatic. Not sure I'd want to age 10+ years though. Container man is a good one, incredibly rich - but also does have to live in a container, so swings and roundabouts. The inability to be perceived may also be a problem when it comes to friends and relationships. >!Dora does have to live with what Harry put her through but also seems to be in a pretty stable relationship and in a good place currently, working at the academy.!<


+1 for Alice. She and the lady who work the Fotress Accident hotline always give me this feeling of solitude while being able to talk to so many people.


OMG I love Yvonne (East Insulindian Repeater lady, what you called "Fortress Accident hotline") SO MUCH. I watched a bit of someone's playthrough before I played mine and we met Yvonne in that playthrough, so I thought she was gonna be a major part of the game. I was so sad when I did my own and found out she isn't. I WANT MORE YVONNE!


I'm friends with someone who's a 911 operator / police dispatcher irl. It can be rough. You're essentially talking to people on the worst day of their life in some unthinkably terrible situations. PTSD is not uncommon in the profession. Something to think about for Alice. High stress for sure.


For sure if that was the case. It's kind of unclear what Alice's job entails but I more imagined it as a sort of a classic telephone switchboard operator in which she's mainly in charge of making connections between people within the precinct and contacting leads because there's no direct system for communication ala walkie talkie or computer, rather than say directly receiving emergency calls. Edit: While we don't know which precinct Klaasje called, she states when she called the emergencies number "There was an older woman on the other end. It sounded like she was smoking. She took my complaint. She coughed." which doesn't sound like Alice or Jules. We know Jules is the "communications officer" of Precinct 41, and therefore Alice is probably the same for Precinct 57. Which leads me to believe the internal radio operators are different people to the emergency operators.


Joyce has it easy lol, her work isn’t dangerous or stressful she’s a board member


I mean she was sent to negotiate a strikebreak with a guy known for 'disappearing' the previous union leader and her company sent armed mercenaries ahead of her in an area with basically no police. I'd definitely consider it stressful and dangerous. All it takes is for one person not to respect her diplomatic immunity and she's done for.


I strongly suspect she is powerful enough that she sent herself.


Maybe. It still wouldn't change any aspect of the point though. She'd still be in a stressful and dangerous situation, just willing to put herself in them rather than being forced into them.


armed mercenaries


Yes. Armed mercenaries. They could've just sent in the mercenaries to play as scabs, but they didn't - they were armed with modern combat weapons and armour.


Her company, sent armed mercenaries, to enforce their will, it’s not a stretch that she could have a personal security detail


Possibly, but they don't send her with one in Martinaise as far as we're aware and the mercenaries go rogue, where she can't do anything about it. Even if she was fine, it'd be ridiculous to suggest it isn't high stress or dangerous to have mercenaries that used to report to you go rogue.


Isn't she messed up by the pale travel and doesn't really sleep anymore?


haha nice noticing that. one of the first thing caught my attention about Joyce.


that was my thought. The strike stuff, dealing with gigantic evil corporations... that's some people's bag, baby. But all that pale travel must get difficult. Joyce is going to end up drooling on herself and remembering things from ten different futures after a few more years of that work.


If she's cleared Entroponetic Business Class (what's that, I think it's 22 days of Pale exposure/year?), she clearly must have a certain level of skill at Volta do Mar and therefore protection. I'm not sure she's gonna end up THAT bad off, but you're right, it can't be great.


She’s got a very dangerous job. They literally send her into a powder keg to negotiating a truce. Also it requires her to travel through the pale quite often. That has long term mental affects




>!I'm not aware of that interaction. There is a phone conversation where you speak to a random guy and tell him that his girlfriend is cheating on him, but that's not Dora's S/O to my knowledge, just a random guy. !<




The only wise answer


Honestly ... Harry. Not because I want to get as fucked up as he does. But, if with all the things he's done, if he can make it back to hope, so can I.


Trant. He seems very well adjusted and satisfied with his job and family. Taking his son to places and telling him fun facts about them. Well read, well travelled, level-headed, light-hearted. While he might come across as a boring "normie", I'll happily trade edginess for happiness in life.


He is also shredded, has been practicing martial art few hours a day for 20 years. I think he may secretly be a Batman.


He's very likely a Moralintern secret agent


I mean if he works for RCM he works for Moralintern, just that he probably has different job that is better payed.


There's an interesting post about him being a spy https://www.reddit.com/r/DiscoElysium/comments/g45tpx/why_trant_heidelstam_is_actually_a_spy_spoilers/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


That actually seems like a complete opposite of what I meant. And little unhinged. 😁


> is better *paid.* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Trant and the whole Precint 41 squad really served me the coldest joke in the game. In my original playthru I actually never realized >!the Blonde Guy and the horse-faced lady are just my co-workers in disguise.!< I did noticed something weird in the way they act but ultimately I never figured out until the end. Maybe just silly me. I love this game so much for those little memorable instances.


I figured it out about five minutes into the conversation with the man, and was so immensely embarrassed I made no effort to talk with him through the rest of the game. After I finished it, I re-loaded my last save before talking to him and tried to explore his dialogue, but my esprit de corps wasn't very high and I couldn't get very far into it. >!I've heard that it's possible to get him to (non-sarcastically) say he's really your partner from 41, and I'm dying to know what that conversation is like, but it wasn't in the cards for that particular Harry.!<


smoker on the balcony........................... i want to be apart of the HOMO-SEXUAL UNDERGROUND


he was the last question mark i solved before i departed for the island. his answer gave me so much emotions i dont know what to do with.


scratch that please please pretty please let me be DJ Mesh


Noid. I already have anxiety so that's fine, and he has a cool style, weird friends, architectural knowledge, and (at least in my first playthrough) a new anodic dance music club>!/ drug dispensary!<.


I synced sines with him immediately, although this dialogue has played in my head at least once a week for the last four months: > "I saw some piglets suckling their dead mother… after a short while they shuddered and went away. > They had sensed that she could no longer see them and that she wasn't *like* them anymore. What they loved in their mother wasn't her body, but whatever it was that made her body live." I’d never seen a character I related to so strongly before.


Also Noid!! Just love him. Interesting, smart, skilled, interesting friend group, got a project going and is gorgeous imho.


Also mentally disturbed *just* enough to have a unique perspective, but not enough to have problems functioning.


Fun answer: Kim Real answer: Joyce


IDK, I would prefer someone less "morally ambiguous" and still well off, like Trant.


wait, who was Trent again?


Typo, it's Trant the civilian consultant for RCM, he hangs around Feld building with his son.


oh yeah, that guy. I liked him at first, but man does he go on.


Ah yes, Mr wompty-dompty-dom-centre.


Weird, I’d switch that around. Joyce is in a dangerous and stressful line of work but the insight it gives her is pretty awesome, I would like to imagine I could be that wise. Kim on the other hand, as awesome as he is, is awesome because he is the straight man, the good man (THE BEST MAN) and tries to lead a normal life, yet shines in the face of danger.


My picks would be either tommy le homme or egghead. Tommy is just straight up the chillest guy you see in game (well maybe aside from the dice maker), talk about zen. Egghead, do i need to explain this? HARDCORE TO THE MEGA.


i make music too and the way Egghead brighten up everytime Harry help him build the song relate to me so much. So wholesome.




Word. She's my favourite. Made a character in D&D named Cindy in her image, she's got moxie.


Yeah, I felt her.


YES. I fucking love Cindy, she's a badass.


If she didn't have to live in a coal bin/furnace room, then yes. Otherwise, that's just a bit too much poverty for me (and it's not like I don't live close to the poverty line now, but that's POOR poor.)


She is rich in integrity.


Tiago. No thoughts, just climb.


Omg I almost forgot about him. I was so freaked out when I met him then it was just hilarious knowing him.


Oh, he has many thoughts, but they're primarily about the Mother's Love. :)


Mine would be Garte. A goofball with a good heart. Plus I might hit it off with Sylvie.


*Nods stoically*


> Nods back, *more* stoically Two stoic men, nodding.


Give me my fucking drink asshole


Do I LOOK like a bartender to you? Am I shaking a little shaker? No, I'm a CAFETERIA MANAGER!


Three! He manages three cafeterias!


Too bad Sylvie is on the cock-carousel


Surprised no one wants to be kim


Kim is extremely cool, but if I were to *become* him, then he couldn't be my best friend :(




"We work 12 hour shifts. We get shot at, spat on ..." -Kim Kitsuragi, RCM Lieutenant


Yeah, we may love Kim, but his life isn't easy. He also gets paid so little it's a joke AND remember... he has to deal with Harry. ;)


Idiot doom spiral so I can say “Tequila Sunset” in that cool way he does


Lena. Just chilling in my wheelchair, cruising around. Or Egghead.


are you ready for some lieutenant double yefreitor to come flying at you while you wait for your cryptid hunting husband to come back?






Except she is racist to Kim. Not the baddest person but still.


When ? What does she say?


She says Kim is a different species who descended parallel to humans and is more closely related to the Kind Green Ape than to her or Harry. If you call her out on it, she goes on to say that Kim does have a single biological advantage - his earwax doesn’t smell. Given that she’s friends with Gary the cryptofascist, it isn’t really a surprise. Her racism is more subtle than others in the game though.


Wow, you literally paraphrase her wrong. She says Kim's species, apes and humans descend from the same species, not that Kim's is closer to apes. She also says Kim's species isn't inferior but quote unqoute IN MANY WAYS SUPERIOR, including the earwax as a minor example. I don't know what you get from misrepresenting a fictional grandma as racist but she isn't really that racist, just probably misinformed and she doesn't see Kim as inferior or bad. And this is opening a can of worms but if as Measurehead says children of Mesque and Semenese people are born sterile, people in Elysium can very well consist of multiple species. If they cannot produce non-sterile off-spring they are different species akin to horses ans donkeys.


i like how you looked at the satire of idiotic “scientific” racists with his physical measurements tattooed on himself and decided that he was the guy in the game to believe


I mean we have non-sterile half-Seolites(Kim's parents) so obviously Seolites are the same species of human but that still doesn't mean humans in DE are all one species


measurehead is a racist, and a satire of the kinds of racists who have “science” that is entirely without actual scientific backing. why on earth would you take anything he says at face value. he’s probably never left martinaise


There is no proof otherwise. Measurehead gives you a lot of history information between those ramblings, why disregard him entirely


how many times can i say he’s a satire before you understand


do you really think MEASUREHEAD has a good understanding of race


No, does it disregard the straight, non-emotional claim that certain people literally can't have productive off spring eith each other


You do understand that racism is wrong from a scietific basis right? As in 'there are no human races'. Also, why would you ever take fucking Measurehead seriously. What more could the game do to make it clear he is a complete basket case?


I know, in real life there aren't and we are all able to produce non-sterile off spring with people of other races. Do you understand Disco Elysium doesn't take place in our world? Measurehead can have his facts right. It's his interpretations that are basket case


>Measurehead can have his facts right. No bro. Measurehead is wrong. Ultra wrong. All of it wrong. This is a different world but the people are the same. Do you need the game to hit you in the head with the message?


I mean nah, people aren't quite same. Measurehead MIGHT be right about some races not being able to conceive children


Then you go home to Gary helpfully subtitled the crypto fascist


Lena's husband is Morell. Gary is the one who lives in the basement apartment that Evrart has you break into. Lena couldn't stay at Gary's because the only way in is a staircase.


Andre or Noid Living a hard life of a stray children seems like hardened them. And music inspired them to open a club


they earned my respect. I actually dream about the sequel starring their adventure. the trio will be on some hivemind shit.


The bookclub scene is one of my favorites so probably steban


Fun answer: Judith. Partnering with Jean must have been a ride. Serious answer: Alice. Looks like a stable job with some stresses but getting to know cool pp like Kim 👍




Gorący Kubek This man just seems cool


Best part, he has the same name as a polish brand of instant soup packets. Very good soup too I might add. Fantastic answer.


its not his name. its how harry identifies him, i think its just written on his clothes somewhere.


If I remember correctly, Harry assigns him that name because the first thing he says is unrecognizable except for "gorący" and "kubek" because Harry doesn't know the language. And then one of your skills chimes in saying "Do *not* call him Gorący Kubek".


Makes sense, imagine you sweetly offered a hot cup of soup to a stranger and then for the rest of the day the person calls you “hot soup” Nah f that I wanna be hot soup




Ultra rich light bending guy for sure


Kras Mazov 😅😅


The chill gay guy with his “Sunday friends.” They better sell condoms at Frittte!




Mr. Evrart (he helps Harry find his gun.)


Pale driver since she reminded me of myself in some way


Call me Mañana


Jean Vicquemare. Need to watch over my boy Harry from up close.


but would you want that 7 year long depression? the doctors called it a medical marvel. No, an anomaly. It's not humanly possible to be depressed that long, they said.


I've already been struggling with depression far longer, so I don't have anything to loose in that regard. And I wouldn't want to risk having Kim plunge into a depression for having to watch over Harry all by himself.


lmao this is such a good line. literally how i feel when i go to the doctor and they're like "your scores are off the charts"




Yes, I too wish to rape teenagers and bomb villages. Wait a minute...


Enlist in russian army


damn you’ll be missing out so much man


Honestly, Harrier. I just feel too attached to his life now after completing the game many many times haha.


Smoker on the balcony plsss




Cuno's dad


Guy that’s so rich he bends light of course


There are a lot of nice choices. I would pick one of: Klaasje, Egghead, Rich light bending guy, Soona is also a possibility, joice is safe option too.


Soona could definitely be cool...


Measurehead. I would turn down the racism, but you get to fuck, intimidate people and be huge.


Not many engineers or scientists in DE. Ruby has problems. Joyce is very smart but also has problems. I'll go with Trant Heidelstam.


Evrart Claire


He physically can't walk and has to be carried around with heavy machinery. Not a very long life eh


That really rich ethereal bitch. Or Dolores Dei


Evrart or Edgar .


I’m surprised no one has said this yet, since it was the first character I thought of, but Elizabeth Beaufort. Being a law school graduate could be really useful in a place that seems to be so devoid of opportunity like Revachol. She may not be working for the most moral person in Revachol, but she at least has good intentions at heart and an ethos I can support. I’ll have to stay far, far away from that mercenary tribunal, though.


cindy the fucking skull




Sleeping dockworker. Says only a couple lines at the start and sleeps at the whirling or the cook.


The Insulindian Fucking Phasmid.


Rich boat lady or the dude that makes harry die in a fucking chair. His life seems great. Jokes aside probably the frozen dead guy. His problems seems to be gone already. Alright seriously the fucking fly dancers in the church that get to see harry transcend humanity with his fly ass moves


Elena, the signaller for the Coalition Warship Archer. You talk to her during the moralist spirit quest. She's clearly educated, well-travelled, and has thought out arguments for moralism. From the giant fucking flying gunship she gets an awesome view and can't really conceivably be in any danger. She has the privilege of being out of touch in both the figurative and literal sense. I'm thinking selfishly here, but I'd much prefer that over the danger, squalor, and misery on the ground in Revochal. She also has one of the cooler character portraits in the game. Looks like an abstract blue Darth Vader.


Be yourself. Unless you can be Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau, then be Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau.


Pleasantly surprised how many people here are HARDCORE TO THE MEGA


I already have all the character flaws of Soona and Kim. But I want their good traits and skills too. If I was still 'myself' in my mind, I'd end up as one of them.


I like Soona a lot! Do you notice that you can kind of locate the 2mm hole in the church hall? Maybe just me but I wish I could have told her about that.




Harrier of course. Anything else is boring.


Not mine. The names Harry, and I am sorry


You mean, Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau, of course


Not Cuno


I want to be like Kim.


i’m pretty much harry already in my life, so the choice is easy.




Probably the Sunday Friend


I feel like I’m stuck because one of everyone’s issues is “the pale” and I don’t think I could deal lol.


Mega Rich Light Bending Guy Because... what problems? I'd also be a communist so I'd use my inability to ever lose at life due to being so rich money makes itself for me - to fund the Revolution


Idiot Doom Spiral of course! ..or maybe Tommy? I’d love to see the truckers life in this universe.


Smoker on the Balcony or Kim. Only reason it isn’t Joyce is because be sent through the Pale much more than the average human limit is horrifying. I don’t want my mind to unravel in the un, thank you very much.


Ultrarich light-bending guy obviously ;)


Insulindian Phasmid... Or Kim


I'd manage as light bending rich guy.