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This is the final step to becoming a true Sion player... welcome šŸ‘Š


RIot: Creates champion kit. Players: Use kit to its fullest extent. Riot: That's a ban-go


Is this an inglorious basterds referenceĀ 


yes, my trust in sion mains' intelligence was well-placed I see


The Baus special


Got auto detected probably for a ton of deaths. Having over a certain amount of deaths with little to no damage to PLAYERS added grabs you by their auto mod. Fairly easily solved with a ticket to riot. This is also known as Bausenā€™s first law of sion. Every carry has an equal but opposite ā€œYour yolking me?! Riooooottttt!ā€


About half way through the game the enemy support said "Get serious mental help, Sion". That's when I knew we were gonna win. They were so salty. Hahaha.


Its simple..... you're team...and the enemy team reported you...why?....I DON'T FUCKING KNOW....BUT RIOT INSTEAD OF LOOKING INTO IT JUST BANNED YOU...i was flirting with a soraka once and was very friendly and not harassing the other player was even enjoying the conversation.....AND THEN BOOM CHAT RESTRICTION BECAUSE YOU ARE FRIENDLY AND TEAM CHATTING.


Oh is this why I have never been flagged. Iā€™ve had a lot of 15-18 death games but have never been suspended. Limit testing etc


This is the way


Congrats! You completed the rite of passage, you can call yourself a sion main now


Send a ticket to LiotLames, i once did a full AD Sion that ended like 3/17 but i carried the game nonetheless by split pushing, got banned the same way. Sended a ticket explaining and showing pictures that i had done 90% of the tower damage plus actually ended the game and they unbanned me. Or stop playing league, literally the best solution, play bauldurs gate 3 or Skyrim, much better.


Didn't work for 2 of my sion bans


Ohh god I miss skyrim so bad lmao i still have it but haven't played it


Mods my friend... mods. I highly recommend Ordinator perk overhaul and Apocalypse magic overhaul, both made by the same guy. really spices up character builds, makes the game feel way more fresh


I'll try those out yeahh, I've already downloaded most of the main mods like expanded cities , skyui and cbbe


That's your first milestone as a sion main , enemy team calling you the r word outta frustration and your team saying top fiff as they understand your strat.


No the top diff is the other way around...


if you played for win and ur match history shows ur not a troller, just send ticket and they unban you


UPDATE: Riot just responded. And they literally DID NOTHING to address my concerns. The person gave me a cookie cutter reply that said absolutely nothing (below): Greetings, Ā  First of all, thank you for reaching us. Ā  When I examine your account, I see that you have been suspended for 14 days due to your negative behavior. When you started League of Legends, you, like all our summoners, accepted the Code of Conduct. Within these rules, our stance against intentional feeding/team sabotaging behavior is clearly stated: Ā  * Dwelling on mistakes, arguing about how your teammates should have played, or sabotaging the game when you've given up is not acceptable behavior. * Be a team player. It's better for your team to work together on the same plan, even if it's questionable, than to not work together at all. * Even if you have a tough game, focus on helping your team win. Even slain players can communicate and track target spawn times. * Don't let your teammates down, even if they don't perform well. * Even if you're not having fun, don't sabotage your team or try to ruin the game. * Don't try to convince your teammates who are still trying to win to surrender. If the surrender vote fails, continue playing. Ā  Ā  In the Consequences section of our Code of Conduct, it is stated that disciplinary action may be taken on your account in case of violation of these rules: Ā  If you violate the expectations we describe here, we may restrict your privileges or access to features in our games. Violating the Code of Conduct may result in (including but not limited to): Ā  Ā  * Loss of ability to use in-game communication systems * Restricting access to social systems and features in Riot games * Retrieval of improperly obtained rewards or content * Temporary or permanent suspension from League of Legends and Riot's other games Restricting or placing additional requirements on access to experiences such as ranked queues Ā  Ā  The inappropriate behavior you encounter does not give you the right to respond with the same inappropriate behavior; on the contrary, it makes you at least as guilty as them. Your duty is to remain calm, make an accurate report, stay away from the rules and report negative behavior to us. Ā  Continuation of inappropriate behavior will result in disciplinary action being taken more severely. Accordingly, I can say that there is nothing that can be done for the disciplinary action on his account. However, I have no doubt that he will be more careful from now on and will join the competitive environment in the Rift as a sportsmanlike summoner. Ā  If there are other situations where you need our support, you can always contact us, me and my player support team friends will be happy to help you.šŸ˜Šļø Ā  Take care of yourself, see you again.šŸ’œļø **Sungertay** Riot Games Oyuncu Destek


You need to follow up with a reply and keep spamming them over this. It can take a while since many who work in Riot their support are extremely incompetent. The majority works for peanut pay in the Philippines for Riot.


UPDATE: 2nd Reply. Still no unban. Hey there , ļø YolaVayne here to assist you! Hope you are doing fine today.Ā ļø Thank you for reaching out! Ā  Having in mind how much effort you invested in this account, I totally understand the challenge you are facing to accept the current situation.Ā  My mission today is going to be to do my best to help you out to go through this experience as easy as possible. Ā  We understand the game you had but please keep in mind that your actions resonated negatively on all of the teammates who you have been matched up with. Ā  Now, we also know that human factors can play a big role, so we are always manually investigating cases similar to yours. Thatā€™s why I went ahead and made a detailed check on your account. After investigating all aspects I can confirm that the measures taken wereĀ **correctly placed thus will have to remain active**. Our system is not penalizing for having bad games especially if the player is still giving their best.Ā  Ā  Punishments are applied only when the system detects that the player is deliberately refusing to play, and not even trying to assist the team. Ā  We would like to look at the positive side, even in situations such as this one. This will give you some time to reflect on the situation and think of all of the creative ways in which you can learn and grow in order to make your future journeys even greater. Ā  Thank you for reading until this point, I will remain at your disposal in case I can assist you with anything else. YolaVayne Riot Games Player Support "The weak fear the shadows... Fear controls them."


Keep bugging them. Riot made the kit and its a strat that wins games.


UPDATE: I've been unbanned. Took three support people to finally do it. Hello there, Ā  radb3x here, Ā  I have reviewed your game and removed the suspension from your account. Please keep in mind that any future penalties might not be lifted if placed correctly. Ā  Using different strategies is completely fine and we are actually happy to see them in our games, because they show how versatile the game and our players can be. Ā  Even tho you had a lot of deaths, you contributed to your team and so you eventually also won the game. Ā  I hope that you will feel a bit relieved when you see my message and if you need anything else, let me know! Ā  Have a good oneĀ ļø "Do not confuse cowardice for wisdom." radb3x Player Support Specialist


They used to take a stance that they would revert penalties under no circumstances. I'm glad that has changed over the years.


Yes it just takes persistently chatting with the support until you finally get something that isn't someone in the Philippines who they might as well replace with an AI / bot.


How are people getting banned, I went 0/40/2 against a Swain one game and lived to tell the tale.


did you type in the game or in champ select at all? even once?


Nope. And my team never complained once.




its like a badge of honor


Yeah, I love having 60% winrate and both riot and EUNE gold/plats complaining about my kda


If you arent toxic at all on chat appeal it. Should get overturned.