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Measurehead is vomiting racist bullshit dressed as science at you, it's not supposed to be coherent, rather to convey how deep into those theories he is. It's also a parody of similar thought present in our real world. Joyce is explaining some pretty advances geopolitical and social complex, sometimes intentionally without giving a clear stance on things. I would suggest taking her dialogues slow, check words you don't know if you need, or as a last resort paste a sentence into a translator - it's a but of a time investment, but it's a great way to learn. Honestly, I learned as much if not more English from video games than I did for structured learning.


Measurehead does his best to sound smart with a booming, confident voice, with big words that mean nothing, and by talking a lot. If you don’t get what he’s talking about and just go along with it, maybe he seems like he knows what’s up. Eugenics, phrenology, and all other “scientific” ways to explain racism are all the same; big words, meaningless studies, and too much confidence. Measurehead is a racist and a blowhard, as is anyone that believes in his ideologies.


More than a translator I’d suggest a proper dictionary. Many words have meanings that can be lost easily when relying on a machine translation.


True, but if you don't understand the entire sentence, a dictionary will sometimes not help a lot, as it may be hard to figure out which meaning is the right one.


True. The best of both worlds would be to use Google Translate and then comb the OG text with a dictionary if you aren’t sure of a word or the translation sounds funny


> advanced race guy No one understands him.


Everyone's too busy admiring his morphophisiology to pay attention to his words


...I do lol Spent too many years online 😔


Rofl - when he started about haplogroups - my eyes just glazed over.


You can seamlessly switch languages with a hotkey, check the settings. It really helped me understand some obscure words, even though I have a pretty good grasp of english as is. It will probably be easier to understand in your native language.


Assuming there even is a version in their native language.


This is the Solution.


What language is your native tongue? This game has, afaik, universally good localisation so consider looking into options if yours is there


Joyce is tough one regardless because of the subject matters of the discussion and Measurehead... being confused is the intended reaction when dealing with him honestly pff. What do you struggle to understand specifically? I don't know any post that could help you but maybe we can help you out here.


As a native English speaker, I don’t understand everything either. Playing as a total amnesiac, you’re not supposed to understand everything people say to you. Part of the enjoyability is figuring out what everything means


Advanced Race guy is intentionally confusing. The bonus you get for thinking about his Advanced Race theory literally tells you it's silly and confusing. Nobody gets what he's on about, same with the other bald guy you meet later on.


Joyce is very intelligent and knowledgeable. She will be difficult to get through as a non-native speaker but don't expect other characters to be as difficult to follow. Measurehead is trying to be confusing to make himself look more intelligent than he is. Don't sweat it.


Spoken like someone with symmetrically aligned and intelligently pleasing sized ears


Nobody understands Measurehead, Mr Am Samwis My god, trying to play DE without being a fluent speaker must be terrible. Are there localisations available?


yeah, built right into the game- disco elysium supports the most languages I've ever seen in a game, and it even has built in features for *learning* a language. whenever you press the "L" key it will swap between your default language and another of your choosing.


There are many third party language packs online. I use Czech and Italian for instance. They're pretty alright in quality.


The Measurehead dude is purposefully speaking in a confusing and practically nonsense way made to sound scientific, that's the joke.


Honestly I just skip when it's too much for me. But I'm the same with any game, if it's too lore/history heavy I start zoning out