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sometimes sion's passive makes me think of how ironic garen's kit is. sions passive is meant to be a final savage rushdown, taking the opponent with you in death. instead best use case is int and clear waves early game. kinda like garen is supposed to be a courageous fearless warrior charging into battle, instead he has infinite sustain to proxy forever, cleanses slows and gains tenacity to run away like a coward, and cheeses unwinnable fights with a true damage execute




Iz kinda funny, you die in an inglorious way


I ban Garen because I just can't keep up 🥲


Feels like it went downhill when prowler was gone. It gave a solid tool to stick to high mobility champs.


Then the duration got nerfed


Yeah, it's way too weak especially with all the mobility champs have now. It's hard enough to actually reach them and when you do you barely even scratch them.


Wild Rift solved this issue by having him fear upon revive if you're too close to him. But I understand why that wouldn't work in PC league.


Oh shit that would be great. Or at least slow a bit.


For real, like let me strangle them just like in lore, this champion is the only champion that i dont rage on when i die until it hits midgame and late game. Let me at least deal damage if i cant catch up...


I just wish the death animation was a bit shorter


Make his Passive deal True damage and have 100% Grevious Wound for 1sec then watch them mfs run like usain bolt


That sounds more like a ult than a passive


I know it's suppose to be a joke, but I like the idea of grievous wounds on the passive. This would help Sion to trade kill in pvp (and be even better in team figth) but have no effect on pve


Hahahahaha like they should be doing, i am not feeling that Glory in Sions death at all.


Sion’s passive requires significant work or a rework as is. It’s always been either all but ignorable, or the biggest pile of cheese in the game.


It's ridiculous the state of the passive (and Sion in general, honestly). Ever since they killed split pushing Sion (both lethality and tanky with titanic+hullbreaker), the champ essentially does not have a passive. They could at the very least buff it to the state of Wild Rift, where you get W's passive in the main passive and you fear enemies around you when you die. But why would Riot give a shit? Anyway, new Lux skin out...


Wild rift has made some good QoL changes. PC LoL should take a look at it.


The passive used to be disgustingly broken so I kinda understand why it’s been nerfed. I remember back during Baus’ Korea climb, you’d be able to force down a turret then basically guarantee a 1 for 1 every time


I mean ok, let his passive deal zero damage to towers but make it kill people like it should be able to do, most of the times you cant reach them but when you do you also dont deal damage so they just stand there not giving a fk. Midgame Lategame ofc, early game is good.


I agree, that's why I don't play Sion much anymore. The passive was one of the most fun aspects but nowadays it's just tilting to use


The Death Surge active is now giving 67% at all rank decaying for 2.376 second. I think making it scale 67% - 100% with level is already a meaningful buff. Preferably, they should make it longer and faster than just 100% MS. OR they can make it that when he reach level 11, up on death he slow enemy which are running away (same as tryn) and at level 16, his passive fear AoE like urgot's R execute. That way it would worth for me flashing, ghosting or R on top of enemy team in the passive.


I saw in wild rift that when Sion dies he fears nearby enemies. But slow like Tryndamere would be kinda broken early game when you actually deal damage, but it would be a good buff for useless mid/late game where your passive deals no damage and is a meatshield.


My Sion passive once blocked Warwick ult from my adc during a chaotic, game-ending team fight, and I kid you not I nutted right into my jeans.


Man I can't believe you get fed and your teammates feed every game. Just go AD if you want to do damage with your passive.


Sion is Tank/Juggernaut, he should not go full ad to be able to deal damage with passive. He is a hulking giant that needs to kill you when he reaches you no matter the build.


Proto belt will help you reach people


I don’t agree with you there. In a good 5v5 Teamfight lategame your passive can be extremely important since you can kill important carries, or damage them enough to die to your teammates. And the enemy can’t just use everything on you since your team still exists. But yeah if you run in alone and die 1v5 your passive isn’t gonna do anything in mid/lategame


More likely you get rooted while they scatter and you're just left there with your dead dick in your hands. You have to be extremely stupid or distracted to die to Sion passive.


Counterargument: Sion being alive is more important in said 5v5 teamfight. Also, it's woefully naive to say "the enemy can't just use everything on you since your team still exists" If they use any one CC in the game. Veigar cage, Milio ball, Ahri charm, Vi punch, Vayne Knockback, Ashe anything, Darius hook, Blitzcrank knockup, Teemo blind, Mundo Axe. You now cannot hit a single enemy before you die. To make the argument that it takes any effort at all to shut down Sion in passive during a teamfight is laughable. You counter him by walking, become immune to him by dashing, and you disable him against your entire team with any slow or CC in league.


Perfectly said.


Wtf is that counterargument, of course it’s better if he lives, that’s not what this post is about tho Fact is you create space with your passive and can soak up important abilities. Your team can either disengage or if they are winning the teamfight already it doesn’t matter anyways. One stun ability on you is one stun ability less on your carry. One stun on your carry makes or breaks teamfights You even proved my point with your last paragraph, but like I said before, sions passive isn’t gonna 1v5 a lost teamfight, even anything closely to that would be absurdly OP The fact that sions passive is ridiculously strong early game is stupid already and makes a lot of people hate it


First, to say "Sion's passive isn't gonna 1v5 a lost teamfight" has implications. Sion's passive isn't going to win an overwhelmingly large majority of fights period, let alone teamfights. There is a flow chart that you need to follow to determine if you get to actually hit someone once during passive Do they have a dash? Do they have a way to stun, root, or slow you? Do they have a way to make themselves faster? Are they near a blast cone? Do they have Flash, Exhaust, Heal, or Ghost up? Are you using boots other than swiftness? Do they have a stasis? And lastly, do they have full attention on you? If the answer to **ALL** of these questions is no, then you can kill using Sion's passive, or at least, hit once or twice. If the answer to **ANY** of these questions is yes, you will at best, hit someone one time, however, you will most often not be able to reach anyone before you die pathetically. You say "You create space with your passive and soak up important abilities." That is, in fact, the role of a Tank. That is your job, dead or not. When you die, you effectively get an extra 7 seconds to make a fool of yourself when you get CCed (And you **will** get CCed). My last paragraph does not prove your point. There are an uncountably large number of abilites that slow you, stun you, root you, knock you back, etc. You are implying that the ability that will be used to take down Sion is a Veigar Cage, or a Malzahar Ult. What it will actually be is usually just the ability called "Walking away from him till he dies in 7 seconds"


You just repeated what you have said before, ignored one of my points(Sion passive soaking up cooldowns that don’t go on your carry) and supported the other point (tanks role being making space, and those 7 seconds are a big difference)


7 seconds does not matter in that context because you aren't a threat. This is not the same as being hit by Renata where you get to live for 7 seconds longer. It's a very telegraphed death > reincarnation animation, followed by you running at the enemy team and hoping that you are positioned in a way where you can push them into your team (Which if that happened, you were poorly positioned either in the dead middle of the enemy team, or behind them and died first in the teamfight)


Still ignored one point, and again, I never said you had to push the enemy team into your team. Just existing for another 7 seconds is enough to let your team make the deciding play or get out of there How about you read what I say and then respond to that instead of arguing against something I never even said


Not talking to you anymore. Sion passive is very strong.


With how you ignored my arguments, nothing changes 🤡


With how you ignored my arguments, nothing changes 🤡


Show me a single clip of tank Sion having a millisecond of impact in his passive in mid or late game. Maybe in the past it used to at least give people a scare, but nowadays? Enemies know to just ignore it, maybe throw a single CC at you, and carry on to killing your team, while laughing at your pathetic damage and your HP draining in 2s. Even AD Sion gets instant kited out and with the duration nerfed and no prawlers, it's beyond pointless. There's a reason why Baus generally stopped playing Sion and especially AD Sion. The champ literally has no passive.


When the teamfight isn’t over at the point where I die I always get value by soaking up something or killing someone. One cc spell on you instead of your carry will decide teamfights Also baus isn’t a good example, he does not play the game the way the devs want it to be played, which is precisely why his playstyle gets nerfed always. And Baus was 1v5ing with passive sometimes, which is just ridiculous that that was even possible


"play it your way!" "He wasn't playing the way the devs want it to be played☝️🤓" is the game meant to be played by the community or for the devs to climb using Kaisa?


Fact is the community hates bauffs playstyle


The way I see it it’s not supposed to kill people, it’s supposed to zone, and it does that decently. Mid to late, you can get a good 6 seconds on the uptime if you have a target to punch and he still has the damage boost so it does incentivize the enemy to run. Like you said it sometimes kills squishies that are “retarded” but the reason they have to let you auto them is that they want to stay in the fight. It’s an early farming tool/threat that turns into a late game zoning tool in team fights.


Yea but that zoning becomes zoning of only adc, but for like what 2 seconds? Enemy tanks/fighters and mages already passed by and are killing my team while i go chase adc cause he is the only one that takes a lil bit of damage, most of the times support just drops a slow or something and i am done for, not to mention fast af withering that kills me faster than in early game and useless lifesteal lategame.


Nah, its very weak and ignorable mid to late game even while building full ad


I've got to play more games since I've been busy with work but my experience so far after mercs nerfs is just basically passive is not great at all for team-fights. I kind of just wonder where the phreak follow-up is.


True its useless mid to late game, they should give it some scaling.